Trump rails against Mueller in Sunday tweetstorm

"There is No Collusion! The Robert Mueller Rigged Witch Hunt, headed now by 17 (increased from 13, including an Obama White House lawyer) Angry Democrats, was started by a fraudulent Dossier, paid for by Crooked Hillary and the DNC. Therefore, the Witch Hunt is an illegal Scam!"

Trump nailed it. He's biding his time to inflict maximum damage on the democrat Party candidates in the midterm. Mueller will probably issue some bogus indictment in October and find himself in Gitmo shortly thereafter
Traitor Don is truly running scared, but why? What in the world has he been trying to hide, since he took office and even before, with ALL of his lying and cover ups on his and campaign's Russian contacts???

Its Mr. Mueller who is trying to hide things, specifically the conflicts of interest that Mueller has, which he should have recused himself.
Yeah sure chump. Everyday Traitor Donnie comes up with another excuse and you swallow it like so much warm piss
President Trump's senator and friend, Chuck U. Schumer, warned the President about the demonic activities of guys like the Mule.

Donald J. Trump is a very stable genius, so he remembered it, and has been very cautious, careful and methodical in dealing with the treasonous Intelligence Community, since Chuck U gave him this warning shortly before he took the oath.

"Let me tell you: You take on the intelligence community — they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you,"- Schumer

That's true, but the intelligence community never picked a fight with Donald J Trump until now.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

  1. I think he should go ahead and fire his ASS!
  2. Wrap it up or get fired !
  3. You got 48 hours to decide.

Didn't you.....months ago...predict that trump would fire Mueller within 48 hours? :71:

  1. Why he hasn't already is strange.
  2. I would of fired him months ago, just shows you who really runs this Nation, SWAMP RAN!
  3. I'm guessing Trump has no other choice pretty soon.
  4. Trump has gotta be sick and tired of this, WITCH HUNT!
  5. Its hurting this Nation to continue.
I have had it to the top of my head with the ignorance of people like you mouthing off bull crap that you've been brainwashed to believe.... without thought, and without merit, just blindly following made up bull crap.... it's mind blowing for those of us that do have a mind to think.

Trump Derangement Syndrome....... :cuckoo:
Traitor Don is truly running scared, but why? What in the world has he been trying to hide, since he took office and even before, with ALL of his lying and cover ups on his and campaign's Russian contacts???

Its Mr. Mueller who is trying to hide things, specifically the conflicts of interest that Mueller has, which he should have recused himself.
maybe you and the president should inform yourselves...

Mueller follows the book, the law, and protocols of the law, and brought his possible conflicts to the Ethics Board of the Justice Department...

and they told Mueller they were not conflicts of interest, by the rules and regs for the law, and he should continue with his Special Counsel Investigation.... :rolleyes:

The Don, and his lawyers, had the opportunity to claim Mueller had a conflict of interest ages and ages ago, there is a legal procedure for his lawyers to contest the Counselor for a Conflict of Interest.

You guys are just so easy... for Trump to play.... with his tweets......

Why is that... ??? It's like you all are playing a game of Simon Says, and are all lock step, thoughtlessly in saying and doing what Simon Says.... And I just don't, for the life of me, understand what is going on with you guys to take this proven pathological liar's word on EVERYTHING.... even if it is easily proven to be false, and even if deep down you know it is false?

I can understand the need you all might feel to protect him.... that would be a natural response with a supporter of anyone...

But this Cult like worshipping.... is just mind boggling!!!
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'President Donald Trump fired off a series of tweets on Sunday lashing out at the special counsel investigation led by former FBI Director Robert Mueller.

In the tweets, Trump largely resurfaced previous issues he has with the investigation, claiming Mueller personally has conflicts of interest -- including a "contentious business relationship" -- that should preclude him from running the investigation, accusing Mueller of bringing on too many Democratic investigators, and making a false claim about the origin of the Russia investigation.
Trump's statement comes after a week in which the President's former lawyer, Michael Cohen, authorized the release of a recording he made between himself and then-candidate Trump talking about a potential payment to a model who claims she had an affair with Trump. Cohen also claimed Trump knew about a 2016 meeting involving his campaign and a group of Russians who were expected to provide dirt on Hillary Clinton.
"There is No Collusion! The Robert Mueller Rigged Witch Hunt, headed now by 17 (increased from 13, including an Obama White House lawyer) Angry Democrats, was started by a fraudulent Dossier, paid for by Crooked Hillary and the DNC. Therefore, the Witch Hunt is an illegal Scam!" Trump tweeted Sunday.

The President then turned to Mueller directly, tweeting, "Is Robert Mueller ever going to release his conflicts of interest with respect to President Trump, including the fact that we had a very nasty & contentious business relationship, I turned him down to head the FBI (one day before appointment as S.C.) & Comey is his close friend.."
"....Also, why is Mueller only appointing Angry Dems, some of whom have worked for Crooked Hillary, others, including himself, have worked for Obama....And why isn't Mueller looking at all of the criminal activity & real Russian Collusion on the Democrats side-Podesta, Dossier?" Trump continued.'

Trump rails against Mueller in Sunday tweetstorm - CNNPolitics

Either Trump is mentally disturbed and/or he is monumentally stupid.

It would be hilarious if he was not POTUS.

Every mobster attempts to try the prosecutor in the court of public opinion.

I wonder why Trump acts so much like a guilty person...
Mueller follows the book, the law, and protocols of the law, and brought his possible conflicts to the Ethics Board of the Justice Department...

and they told Mueller they were not conflicts of interest, by the rules and regs for the law, and he should continue with his Special Counsel Investigation.... :rolleyes:

Why didn't Mr. Mueller bring up this possible conflict, instead waiting for President Trump, a man who he has a documented vendetta against, to bring it up.

I don't know who this "ethics" group is, and who is on it, but I'd really like to know their names and addresses if they really did make this ruling. Maybe some protests in front of their homes might change their minds.

As far as Mueller himself, he's clearly a sexual pervert who seems obsessed with Russian prostitutes ruining mattresses. Why are libs so interested in this? Even if it were true, and it isn't, it would be the President's own private sex life. He can certainly afford to replace the mattresses
'President Donald Trump fired off a series of tweets on Sunday lashing out at the special counsel investigation led by former FBI Director Robert Mueller.

In the tweets, Trump largely resurfaced previous issues he has with the investigation, claiming Mueller personally has conflicts of interest -- including a "contentious business relationship" -- that should preclude him from running the investigation, accusing Mueller of bringing on too many Democratic investigators, and making a false claim about the origin of the Russia investigation.
Trump's statement comes after a week in which the President's former lawyer, Michael Cohen, authorized the release of a recording he made between himself and then-candidate Trump talking about a potential payment to a model who claims she had an affair with Trump. Cohen also claimed Trump knew about a 2016 meeting involving his campaign and a group of Russians who were expected to provide dirt on Hillary Clinton.
"There is No Collusion! The Robert Mueller Rigged Witch Hunt, headed now by 17 (increased from 13, including an Obama White House lawyer) Angry Democrats, was started by a fraudulent Dossier, paid for by Crooked Hillary and the DNC. Therefore, the Witch Hunt is an illegal Scam!" Trump tweeted Sunday.

The President then turned to Mueller directly, tweeting, "Is Robert Mueller ever going to release his conflicts of interest with respect to President Trump, including the fact that we had a very nasty & contentious business relationship, I turned him down to head the FBI (one day before appointment as S.C.) & Comey is his close friend.."
"....Also, why is Mueller only appointing Angry Dems, some of whom have worked for Crooked Hillary, others, including himself, have worked for Obama....And why isn't Mueller looking at all of the criminal activity & real Russian Collusion on the Democrats side-Podesta, Dossier?" Trump continued.'

Trump rails against Mueller in Sunday tweetstorm - CNNPolitics

Either Trump is mentally disturbed and/or he is monumentally stupid.

It would be hilarious if he was not POTUS.


CNN???? ROTFLMAO!!!!!!

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Why didn't Mr. Mueller bring up this possible conflict, instead waiting for President Trump, a man who he has a documented vendetta against, to bring it up.

I don't know who this "ethics" group is, and who is on it, but I'd really like to know their names and addresses if they really did make this ruling. Maybe some protests in front of their homes might change their minds.

As far as Mueller himself, he's clearly a sexual pervert who seems obsessed with Russian prostitutes ruining mattresses. Why are libs so interested in this? Even if it were true, and it isn't, it would be the President's own private sex life. He can certainly afford to replace the mattresses

The President is a notorious germaphobe...somewhat common in billionaires....Howard Hughes was the same way. So why would anybody believe he'd crawl into a piss-soaked bed with a couple of Russian hookers or bone Stormy without a rubber as she claimed? This is the kind of perverted nonsense Hillary and the DNC would come up with.....their fantasies projected onto a man they have psychotic hatred for.
TV lawyer Rudy Giuliani demonstrated a textbook case of circular logic.

Trump tweets he and Mueller had a "nasty business relationship".

When asked what that relationship was, Giulian said he couldn't say and to ask Mueller.

When asked why Mueller should explain Trump's tweet, Giuliani said "because he has the conflict".

Team Trump has gone from denying collusion to denying collusion is a crime. That's very revealing.

Just like they went from denying obstruction to denying a President can be guilty of obstruction. That's some real Nixon shit right there.

Trump's TV lawyer is making the circuit denying Trump was at the meeting with the Russians in Trump Tower. Except, no one is saying Trump was at the meeting. They are saying he knew ahead of time about it.

Giuiliani is getting a helluva workout moving goalposts! :lol:
Team Trump has gone from denying collusion to denying collusion is a crime. That's very revealing.

Just like they went from denying obstruction to denying a President can be guilty of obstruction. That's some real Nixon shit right there.

Trump's TV lawyer is making the circuit denying Trump was at the meeting with the Russians in Trump Tower. Except, no one is saying Trump was at the meeting. They are saying he knew ahead of time about it.

Giuiliani is getting a helluva workout moving goalposts! :lol:

Trump has a tell -

the more he repeats something the bigger the lie
So Muellers minnow is Manafort on tax evasion from over 10 years ago when Trump had No inkling of running
What a massive and condemning catch Manafort was . Has zero to do with Trump or elections or Russians but way to go Bobbie.
Team Trump has gone from denying collusion to denying collusion is a crime. That's very revealing.

Just like they went from denying obstruction to denying a President can be guilty of obstruction. That's some real Nixon shit right there.

Trump's TV lawyer is making the circuit denying Trump was at the meeting with the Russians in Trump Tower. Except, no one is saying Trump was at the meeting. They are saying he knew ahead of time about it.

Giuiliani is getting a helluva workout moving goalposts! :lol:

Trump has a tell -

the more he repeats something the bigger the lie
Yes, I have pointed out that when he says "Bleev me", he is probably lying.

If he says "Bleev me, bleev me, bleev me" you can bet your house he is lying.


Make no mistake,” the president said at one point, “this is a repeal and a replace of Obamacare, make no mistake about it. Make no mistake.”

“I’m going to be working for you. I’m not going to have time to go play golf. Bleev me. Bleev me. Bleev me, folks." - Donald Trump, August 8, 2016


Why didn't Mr. Mueller bring up this possible conflict, instead waiting for President Trump, a man who he has a documented vendetta against, to bring it up.

I don't know who this "ethics" group is, and who is on it, but I'd really like to know their names and addresses if they really did make this ruling. Maybe some protests in front of their homes might change their minds.

As far as Mueller himself, he's clearly a sexual pervert who seems obsessed with Russian prostitutes ruining mattresses. Why are libs so interested in this? Even if it were true, and it isn't, it would be the President's own private sex life. He can certainly afford to replace the mattresses

The President is a notorious germaphobe...somewhat common in billionaires....Howard Hughes was the same way. So why would anybody believe he'd crawl into a piss-soaked bed with a couple of Russian hookers or bone Stormy without a rubber as she claimed? This is the kind of perverted nonsense Hillary and the DNC would come up with.....their fantasies projected onto a man they have psychotic hatred for.

That's exactly correct, Mr. Mueller is Sexual Pervert and/or Deviant based upon his obsession with peeing hookers.

Why isn't the media out at his house in the morning asking him about this as he gets into car in the morning?
So Muellers minnow is Manafort on tax evasion from over 10 years ago when Trump had No inkling of running
What a massive and condemning catch Manafort was . Has zero to do with Trump or elections or Russians but way to go Bobbie.

you dont know that, or what Mueller has on anyone that hasnt been indicted
So Muellers minnow is Manafort on tax evasion from over 10 years ago when Trump had No inkling of running
What a massive and condemning catch Manafort was . Has zero to do with Trump or elections or Russians but way to go Bobbie.

you dont know that, or what Mueller has on anyone that hasnt been indicted
That’s because when you have something you indict them .”18 months and still looking” is not indicting but rather failure. Limitless time on our side references are for the losing side.
Traitor Don is truly running scared, but why? What in the world has he been trying to hide, since he took office and even before, with ALL of his lying and cover ups on his and campaign's Russian contacts???

Its Mr. Mueller who is trying to hide things, specifically the conflicts of interest that Mueller has, which he should have recused himself.
Yeah sure chump. Everyday Traitor Donnie comes up with another excuse and you swallow it like so much warm piss

There's one sick fuck Progressive poster with a pee fetish who posts under numerous sock accounts

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