Trump quotes Mussolini on Meet the Press

Look Obama quoting a pedophile

I'm still waiting to hear what exactly is wrong with the quote.....

I don't like it.--------lions are predators--------BUT-----politics is politics. LONG LONG
ago when I was young-------my history prof.------HATED JFK's "ask not what your
country can do for you, but what you can do for your country" he was a refugee from USSR Ukraine
TRUMP: It's fine to spread 'very good' Mussolini quotes

TRUMP: It's fine to spread 'very good' Mussolini quotes

So are you excited bout having a Fascist POTUS?
"It is better to live one day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep."
The above is what the OP is getting his panties in a wad about.
I believe the message in the quote is more important than who said it.
With that said, anyone have a problem with the above quote?
How did Italy do while headed by the decisive Lion Mussolini...?

They lined up with Adolph Hitler with Tojo and the Axis Powers ending up on the wrong side of WW 2.... is that where Trump is going to lead us to...?

At lease Il Duce made the trains run on time. Like he promised
The quote portrays a disturbing message and warped personality. Great for indoctrinating young men for military service. Better to live a life as a warrior and die tomorrow than live a long life of being around a loving family, comfort, peace, a wife, procreating and watching one's children and grandchildren do the same.
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How did Italy do while headed by the decisive Lion Mussolini...?

They lined up with Adolph Hitler with Tojo and the Axis Powers ending up on the wrong side of WW 2.... is that where Trump is going to lead us to...?

At lease Il Duce made the trains run on time. Like he promised
A myth. Too bad, I always like that one myself.

Loco Motive
It's a good quote and I certainly agree with it.
So its a good quote. I agree! But it tells you volumes about who Trump admires and it fits nicely with his rhetoric. You Trump lackeys can rationalize and defend the fact that he quoted Mussolini all you want but there is a whole lot more out there that you are going to have a much harder time dealing with. Case in point:

Donald Trump: ‘It would be very unfair’ to disavow KKK and David Duke until I ‘do research on them’ Donald Trump: ‘It would be very unfair’ to disavow KKK and David Duke until I ‘do research on them’

:wtf::wtf::wtf:!! You have to research these people! He is either stupid, a liar, or psychotic. Probably equal parts of all three- as are his supporters

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Sunday refused to distance himself from the Ku Klux Klan and former KKK Grand Dragon David Duke because he said that he wanted to “do research” on the groups supporting him.

Last week, the Anti-Defamation League called on Trump to repudiate white supremacist groups and “publicly condemn their racism” after Duke endorsed him, saying that white people who did not vote for Trump had committed “treason to your heritage.”

He continued to dig his own grave..
“I don’t know anything about David Duke,” Trump insisted. “I don’t know anything about what you are even talking about with white supremacy or white supremacists. So, I don’t know. I mean, did he endorse me or what’s going on?”

“Because I know nothing about David Duke, I know nothing about white supremacists,” he added. “And so, you are asking me a question that I’m supposed to be talking about people that I know nothing about.”
Read the whole interview. It only gets worse. :shock:
Nikki Haley: Trump’s campaign is ‘just another project like Trump University and Trump Vodka — all failures’

Appearing on ABC’s This Week, South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley (R) launched a blistering assault on 2016 GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump, comparing him to an out-of-control kindergartner while ticking off Trump’s history of failed projects.

Haley, who recently endorsed Marco Rubio, said she was proud of the Florida senator for finally punching back at Trump’s bullying.

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