Trump refused to use the term "radical Islamic Terrorists" in Saudi Arabia

The Saudis know very well what Trump thinks of radical muslims. They also know that much of the radicalism originates in their country. Radical islam is as much a threat to the Saudi royal family as it is to average citizens in Europe and America.

The Saudis and Iranians are ancient muslim enemies, Sunni vs Shite. The Saudis want Iran contained as much as we and Israel do.

It is obvious by some of the posts on this thread that there are very few posters who know anything about Islam, Arabs, or the middle east.
He's after SA's support in fighting ISIS, I never heard him call all Muslims that. Nutsack was premature, once again.
Hi Ice, I'm just getting ready to go to work at McD's this am, but I wanted to point out that President Trump in at least one interview (with Anderson Cooper) said that "Islam hates us." It struck me as weird at the time, but then I sort of saw his point, although it was a bit hyperbolic, it got the point across that keeping an eye on Islamists is a good idea. Backing off rhetoric like that shows us to be weak. No two ways about it. And the Saudis haven't been especially forthcoming about helping out with terrorists, maybe they will now that President Trump no longer uses the term to their face, I don't know. I have a hard time understanding why not using the term to their face is a good thing.
It's a lot easier to understand when you can see things in context. Don't over salt the fries.
I like them salty! You don't? That's just... un-American!
Nothing patriotic about high blood pressure.
Dude, you didn't hear about the True American Basic Food Groups? The ones that should've been in place before Michelle Obama took over the nutrition guidelines? Here are the TABFGs:

October 9, 2016, Second Presidential Debate:
These are radical Islamic terrorists and she won't even mention the word and nor will President Obama. He won't use the term radical Islamic terrorist, no. To solve a problem you have to be able to state what the problem is or at least, say the name. She won't say the name and President Obama won't say the name. But the name is there. It's radical Islamic terror. And before you solve it, you have to say the name.
-- Donald Trump​

already explained. nice try
The Saudis know very well what Trump thinks of radical muslims. They also know that much of the radicalism originates in their country. Radical islam is as much a threat to the Saudi royal family as it is to average citizens in Europe and America.

The Saudis and Iranians are ancient muslim enemies, Sunni vs Shite. The Saudis want Iran contained as much as we and Israel do.

It is obvious by some of the posts on this thread that there are very few posters who know anything about Islam, Arabs, or the middle east.
You are correct. But I have to ask, where did those 9/11 terrorists come from? Isn't the reason because the royal family needs to appease some of the more terroristic elements of his society so they don't attack the king?
you can add this little diddy to that flat tired hypocritical clown car



The Saudis gave them a pass beforehand so were not insulted at all. They will be getting a bunch of new toys to play with and hopefully using them against the terrorists. Try to focus on the big picture, as a lib I know it's challenging.

uh-huh. trump's astounding hypocrisy that is documented so deliciously will never be overlooked... it just adds to the entertainment value of a very serious & dangerous time we live in weasel dude.
He's after SA's support in fighting ISIS, I never heard him call all Muslims that. Nutsack was premature, once again.
Hi Ice, I'm just getting ready to go to work at McD's this am, but I wanted to point out that President Trump in at least one interview (with Anderson Cooper) said that "Islam hates us." It struck me as weird at the time, but then I sort of saw his point, although it was a bit hyperbolic, it got the point across that keeping an eye on Islamists is a good idea. Backing off rhetoric like that shows us to be weak. No two ways about it. And the Saudis haven't been especially forthcoming about helping out with terrorists, maybe they will now that President Trump no longer uses the term to their face, I don't know. I have a hard time understanding why not using the term to their face is a good thing.
It's a lot easier to understand when you can see things in context. Don't over salt the fries.
I like them salty! You don't? That's just... un-American!

FREEDOM FRIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
October 9, 2016, Second Presidential Debate:
These are radical Islamic terrorists and she won't even mention the word and nor will President Obama. He won't use the term radical Islamic terrorist, no. To solve a problem you have to be able to state what the problem is or at least, say the name. She won't say the name and President Obama won't say the name. But the name is there. It's radical Islamic terror. And before you solve it, you have to say the name.
-- Donald Trump​
already explained. nice try

??? Those words are Trump's and relevant to the topic no matter how often they are posted here. Had I known they were already posted, I would not have done so too, but the point is the same. Trump doesn't even live up to his own stated principles. For all his tough talk, it's clear that in truth, like most bullies, he's a coward.
I guess when the rubber hits the road, instant flat tires on the Trumpmobile

looks like Agent Orange is finally appreciating Obama's outstanding diplomatic skills, bout time!
Shut up Johnny Applesack-Of-Shit! Watch his speech. The Muslims are very aware of how Trump feels about radical Islam.

Oh, if Obama had outstanding diplomatic skills, why did the Saudi King not go out to greet him at the steps of Air Force One like he did with Trump?

We're supposed to upset that the KING of one of the most oppressive Muslim nations in the world didn't like our president Obama?

Goddam that's funny.
I guess when the rubber hits the road, instant flat tires on the Trumpmobile

looks like Agent Orange is finally appreciating Obama's outstanding diplomatic skills, bout time!
Shut up Johnny Applesack-Of-Shit! Watch his speech. The Muslims are very aware of how Trump feels about radical Islam.

Oh, if Obama had outstanding diplomatic skills, why did the Saudi King not go out to greet him at the steps of Air Force One like he did with Trump?
Because the words were too big.
The Saudis know very well what Trump thinks of radical muslims. They also know that much of the radicalism originates in their country. Radical islam is as much a threat to the Saudi royal family as it is to average citizens in Europe and America.

The Saudis and Iranians are ancient muslim enemies, Sunni vs Shite. The Saudis want Iran contained as much as we and Israel do.

It is obvious by some of the posts on this thread that there are very few posters who know anything about Islam, Arabs, or the middle east.
You are correct. But I have to ask, where did those 9/11 terrorists come from? Isn't the reason because the royal family needs to appease some of the more terroristic elements of his society so they don't attack the king?

The Saudi royal family needs to eliminate the radicals in order to remain in power and to keep the petro dollars flowing into their country. Beheadings are not appeasement.

The Saudis do not allow Christian churches or Jewish temples in their country. They are not offended when Trump said the muslims should be banned from entering the USA. They, the Saudis, understand secure borders and immigration controls.
October 9, 2016, Second Presidential Debate:
These are radical Islamic terrorists and she won't even mention the word and nor will President Obama. He won't use the term radical Islamic terrorist, no. To solve a problem you have to be able to state what the problem is or at least, say the name. She won't say the name and President Obama won't say the name. But the name is there. It's radical Islamic terror. And before you solve it, you have to say the name.
-- Donald Trump​
already explained. nice try

??? Those words are Trump's and relevant to the topic no matter how often they are posted here. Had I known they were already posted, I would not have done so too, but the point is the same. Trump doesn't even live up to his own stated principles. For all his tough talk, it's clear that in truth, like most bullies, he's a coward.
But it didn't bother you that Obama called Bush unpatriotic then doubled what Bush did? LOL
I guess when the rubber hits the road, instant flat tires on the Trumpmobile

looks like Agent Orange is finally appreciating Obama's outstanding diplomatic skills, bout time!
Shut up Johnny Applesack-Of-Shit! Watch his speech. The Muslims are very aware of how Trump feels about radical Islam.

Oh, if Obama had outstanding diplomatic skills, why did the Saudi King not go out to greet him at the steps of Air Force One like he did with Trump?

We're supposed to upset that the KING of one of the most oppressive Muslim nations in the world didn't like our president Obama?

Goddam that's funny.

No, you supposed to be upset that they liked Hillary. A lot.
I guess when the rubber hits the road, instant flat tires on the Trumpmobile

looks like Agent Orange is finally appreciating Obama's outstanding diplomatic skills, bout time!
Shut up Johnny Applesack-Of-Shit! Watch his speech. The Muslims are very aware of how Trump feels about radical Islam.

Oh, if Obama had outstanding diplomatic skills, why did the Saudi King not go out to greet him at the steps of Air Force One like he did with Trump?

We're supposed to upset that the KING of one of the most oppressive Muslim nations in the world didn't like our president Obama?

Goddam that's funny.

wrong, we should be upset because Obama bowed and kowtowed to the Saudi king. The Saudis considered Obama a weak beta male and a joke. Trump received respect and treatment like a foreign leader should be treated. The Arabs laughed at Obama.
October 9, 2016, Second Presidential Debate:
These are radical Islamic terrorists and she won't even mention the word and nor will President Obama. He won't use the term radical Islamic terrorist, no. To solve a problem you have to be able to state what the problem is or at least, say the name. She won't say the name and President Obama won't say the name. But the name is there. It's radical Islamic terror. And before you solve it, you have to say the name.
-- Donald Trump​
already explained. nice try

??? Those words are Trump's and relevant to the topic no matter how often they are posted here. Had I known they were already posted, I would not have done so too, but the point is the same. Trump doesn't even live up to his own stated principles. For all his tough talk, it's clear that in truth, like most bullies, he's a coward.

see post #21
October 9, 2016, Second Presidential Debate:
These are radical Islamic terrorists and she won't even mention the word and nor will President Obama. He won't use the term radical Islamic terrorist, no. To solve a problem you have to be able to state what the problem is or at least, say the name. She won't say the name and President Obama won't say the name. But the name is there. It's radical Islamic terror. And before you solve it, you have to say the name.
-- Donald Trump​
already explained. nice try

??? Those words are Trump's and relevant to the topic no matter how often they are posted here. Had I known they were already posted, I would not have done so too, but the point is the same. Trump doesn't even live up to his own stated principles. For all his tough talk, it's clear that in truth, like most bullies, he's a coward.

see post #21
Thank you.
I guess when the rubber hits the road, instant flat tires on the Trumpmobile

looks like Agent Orange is finally appreciating Obama's outstanding diplomatic skills, bout time!
Shut up Johnny Applesack-Of-Shit! Watch his speech. The Muslims are very aware of how Trump feels about radical Islam.

Oh, if Obama had outstanding diplomatic skills, why did the Saudi King not go out to greet him at the steps of Air Force One like he did with Trump?

We're supposed to upset that the KING of one of the most oppressive Muslim nations in the world didn't like our president Obama?

Goddam that's funny.

wrong, we should be upset because Obama bowed and kowtowed to the Saudi king. The Saudis considered Obama a weak beta male and a joke. Trump received respect and treatment like a foreign leader should be treated. The Arabs laughed at Obama.

^^^ this coming from a supporter who refuses to believe that trump is putin's bitch.
I guess when the rubber hits the road, instant flat tires on the Trumpmobile

looks like Agent Orange is finally appreciating Obama's outstanding diplomatic skills, bout time!

So one of your treasonous news sources already knows what The PRESIDENT said in confidential meetings and has made the words public? I think as always you are a LIAR just like every other liberal turd sucker, vomit spitter on the board.Aparently you didn't watch all of the released footage or all of the speeches you just jumped on another attack lie. BOOHOO your group of shit is falling and your mouthpieces are drowning in their OWN shit. MAGGOTS IN YOUR MINDS!!! (PFDGC)

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