Trump quotes Mussolini on Meet the Press

The quote by Mussolini: "Better to live day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep" could have been attributed to Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Ghandi, Nelson Mandela, John Kennedy, Bill Clinton, Al ,Sharpton, Ben Carson, Morgan Freeman, Sean Hannity, or any number of worthies who have a little insight of human nature.

Those who are condemning Donald Trump for using it are the same ignorant assholes who would deny a treatment to their terminal cancer because it was invented/discovered by someone with whom they disagree politically.

As another wise man said: "We were born ignorant. It takes a special talent to remain stupid".

"Better to live day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep"

That statement has nothing to do with fascism, I agree with it.
While certain people here are defending Trumps Fascism, or denying that is what it is, and at the same time deriding Socialism, you have failed to consider what his economic policies might mean for Capitalism and the US economy.

Opinion: What Donald Trump’s presidency will mean for financial markets

Trump has said repeatedly that he wants to retaliate aggressively against foreign countries who are “killing us on trade.” He’s named China, Japan, Mexico and South Korea. There may be others on his target list. During last night’s victory speech he once again attacked Japan for devaluing the yen, a move that the Japanese government has taken as part of its domestic stimulus program. Trump has said he wants to slap punitive tariffs on imports from countries that take “unfair” advantage of free trade. Depending on the occasion, he has talked about tariffs as high as 35% or even 45%.

Meanwhile, he has also unveiled a budget plan based on Harry Potter economics: The numbers only work if you have a magic wand. Analysis by the Tax Policy Center, a well-regarded and non-partisan think tank in Washington, estimates that Trump’s proposed tax cuts alone would add nearly $1 trillion a year to the budget deficit. And that’s before he carries out his other major plan, which is to ramp up defense spending so “no one will ever mess with us again.”

While certain people here are defending Trumps Fascism, or denying that is what it is, and at the same time deriding Socialism, you have failed to consider what his economic policies might mean for Capitalism and the US economy.

Opinion: What Donald Trump’s presidency will mean for financial markets

Trump has said repeatedly that he wants to retaliate aggressively against foreign countries who are “killing us on trade.” He’s named China, Japan, Mexico and South Korea. There may be others on his target list. During last night’s victory speech he once again attacked Japan for devaluing the yen, a move that the Japanese government has taken as part of its domestic stimulus program. Trump has said he wants to slap punitive tariffs on imports from countries that take “unfair” advantage of free trade. Depending on the occasion, he has talked about tariffs as high as 35% or even 45%.

Meanwhile, he has also unveiled a budget plan based on Harry Potter economics: The numbers only work if you have a magic wand. Analysis by the Tax Policy Center, a well-regarded and non-partisan think tank in Washington, estimates that Trump’s proposed tax cuts alone would add nearly $1 trillion a year to the budget deficit. And that’s before he carries out his other major plan, which is to ramp up defense spending so “no one will ever mess with us again.”

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