trump/reagan 2024 !

Reagan was all about bowing to Wall Street...
Open Borders that resulted in wage suppression for minorities and Blue Collar workers in construction.
Raygun partnered with Democrat Patrick Moynahan and every other US senator to pass laws that allowed Chinese and Japanese Business Visas to replace millions of Americans in the workforce.
Raygun signed the COBRA Act giving free health care to trespassers.
Raygun encouraged Off-Shoring in the guise of spreading Democracy and Capitalism when all it did was make the rich richer.

Raygun is burning in hell right now as we speak.

But you continue to vote for Republican economic policies - none of which have changed since Reagan was President, so you perpetuate everything he created.
Because they know the LibTards in the Legal System are out to get him.

Boy you really are that stupid, aren't you.

Nobody will do business with Trump because he's a fucking criminal who doesn't pay his bills. Banks stopped lending to Trump more than 20 years ago, when he was still a Democrat, so that lie doesn't fly.

Do you have to wear your hockey helmet every time you leave the house?
Boy you really are that stupid, aren't you.

Nobody will do business with Trump because he's a fucking criminal who doesn't pay his bills. Banks stopped lending to Trump more than 20 years ago, when he was still a Democrat, so that lie doesn't fly.

Do you have to wear your hockey helmet every time you leave the house?
My son-in-law in commercial real estate says you’re an idiot.
Oh yeah…with ease. He was a bi-partisan piece of filthy dogshit who allowed himself to be bullied by filthy Democrats…
He also was able to get extraordinary things done getting far more of Congress working together than we have seen today in many years.

he signed the Amnesty Bill in 1986 opening the flood gates to the third world…
True. But that bill merely gave a pathway to citizenship to a paltry 2.7 million undocumented people, about what Joe has let in again in just the past year, but it solved a problem of what to do with those 2.7 million, and also penalized employers who knowingly hired those without a legal work permit. The one place it failed was in not addressing stopping FURTHER illegals from coming into the country, so, Reagan's failing was a sin of omission, but then, had he gone for that, he might not have gotten the bill passed at all which he might have thought at least opened communication for future congresses to settle the OTHER problem, which they have all failed to do, except TRUMP.

he single handedly served up Mexifornia, AZ, NV, NM and much of Texas on a silver platter to Democrats…he kept them relevant. He single handedly destryoed all blue collar trade work, the middle class, our public education, healthcare system and quality of life with one stroke of the pen.
That's a lot of blame to put on ONE MAN, for simply agreeing that the couple million ALREADY here simply be made citizens and move on. I think a lot of other people have been to blame then and since for today's world. I'm not so sure Reagan could have seen things ending up this way. In reality, Reagan probably could no more pass a bill declaring all 2.7 million illegals be rounded up at gunpoint and thrown out anymore than Lincoln could have done with the blacks in 1865.

No matter what Reagan passed or didn't pass way back then (meaning Congress wrote it), isn't any of it really moot so long as we have a government refusing to close the border, BL? So long as the border remains open and presidents fail to expel new illegals, the problem will only get worse. If I fault Reagan for anything, it was in not adding a contingency that the 2.7M be made citizens only after the border is secured, but you know as well as I do that he never would have gotten that, no president since has gotten that, Trump had to beg borrow and steal just to get the border wall partly built, and didn't Reagan also do a lot of really good things like bringing down the Berlin Wall and beating the Soviets with Star Wars?

So yeah, Reagan made mistakes, to err is human, but I'll take him over Carter, Bush, Bush II, Clinton, Obamma or Biden. Reagan got the job half done, in an environment where many in the GOP didn't even like him, ---where I find the greatest fault is with all the Congresses since which have failed to finish the job.
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