Trump right again... We destroyed our economy for virtually nothing...

After the first 6 months the cure, meaning total almost total shutdown of our society, was worse than the chicom virus itself
yeah, we should have flooded our healthcare system to the breaking point...

Right from the start.
yeah, we should have flooded our healthcare system to the breaking point...

Right from the start.
You dont read so good

the 1st six months were scary for everyone

Dying Italians stacked like cordwood in hospital hallways

Cruise ships with passengers nobody wanted

next of kin not allowed to say goodby

no one really knew what was going to happen next

but then more ICU beds were made available

and the chicom disease began to mutate and weaken

plus many of the most vulnerable had died or recovered

then 6 months after that the vaccine arrived and that seems to have helped also

but liberal democrats are still living one year behind the times
The only question are do you get paid to post this BS or do you actually believe this nonsense................For your sake I hope you get paid to post it. Because if not you are truely fucked.
That question should be asked of you. I quote fact. The unemployment rate is 4.0%. There are still more jobs than there are unemployed. The GDP grew at 6.5%. The inflation is due to the strong economy. Those are facts. The difference between you and me is that I am not a member of the cult of Trump. I do not give Biden the credit although his stimulus program and his BBB is better than Republican policies of helping the rich.
Fauci knew about COVID and said nothing.
He should be tried and executed.
The 15 Democrat MDs in Congress should have said something.

Fauci knew nothing. He was doing the best he could despite the fact that we are in uncharted territory. You are the ones who should be tried and executed for treason against this country.
That question should be asked of you. I quote fact. The unemployment rate is 4.0%. There are still more jobs than there are unemployed. The GDP grew at 6.5%. The inflation is due to the strong economy. Those are facts. The difference between you and me is that I am not a member of the cult of Trump. I do not give Biden the credit although his stimulus program and his BBB is better than Republican policies of helping the rich.
Build Back Broke and Release the Inflatiin beast you mean. You are locusts and destroy everything.

We should have Never shut down. Btw. We have the worst stats on planet earth and they are your hero.

Thats like hiring a coach who never wins a game.
Fauci knew nothing. He was doing the best he could despite the fact that we are in uncharted territory. You are the ones who should be tried and executed for treason against this country.
Suggesting the execution of a poster here, now, are we?

WY to keep it classy, teenager.
Build Back Broke and Release the Inflatiin beast you mean. You are locusts and destroy everything.

We should have Never shut down. Btw. We have the worst stats on planet earth and they are your hero.

Thats like hiring a coach who never wins a game.

No it would not. I love how you like to blame ordinary people who get a few extra dollars in their pocket as inflationary. The rich continue to get richer and the middle and lower classes get poorer. The rich getting more money is somehow not inflationary.

Let us start with BBB. The original bill was $3.5 trillion OVER 10 YEARS. That averages out to $350 billion a year. part of it would be paid for when the money was spent. It also contained tax increases on the rich. Manchin was right when he said the Trump tax cuts for the rich should be repealed. The Trump tax cuts were not paid for. When Ronald Reagan cut the top tax rate to 26% , he did it by closing loopholes. We need to start closing loopholes and raise the top rat back to 39.6%. In addition, we need to give the IRS the money to ensure that the rich are not evading taxes. If money flowing in and out of accounts faster than their income indicates, the IRS should be made aware of this.
The man involved in the gain of function research that created it knew nothing?

I have a wonderful portfolio of bridges for sale that you might be interested in. They are all in excellent condition and priced competitively.

Would you like to arrange a showing?

There is no evidence of any gain of function research.

You are a brainless fool who believes anything your cult leader tells you. If he told you that he had a portfolio of bridges to sell you, you would co0ugh up the money without a showing.
Suggesting the execution of a poster here, now, are we?

WY to keep it classy, teenager.

Traitors should be executed if they are guilty. Of course4 the poster is calling for the execution of a political enemy.

You have no class.
There is no evidence of any gain of function research.

You are a brainless fool who believes anything your cult leader tells you. If he told you that he had a portfolio of bridges to sell you, you would co0ugh up the money without a showing.
Sorry. I don't speak sheeple, child.
You dont read so good

the 1st six months were scary for everyone

Dying Italians stacked like cordwood in hospital hallways

Cruise ships with passengers nobody wanted

next of kin not allowed to say goodby

no one really knew what was going to happen next

but then more ICU beds were made available

and the chicom disease began to mutate and weaken

plus many of the most vulnerable had died or recovered

then 6 months after that the vaccine arrived and that seems to have helped also

but liberal democrats are still living one year behind the times
We don’t have lockdowns now, but we still want people vaccinated.
Since you are such an expert about when, where, and how COVID flows, what has been the flow from the southern border since February 2020? Should we close it down?
When Doctors Become Dictators, That's Really Sick

Closing the border to immigration criminals would only happen if the Cronyvirus Cartel started believing in the scare stories they bombard us with in order to achieve power.
Still no proof. Nothing.
While we have Trump’s own words, 13 times, saying covid will be gone soon…he even kissed China’s ass.
I guess by magic, the weather, Oz , wishful thinking… kmows. He doesn’t have a clue. Listen. He’s a nut job. Not much different then the foolishness here by Humpers.
Btw, Humpers aren’t that bright about contagious diseases are they. EVERYONE HAS TO BE GIVEN A CHANCE TO BE VACCINATED to be effective

Socialist Distancing

The cronyvirus is not contagious; it is an immune-deficiency problem.
It used to be be red for dems/libs/progs/socialists

but several decades ago the lib media reversed the colors
The "Me, Me, Me!" Media

Just like the jurinalists changed "coronavirus" to "Covid," only because all the jokes about Corona beer made them feel insulted by not being taken seriously enough.
You, know the same deep state that developed the vaccine for small pox, tetanus and dozens of other diseases.
Geeky Scientists Will Fall for Anything That Promises They'll Save the World Like Their Comic-Book Superheroes

Those were scientists back then. Today we have bitter, vindictive, escapist and incompetent nerd lab rats who want to get even for a healthy society's rejection of their silly weirdo personalities.
Trump pushed the vaccine through in record time
Wait, didn’t I just hear you. Humpers say the deep state pushed the vaccine through in record time IN SPITE of Trump urging that covid would be gone soon. Why would Trump put his white coat on and spend countless hours in the lab developing a vaccine when covid would be gone soon because of natural immunity and when he could be fking Stormy ? Which story line is it now ?
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Geeky Scientists Will Fall for Anything That Promises They'll Save the World Like Their Comic-Book Superheroes

Those were scientists back then. Today we have bitter, vindictive, escapist and incompetent nerd lab rats who want to get even for a healthy society's rejection of their silly weirdo personalities.
Ha ha.
you’ve never been in a hospital then where many work. You do right fine drinking beer while wifey drops your kids in the field.
Seriously, you can’t name one thing that wasn’t developed or supported by a nerd invention or engineering. They are all superhero’s. Your life expectancy has doubled since govs started taking them seriously. They’re going to replace all those teeth you have missing.

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