Trump rails against Mueller in Sunday tweetstorm

Traitor Don is truly running scared, but why? What in the world has he been trying to hide, since he took office and even before, with ALL of his lying and cover ups on his and campaign's Russian contacts???
For the sake of your perceived ligitamacy, committing yourself to the veracity of your assertions... you probably should have prefaced your response with some version of ... 'IMHO', lol

Word to the wise... "victory comes before a fall" don't get too lofty on your 'perceived pedestal' of moral authority here... there is, after all, far more actual evidence of the Dems, via. HRC paying a Russian spy for fabricated, fraudulent Russian intelligence, used in creating a FISC warrant (repeatedly renewed) to overtly influence a US election... U might want to tread carefully here on the overtures of your partisan convictions... lol
no Russian spies got paid.... stop lying.

The 2 pages from the 36 page dossier that was about carter page, that was used in the FISA warrant on Carter Page, was not the sole source in the 400 pages of support with sources for the FISA application, the Judge KNEW the opposition research provided came from the DNC and the Hillary camp, ALL OPPOSITION research comes from the opposition, duh.

ALL sources that are provided as sources are never sources of FRIENDS.... they are people that are ratting out someone....a NON FRIENDLY SOURCE...... and Judges DO NOT automatically discard proven information or collaborating sources, just because they come from someone that does not like the person.... duh.

You've been sold a bridge in Brooklyn, 100 times over, and think you are smart for it.... I'd think twice about that....

Carter Page was a nobody in the Trump camp, a mere coffee boy, ask Trump. And Carter Page had left and resigned from the Trump camp weeks earlier than when the FISA was APPROVED by the Republican appointed Judge over the case.... It was approved because..... drum roll.... there was enough support and evidence in the 400 page application provided, to warrant the approval, according to the FISA judge.

The FISA warrant was approved just a week or two before the election took place.

No one was "spying" on the Trump camp for political purpose.

I have had it to the top of my head with the ignorance of people like you mouthing off bull crap that you've been brainwashed to believe.... without thought, and without merit, just blindly following made up bull crap.... it's mind blowing for those of us that do have a mind to think.
I don't mean to get the claws out here, just want facts to be facts... regardless of whether they hurt or help our respective political, ideological leanings... can we agree with that as a starting point...? U started out by calling me a "liar"... Did Fusion GPS subcontract Christopher Steele or did they not...? Did HRC's campaign via the DNC hire Fusion GPS to do this work...?

Trump–Russia dossier - Wikipedia

Memo: FBI Used Tainted Steele Dossier, Paid For By Hillary Clinton, As Reason To Spy On Trump | Investor's Business Daily

Christopher Steele, the Man Behind the Trump Dossier

Timeline: The making of the Christopher Steele Trump-Russia dossier

Did The FBI Vouch For The Crazy Russian Deal From The Steele Dossier?

Who is Christopher Steele? What to know about the ex-spy and the Trump dossier

How a modern-day James Bond went from uncovering political assassinations to penning the Trump dossier that's enraging Republicans

Russia Collusion: Hillary Clinton, DNC, & FBI are the Real Stars | National Review

ad infinitum... on any 'google box' search, just saying...
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Mr. Mueller's obvious conflicts of interest, and the fact that he had a personal grudge because Mr. Trump turned down his business deal means that Mueller should have recused himself from the very start.

This means the whole Mueller investigation is Fruit from a Poisoned Tree, all charges against defendants should be dismissed with prejudice, all documents from the investigation shredded, and Mueller get sent a bill to pay for the wasted money himself. He KNEW about his conflicts of interest, and had a DUTY as an officer of the court to recuse himself.

Can you provide a link to an unbiased source about EXACTLY which business deal you are talking about?

From Twitter:

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 7h7 hours ago
Is Robert Mueller ever going to release his conflicts of interest with respect to President Trump, including the fact that we had a very nasty & contentious business relationship, I turned him down to head the FBI (one day before appointment as S.C.) & Comey is his close friend..

Proof of a NASTY as well as CONTENTIOUS business relationship. Mueller needs to get out in front of this. It doesn't look good for him.

If I were advising Mr. Mueller, I'd tell him to go to Caracas or Havana and apply for political asylum.

Mueller should read up and see what happened to Nicky Yezhov over in the USSR for getting involved too much in conflicts of interest

Well, we all saw that. I am not taking ANY politician's word for anything...especially Trump's who has been caught in TONS of lies.

Trump Lies

I asked for a link to an UNBIASED source that describes EXACTLY what this supposed business deal was. Trump was supposedly in this supposed deal...he is NOT unbiased, obviously.

Do you have a link or not?

(I am assuming 'not')

No I do not But the point is that Mueller knows all about the business relationship that President Trump is alluding to, and now has the opportunity to do the right thing now and recuse himself.

This is Mueller's last chance to save face, and perhaps avoid a real personal catastrophe. And President Trump was gracious enough to give it to him. I just hope that Mueller does the right thing for his family, before it goes south for him in a very big way.

But we have no proof that this 'business deal' ever existed. Only the word of a biased source (in this matter).

Don't you think it wise to wait until unbiased, factual proof of this supposed business deal is presented and confirmed before you condemn Mueller for it?

I doubt you would want to be condemned simply on someone's say so, without them even mentioning what it is you did - let alone, presenting any proof to back it up.
I know I would not.

Plus, don't you think it a tad odd that this investigation has been going on for well over a year - and yet this is the very first Trump has apparently EVER mentioned anything about this supposed 'business deal'?
If this supposed deal does mean Mueller should excuse himself - why did Trump not mention it straight away? Why wait over 400 days to come forward with the fact?
There was no business deal.

Mueller belonged to one of Trump's golf resorts and the prices were raised and Mueller complained about it.... that was it. there was no dealings with "Trump"....

don't buy in to the right wing and Traitor Don's bull crap.
Traitor Don is truly running scared, but why? What in the world has he been trying to hide, since he took office and even before, with ALL of his lying and cover ups on his and campaign's Russian contacts???
For the sake of your perceived ligitamacy, committing yourself to the veracity of your assertions... you probably should have prefaced your response with some version of ... 'IMHO', lol

Word to the wise... "victory comes before a fall" don't get too lofty on your 'perceived pedestal' of moral authority here... there is, after all, far more actual evidence of the Dems, via. HRC paying a Russian spy for fabricated, fraudulent Russian intelligence, used in creating a FISC warrant (repeatedly renewed) to overtly influence a US election... U might want to tread carefully here on the overtures of your partisan convictions... lol
Carter Page was on FBI's radar long before the dossier. What nationality is Christopher Steele?
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Traitor Don is truly running scared, but why? What in the world has he been trying to hide, since he took office and even before, with ALL of his lying and cover ups on his and campaign's Russian contacts???

Its Mr. Mueller who is trying to hide things, specifically the conflicts of interest that Mueller has, which he should have recused himself.

BTW, since Mueller, Rosenstein, Brennan, Clapper, Rice, Lynch and Comey all have enormous conflicts of interest with Trump in the past, who exactly are they going to put on a witness stand before a judge throws out whatever hooey they come up with. This HOAX was over before it began

Oh, Horny...such wishful

Conservative have nothing more than ad hominem attacks. Everytime Trump tweets a denial, it reads like an admission. The corrupt little man needs to be investigated. Trump's army of mindless zealots are afraid of the truth as well. Why not. When you belong to a cult, the cult master can do no wrong.

The Trump Cult mentality is so damn evident among the

Trump is SOOOO stupid.

Before he even took office, he had that famous meeting at Trump Tower with the MSM.

Report: Donald Trump Unloads on Mainstream Media Bigwigs in Trump Tower Meeting | Breitbart

What a TOTAL bonehead thing to do.

If you want the media on your side (and we KNOW that Trump cares VERY much what the media says PLUS he is VERY thin-skinned), you do not invite them to your home/office and then start yelling at them and telling them how shitty they are.....

Wow. If one was completely ignorant of everything the media did during the campaign, your statement would make sense.

Of course the media was completely in the bag for Hillary, and was going to be utterly hostile to TRump no matter what he did.
Trump is SOOOO stupid.

Before he even took office, he had that famous meeting at Trump Tower with the MSM.

Report: Donald Trump Unloads on Mainstream Media Bigwigs in Trump Tower Meeting | Breitbart

What a TOTAL bonehead thing to do.

If you want the media on your side (and we KNOW that Trump cares VERY much what the media says PLUS he is VERY thin-skinned), you do not invite them to your home/office and then start yelling at them and telling them how shitty they are.

These people are human beings. And human beings do not like being yelled at and put down. So obviously, they were - from that moment on - going to hate/dislike the guy. And they were going to make an extra special effort to make him look bad.

And later, he comes out and attacks the FBI/intelligence community...viciously.

Again...what a galactically stupid thing to do.

These people are investigating you, stupid. The LAST thing you do when cops are investigating you is insult the cops...or they will try just that much harder to get you.

Cops are human too.

Trump has no one but himself to blame for the media and the federal 'cops' not letting up on the guy.

I am not saying they are falsifying evidence. But I guarantee you that they are trying harder to get Trump than they would if he had kept his mouth shut about the MSM/intelligence agencies/FBI.

What's amusing is that you think the Main Stream Media and the entrenched power structure in the intelligence community would have "let up" on Trump if only he'd "played nice" with them even though it's become quite obvious that both waged a behind the scenes war to keep him from being elected in the first place and when that failed to get him thrown out of office. The battle lines were not drawn by Trump...he's simply responding to the hand he's been dealt.
Of course the media was completely in the bag for Hillary, and was going to be utterly hostile to TRump no matter what he did.
once again, simply not true!

The study, from the Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy, examined print editions of the Los Angeles Times, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post and USA Today, the main newscasts on ABC, CBS and NBC, as well as CNN’s The Situation Room and Fox’s Special Report.

The report should be required reading for political journalists trying to understand Trump’s victory. The study found that 62% of the coverage of Clinton and 56% of the coverage of Trump was negative in tone. These numbers actually overstate the amount of positive press the candidates received. Most of the “positive” stories here were about new poll numbers. Each one of these horse race stories was “good press” for one candidate and “bad press” for the other.

On top of receiving more positive press than Clinton, Trump received 15% more press coverage overall than Clinton. His policy ideas received more attention than Clinton’s, and Clinton’s scandals received more coverage than Trump’s. The number of stories focused on Clinton’s emails and ongoing investigations peaked in the final two weeks of the campaign.

Study: Trump Benefited From 'Overwhelmingly Negative' Tone Of Election News Coverage
Carter Page was on FBI's radar long before the dossier. What nationality is Christopher Steele?

Obfuscate all U want... Yes U are right in the assertion that the Kremlin did & has always attempted to meddle in US elections. HRC, via the DNC's solicitation of service via Fusion GPS is a tangible lead... since you're purporting to seek the truth and all, lol.

Hero or hired gun? How a British former spy became a flash point in the Russia investigation.
Its the job of a campaign to "meddle" in an election, the slimy part is opposition research, but its legal as long as they're not soliciting foreign help.
Christopher Steele has no involvement with the Kremlin. Steele had contacts in russia who broke away from the kremlin, disaffected russians. Read about his reputation.

Reality is: Putin hates Hillary; successful in stopping her.
Of course the media was completely in the bag for Hillary, and was going to be utterly hostile to TRump no matter what he did.
once again, simply not true!

The study, from the Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy, examined print editions of the Los Angeles Times, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post and USA Today, the main newscasts on ABC, CBS and NBC, as well as CNN’s The Situation Room and Fox’s Special Report.

The report should be required reading for political journalists trying to understand Trump’s victory. The study found that 62% of the coverage of Clinton and 56% of the coverage of Trump was negative in tone. These numbers actually overstate the amount of positive press the candidates received. Most of the “positive” stories here were about new poll numbers. Each one of these horse race stories was “good press” for one candidate and “bad press” for the other.

On top of receiving more positive press than Clinton, Trump received 15% more press coverage overall than Clinton. His policy ideas received more attention than Clinton’s, and Clinton’s scandals received more coverage than Trump’s. The number of stories focused on Clinton’s emails and ongoing investigations peaked in the final two weeks of the campaign.

Study: Trump Benefited From 'Overwhelmingly Negative' Tone Of Election News Coverage

I'm sorry, but that is just obvious bullshit.

I don't know what games with the numbers those assholes played, and I don't care.

Mr. Mueller's obvious conflicts of interest, and the fact that he had a personal grudge because Mr. Trump turned down his business deal means that Mueller should have recused himself from the very start.

This means the whole Mueller investigation is Fruit from a Poisoned Tree, all charges against defendants should be dismissed with prejudice, all documents from the investigation shredded, and Mueller get sent a bill to pay for the wasted money himself. He KNEW about his conflicts of interest, and had a DUTY as an officer of the court to recuse himself.

Can you provide a link to an unbiased source about EXACTLY which business deal you are talking about?

From Twitter:

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 7h7 hours ago
Is Robert Mueller ever going to release his conflicts of interest with respect to President Trump, including the fact that we had a very nasty & contentious business relationship, I turned him down to head the FBI (one day before appointment as S.C.) & Comey is his close friend..

Proof of a NASTY as well as CONTENTIOUS business relationship. Mueller needs to get out in front of this. It doesn't look good for him.

If I were advising Mr. Mueller, I'd tell him to go to Caracas or Havana and apply for political asylum.

Mueller should read up and see what happened to Nicky Yezhov over in the USSR for getting involved too much in conflicts of interest
What is this contentious business relationship?
Traitor Don is truly running scared, but why? What in the world has he been trying to hide, since he took office and even before, with ALL of his lying and cover ups on his and campaign's Russian contacts???

Its Mr. Mueller who is trying to hide things, specifically the conflicts of interest that Mueller has, which he should have recused himself.
What is this conflict of interest?
Can you provide a link to an unbiased source about EXACTLY which business deal you are talking about?

The dried-up old fraud couldn't pay his greens fees at at Trump's National and got 86ed...if you weren't a lazy little pinhead you could have found that out on your own. You come with nothing and it's not our responsibility to school you so the next lesson you get from me is gonna cost ya.'ve been groomed to believe without question that this taints Mueller's investigation? :71:
Mr. Mueller's obvious conflicts of interest, and the fact that he had a personal grudge because Mr. Trump turned down his business deal means that Mueller should have recused himself from the very start.

This means the whole Mueller investigation is Fruit from a Poisoned Tree, all charges against defendants should be dismissed with prejudice, all documents from the investigation shredded, and Mueller get sent a bill to pay for the wasted money himself. He KNEW about his conflicts of interest, and had a DUTY as an officer of the court to recuse himself.

Can you provide a link to an unbiased source about EXACTLY which business deal you are talking about?

From Twitter:

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 7h7 hours ago
Is Robert Mueller ever going to release his conflicts of interest with respect to President Trump, including the fact that we had a very nasty & contentious business relationship, I turned him down to head the FBI (one day before appointment as S.C.) & Comey is his close friend..

Proof of a NASTY as well as CONTENTIOUS business relationship. Mueller needs to get out in front of this. It doesn't look good for him.

If I were advising Mr. Mueller, I'd tell him to go to Caracas or Havana and apply for political asylum.

Mueller should read up and see what happened to Nicky Yezhov over in the USSR for getting involved too much in conflicts of interest
What is this contentious business relationship?

I think we need to get Mr. Mueller testifying UNDER OATH to find out about it.

That's the next step. Mueller knows about it, but the fact he is staying mum is very suspicious.

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