Trump refuses to commit to election results... BUT

He accepted the sup ct decision.

The fact it got that far was because he sued the State of Florida. Bush countered by appealing to the Supreme Court. And since the Supreme Court has the final word on such matters, the matter was settled when they ruled the recounts there unconstitutional.

Gore accepted the outcome of the 2000 General Election.

You're a ridiculous liar, typical of most Trump supporters.

Good Lord, what fucking planet are you living on? Why do you liberals always insist on rewriting history? lol I'm actually laughing out loud right now!
Al Gore didn't accept the results of the 2000 election either. He sued the State of Florida to force a recount in largely Democratic counties. So Trump wasn't alone. What he said is nothing close to a headline, there is actual precedent involved here.

So what's the big deal?

Al Gore waited until after the election and the vote was very close, so close that he asked for a recount. In the end he lost his court battles and conceded. He never said the system was rigged. Big huge difference.

Yes, creating a constitutional crises is wayyyyyyy better, right?
Al Gore didn't accept the results of the 2000 election either. He sued the State of Florida to force a recount in largely Democratic counties.
Gore didn't sue; he asked for a recount. The Republicans sued to stop it. They lost in the FLSC and won in the USSC.
Al Gore didn't accept the results of the 2000 election either. He sued the State of Florida to force a recount in largely Democratic counties. So Trump wasn't alone. What he said is nothing close to a headline, there is actual precedent involved here.

So what's the big deal?

Al Gore waited until after the election and the vote was very close, so close that he asked for a recount. In the end he lost his court battles and conceded. He never said the system was rigged. Big huge difference.

Yes, creating a constitutional crises is wayyyyyyy better, right?

See the post below yours.
Al Gore didn't accept the results of the 2000 election either. He sued the State of Florida to force a recount in largely Democratic counties.
Gore didn't sue; he asked for a recount. The Republicans sued to stop it. They lost in the FLSC and won in the USSC.
He did not win his home state and tried to stop the count of Armed Forces members overseas ballots. Also, it was a Democrat County Clerk that signed off on the butterfly ballot that was such a mess.
He accepted the sup ct decision.
And so will Trump if it comes to that.

Trump simply made a general statement that he is not going to blindly accept "the results" meaning what? The final results after all court settlements? The initial media declarations of who won? What exactly?

We dont know, but the liberals are out in full force right now trying to spin this toward Trump calling for the violent over throw of the US government.
Al Gore didn't accept the results of the 2000 election either. He sued the State of Florida to force a recount in largely Democratic counties. So Trump wasn't alone. What he said is nothing close to a headline, there is actual precedent involved here.

So what's the big deal?
An ignorant, desperate, and lame thread premise.
wasnt that an "ad hoc" premise?....
He accepted the sup ct decision.

The fact it got that far was because he sued the State of Florida. Bush countered by appealing to the Supreme Court. And since the Supreme Court has the final word on such matters, the matter was settled when they ruled the recounts there unconstitutional.

Gore accepted the outcome of the 2000 General Election.

You're a ridiculous liar, typical of most Trump supporters.
is this a "red herring fallacy"?.....
Al Gore didn't accept the results of the 2000 election either. He sued the State of Florida to force a recount in largely Democratic counties. So Trump wasn't alone. What he said is nothing close to a headline, there is actual precedent involved here.

So what's the big deal?

Al Gore waited until after the election and the vote was very close, so close that he asked for a recount. In the end he lost his court battles and conceded. He never said the system was rigged. Big huge difference.
He didn't, but all his petulant douche bag supporters did. They've been saying it ever since.
Al Gore didn't accept the results of the 2000 election either. He sued the State of Florida to force a recount in largely Democratic counties. So Trump wasn't alone. What he said is nothing close to a headline, there is actual precedent involved here.

So what's the big deal?

Al Gore waited until after the election and the vote was very close, so close that he asked for a recount. In the end he lost his court battles and conceded. He never said the system was rigged. Big huge difference.

Yes, creating a constitutional crises is wayyyyyyy better, right?

See the post below yours.

I did, it admits the OP is correct and Al Gore did NOT accept the results, thus causing a constitutional crises.

Reading comp ain't your best subject, aye?
Al Gore didn't accept the results of the 2000 election either. He sued the State of Florida to force a recount in largely Democratic counties. So Trump wasn't alone. What he said is nothing close to a headline, there is actual precedent involved here.

So what's the big deal?

Bullshit. Yes, he did. Florida in 2000 was a special case of electile dysfunction - with Governor Jeb Bush and Secretary of State Katherine Harris. Al Gore was robbed. That election really was rigged with rampant voter suppression and voter disenfranchisement. Then, the NaziCon Supreme Court screwed Gore.

Florida 'recounts' make Gore winner | World news | The Guardian

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