Trump removed from Colorado ballot

Which is why it will go to SCOTUS immediately. The Democrat Party is so vile and corrupt it will do ANYTHING to retain its power. But this should not stand. If it does, I fear we have lost America completely and are living in some despotic country that bears no resemblance to the exceptional and successful experiment the Founders provided for us.
Even money that Roberts is too much of a moral coward to want to take the case.
And nobody has committed it. Trump has not been charged, convicted, or sentenced with it. Not a single J6 person arrested, charged, convicted, sentenced or facing court proceedings was charged with insurrection.
Show us in the 14th Amendment that a former President has to be charged, con-victed, or sentenced.
Which is why it will go to SCOTUS immediately. The Democrat Party is so vile and corrupt it will do ANYTHING to retain its power. But this should not stand. If it does, I fear we have lost America completely and are living in some despotic country that bears no resemblance to the exceptional and successful experiment the Founders provided for us.
Clearly, the irony of disenfranchising voters is lost on them.
It really isn’t that entirely. I’m sure a lot of conservatives oppose Trump. He’s a whiny, idiotic, orange sack of useless garbage. You don’t need to be leftist to see that obvious fact.
Unfortunately democrats are forcing the ambivalent into the Trump camp. Even some democrats.
Colorado will not carry Trump on the 2024 election ballot.

He is an "insurrectionist" thus subject to the 14th Amendment

I am amazed.

From what I heard it was the upcoming GOP primary; not the general election.
Show us in the 14th Amendment that a former President has to be charged, con-victed, or sentenced.
Given the Federal government has prosecuted over 1,000 individuals in connection with the riot on January 6th and not charged a single one of them with "insurrection" it's quite presumptuous of this State court to second guess them.
Which is why it will go to SCOTUS immediately. The Democrat Party is so vile and corrupt it will do ANYTHING to retain its power. But this should not stand. If it does, I fear we have lost America completely and are living in some despotic country that bears no resemblance to the exceptional and successful experiment the Founders provided for us.
If this stands it will eventually end elections completely.
You lost a white Christian nationalist country that never existed,

Go cry yourself a river. America will be greater without him and you.
I think it might be really better off if people who feel about it as you do would go find something more to your liking elsewhere. I'll contribute to your moving expenses.
It would seem the Colorado convicted Trump of a crime he hasn’t even been officially charged with.

I thought in our nation a person was innocent until PROVEN guilty.

I don't get involved with all this white people shit.
I just love watching you people squirm.

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