Trump refuses to commit to election results... BUT

Why should he or anyone else promise to accept the results before election night? We already know there is rampant election fraud being done by the Democrats. No one should just automatically accept results when we know there is cheating going on.

Any other GOPer would take it lying down. Luckily Trump isn't GOP.
Al Gore didn't accept the results of the 2000 election either. He sued the State of Florida to force a recount in largely Democratic counties. So Trump wasn't alone. What he said is nothing close to a headline, there is actual precedent involved here.

So what's the big deal?

Al Gore waited until after the election and the vote was very close, so close that he asked for a recount. In the end he lost his court battles and conceded. He never said the system was rigged. Big huge difference.
Actually, the closeness of the Fl. results triggered an automatic recount.

Yep, true.
Al Gore didn't accept the results of the 2000 election either. He sued the State of Florida to force a recount in largely Democratic counties. So Trump wasn't alone. What he said is nothing close to a headline, there is actual precedent involved here.

So what's the big deal?
The election process provides bringing in the courts on a close race. One where the electoral count went to Bush but the popular vote to Gore.
The system played out. Gore conceded and asked we all work together.
He never said the system was rigged. Big huge difference.

Sorry, I know you're trying to twist it. But the fact of the matter is that Gore had the chance to concede on election night, but he instead chose to sue for a recount. Actions speak louder than words Joy. That's the difference.

EDIT: And what else could Gore do after the Supreme Court ruled against him? He would have risked his political career had he continued to challenge.

Gore did concede. However the results were very close, he didn't claim our system of democracy was a sham, he fought to have the votes recounted, big difference. What Trump is saying and what happened in 2000 have nothing to do with each other.

Gore whined like a sniveling little baby. Just like Wisconsin liberals did when Governor Scott Walker won - again. It's what liberal do. So if Trump loses I hope he holds out forever.
Why should he or anyone else promise to accept the results before election night? We already know there is rampant election fraud being done by the Democrats. No one should just automatically accept results when we know there is cheating going on.

Any other GOPer would take it lying down. Luckily Trump isn't GOP.

There isn't rampant election fraud outside of right wing fever dreams.
Al Gore didn't accept the results of the 2000 election either. He sued the State of Florida to force a recount in largely Democratic counties. So Trump wasn't alone. What he said is nothing close to a headline, there is actual precedent involved here.

So what's the big deal?

That was my first thought as well. Gore refused to accept defeat. Chris Wallace was wrong on that one. This is why Trump will make better President.
Wrong. Automatic recount. Gore good man, Trump scumbag LOL. Just SCREWED himself tonight. HAHA.
He accepted the sup ct decision.

The fact it got that far was because he sued the State of Florida. Bush countered by appealing to the Supreme Court. And since the Supreme Court has the final word on such matters, the matter was settled when they ruled the recounts there unconstitutional.

Gore accepted the outcome of the 2000 General Election.

You're a ridiculous liar, typical of most Trump supporters.
Al Gore didn't accept the results of the 2000 election either. He sued the State of Florida to force a recount in largely Democratic counties. So Trump wasn't alone. What he said is nothing close to a headline, there is actual precedent involved here.

So what's the big deal?
Very true. He fought it for months.
Al Gore didn't accept the results of the 2000 election either. He sued the State of Florida to force a recount in largely Democratic counties. So Trump wasn't alone. What he said is nothing close to a headline, there is actual precedent involved here.

So what's the big deal?
And the Republicans slapped the sore loser tag on him. I wonder how much their thinking has changed in sixteen years?
Al Gore didn't accept the results of the 2000 election either. He sued the State of Florida to force a recount in largely Democratic counties. So Trump wasn't alone. What he said is nothing close to a headline, there is actual precedent involved here.

So what's the big deal?
Due to the election results of being less than 500 votes between the two in 2000, Florida Election LAW required an automatic RECOUNT....Al Gore did not suggest it or request it, it was the Law....Florida came to him and asked Gore which counties he wanted a recount in, per their law....

Bush brought the case to the US Supreme court and did not accept what Florida Election law and the State Supreme Court's rulings on their State election Laws... bush USURP State Law and State decisions and brought in the Federal Government...the US SUPREME Court to rule in their much for Republicans believing in State rights, and States running their own elections....

Al Gore accepted the results of the election, once the State finished their automatic recount.
Hopefully he'll lead the red states to follow him and leave the blue states to their deserved fate.

If Hillary wins secession will be the only way to preserve America.
Good comment for Trump. Play the angle.
A.) He leaves the door open to fight voter fraud that Democrats are notorious for going back to Illinois in 1960.
B.) Shows his supporters and independent voters, "I'm in it to win it."
C.) Hillary and Democrats biggest problem is the "trust issue."
Al Gore didn't accept the results of the 2000 election either. He sued the State of Florida to force a recount in largely Democratic counties. So Trump wasn't alone. What he said is nothing close to a headline, there is actual precedent involved here.

So what's the big deal?

that is a gore DID accept the results

there is a difference between asking for a recount when the secretary of state is engaged in shenanigans on behalf of the brother of the governor.... and not accepting the results after the supreme court ruled -- which given the intentional manipulation of the system on behalf of the GOP by the right wing of the court, would have been understandable. gore didn't do it.

there is no one defending donald refusing to accept the outcome.

everyone in the GOP is saying it is disqualifying.
He never said the system was rigged. Big huge difference.

Sorry, I know you're trying to twist it. But the fact of the matter is that Gore had the chance to concede on election night, but he instead chose to sue for a recount. Actions speak louder than words Joy. That's the difference.

EDIT: And what else could Gore do after the Supreme Court ruled against him? He would have risked his political career had he continued to challenge.

Gore did concede. However the results were very close, he didn't claim our system of democracy was a sham, he fought to have the votes recounted, big difference. What Trump is saying and what happened in 2000 have nothing to do with each other.

Gore whined like a sniveling little baby. Just like Wisconsin liberals did when Governor Scott Walker won - again. It's what liberal do. So if Trump loses I hope he holds out forever.
You're delusional.
He accepted the sup ct decision.

The fact it got that far was because he sued the State of Florida. Bush countered by appealing to the Supreme Court. And since the Supreme Court has the final word on such matters, the matter was settled when they ruled the recounts there unconstitutional.

Gore accepted the outcome of the 2000 General Election.

You're a ridiculous liar, typical of most Trump supporters.
Sure as fuck did not. What a liar.

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