Trump recommends the vaccine and booster

Trump recommends the COVID vaccine and booster. In an interview with the daily wire, Trump touted the vaccines as one of the greatest accomplishments of mankind. It prevents disease, in most cases, and if you catch the disease the symptoms will be mild. Those who do not get the vaccine will get much sicker and have a greater chance to die.
Why in the hell are some idiots not getting the vaccine.

To allay the fears of the trump Nazis shocked by their cult leader's sudden advocacy of COVID-19 vaccinations, they can rest easy. Dr. Jerome Adams, who served as the U.S. surgeon general in trump's administration, has suggested the former president only decided to publicly back vaccines after first receiving praise from President Biden.

So, it is certain trump has not truly changed his stance on vaccines. Also, as the malignant narcissist he is, it can be assured he has not grown bored with the trump Nazis' willingness to die of COVID to prove their devotion to him.

Dr. Adams' statement regarding trump's actual motivation "to publicly back vaccines", can be attributed to his usual self-congratulatory bullsh!t, which should alleviate all fears the trump Nazis have that their cult leader has concern for someone other than himself.

Rest assured, he's still the self-serving pr!ck he's always been.


Trump recommends the COVID vaccine and booster. In an interview with the daily wire, Trump touted the vaccines as one of the greatest accomplishments of mankind. It prevents disease, in most cases, and if you catch the disease the symptoms will be mild. Those who do not get the vaccine will get much sicker and have a greater chance to die.
Why in the hell are some idiots not getting the vaccine.

You guys are desperate. If you got the vaccine, why are you obsessed with other people's personal choices
Are you scared.............You got jabbed right.......4 times............And still you play Fear porn. Well maybe the jabs didn't screw with your auto immune system too bad............we can hope.
Looks to me like he's just relating what's happening to his ex. because she's not vaccinated & he's concerned about his daughters.

Does the truth eat at your ass that much, idiot?
I will NEVER get the poison Jab

If I do you must know it was under extreme duress.... but NO there is not a chance in this world I will be poisoned.

That'll show 'em.
You guys are desperate. If you got the vaccine, why are you obsessed with other people's personal choices
Because the more people vaccinated the sooner the virus can be mitigated. Those getting vaccinated are helping the greater good. Those not getting vaccinated are hurting their family, friends and all Americans. They are unamerican, self-serving cowards.
its a death jab with dozens of boosters to kill your immune system, but itll only take 2 boosters, 4 total shots- oh its not a vaccine either, hasnt been isolated. pop. control- also killing millions already and causes miscarriages and mass steralization.
Looks to me like he's just relating what's happening to his ex. because she's not vaccinated & he's concerned about his daughters.

Does the truth eat at your ass that much, idiot?
The truth that cheap pills would have stopped all this crap. While people like you get on your knees and pray to them..........And the survival rate is EXTREMELY HIGH.......and Natural immunity is 27 times better than the jab and it doesn't screw up your immune system.

Truth is ........You are the virus.

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