Trump quotes Mussolini on Meet the Press

No less than 20 tie companies make their ties in the USA and proudly display a label that proclaims "MADE IN THE USA". Trump makes his ties in China and proudly displays a label that says "MADE IN CHINA".

Not even close to the same.....KKK grand wizard David duke endorsed Trump....Trump only disavowed after he figured out that he could only be bigoted against Muslims and Mexicans. His disavow was anything but heart felt.
How did Italy do while headed by the decisive Lion Mussolini...?

They lined up with Adolph Hitler with Tojo and the Axis Powers ending up on the wrong side of WW 2.... is that where Trump is going to lead us to...?

At lease Il Duce made the trains run on time. Like he promised

Quoting Mussolini might be a sotto voce way of getting Democrats to vote for him....

....after all, Mussolini was Franklin Roosevelt's guru, and the basis for his New Deal.
How We Fooled Donald Trump Into Retweeting Benito Mussolini

Mira Fascismo with a Bad Haircut has come to Amerikkka

In fact I thought that "Mussolini " was pasta that looked like D Trumps hairpiece on a plate...

The link between "The Donald " and Benito is that they are both "Authoritarian"....they attract folks looking for a "Macho type" to reassure them and help them to not quit...weaklings and sheeples...Republicans....but I repeat myself............

You do so much people quit listening to you...much like Obungles
more bi catfish wisdom
SIEG HEIL TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You and your 'type' will be the FIRST ones on the cattle cars!
^^^^^This is the next nut job that is going to end up shooting cops or a school.
TRUMP: It's fine to spread 'very good' Mussolini quotes

TRUMP: It's fine to spread 'very good' Mussolini quotes

So are you excited bout having a Fascist POTUS?
What is wrong with the quote? Be specific

If Charles Manson had said taxing the wealthy more is good, would that then be an off limits thing to say?

Could you people be any more simplistic?
"If" a frog had a tail, he wouldn't bump his butt. Now let's hear your defense of David Duke.
It is, indeed an interesting - and true quote. Every intelligent and informed person would certainly prefer to be a lion than one of the brain dead sheep who follow crooked, lying, unqualified people like The Bern or Shrillary.
crooked???? You fool Why do you think t rump has teams of lawyers working full time for him He's the biggest con man to come down the pike since Ponzi,,,,and he fooled you
Look Obama quoting a pedophile

This is the best argument cons can come up with....slandering a highly revered leader of of a religion, who lived 500 years ago, when even most Americans were marrying 14 year old girls clear up until the 70's when they finally made it illegal.
TRUMP: It's fine to spread 'very good' Mussolini quotes

TRUMP: It's fine to spread 'very good' Mussolini quotes

So are you excited bout having a Fascist POTUS?



I agree that Trump is a fascist.

But in 1935 when FDR abolished the US Constitution (1787) , when he abolished SCOTUS , when he declared the US to be for the first time ever a bankrupt nation he ALSO quoted Mussolini.

Unfortunately , since Americans are nartcotized due to the government schools they attended they won;t know Mussolini nor will they understand the ramifications of fascism.

And so it fucking goes.

The quote portrays a disturbing message and warped personality. Great for indoctrinating young men for military service. Better to live a life as a warrior and die tomorrow than live a long life of being around a loving family, comfort, peace, a wife, procreating and watching one's children and grandchildren do the same.
Yeah, cons are chicken hawks that love to sacrifice young soldiers for their brave.
Hillary throws a fist in the air type salute and you get on Trump's case about being Hitler like?
The quote attributed to Mussolini goes: "It is better to live one day as a lion than hundred years as a sheep".

I concept is it any different from: "Live free or die".

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