Trump reportedly asked about building alligator & snake-filled border moat at height of wall tension

Trump reportedly asked about building alligator-filled border moat

from the report:

“You are making me look like an idiot!” Trump shouted to those in the room. “I ran on this. It’s my issue.”
And you are dumb enough to believe it huh....

He doesn't believe that any more than you or I do. He's just doing what he does and trolling to stir the pot and get rep points from both sides. He is in constant troll mode, lol.

Rep points for what?

To wit, he has half as many posts as you and has been here half as long, and has nearly as many trophy points. By playing both sides of the argument he gathers "winner" ratings from everyone. But that's secondary to the pot stirring. His posts are pretty funny when you keep that in mind.
So you liberals want Mexicans to get across the border and into America?
Does that include shooting them on sight? Does that include booby trapping the border?

Why don't we just change the name United States to East Berlin and call it a day?

The wall in East Berlin was to keep people in, not out! Big difference!
Oh. I see. The purpose of the wall changes the legality and morality of the wall.

Kind of like shooting someone in their own apartment mistaking it for your own can justify the killing.

Kind of like jailing children for the sins of their parents can make jailing childrenmokay.

Kind of like mocking the disabled to defend your own mistakes makes mocking the disabled okay.

Morals and ethics can melt away with a good enough justification.
Kinda Like Murdering 50 Million Black Babies in Planned Parenthood Extermination Centers and calling it "Choice" and not Genocide!

Kinda like telling children that there is no such thing as an XX and XY Chromosome and that sex with adults is a beautiful thing as they teach in California Schools.

Need I go further?
No. You've mastered rumor and fear mongering. Perhaps stick to facts.
Fear Mongering is all that your party runs on , or do you forget three years of calling Trump a Russian Asset and an Agent of The Kremlin? Where is your Russian Collusion now?

In Al Capone's Vault, or Hillary Von Cankles Granny Panties?

Now you moved on to your next scam, Joe Biden didn't extort the Ukraine to quit investigating his drug addict son, and wasn't getting kickbacks using his son to launder mob money from The Ukraine, but somehow Trump was wrong to ask The Ukraine to cooperate in an already existent criminal investigation in the The Fake Russian Collusion Hoax?

And then there is the biggest Fear Mongering Scam of all..... The Green New Scam.
Is it worth shooting people?

Brutal, violent MS-13 Gang Members infesting and spreading out al lover the country...

Human Traffickers not only bringing foreign women / children - little girls - into the US but also kidnapping and trafficking US children - girls - out of the country...

Murderers, rapists, pedophiles, DOI-associated vehicular Man-slaughter, robbers / thieves entering the US, destroying US citizens' lives...

22+ MILLION illegals in the country already and TENS OF THOUSANDS continuing to illegally cross every month, thanks to Democratic Party facilitating violations of existing US Immigration law...

MILLIONS of SEIZED / MIS-USED Middle Class tax dollars and added Deficit dollars - money we do not have because we are WORSE than 'broke' - spent on building new facilities to house / feed / care for the flood of illegals crossing the border, spent on funding Federal Law-violating Sanctuary Cities that provides criminal sanctuary for foreign criminal illegals who break our laws and prey upon our citizens, spent on giving these criminals 'FREE*' medical care, housing, food, education, etc... while California is creating a 'Homeless Hell' of homeless, poor, needy Democrat Politician-ignored American citizens...

Our national sovereignty....

Our national security...

The protection of our American citizens...

Ask the family members of ANY of the Americans on this list if shooting / wounding the criminal who killed their loved one to prevent them from illegally entering the US and committing the crime would be / woud have been worth it:
- Victims of Illegal Aliens Memorial

Yup. Shooting / wounding of violent foreign illegals attempting to illegally cross into the US would be worth it. Put the signs up - 'Violators Will Be Shot' 1st. You would not have to shoot many - the word would quickly go out it was happening, & it would stop...or all but stop.
Trump reportedly asked about building alligator-filled border moat

from the report:

“You are making me look like an idiot!” Trump shouted to those in the room. “I ran on this. It’s my issue.”
Given his statement about them making him look like an idiot (which he does a fine job of doing on his own) in context, makes be believe that the alligator-filled moat was not a serious suggestion. Rather, it was part of his rant regarding this important issue on which he ran.

Somebody said: "The left-wing media will take Trump literally on everything, but will take him seriously no nothing."
Oh. I see. The purpose of the wall changes the legality and morality of the wall.
The purpose of the wall is to enforce existing US Immigration law - which the Democrats are helping to violate, to defend our national sovereignty, and to protect the American people.
Is it worth shooting people?
Ask yourself the same fucking question...

...when it comes to Taxes, Jury Duty, Guns, Subpoenas, Traffic Laws...ANYTHING ELSE...

Shouldn't we just let people break the law without the underlying threat of deadly force.

That is all government is. Force.

Is it worth shooting people to enforce those other laws?

Why is this different?

Is it worth shooting people?

Brutal, violent MS-13 Gang Members infesting and spreading out al lover the country...

Human Traffickers not only bringing foreign women / children - little girls - into the US but also kidnapping and trafficking US children - girls - out of the country...

Murderers, rapists, pedophiles, DOI-associated vehicular Man-slaughter, robbers / thieves entering the US, destroying US citizens' lives...

22+ MILLION illegals in the country already and TENS OF THOUSANDS continuing to illegally cross every month, thanks to Democratic Party facilitating violations of existing US Immigration law...

MILLIONS of SEIZED / MIS-USED Middle Class tax dollars and added Deficit dollars - money we do not have because we are WORSE than 'broke' - spent on building new facilities to house / feed / care for the flood of illegals crossing the border, spent on funding Federal Law-violating Sanctuary Cities that provides criminal sanctuary for foreign criminal illegals who break our laws and prey upon our citizens, spent on giving these criminals 'FREE*' medical care, housing, food, education, etc... while California is creating a 'Homeless Hell' of homeless, poor, needy Democrat Politician-ignored American citizens...

Our national sovereignty....

Our national security...

The protection of our American citizens...

Ask the family members of ANY of the Americans on this list if shooting / wounding the criminal who killed their loved one to prevent them from illegally entering the US and committing the crime would be / woud have been worth it:
- Victims of Illegal Aliens Memorial

Yup. Shooting / wounding of violent foreign illegals attempting to illegally cross into the US would be worth it. Put the signs up - 'Violators Will Be Shot' 1st. You would not have to shoot many - the word would quickly go out it was happening, & it would stop...or all but stop.
I suppose each and every immigrant is an MS-13 gamgbanger, a rapist, human trafficker, pedophile and who knows, even a Democrat, a Muslim or a low I.Q. individual.

When you live in fear you lose your mind.
I suppose each and every immigrant is an MS-13 gamgbanger, a rapist, human trafficker, pedophile and who knows, even a Democrat, a Muslim or a low I.Q. individual.
You can 'suppose' that all you want. You'd be wrong, but you can 'suppose' all you want.

Why do you snowflakes always have to try to spin the discussion / issue into something it is NOT? This has nothing to do with 'FEAR'.
- It has to do with our national sovereignty.

- It has to do with our national security.

- It has to do with protecting US citizens.

- - It has to do with ILLEGAL Immigration, the MASS influx / invasion of MILLIONS of criminal illegals into the United states.

- It has to do with taking care of homeless/hungry/needy AMERICANS 1st before taking millions from them to give to illegals

- It has to do with a county that would have to pay $22.7+ Trillion in debt off just to be 'Broke', spending millions on illegals, inviting more in, and claiming you are going to pay for their medical/housing/food/education/etc....HOW? You are $22.7+ TRILLION in debt....

- It has to do with the enforcement of existing US Immigration law & the Democrats' continuous violations of it.
"Okay, Mr. President, now you're losing me again ... Trump Denies Washington Post Report That He Wanted Moat, Electric Fence on the Border." - Wacky Ann Coulter
So you liberals want Mexicans to get across the border and into America?
Does that include shooting them on sight? Does that include booby trapping the border?

Why don't we just change the name United States to East Berlin and call it a day?

The wall in East Berlin was to keep people in, not out! Big difference!
Oh. I see. The purpose of the wall changes the legality and morality of the wall.

Kind of like shooting someone in their own apartment mistaking it for your own can justify the killing.

Kind of like jailing children for the sins of their parents can make jailing children okay.

Kind of like mocking the disabled to defend your own mistakes makes mocking the disabled okay.

Morals and ethics can melt away with a good enough justification.

The morality and legality of this wall were never in question for anyone with a functioning brain.

The mistake of shooting someone in their apartment was judged to be murder and she was given 10 years in prison.

Jailing children is the alternative for letting them wander aimlessly through Mexico.

The only disabled I mock are the willfully stupid, like yourself.
So you liberals want Mexicans to get across the border and into America?
Does that include shooting them on sight? Does that include booby trapping the border?

Why don't we just change the name United States to East Berlin and call it a day?
60 years of looking the other way and laughing it up has made a deep impression on our nation. It seems people are coming here to become where they came from with the help of citizen morons.
karpenter said:
I Want 30' Walls
Couple Rows Of Razor Ribbons
Machine Gun Towers, Dogs
And The Whole Line Rigged With Bouncing Betty's
Some Open Trenches Beyond That
May Give Them Pause
the wall will be built by the end of next year my friends. brick by brick, the wall will be built!

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