Trump Refusal of BLM is Indicator of Difference Between Him and Wimpy Democrats

None of your allegations have been proven to be absolute truths. Mere speculation based on nebulous fragmentary bits of news reports from questionable sources. who don't have access to the CIA as Obama does.
You have a bad habit of posting easily refutable nonsense Here's some education for you. >>

Remittance Flows Worldwide in 2012

Obama to Spend $10.3 Trillion on Welfare: Uncovering the Full Cost of Means-Tested Welfare or Aid to the Poor

Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children

Sorry to have to tell you this , but you just LOST yourself a ton of credibility in this forum.

Like i said, mere speculation based on nebulous fragmentary bits of news from questionable sources. who don't have access to the CIA as Obama does. You have a bad habit of adding you own spin on already biased news from RW websites. but I guess that DOES give you credibility on a board top heavy with RW zealots like yourself. No thanks, I will pass on your education offer, you devil, I am a Christian after all. Heh heh heh!
Like i said, mere speculation based on nebulous fragmentary bits of news from questionable sources. who don't have access to the CIA as Obama does. You have a bad habit of adding you own spin on already biased news from RW websites. but I guess that DOES give you credibility on a board top heavy with RW zealots like yourself. No thanks, I will pass on your education offer, you devil, I am a Christian after all. Heh heh heh!
Yeah, like you entirely WRONGLY said before, you now laughably wrongly say again. RW wqeb sites ? HA HA HA. The Pew Research Center is neither RW or a questionable source, and many posters conservative and liberal both have used it as sources for their posts in this forum. You are making a laughingstock out of yourself, as you display obvious ignorance.

Here, why don't you jump even deeper down into the hole that you have dug for yourself ? Are you trying to say that Mexico did not get $ 22.8 Billion in remittances from the US, in 2012 ? You wanna try to tell us that the US didn't lose $123 Billion in remittances, in 2012 ? Sheeeesh!

Also: EARTH TO JQP: Numbers on remittances and welfare spending don't come from the CIA. The CIA deals with activites OUTSIDE the USA. Remittances and welfare spending are both internal issues.
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Liberals need to stop accessing only liberal media. Their ignorance is astounding.
Like i said, mere speculation based on nebulous fragmentary bits of news from questionable sources. who don't have access to the CIA as Obama does. You have a bad habit of adding you own spin on already biased news from RW websites. but I guess that DOES give you credibility on a board top heavy with RW zealots like yourself. No thanks, I will pass on your education offer, you devil, I am a Christian after all. Heh heh heh!
Yeah, like you entirely WRONGLY said before, you now laughably wrongly say again. RW wqeb sites ? HA HA HA. The Pew Research Center is neither RW or a questionable source, and many posters conservative and liberal both have used it as sources for their posts in this forum. You are making a laughingstock out of yourself, as you display obvious ignorance.

Here, why don't you jump even deeper down into the hole that you have dug for yourself ? Are you trying to say that Mexico did not get $ 22.8 Billion in remittances from the US, in 2012 ? You wanna try to tell us that the US didn't lose $123 Billion in remittances, in 2012 ? Sheeeesh!

Also: EARTH TO JQP: Numbers on remittances and welfare spending don't come from the CIA. The CIA deals with activites OUTSIDE the USA. Remittances and welfare spending are both internal issues.
Well, Gee, fellow, you are all over the map. You talk about ISIS, Mexican immigration and Affirmative action all in the same paragraph. Try staying on one topic at a time. It is hard to address so many different topics in one post so I guess you got me there. For the record, I do tend to agree with you on stemming the tide of foreign workers flooding the job market and taking jobs from native born citizens. I am also familiar with the
Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, signed and executed by Lyndon Johnson.

also known as the Hart-Celler Act

Pl 89-236

Senate vote: 52 Democrats voted yes, 14 nay and 1 abstained

24 Republicans voted yes, 3 voted no and 1 abstained

House vote: 202 Democrats voted yes, 60 voted no and 12 abstained

117 Republicans voted yes, 10 voted no and 11 abstained.

Noteworthy is the fact that,most of the "no" votes came from Southern Democrats...

Clearly, the law was a bi -partisan venture, not just a Democratic one as you suggest.

I was never comfortable with the law and the subsequent implementation of it despite Ted Kennedy's assurance that " our cities will NOT be flooded with a million immigrants annually.
Going foward to ISIS' plan to infiltrate their warriors into the US and smuggle in nuclear bombs to detonate them in US cities. Going foward with Iran's development of nuclear weapons.missles to attack us with.

My references to the CIA were aimed at this quote not the domestic issues you squeezed together with a reference to ISIS in one paragraph for effect. Care to reveal the source of your allegations here? I might agree with themif they turn out to be better than the CIA.

Here, why don't you jump even deeper down into the hole that you have dug for yourself ? Are you trying to say that Mexico did not get $ 22.8 Billion in remittances from the US, in 2012 ? You wanna try to tell us that the US didn't lose $123 Billion in remittances, in 2012 ? Sheeeesh

What hole? I don't recall a discussion between you and me about remittances. If there had been I would not have argued against the Pew data in the first place? Perhaps this format for answering multiple points condensed into one post is the best solution to avoid confusion.... I will be clearer from now on.

Yeah, like you entirely WRONGLY said before, you now laughably wrongly say again. RW wqeb sites ? HA HA HA. The Pew Research Center is neither RW or a questionable source, and many posters conservative and liberal both have used it as sources for their posts in this forum. You are making a laughingstock out of yourself, as you display obvious ignorance.

Indeed, I have used Pew as a source myself own many occasions. It is a good reliable source. But you take a good source like Pew, throw in a lot of unrelated propaganda on different topics in one paragraph in an attempt to somehow validate the whole mess. That is my grievance against your modus operandi.

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