Trump Republicans: What is the main reason you want Trump '24? Poll

Trump Republicans: What is the main reason you want Trump '24?

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I was interested in DeS there for a time and still am if it comes down to it

ditto Ramsy. I like Scott also but he is not as ... I hate to use the word Strong.. but he's not as... pushy? as Trump so I would worry about him standing up to the Ds in Congress and China and etc....

But seriously, Trump has paid the price and then some to get the term that he should have had.

If we don't stand behind him, it's like saying that it doesn' matter that the corrupt govt agencies are persecuting US

and when they persecute Trump, they are indeed persecuting US!

If they get away with this... LOOK OUT!

You are not safe if your president is not!

Tell it to the judges.
What's Done Is Done

It would have shaken things up too much to re-do the election. To preserve order, the judges had to dismiss the evidence. They were influenced by fear of the anarchy of doubtful elections. The same goes for the Bush/Gore confusion and was the reason Nixon didn't protest Kennedy's crooked election in 1960.

Anyway, if truth could be told, this controlled debate misses the point that we, the people, never had a referendum on the Voting Rights Act and the Immigration Act of the 1960s. It's common knowledge that they were passed against the will of the majority at that time, so this undesirable and incompetent electorate itself is invalid. And so is any Constitution that deprives us of that natural right. Every club is allowed to vote on new members, but the American people aren't.
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Trump had 4 years to save America. Over a million people died because Trump didn't want to ruin his makeup, he crashed your economy, fractured NATO, and let Putin have his way in the Middle East, allowing the slaughter of the Kurds, and the release of thousands of ISIS fighters in both Syria and Afghanistan, and nearly starting WWIII with Iran.

He tore up all of your trade deals, and those deals he DID replace, lead to a better balance of trade for your trading partners, not the USA. Under Trump's NAFTA 2.0, Canada has gone from an $11 billion per year manufacturing surplus, to a
Trump was saving America and the left and old guard GOP couldn't stand how badly he was exposing their policies as ineffective and destructive so Dragonlady joined with them to unleash COVID upon the world to shut Trump down and make sure Biden was elected.

The above paragraph is totally false (I hope) but illustrates how utterly ridiculous arguments from the left can be. It couldn't possibly be more than two years of COVID lockdowns or stupid policy by Trudeau and his supporters and the gross ineptness of the Biden Administration that are causing Canada's woes. Nope. Everything is Trump's fault.
Who was rioting?

It's a myth that Nadler looks like a Congressman... Well, at least he's wearing the proper attire...
What's Done Is Done

It would have shaken things up too much to re-do the election. To preserve order, the judges had to dismiss the evidence. They were influenced by fear of the anarchy of doubtful elections. The same goes for the Bush/Gore confusion and was the reason Nixon didn't protest Kennedy's crooked election in 1960.
so after the Kennedy-Nixon thing and etc.. we now have more elections being messed with because no one wanted to stand up when it happened and actually do something!


who cares if people riot? That's what we have cops for.. I mean, sure, we don't want it.. but we can't have false elections, nullified votes.. just because of scotus cowardice.
Is that Nadler? I thought it was a before photo from an obesity clinic

Well, I've decided to be a little more charitable toward my political opponents in the future. It's fun to make fun of them but seriously, we are called to pray for them. They are on their way to Hell (the elite dims pushing baby murder and deleted borders....) and Hell is one AWFUL place where you never, ever escape.

So yeh... tell me we should not be praying for them?

And in any case, all the snark we could come up with re them will not make them behave...

Trump Republicans: What is the main reason you want Trump '24? Poll​

Not a Trumper, didn’t vote for him either time.
He deserves credit for ending the presidential aspirations of the Clintons and Bushes, and I do like the intensely irrational reaction he brings out in the absolutely worst hominids on the planet.
The problem is there are 9 Bidens involved in the payments scandal they have money transfer records of.

But Joe isn't one of them.
LOL, he is the ringleader, the boss, the "big guy". How can you be so ignorant?
Well, I've decided to be a little more charitable toward my political opponents in the future. It's fun to make fun of them but seriously, we are called to pray for them. They are on their way to Hell (the elite dims pushing baby murder and deleted borders....) and Hell is one AWFUL place where you never, ever escape.

So yeh... tell me we should not be praying for them?

And in any case, all the snark we could come up with re them will not make them behave...

Nadler is a nasty little hate filled man. I never pray against anyone. But to pray for him, he would have to want me to and he obviously doesn't think there is anything wrong with what he is doing. Supporting sex, drug and slave trafficking are fine with him if it gives him more power
so after the Kennedy-Nixon thing and etc.. we now have more elections being messed with because no one wanted to stand up when it happened and actually do something!


who cares if people riot? That's what we have cops for.. I mean, sure, we don't want it.. but we can't have false elections, nullified votes.. just because of scotus cowardice.
On This Sinking Ship, the Citizens Are the Poop Deck

We have no say in the matter. The SCROTUS interpreted the Constitution as giving it the right to interpret the Constitution. That's what "Begging the Question" really means, not the ruling class's media usage of that term.

Judicial tyrant John Marshall even allowed the bribery in the Yazoo Land Scandal to constitute an irrevocable sale.

Even back then, the ruling class was against the rest of the Whites. So Marshall ordered President Jackson to honor a sell-out to the Indigian savages. Jackson told him to go to hell.

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