Trump recommends the vaccine and booster

Trump recommends the COVID vaccine and booster. In an interview with the daily wire, Trump touted the vaccines as one of the greatest accomplishments of mankind. It prevents disease, in most cases, and if you catch the disease the symptoms will be mild. Those who do not get the vaccine will get much sicker and have a greater chance to die.
Why in the hell are some idiots not getting the vaccine.

So. I'll wait until the long term effects are known.
To allay the fears of the trump Nazis shocked by their cult leader's sudden advocacy of COVID-19 vaccinations, they can rest easy. Dr. Jerome Adams, who served as the U.S. surgeon general in trump's administration, has suggested the former president only decided to publicly back vaccines after first receiving praise from President Biden.

So, it is certain trump has not truly changed his stance on vaccines. Also, as the malignant narcissist he is, it can be assured he has not grown bored with the trump Nazis' willingness to die of COVID to prove their devotion to him.

Dr. Adams' statement regarding trump's actual motivation "to publicly back vaccines", can be attributed to his usual self-congratulatory bullsh!t, which should alleviate all fears the trump Nazis have that their cult leader has concern for someone other than himself.

Rest assured, he's still the self-serving pr!ck he's always been.


Trump Nazi ? You are historically retarded.
The truth that cheap pills would have stopped all this crap. While people like you get on your knees and pray to them..........And the survival rate is EXTREMELY HIGH.......and Natural immunity is 27 times better than the jab and it doesn't screw up your immune system.

Truth is ........You are the virus.
Truth're a moron who doesn't know what he's running his yap about.
He sure appreciates living in your head RENT FREE cocksucker.
Awwww! Butthurt because your orange god threw under the bus all of his asseaters like you who have been ranting against the vaxx for a year?

Let me remind you. Trump said the vaccines are safe, & they don't kill people. And the kicker? Get the booster shot.

How those tire tracks running up & down your back feel, loser?

Got enough kleenex to get you thru this crisis?
Awwww! Butthurt because your orange god threw under the bus all of his asseaters like you who have been ranting against the vaxx for a year?

Let me remind you. Trump said the vaccines are safe, & they don't kill people. And the kicker? Get the booster shot.

How those tire tracks running up & down your back feel, loser?

Got enough kleenex to get you thru this crisis?

Which definition of "vaccine" did he use? They keep changing the definition. Things have meaning.

Oh, wait. You don't know because it's not on your daily list of talking points, approved by your TV.

Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be lining up at WalMart for today's booster?
Trump recommends the COVID vaccine and booster. In an interview with the daily wire, Trump touted the vaccines as one of the greatest accomplishments of mankind. It prevents disease, in most cases, and if you catch the disease the symptoms will be mild. Those who do not get the vaccine will get much sicker and have a greater chance to die.
Why in the hell are some idiots not getting the vaccine.

If Biden really cared, he would have reached out to Trump, months ago, to talk to people like this.
"COVID will kill me,
This I know.
For my TV
Tells me so.

Little shots
Will set me free.
Let's get boosters
One, two and three.

Yes, COVID will kill me.
Yes, COVID will kill me.
Yes, COVID will kill me.
My TV tells me so"

Sung to the tune of "Yes, Jesus Loves Me"

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