Trump Refusal of BLM is Indicator of Difference Between Him and Wimpy Democrats

he sure the hell did and the reporters deserve having crowds turned on them....MOB such a great thing.....dont you love the trump inciting his supporters...they are so fucking base and its so easy to do....

keep on supporting trump.....thats your country a big ass favor and vote for this loser....smh

It is funny to watch the far left attack Trump.. The only reason why they hate him is because he has an (R) next to his name..
Yes, and that (R) stands for reverse... we want to go (D) which is forward.

Says the far left drone that voted for worse than Bush twice..

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Yep you far left drones are right, driving the US right into the ground!

Gosh, Kosh, is that all you've got? I guess you haven't noticed how the economy is thriving now days. The FEDS have even raised the prime rate a tad due to the dramatic decrease in unemployment. Since you are obviously brain dead I provided a link for you to get you back on track with the latest developments. You can kiss (t) Grump's ass later after he falsely takes the credit for this.
he sure the hell did and the reporters deserve having crowds turned on them....MOB such a great thing.....dont you love the trump inciting his supporters...they are so fucking base and its so easy to do....

keep on supporting trump.....thats your country a big ass favor and vote for this loser....smh
Who are YOU representing ? ISIS ? Univision ? SEIU ? La Raza ? The Democratic party ? (looking for VOTES)

poor dear. :cuckoo:

Yes we know you far left drones support ISIS, no reason for you to deny it!
Heh heh why would anyone you deem as "left" support a right wing conservative organization like ISIS?
Oh wait...some did vote for reagan so ..oh well...heh heh heh! I guess we might have a few who would support your conservative mirror image: ISIS. We do know that most of the traitors who join forces with the enemy couldn't possibly be liberal.
Good for Trump for standing against black people!

Says the irony impaired far left drone that wants "Blacks" to be forever politically enslaved by the Democrats!
Says the RW white guy who has joined the movement to "take America back" by any means necessary. Translation?
You want to make America White again in every way.
he sure the hell did and the reporters deserve having crowds turned on them....MOB such a great thing.....dont you love the trump inciting his supporters...they are so fucking base and its so easy to do....

keep on supporting trump.....thats your country a big ass favor and vote for this loser....smh

It is funny to watch the far left attack Trump.. The only reason why they hate him is because he has an (R) next to his name..
Yes, and that (R) stands for reverse... we want to go (D) which is forward.

'D' stands for "Destruction" and "Doom"
"R" stands for Radicalized Republicans Ruminating on a Return to Racist Retrograde Rationalization.
Sorry about the mix-up on O'Malley first name. Yes, it is Martin, not Tom. Well, see that ? The dude is so insignificant, we don't even know his name.

So just change the OP's second sentence from Timid Tom, to Mousey Marty.

Sure. America's ENEMIES always want Americans to not be afraid, so as to let our guard down, so they can more easily attack us, and kill us. Exactly what is happening with the ISIS PIPELINE, and this moronic post, showing a cowardly-himself raghead wearing a mask, is a perfect example of it.

Americans need to be afraid of what there is to legitimately be afraid of .. Right now, that is the international jihad, currently led by ISIS, and their infiltration into the US by way of phony refugee masquerading, and the porous Mexican border.
Yes, and that (R) stands for reverse... we want to go (D) which is forward.
D is going foward all right. Going foward with Mexico's # 1 source of income > pillaging the US economy of $23 Billion/year in remittances$$$, pillaging US tax treasuries for tens of billions$$/year more by suckering us into paying their poverty bill by giving welfare to Mexicans, via the anchor baby racket & false documentation, and taking jobs away from the same American workers those Ds pretend to represent.

Going foward to ISIS' plan to infiltrate their warriors into the US and smuggle in nuclear bombs to detonate them in US cities. Going foward with Iran's development of nuclear weapons.missles to attack us with.

There's plenty more, but time is limited, and this is more than enough. So what does the D stand for > It could be seen as standing for decadence, degradation, descent, disable, diminish, detonate, detriment, damage, destroy (as in the Muslim Brotherhood's EM), dereliction of duty, demoralize, dependency, demented, delusion, defer, defame, defective, deceive, discrimination (against whites in affirmative action), discord (encouraged by race hustlers Obama/Sharpton), disease (allowed in with Central American families), disrupt, deflect, dreamland, denial, and downright dumb.
Good for Trump for standing against black people!
He is standing up FOR blacks by opposing immigration that take jobs away from them, raids their economy and deprives black business owners of sales, and stops ISIS from coming here to kill them.
Gosh, Kosh, is that all you've got? I guess you haven't noticed how the economy is thriving now days. The FEDS have even raised the prime rate a tad due to the dramatic decrease in unemployment. Since you are obviously brain dead I provided a link for you to get you back on track with the latest developments. You can kiss (t) Grump's ass later after he falsely takes the credit for this.
Unemployment hasn't decreased FOR AMERICANS. Virtually the only ones getting jobs now (and for the last 15 years) is FOREIGNERS. Didn't you know ?
Heh heh why would anyone you deem as "left" support a right wing conservative organization like ISIS?
Oh wait...some did vote for reagan so ..oh well...heh heh heh! I guess we might have a few who would support your conservative mirror image: ISIS. We do know that most of the traitors who join forces with the enemy couldn't possibly be liberal.
Are you deranged ? ISIS has nothing in common with American conservatives, and it is you left wing loonies who are doing everything you can to support ISIS by >>

1. Opposing full war against them including US ground troops

2 Supporting the immigrqtion of Syrian refugees with ISIS infiltrating in among them

3. Opposing national security measures to shut down ISIS cyber warfare

4. Supporting gun-free zones, allowing ISIS to pull off attacks like San Bernardino.

This is just a partial list.
Says the RW white guy who has joined the movement to "take America back" by any means necessary. Translation?
You want to make America White again in every way.
Please present one shred of evidence to support that idiocy.
Yes, and that (R) stands for reverse... we want to go (D) which is forward.
D is going foward all right. Going foward with Mexico's # 1 source of income > pillaging the US economy of $23 Billion/year in remittances$$$, pillaging US tax treasuries for tens of billions$$/year more by suckering us into paying their poverty bill by giving welfare to Mexicans, via the anchor baby racket & false documentation, and taking jobs away from the same American workers those Ds pretend to represent.

Going foward to ISIS' plan to infiltrate their warriors into the US and smuggle in nuclear bombs to detonate them in US cities. Going foward with Iran's development of nuclear weapons.missles to attack us with.

There's plenty more, but time is limited, and this is more than enough. So what does the D stand for > It could be seen as standing for decadence, degradation, descent, disable, diminish, detonate, detriment, damage, destroy (as in the Muslim Brotherhood's EM), dereliction of duty, demoralize, dependency, demented, delusion, defer, defame, defective, deceive, discrimination (against whites in affirmative action), discord (encouraged by race hustlers Obama/Sharpton), disease (allowed in with Central American families), disrupt, deflect, dreamland, denial, and downright dumb.

None of your allegations have been proven to be absolute truths. Mere speculation based on nebulous fragmentary bits of news reports from questionable sources. who don't have access to the CIA as Obama does.
Black people bad unless republicans can use them as tools. We get it.
None of your allegations have been proven to be absolute truths. Mere speculation based on nebulous fragmentary bits of news reports from questionable sources. who don't have access to the CIA as Obama does.
You have a bad habit of posting easily refutable nonsense Here's some education for you. >>

Remittance Flows Worldwide in 2012

Obama to Spend $10.3 Trillion on Welfare: Uncovering the Full Cost of Means-Tested Welfare or Aid to the Poor

Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children

Sorry to have to tell you this , but you just LOST yourself a ton of credibility in this forum.
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