Trump removed from Colorado ballot

Still better, warts and all, than anything the dems have or will ever have to offer given their continued leftist bent.....I bet you would not have millions of illegals crossing the border if Trump was still POTUS.
lol Trump certainly didn’t stop illegal immigration during his term even if it is worse now. Remember when he put troops on the border? One of the dumbest policy decisions ever. You really can’t defend it either because they accomplished absolutely nothing the short time they were there. Hell can you imagine if they shot someone wo was unarmed?! Maybe you would have been okay with that but that’s a court martial right there
If Colorado is successful Democrats will use the same arguments to remove every republican from every ballot.
Which is why it will go to SCOTUS immediately. The Democrat Party is so vile and corrupt it will do ANYTHING to retain its power. But this should not stand. If it does, I fear we have lost America completely and are living in some despotic country that bears no resemblance to the exceptional and successful experiment the Founders provided for us.
He is not an officer. It says nothing about 'Executive office' in the 14th.

There is a recent Supreme Court opinion discussing the scope of the Constitution's "Officers of the United States"-language. In Free Enter. Fund v. Pub. Co. Accounting Oversight Bd. (2010), Chief Justice Roberts observed that "[t]he people do not vote for the 'Officers of the United States.'"
Rather, "officers of the United States" are appointed exclusively pursuant to Article II, Section 2 procedures. It follows that the President, who is an elected official, is not an "officer of the United States."
The CO Supreme Court has embarrassed themselves.
Nope. Insurrection isn't a made-up crime.
And nobody has committed it. Trump has not been charged, convicted, or sentenced with it. Not a single J6 person arrested, charged, convicted, sentenced or facing court proceedings was charged with insurrection.
Colorado will not carry Trump on the 2024 election ballot.

He is an "insurrectionist" thus subject to the 14th Amendment

I am amazed.

Don’t get your hopes up (if they are up). This won’t stand.

Nor should it in my view. Its why I am against term limits; nobody should tell me or anyone else whom I can vote for.

Now if there is a law against felons running for office in Colorado, that is fine and what have you but the blob hasn’t been convicted of anything...yet.

So not only do I disagree with this decision by the Colorado Supreme Court to bar him from the Colorado Primary, I find it suspicious that the reason they are barring him hasn’t been settled in a court of law.

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