Trump quotes Mussolini on Meet the Press

“We didn’t plan to do anything,” said a tearful Tahjila Davis, a 19-year-old mass media major, who was among the Valdosta State University students who was removed. “They said, ‘This is Trump’s property; it’s a private event.’ But I paid my tuition to be here.”

They pay tuition to attend classes, not r o usurp the attention at private events on the campus.
“We didn’t plan to do anything,” said a tearful Tahjila Davis, a 19-year-old mass media major, who was among the Valdosta State University students who was removed. “They said, ‘This is Trump’s property; it’s a private event.’ But I paid my tuition to be here.”

They pay tuition to attend classes, not r o usurp the attention at private events on the campus.

I am not pleased that they were asked to leave BEFORE the event started. I think they had the right to be there if it was open to the public.

However, if there were stipulations on who could attend and they didn't meet those standards, there might have been a reason for doing so.

I just find something fishy about this story.
I am not pleased that they were asked to leave BEFORE the event started. I think they had the right to be there if it was open to the public.

However, if there were stipulations on who could attend and they didn't meet those standards, there might have been a reason for doing so.

I just find something fishy about this story.

I doubt we'll ever know the whole story. If I were a candidate, nobody woild get into one of my events with a sign, a logo tshirt, or snythibg else of thst sort. Open to the public doesn't mean there aren't expected standards to be upheld.
Panicked GOP braces for big Trump win on Super Tuesday
Panicked GOP braces for big Trump win on Super Tuesday

The prospect of a Trump nomination is abhorrent to many in the Republican Party.

The ramifications would be “huge and catastrophic,” according to Peter Wehner, who served in the administrations of the three most recent Republican presidents: Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush. “This would be an epic political moment because it would be the fundamental redefinition of a great political party. It would, in many ways, be a dismantling of it.”

In another example of mounting GOP panic, Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) took to social media on Sunday to express broader opposition to Trump’s campaign. He assailed the real estate mogul in a series of tweets and, in a letter posted to his Facebook page, announced that in a hypothetical match-up between Trump and Clinton, he would vote for neither.

Sasse’s Facebook posting asserted that “Mr. Trump’s relentless focus is on dividing Americans, and on tearing down rather than building back up this glorious nation.” Sasse also suggested that Trump’s use of the word “reign” was “creepy,” saying it seemed as if “he thinks he’s running for King.”

As for the future of the Republican Party, Rubio warned on Friday that “the Republican Party would be split apart if he became the nominee, because we cannot allow the party of Reagan to be taken over by a con man.”
Adoption of Fascism in the US


1- Federal Reserve Board - 1913
2- Heavy graduated "income" tax - 1913
3- FDR abolishes US Constitution (1787) - 1935
4- FDR abolishes SCOTUS - 1935
5- FDR declares bankruptcy - 1935

And so it fucking goes. Not ONE presidential candidate promises to RESTORE the Constitution (1787) - Not one candidate promises to ABOLISH the fascist gargantuan bankrupt welfare/warfare police state.
You're free to believe whatever bizarre equine excrement you wish. That's why America is already great Is the Constitution Suspended?
Adoption of Fascism in the US


1- Federal Reserve Board - 1913
2- Heavy graduated "income" tax - 1913
3- FDR abolishes US Constitution (1787) - 1935
4- FDR abolishes SCOTUS - 1935
5- FDR declares bankruptcy - 1935

And so it fucking goes. Not ONE presidential candidate promises to RESTORE the Constitution (1787) - Not one candidate promises to ABOLISH the fascist gargantuan bankrupt welfare/warfare police state.
You're free to believe whatever bizarre equine excrement you wish. That's why America is already great Is the Constitution Suspended?

You did not, and could not, rebut or refute the historical items in my timeline yet you sound contented ....hummmmmm

do you look like this?

You saw what I posted. I don't waist my time trying to refute nutter theories. And no that is not what I look like. My avatar is me.

You are a fucking socialist son of a bitch.

So from your perspective they are not "nutter" theories but necessary legislation for the socialists to implement their tyranny.

You brain is mushed.

Adoption of Fascism in the US


1- Federal Reserve Board - 1913
2- Heavy graduated "income" tax - 1913
3- FDR abolishes US Constitution (1787) - 1935
4- FDR abolishes SCOTUS - 1935
5- FDR declares bankruptcy - 1935

And so it fucking goes. Not ONE presidential candidate promises to RESTORE the Constitution (1787) - Not one candidate promises to ABOLISH the fascist gargantuan bankrupt welfare/warfare police state.
You're free to believe whatever bizarre equine excrement you wish. That's why America is already great Is the Constitution Suspended?
Adoption of Fascism in the US


1- Federal Reserve Board - 1913
2- Heavy graduated "income" tax - 1913
3- FDR abolishes US Constitution (1787) - 1935
4- FDR abolishes SCOTUS - 1935
5- FDR declares bankruptcy - 1935

And so it fucking goes. Not ONE presidential candidate promises to RESTORE the Constitution (1787) - Not one candidate promises to ABOLISH the fascist gargantuan bankrupt welfare/warfare police state.
You're free to believe whatever bizarre equine excrement you wish. That's why America is already great Is the Constitution Suspended?

You did not, and could not, rebut or refute the historical items in my timeline yet you sound contented ....hummmmmm

do you look like this?

You saw what I posted. I don't waist my time trying to refute nutter theories. And no that is not what I look like. My avatar is me.

You are a fucking socialist son of a bitch.

So from your perspective they are not "nutter" theories but necessary legislation for the socialists to implement their tyranny.

You brain is mushed.

Oh wipe the spit off you chin and take a chill pill. The fact that you have to call me an SOB tells me all that I need to know about you. If you had anything of substance, you would not have to call names.
Adoption of Fascism in the US


1- Federal Reserve Board - 1913
2- Heavy graduated "income" tax - 1913
3- FDR abolishes US Constitution (1787) - 1935
4- FDR abolishes SCOTUS - 1935
5- FDR declares bankruptcy - 1935

And so it fucking goes. Not ONE presidential candidate promises to RESTORE the Constitution (1787) - Not one candidate promises to ABOLISH the fascist gargantuan bankrupt welfare/warfare police state.
You're free to believe whatever bizarre equine excrement you wish. That's why America is already great Is the Constitution Suspended?
Adoption of Fascism in the US


1- Federal Reserve Board - 1913
2- Heavy graduated "income" tax - 1913
3- FDR abolishes US Constitution (1787) - 1935
4- FDR abolishes SCOTUS - 1935
5- FDR declares bankruptcy - 1935

And so it fucking goes. Not ONE presidential candidate promises to RESTORE the Constitution (1787) - Not one candidate promises to ABOLISH the fascist gargantuan bankrupt welfare/warfare police state.
You're free to believe whatever bizarre equine excrement you wish. That's why America is already great Is the Constitution Suspended?

You did not, and could not, rebut or refute the historical items in my timeline yet you sound contented ....hummmmmm

do you look like this?

You saw what I posted. I don't waist my time trying to refute nutter theories. And no that is not what I look like. My avatar is me.

You are a fucking socialist son of a bitch.

So from your perspective they are not "nutter" theories but necessary legislation for the socialists to implement their tyranny.

You brain is mushed.

Oh wipe the spit off you chin and take a chill pill. The fact that you have to call me an SOB tells me all that I need to know about you. If you had anything of substance, you would not have to call names.

I brought to your attention historical FACTS -- substantive issues

but since you can not tell your ass from a hole in the ground those posts were a waste of broadband.

Considering that Mussolini probably used a lot of common phrases and expressions that most everyone uses it isn't a surprise that other people might use them as well.
The GOP's Super Doomsday

By this time tomorrow, the slumped figures of the walking dead may well clutter the Republican landscape. If so, the cause of death will look a lot like assisted suicide.

The GOP's Kevorkian is, of course, Donald Trump. This is not because he is a political colossus. Far from it, Trump is the luckiest candidate alive, not least because his opponents, and the party, have worked overtime to create him.

He could not have done this on his own. Time and again, he has played the bumptious idiot -- trashing women, ridiculing a disabled reporter, whining about mistreatment, making misstatement after misstatement and, in South Carolina, turning in the worst debate performance in memory. He has excoriated John McCain and George W. Bush and, God help us, rebuked the Pope. He lives from insult to insult, each more juvenile than the last.

support from the vile racist David Duke and the KKK, claiming ignorance of what they stand for. He retweeted a quote from Benito Mussolini. He suggested disqualifying the Hispanic judge presiding over a suit against his bogus "Trump University" -- apparently for being Hispanic. Instead of claiming the higher ground of a front runner, he brayed fresh venom at his reeling opposition, lowering the depths of a campaign that is ever more degrading to his party and his country.

In eight months since entering the race, he has learned nothing. His platform, such as it is, packages the ludicrous with the politically blasphemous, scorning both reality and GOP orthodoxy. His promise to "make America great again" shreds the inclusiveness that is the essence of our greatness. His proposals to ban all Muslims, wall off Mexico and deport 11 million illegal immigrants combine the unconstitutional and unachievable with appeals to racial and religious animosity. His willful ignorance of governance and policy is the frightening foretaste of a floundering presidency dangerously lacking in direction or even dignity -- a reality driven home in Thursday's debate. By now he should have been political roadkill, a long-dead skunk in the GOP's rear view mirror.

Instead, he is the party's all too likely nominee. So how did this happen?
Not surprising. When the incompetent bitch ranted "What does it matter?" when responding to questions about her role in the murder of four Americans, including a US Ambassador, it should be no surprise that anyone who has dedicated themselves to military or diplomatic service would vote for her shrill, incompetent, lying, criminal ass...for dogcatcher, let alone for POTUS.
The quote by Mussolini: "Better to live day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep" could have been attributed to Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Ghandi, Nelson Mandela, John Kennedy, Bill Clinton, Al ,Sharpton, Ben Carson, Morgan Freeman, Sean Hannity, or any number of worthies who have a little insight of human nature.

Those who are condemning Donald Trump for using it are the same ignorant assholes who would deny a treatment to their terminal cancer because it was invented/discovered by someone with whom they disagree politically.

As another wise man said: "We were born ignorant. It takes a special talent to remain stupid".
This One Tweet Explains How Close Trump Is To Destroying America
March 1, 2016 3:13 pm ·

Americans like to sit back and smugly announce that the kind of sectarian violence and civil war we see tearing apart the Middle East could NEVER happen here because (insert snooty tone),”We’re Not Savages.” Just look at how they voluntarily follow leaders that make crazy promises and use violence to intimidate and silence dissent! We’re nothing like that.

Except when we are.

WATCH: Trump Supporters Attack Two Men For Quietly Sitting with Protest Signs

Black Lives Matter protester ‘attacked’ by Trump supporters at rally – video


Trump on protester: ‘Maybe he should have been roughed up’

Trump comes off as little more than a wannabe dictator that encourages his followers to violence, yet he still has millions of followers. This leads us to a painfully insightful tweet from one Hend Amry, a Libyan refugee:
Even fascist dictators come up with winning quote now and again.

If Obungles had quoted it we'd here crickets from the left loons
liberals would never quote a moron fascist. BTW, a loon does. and a minion of a loon defends it....which makes you a sheep.
And yet it's all too cool when Obama appointed government officials praise Mao Tse-tung?
Who? When? What was said? What context?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
This One Tweet Explains How Close Trump Is To Destroying America
March 1, 2016 3:13 pm ·

Americans like to sit back and smugly announce that the kind of sectarian violence and civil war we see tearing apart the Middle East could NEVER happen here because (insert snooty tone),”We’re Not Savages.” Just look at how they voluntarily follow leaders that make crazy promises and use violence to intimidate and silence dissent! We’re nothing like that.

Except when we are.

WATCH: Trump Supporters Attack Two Men For Quietly Sitting with Protest Signs

Black Lives Matter protester ‘attacked’ by Trump supporters at rally – video


Trump on protester: ‘Maybe he should have been roughed up’

Trump comes off as little more than a wannabe dictator that encourages his followers to violence, yet he still has millions of followers. This leads us to a painfully insightful tweet from one Hend Amry, a Libyan refugee:

Your brainwashing has been successful.
TRUMP: It's fine to spread 'very good' Mussolini quotes

TRUMP: It's fine to spread 'very good' Mussolini quotes

So are you excited bout having a Fascist POTUS?
Yep......never repeat a quote from a "At some point you've made enough money......They continue to cling to their guns and religion.....if you like your plan you can keep it......What difference does it make......I've tried to be honest.....I did not have sex with that woman.....this is just a vast rightwing depends on what the meaning if "is" is....."
“We didn’t plan to do anything,” said a tearful Tahjila Davis, a 19-year-old mass media major, who was among the Valdosta State University students who was removed. “They said, ‘This is Trump’s property; it’s a private event.’ But I paid my tuition to be here.”

They pay tuition to attend classes, not r o usurp the attention at private events on the campus.

I am not pleased that they were asked to leave BEFORE the event started. I think they had the right to be there if it was open to the public.

However, if there were stipulations on who could attend and they didn't meet those standards, there might have been a reason for doing so.

I just find something fishy about this story.

Lots of fishy stories going around, that's not unusual during an election that features personal attacks and playground-style name-calling rather than substantive proposals by candidates that illustrate their governing philosophy. But the sheeple just love to latch onto such bullshit tales as if they are gospel truth. Just when the conservative camp comes up with such tales, they are labeled "nutters" and "conspiracy theorists" by the same liberals who suck down bullshit they favor like a newborn sucks down mother's milk.
Here are some quotes to confound ignorant liberals:

1. "Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas?"

2. "If the opposition disarms, well and good. If it refuses to disarm, we shall disarm it ourselves".

3. "he alone, who owns the youth owns the future".

4. "Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement and success have no meaning".

5, "People who values its privileges above its principles soon loses both".

6. "Live as you were to die tomorrow and learn as you were to live forever".

7. "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world".

8. "I plead with you never, never give up on hope, never doubt, never tire, and never become discouraged . Be not afraid".

9. If you take no risks, you will suffer no defeat. But if you take no risks, you win no victories".

10. "Failure at some point in your life is inevitable, but giving up is unforgivable".

Can you guess the author or each quote. Think!!!! Many of you condemned Trump for no other reason that you are hopelessly ignorant.
Here are some quotes to confound ignorant liberals:

1. "Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas?"

2. "If the opposition disarms, well and good. If it refuses to disarm, we shall disarm it ourselves".

3. "he alone, who owns the youth owns the future".

4. "Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement and success have no meaning".

5, "People who values its privileges above its principles soon loses both".

6. "Live as you were to die tomorrow and learn as you were to live forever".

7. "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world".

8. "I plead with you never, never give up on hope, never doubt, never tire, and never become discouraged . Be not afraid".

9. If you take no risks, you will suffer no defeat. But if you take no risks, you win no victories".

10. "Failure at some point in your life is inevitable, but giving up is unforgivable".

Can you guess the author or each quote. Think!!!! Many of you condemned Trump for no other reason that you are hopelessly ignorant.
Hopelessly ignorant and they hate Trump so much they grasp at any straw in their feeble and childish attempt to discredit him. It must absolutely gall liberal media pundits that Trump is preventing them from force feeding the public the GOP candidate, like they did with Romney and McCain.

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