Trump Republicans Can't Hide

I asked for specifics. What you posted is utterly meaningless. What material? Which case? Specify the case by the claimant to I can look it up. If all you have is a generic, 'nuh-uh,' then you have nothing.
Well the people who requested claimed fraud have it. Why do you think I have it? Again, 2000 mules explains the other factors
I am not authorized to speak for the U.S. Department of Justice.

The focus is now upon the revelations, regardless of whatever prosecutions follow. I don't expect that to be limited to the hundreds of Trump goons who attacked the Capitol and were identified and apprehended.
We can rest assured that, if the DOJ does indict and take this to court, the rubes will deny (1) any and all evidence that is presented, and (2) any and all sworn witness testimony that is provided. It will all be fake news.

Their denial and delusion keeps them safe and comfy.
So you have no fucking clue what you're talking about.

I figured.
If the judges threw the affidavits out, how does one see the evidence the person who filed it had brought in? Come on genius, explain that to me? The affidavit isn't the evidence, it's a sworn statement the person had a claim against someone.

It is you who is clueless.
We can rest assured that, if the DOJ does indict and take this to court, the rubes will deny (1) any and all evidence that is presented, and (2) any and all sworn witness testimony that is provided. It will all be fake news.

Their denial and delusion keeps them safe and comfy.
No way any show indictment even gets filed...You know what comes with being charged don't you? Discovery....Libs like you can't afford that after the monkey cage shit throwing show you've supported and cheered on...
If the judges threw the affidavits out, how does one see the evidence the person who filed it had brought in? Come on genius, explain that to me? The affidavit isn't the evidence, it's a sworn statement the person had a claim against someone.

It is you who is clueless.

If a judge threw out an affidavit, that would only come after a case was filed. Can't you cite any specific cases you're talking sbout?? It appears not.
There is very little doubt. Donald J. Trump is working hard at being the biggest jerk on the planet!

With billions of dollars inherited from his fathers along with profitable properties and being a former President, Trump is well equipped to be a most extraordinary jerk.

As President, he destroyed an agreement that permanently barred Iran from making a nuke. He severely weakened NATO to the point that, in the end, NATO leaders refused to talk to him. Trump was impeached twice, exonerated by his own party by overlooking the evidence. He lost his reelection bid by seven million votes to a 78 year-old Democrat, then launched a coup attempt to overthrow the elected government.

Details of the coup attempt and Trump's involvement have been circulating over the past eighteen months, and the House committee has been conducting its hearing on live television for the past three weeks with more to come, including their final report just in time for the November mid-terms.

Anyone with half a brain and Trump's past history would logically think it is time to lie low. Besides, incredible as it may seem, Trump is serious about announcing his candidacy for President of the United States. Even more reason to be cool and keep your mouth shut.

But that is not Trump. He is ambitious He wants everyone to know he is the world's biggest asshole.

Fifteen of the 19 attackers on 9/11 were citizens of Saudi Arabia.

The Saudi leader, Mohammed bin Salman or MBS for short, ordered the killing and dismemberment of the US-based Saudi critic Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul in October 2018. Trump supported and defended the Saudi leader even though American intelligence was convinced MBS ordered the hit.

The golfing world has been dominated by talk of the LIV Golf Invitational Series, the Saudi-backed venture fronted by Greg Norman and LIV Golf Investments.

So, what does Trump do? He agrees to hold the third LIV tournament at Trump National Golf Club Bedminster in New Jersey. In your face, world, Bedminster is 50 miles from the hallowed ground in New York.

The season-closing Team Championship will be held at Trump National Doral.

Well, nobody’s gotten to the bottom of 9/11, unfortunately, and they should have as to the maniacs that did that horrible thing to our city, to our country, to our world. So nobody’s really been there. There are a lot of really great people that are out here today, and we’re gonna have a lot of fun,” Trump said.

The 9/11 Commission Report

Is a huge volume that was three years in the making. It is sitting on one of my bookshelves.

So, in addition to everything else, Trump is just downright stupid and has no idea what he is talking about.

So, the only question is, what does that say about Trump's followers, recalling he did attempt to overthrow our government. Simply denying the reality of that while ignoring the factors involved says a lot about Trump's followers, particularly from an intelligence standpoint.

Recalling that Vladimir Putin wanted this man to be our President, how can Americans support such a man? As can be seen, Trump works hard at being a complete idiot and a total jerk, and there are some who want him to run for President?
Now I see you're just lying as not all 61 cases were dismissed due to lack of standing. Your lies expose you have no fucking clue what you're talking about.
Yes they were
There is very little doubt. Donald J. Trump is working hard at being the biggest jerk on the planet!

With billions of dollars inherited from his fathers along with profitable properties and being a former President, Trump is well equipped to be a most extraordinary jerk.

As President, he destroyed an agreement that permanently barred Iran from making a nuke. He severely weakened NATO to the point that, in the end, NATO leaders refused to talk to him. Trump was impeached twice, exonerated by his own party by overlooking the evidence. He lost his reelection bid by seven million votes to a 78 year-old Democrat, then launched a coup attempt to overthrow the elected government.

Details of the coup attempt and Trump's involvement have been circulating over the past eighteen months, and the House committee has been conducting its hearing on live television for the past three weeks with more to come, including their final report just in time for the November mid-terms.

Anyone with half a brain and Trump's past history would logically think it is time to lie low. Besides, incredible as it may seem, Trump is serious about announcing his candidacy for President of the United States. Even more reason to be cool and keep your mouth shut.

But that is not Trump. He is ambitious He wants everyone to know he is the world's biggest asshole.

Fifteen of the 19 attackers on 9/11 were citizens of Saudi Arabia.

The Saudi leader, Mohammed bin Salman or MBS for short, ordered the killing and dismemberment of the US-based Saudi critic Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul in October 2018. Trump supported and defended the Saudi leader even though American intelligence was convinced MBS ordered the hit.

The golfing world has been dominated by talk of the LIV Golf Invitational Series, the Saudi-backed venture fronted by Greg Norman and LIV Golf Investments.

So, what does Trump do? He agrees to hold the third LIV tournament at Trump National Golf Club Bedminster in New Jersey. In your face, world, Bedminster is 50 miles from the hallowed ground in New York.

The season-closing Team Championship will be held at Trump National Doral.

Well, nobody’s gotten to the bottom of 9/11, unfortunately, and they should have as to the maniacs that did that horrible thing to our city, to our country, to our world. So nobody’s really been there. There are a lot of really great people that are out here today, and we’re gonna have a lot of fun,” Trump said.

The 9/11 Commission Report

Is a huge volume that was three years in the making. It is sitting on one of my bookshelves.

So, in addition to everything else, Trump is just downright stupid and has no idea what he is talking about.

So, the only question is, what does that say about Trump's followers, recalling he did attempt to overthrow our government. Simply denying the reality of that while ignoring the factors involved says a lot about Trump's followers, particularly from an intelligence standpoint.

Recalling that Vladimir Putin wanted this man to be our President, how can Americans support such a man? As can be seen, Trump works hard at being a complete idiot and a total jerk, and there are some who want him to run for President?
Just shut up stupid. Why anyone wastes their time responding to your childish lies is beyond me. You know nothing about a single one of any of those cases, and everything you were saying about them is false and has just been pulled right out of your ass.

Conservative Congresswoman Liz Cheney was banished from Republican House leadership because she insisted upon maintaining the truth that minority leader Kevin McCarthy had openly acknowledged:

View attachment 489391
“The president bears responsibility for Wednesday’s attack on Congress by mob rioters.”
[House Minority Leader McCarthy blames Trump for riot but opposes impeachment]
Trumped officeholders desperately hoped to sweep his goons' assault upon democracy under the rug.

Their farting past the graveyard was a doomed strategy.

Lawmakers announce deal on bipartisan Jan. 6 commission​

Progress on the commission to investigate the Capitol riot stalled for months amid partisan sniping
and disagreements about the scope of the commission's focus.

The bill could come to the floor “as soon as next week,” Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced Friday, noting that the panel is modeled after a bipartisan study of events leading up to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. That floor vote will likely be followed by a long-awaited emergency funding bill to address security flaws within the Capitol that the siege exposed.
“It is imperative that we seek the truth of what happened on January 6 with an independent, bipartisan 9/11-type Commission to examine and report upon the facts, causes and security relating to the terrorist mob attack,” Pelosi said in a statement.
The bill could come to the floor “as soon as next week,” Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced Friday, noting that the panel is modeled after a bipartisan study of events leading up to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. That floor vote will likely be followed by a long-awaited emergency funding bill to address security flaws within the Capitol that the siege exposed.
“It is imperative that we seek the truth of what happened on January 6 with an independent, bipartisan 9/11-type Commission to examine and report upon the facts, causes and security relating to the terrorist mob attack,” Pelosi said in a statement.
Trumpers had desperately hoped to dilute the commission's mission, but its focus will be limited to the Jan. 6 attack and factors leading up to it.

Some Trump bum kissers had tried to downplay the violence at the Capitol that day. One crackpot, Rep. Andrew Clyde (R-Ga.), actually compared the mob’s behavior to “a tourist visit.”

The truth commission will coincide with hundreds of Trump goons who were identified and apprehended being prosecuted.
We aren’t hiding.
Conservative judges threw the frivolous challenges out, as well, Trump appointees included.
E.g., Trump-appointed judge denies appeal in Pennsylvania
No Republican litigator anywhere has since filed any challenges to the election, because the evidence needed to do so has not been contrived. The Trump cult's only refuge is the enfeebled Trump propaganda machine, not the judicial ststem.

Sometimes you think someone is on your side and then you find out they're not.
Just shut up stupid. Why anyone wastes their time responding to your childish lies is beyond me. You know nothing about a single one of any of those cases, and everything you were saying about them is false and has just been pulled right out of your ass.
All 61

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