Trump reverses course, says it's 'too soon' for Georgia Gov. Kemp to reopen state

1. the virus is no where near as deadly as they originally told us. (less than .5% mortality rate,
Your numbers are nowhere near close to correct.

So far it is ESTIMATED to be 1.5-3% mortality. That number will likely come 1% as more testing is done.

That is a HORRIFIC number of deaths if we let it run wild

Horrific? 60 thousand out of 330 million? About the same number that die of flu every year, fewer than die of car accidents, and ten times fewer than die from abortion. Any death from an invader virus is terrible, but we need to keep this in perspective. The wizards from the medical world originally told us 1 million americans could die from this virus. Were they wrong or were they lying? Why did China ban domestic travel but allow travel from Wuhan to the entire world? We need to get the real facts on this thing before running up the mountain screaming "the sky is falling"

60,000 die from the flu each year. This has killed 60,000 in two months. Just stop with the flu comparison bullshit. This is NOTHING like the flu.

You leftists keep squawking, "But that's EACH YEAR" like it's deeply significant. How many months out of a year is the flu active?

It's more than 45 fucking days, twat.

It's also been around a lot longer, we know a lot more about it, and we've had more time for our immune systems to adjust to it, twat. Would you like to talk about the influenza epidemics that wiped out entire swaths of continents back when they weren't so familiar?

Btw, did you miss where there's evidence that Covid-19 actually showed up earlier than we previously thought, twat?

Yeah, like a week. Don't be such an ignorant dripping slit.
1. the virus is no where near as deadly as they originally told us. (less than .5% mortality rate,
Your numbers are nowhere near close to correct.

So far it is ESTIMATED to be 1.5-3% mortality. That number will likely come 1% as more testing is done.

That is a HORRIFIC number of deaths if we let it run wild

Horrific? 60 thousand out of 330 million? About the same number that die of flu every year, fewer than die of car accidents, and ten times fewer than die from abortion. Any death from an invader virus is terrible, but we need to keep this in perspective. The wizards from the medical world originally told us 1 million americans could die from this virus. Were they wrong or were they lying? Why did China ban domestic travel but allow travel from Wuhan to the entire world? We need to get the real facts on this thing before running up the mountain screaming "the sky is falling"

60,000 die from the flu each year. This has killed 60,000 in two months. Just stop with the flu comparison bullshit. This is NOTHING like the flu.

in terms of mortality rates it is very much like the flu.

How many lives were lost to abortions since January? More than from the virus by a large margin, but those lives mean nothing to you, right?

Next, of the deaths that have been attributed to the virus, how many of those people would have died anyway due to their underlying medical conditions? Answer that and then we can talk about the virus sensibly. But you can't because there is no way to know, so we just count all of them as virus deaths. Does that really make sense to you?
No, idiot, in terms of mortality it is much, much worse.

Comparing COVID-19 Deaths to Flu Deaths Is like Comparing Apples to Oranges

By now you have probably seen people explaining that, “Actually, the coronavirus pandemic is not much different from the flu and all of this fuss is just a big overreaction.”
Or, “More people die in car accidents every year and you don’t see us shutting down auto travel, you big bunch of ninnies.”
It’s hard to know whether these arguments are just partisan bs meant to alibi Donald Trump, or if they are serious beliefs resulting from a misunderstanding of data.
Since it's you, fishy, it's probably both.

One of the mistakes being made by people who think that COVID-19 is “just like the flu” is that they don’t actually understand the reported death numbers for either virus.
The number most often cited for annual flu deaths is 60,000. This number is a composite. It includes a relatively small number of deaths directly ascribed to influenza (meaning, there was a positive flu-test involved) PLUS a much larger number of deaths from pneumonia, where it is assumed that because flu-like symptoms were present, the influenza virus was likely at play.
This is the exact opposite of how we’ve been tabulating COVID-19 deaths.
So right from the beginning, the COVID-19 and flu death numbers are apples and oranges:
  • The “flu death” numbers are mostly deaths that we assume are related to influenza, even though only a small minority of them were proven to have influenza present.
    • The COVID-19 numbers are made up only of deaths that have an accompanying positive test for coronavirus and leave out deaths from COVID-19 like symptoms.
The people that died, died of COVID 19. Their underlying condition didn't kill them, COVID did.

I don't know who the Bulwark is but they are lying in that article. Hint, witchey, everything you find on the internet is NOT true.
It doesn't matter who they are, links are provided. Dispute the findings then, moron.

"You have to treat all my links as reputable sources, even though I dismiss any link that contradicts me, because reality is defined by ME WISHING REALLY HARD!"

Sorry, buttcheeks, but the only one "wishing really hard" for data to support them is Trump and his ass lickers.

Yeah, maybe THIS time when you say, "No, I'm not wrong, YOU'RE wrong," the magic will happen and make it true.
1. the virus is no where near as deadly as they originally told us. (less than .5% mortality rate,
Your numbers are nowhere near close to correct.

So far it is ESTIMATED to be 1.5-3% mortality. That number will likely come 1% as more testing is done.

That is a HORRIFIC number of deaths if we let it run wild

Horrific? 60 thousand out of 330 million? About the same number that die of flu every year, fewer than die of car accidents, and ten times fewer than die from abortion. Any death from an invader virus is terrible, but we need to keep this in perspective. The wizards from the medical world originally told us 1 million americans could die from this virus. Were they wrong or were they lying? Why did China ban domestic travel but allow travel from Wuhan to the entire world? We need to get the real facts on this thing before running up the mountain screaming "the sky is falling"

60,000 die from the flu each year. This has killed 60,000 in two months. Just stop with the flu comparison bullshit. This is NOTHING like the flu.

in terms of mortality rates it is very much like the flu.

How many lives were lost to abortions since January? More than from the virus by a large margin, but those lives mean nothing to you, right?

Next, of the deaths that have been attributed to the virus, how many of those people would have died anyway due to their underlying medical conditions? Answer that and then we can talk about the virus sensibly. But you can't because there is no way to know, so we just count all of them as virus deaths. Does that really make sense to you?
No, idiot, in terms of mortality it is much, much worse.

Comparing COVID-19 Deaths to Flu Deaths Is like Comparing Apples to Oranges

By now you have probably seen people explaining that, “Actually, the coronavirus pandemic is not much different from the flu and all of this fuss is just a big overreaction.”
Or, “More people die in car accidents every year and you don’t see us shutting down auto travel, you big bunch of ninnies.”
It’s hard to know whether these arguments are just partisan bs meant to alibi Donald Trump, or if they are serious beliefs resulting from a misunderstanding of data.
Since it's you, fishy, it's probably both.

One of the mistakes being made by people who think that COVID-19 is “just like the flu” is that they don’t actually understand the reported death numbers for either virus.
The number most often cited for annual flu deaths is 60,000. This number is a composite. It includes a relatively small number of deaths directly ascribed to influenza (meaning, there was a positive flu-test involved) PLUS a much larger number of deaths from pneumonia, where it is assumed that because flu-like symptoms were present, the influenza virus was likely at play.
This is the exact opposite of how we’ve been tabulating COVID-19 deaths.
So right from the beginning, the COVID-19 and flu death numbers are apples and oranges:
  • The “flu death” numbers are mostly deaths that we assume are related to influenza, even though only a small minority of them were proven to have influenza present.
    • The COVID-19 numbers are made up only of deaths that have an accompanying positive test for coronavirus and leave out deaths from COVID-19 like symptoms.
The people that died, died of COVID 19. Their underlying condition didn't kill them, COVID did.

from your cite
The number most often cited for annual flu deaths is 60,000. This number is a composite. It includes a relatively small number of deaths directly ascribed to influenza (meaning, there was a positive flu-test involved) PLUS a much larger number of deaths from pneumonia, where it is assumed that because flu-like symptoms were present, the influenza virus was likely at play.

exactly the same as what is being done with the virus counts.

but you are free to live the rest of your life in your basement, going out is voluntary, not mandatory.
Wrong, imbecile. They are NOT doing with COVID what the do with the flu. Anyone listed as a COVID death tested positive for COVID 19. That is not true of influenza deaths.

Wrong, useful idiot. It's already been established and proven that they ARE marking deaths as "Covid-19" that weren't actually from Covid-19, and the fact that you so slavishly wanted to believe that the facts supported your treasured panic that you didn't bother to find out for sure doesn't mean anything except that you're the slave to agenda we always knew you were.

Wrong, you diseased dripping slit. Every person who is attributed to have died due to COVID 19 have tested positive for COVID 19. That is not true of people who are ascribed to flue deaths. (as the provided data points out even clearly enough for Trump butt sniffers)

Awww, Seabiscuit, why so bitter? Did someone interrupt your little fantasy where everything you want to believe is perfect and true and uttered by glowing unicorns with rainbow tails? GOOD. And since I love reminding you what a scorned nothing you are in the real world, let me just add this:

Colorado, by contrast, has included some deaths where the disease caused by the novel coronavirus was deemed probable — based on symptoms and possible exposure — but not confirmed through a test.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention updated its website this week to explicitly say that cases where the infection was not confirmed by a test may now be counted.

So much for your "EVERY death was tested" assertion. Feel free to piss off to wherever lifelong losers go.

That only happened when? Before the provided graph was produced...that still shows this virus to be considerably more deadly than the flu. This is worse than the flu. Get that through your Trump loving skulls before your ignorance kills you or someone else.
Oh and 60,000? That's already in the rear view window.

Tomorrow we pass 70, six weeks
The Times reports, "As Trump presses for states to reopen their economies, his administration is privately projecting a steady rise in the number of coronavirus cases and deaths over the next several weeks. The daily death toll will reach about 3,000 on June 1, according to an internal document obtained by The New York Times, nearly double the current number of about 1,750.

"The projections, based on government modeling pulled together in chart form by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, forecast about 200,000 new cases each day by the end of the month, up from about 25,000 cases a day currently."

This model is coming from the Trump administration.

So, is this.

The model provided by the Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington with its estimate of 72,000 deaths by early August was beginning to look absurd. The current death toll is nearly 70,000. What are they smoking in the White House?

That said, the new forecast projects nearly 135,000 deaths due to COVID-19 in the United States through the beginning of August mainly due to states reopening early and the failure of many Americans to avoid contact with one another. In addition, the coronavirus is not, repeat not, peaking.

In the meantime, to distract from his early failures in January and February and his fantasies that the virus would simply go away, Trump is picking a fight with China. Suddenly, he thinks this is a good time to restore Taiwan’s status as an observer at the World Health Organization. Instead of working with the community of nations to fight off a world-wide pandemic that has taken the lives of over a quarter of a million people, Trump creates a controversy designed to pull countries apart.

The enormous tragedy of all this: This is the worst crisis facing Earth since World War Two and Trump is the American President!
The Times reports, "As Trump presses for states to reopen their economies, his administration is privately projecting a steady rise in the number of coronavirus cases and deaths over the next several weeks. The daily death toll will reach about 3,000 on June 1, according to an internal document obtained by The New York Times, nearly double the current number of about 1,750.

"The projections, based on government modeling pulled together in chart form by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, forecast about 200,000 new cases each day by the end of the month, up from about 25,000 cases a day currently."

This model is coming from the Trump administration.

So, is this.

The model provided by the Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington with its estimate of 72,000 deaths by early August was beginning to look absurd. The current death toll is nearly 70,000. What are they smoking in the White House?

That said, the new forecast projects nearly 135,000 deaths due to COVID-19 in the United States through the beginning of August mainly due to states reopening early and the failure of many Americans to avoid contact with one another. In addition, the coronavirus is not, repeat not, peaking.

In the meantime, to distract from his early failures in January and February and his fantasies that the virus would simply go away, Trump is picking a fight with China. Suddenly, he thinks this is a good time to restore Taiwan’s status as an observer at the World Health Organization. Instead of working with the community of nations to fight off a world-wide pandemic that has taken the lives of over a quarter of a million people, Trump creates a controversy designed to pull countries apart.

The enormous tragedy of all this: This is the worst crisis facing Earth since World War Two and Trump is the American President!
I'd be cautious about this report
1. the virus is no where near as deadly as they originally told us. (less than .5% mortality rate,
Your numbers are nowhere near close to correct.

So far it is ESTIMATED to be 1.5-3% mortality. That number will likely come 1% as more testing is done.

That is a HORRIFIC number of deaths if we let it run wild

Horrific? 60 thousand out of 330 million? About the same number that die of flu every year, fewer than die of car accidents, and ten times fewer than die from abortion. Any death from an invader virus is terrible, but we need to keep this in perspective. The wizards from the medical world originally told us 1 million americans could die from this virus. Were they wrong or were they lying? Why did China ban domestic travel but allow travel from Wuhan to the entire world? We need to get the real facts on this thing before running up the mountain screaming "the sky is falling"

60,000 die from the flu each year. This has killed 60,000 in two months. Just stop with the flu comparison bullshit. This is NOTHING like the flu.

in terms of mortality rates it is very much like the flu.

How many lives were lost to abortions since January? More than from the virus by a large margin, but those lives mean nothing to you, right?

Next, of the deaths that have been attributed to the virus, how many of those people would have died anyway due to their underlying medical conditions? Answer that and then we can talk about the virus sensibly. But you can't because there is no way to know, so we just count all of them as virus deaths. Does that really make sense to you?
No, idiot, in terms of mortality it is much, much worse.

Comparing COVID-19 Deaths to Flu Deaths Is like Comparing Apples to Oranges

By now you have probably seen people explaining that, “Actually, the coronavirus pandemic is not much different from the flu and all of this fuss is just a big overreaction.”
Or, “More people die in car accidents every year and you don’t see us shutting down auto travel, you big bunch of ninnies.”
It’s hard to know whether these arguments are just partisan bs meant to alibi Donald Trump, or if they are serious beliefs resulting from a misunderstanding of data.
Since it's you, fishy, it's probably both.

One of the mistakes being made by people who think that COVID-19 is “just like the flu” is that they don’t actually understand the reported death numbers for either virus.
The number most often cited for annual flu deaths is 60,000. This number is a composite. It includes a relatively small number of deaths directly ascribed to influenza (meaning, there was a positive flu-test involved) PLUS a much larger number of deaths from pneumonia, where it is assumed that because flu-like symptoms were present, the influenza virus was likely at play.
This is the exact opposite of how we’ve been tabulating COVID-19 deaths.
So right from the beginning, the COVID-19 and flu death numbers are apples and oranges:
  • The “flu death” numbers are mostly deaths that we assume are related to influenza, even though only a small minority of them were proven to have influenza present.
    • The COVID-19 numbers are made up only of deaths that have an accompanying positive test for coronavirus and leave out deaths from COVID-19 like symptoms.
The people that died, died of COVID 19. Their underlying condition didn't kill them, COVID did.

from your cite
The number most often cited for annual flu deaths is 60,000. This number is a composite. It includes a relatively small number of deaths directly ascribed to influenza (meaning, there was a positive flu-test involved) PLUS a much larger number of deaths from pneumonia, where it is assumed that because flu-like symptoms were present, the influenza virus was likely at play.

exactly the same as what is being done with the virus counts.

but you are free to live the rest of your life in your basement, going out is voluntary, not mandatory.
Wrong, imbecile. They are NOT doing with COVID what the do with the flu. Anyone listed as a COVID death tested positive for COVID 19. That is not true of influenza deaths.

yes, anyone who died and tested positive for covid is listed as dying BECAUSE of covid. The real cause of death could have been heart attack, cancer, flu, kidney failure, lung disease, obesity, or anything else, if they had covid in their system when they died------------covid killed them. Its bullshit designed to get morons like you to follow their orders like idiotic sheep, and its working.
1. the virus is no where near as deadly as they originally told us. (less than .5% mortality rate,
Your numbers are nowhere near close to correct.

So far it is ESTIMATED to be 1.5-3% mortality. That number will likely come 1% as more testing is done.

That is a HORRIFIC number of deaths if we let it run wild

Horrific? 60 thousand out of 330 million? About the same number that die of flu every year, fewer than die of car accidents, and ten times fewer than die from abortion. Any death from an invader virus is terrible, but we need to keep this in perspective. The wizards from the medical world originally told us 1 million americans could die from this virus. Were they wrong or were they lying? Why did China ban domestic travel but allow travel from Wuhan to the entire world? We need to get the real facts on this thing before running up the mountain screaming "the sky is falling"

60,000 die from the flu each year. This has killed 60,000 in two months. Just stop with the flu comparison bullshit. This is NOTHING like the flu.

in terms of mortality rates it is very much like the flu.

How many lives were lost to abortions since January? More than from the virus by a large margin, but those lives mean nothing to you, right?

Next, of the deaths that have been attributed to the virus, how many of those people would have died anyway due to their underlying medical conditions? Answer that and then we can talk about the virus sensibly. But you can't because there is no way to know, so we just count all of them as virus deaths. Does that really make sense to you?
No, idiot, in terms of mortality it is much, much worse.

Comparing COVID-19 Deaths to Flu Deaths Is like Comparing Apples to Oranges

By now you have probably seen people explaining that, “Actually, the coronavirus pandemic is not much different from the flu and all of this fuss is just a big overreaction.”
Or, “More people die in car accidents every year and you don’t see us shutting down auto travel, you big bunch of ninnies.”
It’s hard to know whether these arguments are just partisan bs meant to alibi Donald Trump, or if they are serious beliefs resulting from a misunderstanding of data.
Since it's you, fishy, it's probably both.

One of the mistakes being made by people who think that COVID-19 is “just like the flu” is that they don’t actually understand the reported death numbers for either virus.
The number most often cited for annual flu deaths is 60,000. This number is a composite. It includes a relatively small number of deaths directly ascribed to influenza (meaning, there was a positive flu-test involved) PLUS a much larger number of deaths from pneumonia, where it is assumed that because flu-like symptoms were present, the influenza virus was likely at play.
This is the exact opposite of how we’ve been tabulating COVID-19 deaths.
So right from the beginning, the COVID-19 and flu death numbers are apples and oranges:
  • The “flu death” numbers are mostly deaths that we assume are related to influenza, even though only a small minority of them were proven to have influenza present.
    • The COVID-19 numbers are made up only of deaths that have an accompanying positive test for coronavirus and leave out deaths from COVID-19 like symptoms.
The people that died, died of COVID 19. Their underlying condition didn't kill them, COVID did.

I don't know who the Bulwark is but they are lying in that article. Hint, witchey, everything you find on the internet is NOT true.
It doesn't matter who they are, links are provided. Dispute the findings then, moron.

I could give you a list of links that would support any position anyone wants to take on any issue. The world wide net is full of lies, propaganda and bullshit.

the truth will come out on this chinese virus, the truth is already coming out on the corruption and treason of the obama administration and his corrupt cronies in the FBI and DOJ,. But unlike the dumbass democrats with their impeachment fiasco, Barr and Durham will have all of the facts before they indict anyone and those indictments will stick. The dem/lib/media house of cards is about the crash and burn.
Oh and 60,000? That's already in the rear view window.

Tomorrow we pass 70, six weeks

so what? do we save the house by burning it down? Do we beat the virus and destroy the country?

Of those 70,000, how many would have died anyway of their underlying medical issues? Unless we know that number any covid number is a wild ass guess.
The Times reports, "As Trump presses for states to reopen their economies, his administration is privately projecting a steady rise in the number of coronavirus cases and deaths over the next several weeks. The daily death toll will reach about 3,000 on June 1, according to an internal document obtained by The New York Times, nearly double the current number of about 1,750.

"The projections, based on government modeling pulled together in chart form by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, forecast about 200,000 new cases each day by the end of the month, up from about 25,000 cases a day currently."

This model is coming from the Trump administration.

So, is this.

The model provided by the Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington with its estimate of 72,000 deaths by early August was beginning to look absurd. The current death toll is nearly 70,000. What are they smoking in the White House?

That said, the new forecast projects nearly 135,000 deaths due to COVID-19 in the United States through the beginning of August mainly due to states reopening early and the failure of many Americans to avoid contact with one another. In addition, the coronavirus is not, repeat not, peaking.

In the meantime, to distract from his early failures in January and February and his fantasies that the virus would simply go away, Trump is picking a fight with China. Suddenly, he thinks this is a good time to restore Taiwan’s status as an observer at the World Health Organization. Instead of working with the community of nations to fight off a world-wide pandemic that has taken the lives of over a quarter of a million people, Trump creates a controversy designed to pull countries apart.

The enormous tragedy of all this: This is the worst crisis facing Earth since World War Two and Trump is the American President!
I'd be cautious about this report

we should be cautious about all reports, because every one of them is someone's projection based on the criteria that they put in the calculations.

But as I said yesterday, if you are scared of the virus, stay home. participating in the reopening is voluntary, not mandatory.
Oh and 60,000? That's already in the rear view window.

Tomorrow we pass 70, six weeks

so what? do we save the house by burning it down? Do we beat the virus and destroy the country?

Of those 70,000, how many would have died anyway of their underlying medical issues? Unless we know that number any covid number is a wild ass guess.
Another month of lockdown isn’t going to destroy the country dumbass, but another explosion of the virus just might
it just doesn’t work that way.
if the virus explodes again no one is safe. Those who lock down still have to get food etc and that exposes them
Oh and 60,000? That's already in the rear view window.

Tomorrow we pass 70, six weeks

so what? do we save the house by burning it down? Do we beat the virus and destroy the country?

Of those 70,000, how many would have died anyway of their underlying medical issues? Unless we know that number any covid number is a wild ass guess.
“They were gonna die anyway” is a weak argument.
Not to mention the lack of morals it shows
1. the virus is no where near as deadly as they originally told us. (less than .5% mortality rate,
Your numbers are nowhere near close to correct.

So far it is ESTIMATED to be 1.5-3% mortality. That number will likely come 1% as more testing is done.

That is a HORRIFIC number of deaths if we let it run wild

Horrific? 60 thousand out of 330 million? About the same number that die of flu every year, fewer than die of car accidents, and ten times fewer than die from abortion. Any death from an invader virus is terrible, but we need to keep this in perspective. The wizards from the medical world originally told us 1 million americans could die from this virus. Were they wrong or were they lying? Why did China ban domestic travel but allow travel from Wuhan to the entire world? We need to get the real facts on this thing before running up the mountain screaming "the sky is falling"

60,000 die from the flu each year. This has killed 60,000 in two months. Just stop with the flu comparison bullshit. This is NOTHING like the flu.

in terms of mortality rates it is very much like the flu.

How many lives were lost to abortions since January? More than from the virus by a large margin, but those lives mean nothing to you, right?

Next, of the deaths that have been attributed to the virus, how many of those people would have died anyway due to their underlying medical conditions? Answer that and then we can talk about the virus sensibly. But you can't because there is no way to know, so we just count all of them as virus deaths. Does that really make sense to you?
No, idiot, in terms of mortality it is much, much worse.

Comparing COVID-19 Deaths to Flu Deaths Is like Comparing Apples to Oranges

By now you have probably seen people explaining that, “Actually, the coronavirus pandemic is not much different from the flu and all of this fuss is just a big overreaction.”
Or, “More people die in car accidents every year and you don’t see us shutting down auto travel, you big bunch of ninnies.”
It’s hard to know whether these arguments are just partisan bs meant to alibi Donald Trump, or if they are serious beliefs resulting from a misunderstanding of data.
Since it's you, fishy, it's probably both.

One of the mistakes being made by people who think that COVID-19 is “just like the flu” is that they don’t actually understand the reported death numbers for either virus.
The number most often cited for annual flu deaths is 60,000. This number is a composite. It includes a relatively small number of deaths directly ascribed to influenza (meaning, there was a positive flu-test involved) PLUS a much larger number of deaths from pneumonia, where it is assumed that because flu-like symptoms were present, the influenza virus was likely at play.
This is the exact opposite of how we’ve been tabulating COVID-19 deaths.
So right from the beginning, the COVID-19 and flu death numbers are apples and oranges:
  • The “flu death” numbers are mostly deaths that we assume are related to influenza, even though only a small minority of them were proven to have influenza present.
    • The COVID-19 numbers are made up only of deaths that have an accompanying positive test for coronavirus and leave out deaths from COVID-19 like symptoms.
The people that died, died of COVID 19. Their underlying condition didn't kill them, COVID did.

from your cite
The number most often cited for annual flu deaths is 60,000. This number is a composite. It includes a relatively small number of deaths directly ascribed to influenza (meaning, there was a positive flu-test involved) PLUS a much larger number of deaths from pneumonia, where it is assumed that because flu-like symptoms were present, the influenza virus was likely at play.

exactly the same as what is being done with the virus counts.

but you are free to live the rest of your life in your basement, going out is voluntary, not mandatory.
Wrong, imbecile. They are NOT doing with COVID what the do with the flu. Anyone listed as a COVID death tested positive for COVID 19. That is not true of influenza deaths.

yes, anyone who died and tested positive for covid is listed as dying BECAUSE of covid. The real cause of death could have been heart attack, cancer, flu, kidney failure, lung disease, obesity, or anything else, if they had covid in their system when they died------------covid killed them. Its bullshit designed to get morons like you to follow their orders like idiotic sheep, and its working.

You know they have years of data right? They can compare a normal year of heart attacks, cancer, etc. They know this isn't normal. The question is, why are you dedicated to the idea that it is? What do you gain by minimizing the impact of this disease, by pretending it's "just like the flu"?
You know they have years of data right? They can compare a normal year of heart attacks, cancer, etc. They know this isn't normal. The question is, why are you dedicated to the idea that it is? What do you gain by minimizing the impact of this disease, by pretending it's "just like the flu"?
They seem to think that by reopening the economy they can somehow use a "good" economy to save Trump.

The crazy thing is that don't realize
A. That it's already too far gone for that to matter

B. Doing this will only make it worse.
I guess they're just desperate
You know they have years of data right? They can compare a normal year of heart attacks, cancer, etc. They know this isn't normal. The question is, why are you dedicated to the idea that it is? What do you gain by minimizing the impact of this disease, by pretending it's "just like the flu"?
They seem to think that by reopening the economy they can somehow use a "good" economy to save Trump.

The crazy thing is that don't realize
A. That it's already too far gone for that to matter

B. Doing this will only make it worse.
I guess they're just desperate

The truly crazy thing is that if he had stepped up and acted like an American President, a leader, he'd be a shoe in for re-election despite the economy. His "don't blame me" stance is not what America looks for in the time of crisis.
1. the virus is no where near as deadly as they originally told us. (less than .5% mortality rate,
Your numbers are nowhere near close to correct.

So far it is ESTIMATED to be 1.5-3% mortality. That number will likely come 1% as more testing is done.

That is a HORRIFIC number of deaths if we let it run wild

Horrific? 60 thousand out of 330 million? About the same number that die of flu every year, fewer than die of car accidents, and ten times fewer than die from abortion. Any death from an invader virus is terrible, but we need to keep this in perspective. The wizards from the medical world originally told us 1 million americans could die from this virus. Were they wrong or were they lying? Why did China ban domestic travel but allow travel from Wuhan to the entire world? We need to get the real facts on this thing before running up the mountain screaming "the sky is falling"

60,000 die from the flu each year. This has killed 60,000 in two months. Just stop with the flu comparison bullshit. This is NOTHING like the flu.

in terms of mortality rates it is very much like the flu.

How many lives were lost to abortions since January? More than from the virus by a large margin, but those lives mean nothing to you, right?

Next, of the deaths that have been attributed to the virus, how many of those people would have died anyway due to their underlying medical conditions? Answer that and then we can talk about the virus sensibly. But you can't because there is no way to know, so we just count all of them as virus deaths. Does that really make sense to you?
No, idiot, in terms of mortality it is much, much worse.

Comparing COVID-19 Deaths to Flu Deaths Is like Comparing Apples to Oranges

By now you have probably seen people explaining that, “Actually, the coronavirus pandemic is not much different from the flu and all of this fuss is just a big overreaction.”
Or, “More people die in car accidents every year and you don’t see us shutting down auto travel, you big bunch of ninnies.”
It’s hard to know whether these arguments are just partisan bs meant to alibi Donald Trump, or if they are serious beliefs resulting from a misunderstanding of data.
Since it's you, fishy, it's probably both.

One of the mistakes being made by people who think that COVID-19 is “just like the flu” is that they don’t actually understand the reported death numbers for either virus.
The number most often cited for annual flu deaths is 60,000. This number is a composite. It includes a relatively small number of deaths directly ascribed to influenza (meaning, there was a positive flu-test involved) PLUS a much larger number of deaths from pneumonia, where it is assumed that because flu-like symptoms were present, the influenza virus was likely at play.
This is the exact opposite of how we’ve been tabulating COVID-19 deaths.
So right from the beginning, the COVID-19 and flu death numbers are apples and oranges:
  • The “flu death” numbers are mostly deaths that we assume are related to influenza, even though only a small minority of them were proven to have influenza present.
    • The COVID-19 numbers are made up only of deaths that have an accompanying positive test for coronavirus and leave out deaths from COVID-19 like symptoms.
The people that died, died of COVID 19. Their underlying condition didn't kill them, COVID did.

from your cite
The number most often cited for annual flu deaths is 60,000. This number is a composite. It includes a relatively small number of deaths directly ascribed to influenza (meaning, there was a positive flu-test involved) PLUS a much larger number of deaths from pneumonia, where it is assumed that because flu-like symptoms were present, the influenza virus was likely at play.

exactly the same as what is being done with the virus counts.

but you are free to live the rest of your life in your basement, going out is voluntary, not mandatory.
Wrong, imbecile. They are NOT doing with COVID what the do with the flu. Anyone listed as a COVID death tested positive for COVID 19. That is not true of influenza deaths.

Wrong, useful idiot. It's already been established and proven that they ARE marking deaths as "Covid-19" that weren't actually from Covid-19, and the fact that you so slavishly wanted to believe that the facts supported your treasured panic that you didn't bother to find out for sure doesn't mean anything except that you're the slave to agenda we always knew you were.

Wrong, you diseased dripping slit. Every person who is attributed to have died due to COVID 19 have tested positive for COVID 19. That is not true of people who are ascribed to flue deaths. (as the provided data points out even clearly enough for Trump butt sniffers)

Awww, Seabiscuit, why so bitter? Did someone interrupt your little fantasy where everything you want to believe is perfect and true and uttered by glowing unicorns with rainbow tails? GOOD. And since I love reminding you what a scorned nothing you are in the real world, let me just add this:

Colorado, by contrast, has included some deaths where the disease caused by the novel coronavirus was deemed probable — based on symptoms and possible exposure — but not confirmed through a test.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention updated its website this week to explicitly say that cases where the infection was not confirmed by a test may now be counted.

So much for your "EVERY death was tested" assertion. Feel free to piss off to wherever lifelong losers go.

That only happened when? Before the provided graph was produced...that still shows this virus to be considerably more deadly than the flu. This is worse than the flu. Get that through your Trump loving skulls before your ignorance kills you or someone else.

"Well, I'm disputing THIS point, and never mind that you didn't say it, I win the argument I decided we were having!"

Whenever you get done talking to the voices in your head about what you WISH I was saying, perhaps you could get around to addressing the fact that YOUR assertion that all deaths attributed to Covid-19 were tested has been trashed.

I won't hold my breath, since I know how hard honesty is for you to achieve.
1. the virus is no where near as deadly as they originally told us. (less than .5% mortality rate,
Your numbers are nowhere near close to correct.

So far it is ESTIMATED to be 1.5-3% mortality. That number will likely come 1% as more testing is done.

That is a HORRIFIC number of deaths if we let it run wild

Horrific? 60 thousand out of 330 million? About the same number that die of flu every year, fewer than die of car accidents, and ten times fewer than die from abortion. Any death from an invader virus is terrible, but we need to keep this in perspective. The wizards from the medical world originally told us 1 million americans could die from this virus. Were they wrong or were they lying? Why did China ban domestic travel but allow travel from Wuhan to the entire world? We need to get the real facts on this thing before running up the mountain screaming "the sky is falling"

60,000 die from the flu each year. This has killed 60,000 in two months. Just stop with the flu comparison bullshit. This is NOTHING like the flu.

in terms of mortality rates it is very much like the flu.

How many lives were lost to abortions since January? More than from the virus by a large margin, but those lives mean nothing to you, right?

Next, of the deaths that have been attributed to the virus, how many of those people would have died anyway due to their underlying medical conditions? Answer that and then we can talk about the virus sensibly. But you can't because there is no way to know, so we just count all of them as virus deaths. Does that really make sense to you?
No, idiot, in terms of mortality it is much, much worse.

Comparing COVID-19 Deaths to Flu Deaths Is like Comparing Apples to Oranges

By now you have probably seen people explaining that, “Actually, the coronavirus pandemic is not much different from the flu and all of this fuss is just a big overreaction.”
Or, “More people die in car accidents every year and you don’t see us shutting down auto travel, you big bunch of ninnies.”
It’s hard to know whether these arguments are just partisan bs meant to alibi Donald Trump, or if they are serious beliefs resulting from a misunderstanding of data.
Since it's you, fishy, it's probably both.

One of the mistakes being made by people who think that COVID-19 is “just like the flu” is that they don’t actually understand the reported death numbers for either virus.
The number most often cited for annual flu deaths is 60,000. This number is a composite. It includes a relatively small number of deaths directly ascribed to influenza (meaning, there was a positive flu-test involved) PLUS a much larger number of deaths from pneumonia, where it is assumed that because flu-like symptoms were present, the influenza virus was likely at play.
This is the exact opposite of how we’ve been tabulating COVID-19 deaths.
So right from the beginning, the COVID-19 and flu death numbers are apples and oranges:
  • The “flu death” numbers are mostly deaths that we assume are related to influenza, even though only a small minority of them were proven to have influenza present.
    • The COVID-19 numbers are made up only of deaths that have an accompanying positive test for coronavirus and leave out deaths from COVID-19 like symptoms.
The people that died, died of COVID 19. Their underlying condition didn't kill them, COVID did.

from your cite
The number most often cited for annual flu deaths is 60,000. This number is a composite. It includes a relatively small number of deaths directly ascribed to influenza (meaning, there was a positive flu-test involved) PLUS a much larger number of deaths from pneumonia, where it is assumed that because flu-like symptoms were present, the influenza virus was likely at play.

exactly the same as what is being done with the virus counts.

but you are free to live the rest of your life in your basement, going out is voluntary, not mandatory.
Wrong, imbecile. They are NOT doing with COVID what the do with the flu. Anyone listed as a COVID death tested positive for COVID 19. That is not true of influenza deaths.

yes, anyone who died and tested positive for covid is listed as dying BECAUSE of covid. The real cause of death could have been heart attack, cancer, flu, kidney failure, lung disease, obesity, or anything else, if they had covid in their system when they died------------covid killed them. Its bullshit designed to get morons like you to follow their orders like idiotic sheep, and its working.

Depending on where the death took place, people who never tested positive for Covid are also being listed as Covid-related based on assumptions.
Oh and 60,000? That's already in the rear view window.

Tomorrow we pass 70, six weeks

so what? do we save the house by burning it down? Do we beat the virus and destroy the country?

Of those 70,000, how many would have died anyway of their underlying medical issues? Unless we know that number any covid number is a wild ass guess.

More to the point, how do we know for sure that anyone has been saved from dying of Covid-19 by the lockdowns who could not possibly have been saved without them? Hell, last time I checked, the places that are locked down the most are still clocking new cases and new deaths.

I don't want anyone to die sooner than they have to, but the reality is that their lives are not more important than the lives of all the other people, now and in the future, who will be harmed by collapsing the US economy. And like it or not, there's an aspect of personal responsibility involved. People with deadly peanut allergies don't get to demand that peanuts be banned to protect them; they have to take the responsibility to avoid them, and make more reasonable demands like restaurants and manufacturers warning them about possible peanut contamination.

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