Trump quotes Mussolini on Meet the Press

After condemning the quote by Mussolini and repeated by Trump, let us see some quotes by some quotables:

"When a man is denied the right to live the life he believes in, he has no choice but to become an outlaw".

"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety".

"Better to die fighting for freedom than be prisoner all days of your life".

"Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves".

Not even close to the same.....KKK grand wizard David duke endorsed Trump....Trump only disavowed after he figured out that he could only be bigoted against Muslims and Mexicans. His disavow was anything but heart felt.

Please stop being an idiot so that I may reply.
We can do without your defense of David Duke.

See what I mean?
TRUMP: It's fine to spread 'very good' Mussolini quotes

TRUMP: It's fine to spread 'very good' Mussolini quotes

So are you excited bout having a Fascist POTUS?
"It is better to live one day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep."
The above is what the OP is getting his panties in a wad about.
I believe the message in the quote is more important than who said it.
With that said, anyone have a problem with the above quote?

The Leftists firmly believe that the death of even ONE black person is a tragedy, obviously don't know or ignore the words of their idol (and their idol FDR's idol, Uncle Jo Stalin): "one death is a tragedy. A million deaths is statistics".
The quote portrays a disturbing message and warped personality. Great for indoctrinating young men for military service. Better to live a life as a warrior and die tomorrow than live a long life of being around a loving family, comfort, peace, a wife, procreating and watching one's children and grandchildren do the same.

I doubt that the good people of New Hampshire were thinking that way when the chose their state slogan.
How did Italy do while headed by the decisive Lion Mussolini...?

They lined up with Adolph Hitler with Tojo and the Axis Powers ending up on the wrong side of WW 2.... is that where Trump is going to lead us to...?

At lease Il Duce made the trains run on time. Like he promised

Quoting Mussolini might be a sotto voce way of getting Democrats to vote for him....

....after all, Mussolini was Franklin Roosevelt's guru, and the basis for his New Deal.

Liberals don't know what the hell "sotto voce" is. They are over educated to such nonsense.
Look Obama quoting a pedophile

This is the best argument cons can come up with....slandering a highly revered leader of of a religion, who lived 500 years ago, when even most Americans were marrying 14 year old girls clear up until the 70's when they finally made it illegal.

The "highly revered leader" was a despicable pedophile. The bastard lived (polluted the world with his presence) from 570 A.D. to 632 A.D. so considerably more than 500 years ago. Learn your history, moron.

Christians may have "married" 14 year old girls in the past but it is only the savages of the followers of Mohammed who still enjoy raping babies.

If you love them so much go and live there.
Even fascist dictators come up with winning quote now and again.

If Obungles had quoted it we'd here crickets from the left loons
liberals would never quote a moron fascist. BTW, a loon does. and a minion of a loon defends it....which makes you a sheep.

True. They prefer to quote Mao
Wake up call....Nixon was buddies with China.

Kind of like Obama with Cuba??
  • Gawker Twitter bot fed Donald Trump a Mussolini quote
    cbs ^ | february 28, 2016 | EMILY SCHULTHEIS
    Donald Trump has been coming under fire for retweeting a quote from Italian fascist dictator Benito Mussolini on Twitter--and it turns out the whole thing was an elaborate setup by Gawker. In a Sunday post on Gawker's website, the news organization explains how one staffer created a Twitter bot account that periodically tweeted out quotes from Mussolini and attributed them to Trump. The account has tweeted multiple times a day, only at Trump, since December 2015. (Its photo is a picture of Mussolini photoshopped with Trump's hair.) "We came up with the idea for that Mussolini bot under the assumption that...
His popularity amongst his supporters probably went up.

In fairness, its ridiculous that simply because a politician quotes an infamous person, he should be raked over the coals about it. I once saw the media hammer a politician because he quoted Hitler. The quote was "What luck it is for rulers that men do not think." He used it in the context of the consequences of a disinterested population, with Nazi Germany being the obvious reason why. Yet all the media cared about was that he quoted Hitler. It was ridiculous.

However, Trump should probably denounce the KKK first, not wonder who they are, before quoting Mussolini.
TRUMP: It's fine to spread 'very good' Mussolini quotes

TRUMP: It's fine to spread 'very good' Mussolini quotes

So are you excited bout having a Fascist POTUS?
Let's assume you're being honest here.
Don't you think it's bad for an American president to be using communist slogans like "Forward"??? Isn't it strange that MSNBC has had the word "Forward" superimposed on the screen since the start of this election cycle.

Look it up. What does Forward mean in communist history?
TRUMP: It's fine to spread 'very good' Mussolini quotes

TRUMP: It's fine to spread 'very good' Mussolini quotes

So are you excited bout having a Fascist POTUS?
Let's assume you're being honest here.
Don't you think it's bad for an American president to be using communist slogans like "Forward"??? Isn't it strange that MSNBC has had the word "Forward" superimposed on the screen since the start of this election cycle.

Look it up. What does Forward mean in communist history?
The word is on the car transmission the commie bastards
Joe Scarborough: Trump's KKK ignorance 'disqualifying'
By Nick Gass

02/29/16 06:55 AM EST

Donald Trump's failure to explicitly disavow the Ku Klux Klan and former Grand Wizard David Duke is "disqualifying," Joe Scarborough declared on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" on Monday.

"It’s breathtaking. That is disqualifying right there. To say you don’t know about the Ku Klux Klan? You don’t know about David Duke?" the co-host said during the opening segment of the show after remarking upon Trump's feigned ignorance of the group and Duke during an interview with CNN on Sunday, two days after he explicitly disavowed the group in a news conference.

The "most stunning thing" about the latest development, said Scarborough, a southerner himself, is that the latest maneuver "isn’t buying him a single vote."

“I mean is he really so stupid that he thinks Southerners aren’t offended by the Ku Klux Klan and David Duke? Is he really so ignorant of Southern voters that he thinks this is the way to their heart — to go neutral, to play Switzerland when you’re talking about the Klan?" Scarborough asked. "And to say he doesn’t know enough information about the Klan to condemn them — exactly what does Donald Trump expect to learn in the next 24 hours about the Klan.”

Scarborough published an op-ed in The Washington Post to that effect on Monday morning, asking whether "this how the party of Abraham Lincoln dies?" Scarborough and co-host Mika Brzezinski, who have been accused of cozying up to Trump, were adamant in their disgust for the candidate throughout the first hour of the show.

Read more:
Republican Sen. Ben Sasse: I won't vote for Trump
By Nick Gass

02/29/16 06:34 AM EST

Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) will not vote for Donald Trump if he is the Republican presidential nominee, the Nebraska Republican declared in a Facebook post on Sunday night.

He is the first Republican senator to make such a declaration.

Sasse, who has not shied away from speaking out against his party's frontrunner, wrote that he would most likely seek out "some third candidate – a conservative option, a Constitutionalist" if Trump earns enough delegates to clinch the Republican nomination.

Citing, in particular, Trump's inability earlier Sunday to disavow David Duke and the Ku Klux Klan just two days after he explicitly disavowed him, Sasse blasted Trump's "relentless focus ... on dividing Americans, and on tearing down rather than building back up, this great nation."

Read more:
Even fascist dictators come up with winning quote now and again.

If Obungles had quoted it we'd here crickets from the left loons

You'r joking right . Obama accidently says "57 states" 8 years ago and you righties haven't let that go since .

If the prez quoted a commie you'd have him guilty by association .
Have to hand it to Trump, at least he had sense enough not to go with the Hitler/Mussolini song.

Whistle while you work
Hitler is a jerk
Mussolini bit his weenie
Now it doesn't work

Even fascist dictators come up with winning quote now and again.

If Obungles had quoted it we'd here crickets from the left loons

Your joking right . Obama accidently says "57 states" 8 years ago and you righties haven't let that go since .

Go away Timothy, I'm in no mood to deal with your idiocity this morning

You never can deal with anyone who makes a counter point . What's so different about this morning ?
Adoption of Fascism in the US


1- Federal Reserve Board - 1913
2- Heavy graduated "income" tax - 1913
3- FDR abolishes US Constitution (1787) - 1935
4- FDR abolishes SCOTUS - 1935
5- FDR declares bankruptcy - 1935

And so it fucking goes. Not ONE presidential candidate promises to RESTORE the Constitution (1787) - Not one candidate promises to ABOLISH the fascist gargantuan bankrupt welfare/warfare police state.

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