Trump quotes Mussolini on Meet the Press

Adoption of Fascism in the US


1- Federal Reserve Board - 1913
2- Heavy graduated "income" tax - 1913
3- FDR abolishes US Constitution (1787) - 1935
4- FDR abolishes SCOTUS - 1935
5- FDR declares bankruptcy - 1935

And so it fucking goes. Not ONE presidential candidate promises to RESTORE the Constitution (1787) - Not one candidate promises to ABOLISH the fascist gargantuan bankrupt welfare/warfare police state.
You're free to believe whatever bizarre equine excrement you wish. That's why America is already great Is the Constitution Suspended?
Well, maybe we need a dictator! Everytime our side compromises we give everything to the liberals and get nothing back. It's time to make America great again.

Well, maybe we need a dictator! Everytime our side compromises we give everything to the liberals and get nothing back. It's time to make America great again.

That sound like a bunch of crap to me. Which party is it the is opposed to all compromise? Show us some examples of how compromise resulted in the conservatives getting the short end? You really want a dictator? Next, are you going to tell us how you love America and the Constitution? Meanwhile, you might want to consider this:

Gaming out just how screwed the GOP is, no matter who wins the nomination

Let's just assume, as many believe, that Donald Trump will clean up during the GOP's Super Tuesday contests, leaving him as the Republican candidate mostly likely to lead the delegate count heading into the GOP convention. That leaves two possible scenarios.

The first is that he actually secures the nomination. The second is that even though he leads the delegate count, party leaders manage to steal the nomination from under him through a brokered convention.

Let's just say this—the GOP is screwed no matter which of those two scenarios plays out.

If Trump wins the nomination, we will witness a GOP at war with itself as it tries to assemble a party platform at the convention. That should be fun since Trump breaks with the GOP party line on everything from free trade and entitlement programs to eminent domain and energy policy.

And there is this:

Panicked Republicans question whether Mr. Trump will be able to unite a Republican-controlled Congress that would normally be expected to promote and promulgate his agenda, an internal crisis nearly unheard-of in a generation of American politics. On nearly every significant issue, Mr. Trump stands in opposition to Republican orthodoxy and his party’s policy prescriptions ...”

But not to worry, there will not be a Republican controlled Congress if he is the nominee. Furthermore......

On top of that brawl, more Republicans will surely join Nebraska Sen. Ben Sasse in pledging not to vote Trump. And finally, a wave of anti-Trump media campaigns will sweep the nation, financed not by Democrats but by Republicans desperate to save their seats. None other than Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has begun prepping his caucus for an all-out assault on Trump’s candidacy in order win their re-election bids and, therefore, keep the GOP's Senate majority.
Even fascist dictators come up with winning quote now and again.

If Obungles had quoted it we'd here crickets from the left loons
liberals would never quote a moron fascist. BTW, a loon does. and a minion of a loon defends it....which makes you a sheep.
And yet it's all too cool when Obama appointed government officials praise Mao Tse-tung?
Even fascist dictators come up with winning quote now and again.

If Obungles had quoted it we'd here crickets from the left loons
liberals would never quote a moron fascist. BTW, a loon does. and a minion of a loon defends it....which makes you a sheep.
And yet it's all too cool when Obama appointed government officials praise Mao Tse-tung?
Who? When? What was said? What context?

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Adoption of Fascism in the US


1- Federal Reserve Board - 1913
2- Heavy graduated "income" tax - 1913
3- FDR abolishes US Constitution (1787) - 1935
4- FDR abolishes SCOTUS - 1935
5- FDR declares bankruptcy - 1935

And so it fucking goes. Not ONE presidential candidate promises to RESTORE the Constitution (1787) - Not one candidate promises to ABOLISH the fascist gargantuan bankrupt welfare/warfare police state.
You're free to believe whatever bizarre equine excrement you wish. That's why America is already great Is the Constitution Suspended?
Adoption of Fascism in the US


1- Federal Reserve Board - 1913
2- Heavy graduated "income" tax - 1913
3- FDR abolishes US Constitution (1787) - 1935
4- FDR abolishes SCOTUS - 1935
5- FDR declares bankruptcy - 1935

And so it fucking goes. Not ONE presidential candidate promises to RESTORE the Constitution (1787) - Not one candidate promises to ABOLISH the fascist gargantuan bankrupt welfare/warfare police state.
You're free to believe whatever bizarre equine excrement you wish. That's why America is already great Is the Constitution Suspended?

You did not, and could not, rebut or refute the historical items in my timeline yet you sound contented ....hummmmmm

do you look like this?

Adoption of Fascism in the US


1- Federal Reserve Board - 1913
2- Heavy graduated "income" tax - 1913
3- FDR abolishes US Constitution (1787) - 1935
4- FDR abolishes SCOTUS - 1935
5- FDR declares bankruptcy - 1935

And so it fucking goes. Not ONE presidential candidate promises to RESTORE the Constitution (1787) - Not one candidate promises to ABOLISH the fascist gargantuan bankrupt welfare/warfare police state.
You're free to believe whatever bizarre equine excrement you wish. That's why America is already great Is the Constitution Suspended?
Adoption of Fascism in the US


1- Federal Reserve Board - 1913
2- Heavy graduated "income" tax - 1913
3- FDR abolishes US Constitution (1787) - 1935
4- FDR abolishes SCOTUS - 1935
5- FDR declares bankruptcy - 1935

And so it fucking goes. Not ONE presidential candidate promises to RESTORE the Constitution (1787) - Not one candidate promises to ABOLISH the fascist gargantuan bankrupt welfare/warfare police state.
You're free to believe whatever bizarre equine excrement you wish. That's why America is already great Is the Constitution Suspended?

You did not, and could not, rebut or refute the historical items in my timeline yet you sound contented ....hummmmmm

do you look like this?

You saw what I posted. I don't waist my time trying to refute nutter theories. And no that is not what I look like. My avatar is me.
Trump's Anti-Immigrant Campaign Is Rooted In White Nationalist Sentiment Submitted by Brian Tashman on Monday, 2/29/2016 4:10 pm

It shouldn’t be surprising that Donald Trump has refused to renounce support from the leader of the Ku Klux Klan, as the GOP presidential frontrunner has relied on the backing of white nationalists throughout his campaign. A new report released today by People For the American Way observes that many of the leading anti-immigrant groups in the U.S. are rooted in white nationalism and fears about a “Latin onslaught,” as John Tanton, the founder of a network of Nativist groups, put it. “These leading anti-immigration groups poison the well on immigration reform in America,” said PFAW Senior Fellow Peter Montgomery. “Yet despite the fact that these groups peddle misinformation and pander to the xenophobic fringe to further their anti-immigration goals, they continue to wield influence in the media, in Congress, and on the campaign tral

- See more at: Trump's Anti-Immigrant Campaign Is Rooted In White Nationalist Sentiment
Donald Trump should enjoy his Super Tuesday win because he’s going to be crushed Donald Trump should enjoy his Super Tuesday win because he’s going to be crushed

Last week, Sam Stein reported for the Huffington Post that none of his GOP rivals had even “completed a major anti-Trump opposition research effort.” When Trump gets to the general election, that’s going to change. Voters are going to hear plenty about not only his many bankruptcies, but also his fraudulent scams, mob ties, shady licensing deals, tax avoidance schemes and hypocritical embrace of immigrant workers for their cheap labor. Journalist Wayne Barrett has reported that some of his past associates – “I’ll hire the best people, they’ll give me the best advice” — have been caught up in drug smuggling, trafficking underage girls and various stock market swindles. We’ll hear all about the Japanese gambler who stiffed him for $4 million – “they’re stealing our money!’ – and the Mexican sweatshop workers who make his ‘Make America Great’ hats. So far, he’s gotten a pass on his supposed business acumen, but in a general election we’ll hear all about how he’d be richer today if he’d just invested his money in the stock market and spent the past 30 years lounging on a beach somewhere.
So are you excited bout having a Fascist POTUS?

Better a Fascist POTUS than a Sociaist one.
Trump Has Quiet Black Students Removed From Rally At School That Was Segregated (VIDEO)

About 30 black students who were standing silently at the top of the bleachers at Donald Trump’s rally here Monday night were escorted out by Secret Service agents who said the presidential candidate had requested their removal before he began speaking.

The sight of the students, who were visibly upset, being led outside by law enforcement officials created a stir at a university that was a whites-only campus until 1963.

“We didn’t plan to do anything,” said a tearful Tahjila Davis, a 19-year-old mass media major, who was among the Valdosta State University students who was removed. “They said, ‘This is Trump’s property; it’s a private event.’ But I paid my tuition to be here.”
You are saying Hitler and Mussolini, rather than Churchill and FDR. Wow, that is really stupid. And don't try saying Hitler was socialist....he banned the socialists in 1939. He was a Nazi fascist dictator.

Yes I am. They're by no means,perfect, but far and a,way better thsn the other two. ORDER is the main point of a proper society, not Freedom and most definitely not equality.

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