Trump Right: GOP nomination process is a scam

You must also be pissed about Wyoming. Trump didn't bother trying in that state either.

I have no feeling one way or another on Wyoming?

Didn't the same thing happen in Wyoming that happened in Colorado?

Thank you for asking that question, this might make things more clear-

I don't know what happened in Wyoming, I am not in Wyomong, I haven't talked to anybody who participated in the Wyoming process, I have not read any local Wyoming news papers, I have not listened to any local Wyoming radio talk shows. Are you catching on yet? Tell me, how much snow is in my back yard?

You sit on your computer in Florida and presume that you can learn exactly what happened 1000's of miles away.

How and where have you got the information that brought you to the conclusion that NOTHING in Colorado was amiss?

We have this thing called the Internet. You can find out instantly what is going on around the world. In fact, and you may not realize it but you are using this internet right now. It is through this internet that I can find out what is happening in Wyoming.
Do you people see the pattern? Again and again Trump has DARED to call the establishment out and the charges have stuck.

1. Gross incompetence of government, pick a topic trade, jobs, Obamacare, wars, spending, and the lack of accountability or consequences.

2. Failure to enforce our immigration laws, allowing illegals to kill over 3,000 American citizens a year, the drugs, hundreds of thousands of crimes.

3. Now the rigged primary process, shocker its sticking.

Now you know why the establishment and their pals in the media are desperate to stop this guy. There's $4 trillion dollars a year up for grabs in the Federal budget alone and the establishment wants to retain control of that money.

It's only sticking with Trump Supporters. No one else is bothered by it at all.

To clarify- I am not a Trumpster. I would have preferred Fiorina.
Cruz is my favorite from the insider crowd, but I will most likely vote for whoever the GOP puts up, but no guarantees.

So Predfan-
did you use your internet to attend the protest rally in Colorado on Friday? Will you Use your internet and post a video of what you saw and heard?
While there with your internet, did you listen to people tell their stories of what occurred during the precinct meetings?

Use your internet and tell me how much snow is in my backyard.

Does your husband know you are on his computer, and shouldn't you be in the kitchen?

Do you people see the pattern? Again and again Trump has DARED to call the establishment out and the charges have stuck.

1. Gross incompetence of government, pick a topic trade, jobs, Obamacare, wars, spending, and the lack of accountability or consequences.

2. Failure to enforce our immigration laws, allowing illegals to kill over 3,000 American citizens a year, the drugs, hundreds of thousands of crimes.

3. Now the rigged primary process, shocker its sticking.

Now you know why the establishment and their pals in the media are desperate to stop this guy. There's $4 trillion dollars a year up for grabs in the Federal budget alone and the establishment wants to retain control of that money.
Blueslegend- facts and logic are not welcomed.
Der Trumpenfuhrer knew the rules for delegate selection going in. His bitching is to set the stage for his spilt milk cries of unfair.

The Canadian/Cuban/Texan played Dumb Donnie and Donnie is crying for all to see.

Proportional allocation of delegates on the part of both Parties is an accepted practice. Dumb Donnie is crying for the sake crying.

What your bitching, whining and moaning about is Der Trumpenfuhrer's own manufactured outrage over something he and his campaign have known about all along.

But being the good lemming you are, and believing each of Dunce Donald told you, what else should we expect?
Do you people see the pattern? Again and again Trump has DARED to call the establishment out and the charges have stuck.

1. Gross incompetence of government, pick a topic trade, jobs, Obamacare, wars, spending, and the lack of accountability or consequences.

2. Failure to enforce our immigration laws, allowing illegals to kill over 3,000 American citizens a year, the drugs, hundreds of thousands of crimes.

3. Now the rigged primary process, shocker its sticking.

Now you know why the establishment and their pals in the media are desperate to stop this guy. There's $4 trillion dollars a year up for grabs in the Federal budget alone and the establishment wants to retain control of that money.

It's only sticking with Trump Supporters. No one else is bothered by it at all.

Stockholm syndrome I guess.

That's as good as explanation as any.
Der Trumpenfuhrer knew the rules for delegate selection going in. His bitching is to set the stage for his spilt milk cries of unfair.

The Canadian/Cuban/Texan played Dumb Donnie and Donnie is crying for all to see.

Proportional allocation of delegates on the part of both Parties is an accepted practice. Dumb Donnie is crying for the sake crying.

What your bitching, whining and moaning about is Der Trumpenfuhrer's own manufactured outrage over something he and his campaign have known about all along.

But being the good lemming you are, and believing each of Dunce Donald told you, what else should we expect?
can they imagine what this dirtbag trump would do to America if elected?
Der Trumpenfuhrer knew the rules for delegate selection going in. His bitching is to set the stage for his spilt milk cries of unfair.

The Canadian/Cuban/Texan played Dumb Donnie and Donnie is crying for all to see.

Proportional allocation of delegates on the part of both Parties is an accepted practice. Dumb Donnie is crying for the sake crying.

What your bitching, whining and moaning about is Der Trumpenfuhrer's own manufactured outrage over something he and his campaign have known about all along.

But being the good lemming you are, and believing each of Dunce Donald told you, what else should we expect?
can they imagine what this dirtbag trump would do to America if elected?

It's anybodies guess what he'll do. He is definitely the biggest unknown. But any president will still have to deal with know that ole checks and balance system our founders designed.
You must also be pissed about Wyoming. Trump didn't bother trying in that state either.

I have no feeling one way or another on Wyoming?

Didn't the same thing happen in Wyoming that happened in Colorado?

Thank you for asking that question, this might make things more clear-

I don't know what happened in Wyoming, I am not in Wyomong, I haven't talked to anybody who participated in the Wyoming process, I have not read any local Wyoming news papers, I have not listened to any local Wyoming radio talk shows. Are you catching on yet? Tell me, how much snow is in my back yard?

You sit on your computer in Florida and presume that you can learn exactly what happened 1000's of miles away.

How and where have you got the information that brought you to the conclusion that NOTHING in Colorado was amiss?

We have this thing called the Internet. You can find out instantly what is going on around the world. In fact, and you may not realize it but you are using this internet right now. It is through this internet that I can find out what is happening in Wyoming.
Do you people see the pattern? Again and again Trump has DARED to call the establishment out and the charges have stuck.

1. Gross incompetence of government, pick a topic trade, jobs, Obamacare, wars, spending, and the lack of accountability or consequences.

2. Failure to enforce our immigration laws, allowing illegals to kill over 3,000 American citizens a year, the drugs, hundreds of thousands of crimes.

3. Now the rigged primary process, shocker its sticking.

Now you know why the establishment and their pals in the media are desperate to stop this guy. There's $4 trillion dollars a year up for grabs in the Federal budget alone and the establishment wants to retain control of that money.

It's only sticking with Trump Supporters. No one else is bothered by it at all.

To clarify- I am not a Trumpster. I would have preferred Fiorina.
Cruz is my favorite from the insider crowd, but I will most likely vote for whoever the GOP puts up, but no guarantees.

So Predfan-
did you use your internet to attend the protest rally in Colorado on Friday? Will you Use your internet and post a video of what you saw and heard?
While there with your internet, did you listen to people tell their stories of what occurred during the precinct meetings?

Use your internet and tell me how much snow is in my backyard.

Does your husband know you are on his computer, and shouldn't you be in the kitchen?

Do you people see the pattern? Again and again Trump has DARED to call the establishment out and the charges have stuck.

1. Gross incompetence of government, pick a topic trade, jobs, Obamacare, wars, spending, and the lack of accountability or consequences.

2. Failure to enforce our immigration laws, allowing illegals to kill over 3,000 American citizens a year, the drugs, hundreds of thousands of crimes.

3. Now the rigged primary process, shocker its sticking.

Now you know why the establishment and their pals in the media are desperate to stop this guy. There's $4 trillion dollars a year up for grabs in the Federal budget alone and the establishment wants to retain control of that money.
Blueslegend- facts and logic are not welcomed.

No, I did not attend the protest rally, on the Internet or otherwise. There is nothing to protest.

I don't know which trailer park you live in. If I knew, I might be able to tell you how much snow is there.

I don't have a husband, I have a hot wife. Does your mother know you use her computer to say stupid shit on the Internet?
I have no feeling one way or another on Wyoming?

Didn't the same thing happen in Wyoming that happened in Colorado?

Thank you for asking that question, this might make things more clear-

I don't know what happened in Wyoming, I am not in Wyomong, I haven't talked to anybody who participated in the Wyoming process, I have not read any local Wyoming news papers, I have not listened to any local Wyoming radio talk shows. Are you catching on yet? Tell me, how much snow is in my back yard?

You sit on your computer in Florida and presume that you can learn exactly what happened 1000's of miles away.

How and where have you got the information that brought you to the conclusion that NOTHING in Colorado was amiss?

We have this thing called the Internet. You can find out instantly what is going on around the world. In fact, and you may not realize it but you are using this internet right now. It is through this internet that I can find out what is happening in Wyoming.
Do you people see the pattern? Again and again Trump has DARED to call the establishment out and the charges have stuck.

1. Gross incompetence of government, pick a topic trade, jobs, Obamacare, wars, spending, and the lack of accountability or consequences.

2. Failure to enforce our immigration laws, allowing illegals to kill over 3,000 American citizens a year, the drugs, hundreds of thousands of crimes.

3. Now the rigged primary process, shocker its sticking.

Now you know why the establishment and their pals in the media are desperate to stop this guy. There's $4 trillion dollars a year up for grabs in the Federal budget alone and the establishment wants to retain control of that money.

It's only sticking with Trump Supporters. No one else is bothered by it at all.

To clarify- I am not a Trumpster. I would have preferred Fiorina.
Cruz is my favorite from the insider crowd, but I will most likely vote for whoever the GOP puts up, but no guarantees.

So Predfan-
did you use your internet to attend the protest rally in Colorado on Friday? Will you Use your internet and post a video of what you saw and heard?
While there with your internet, did you listen to people tell their stories of what occurred during the precinct meetings?

Use your internet and tell me how much snow is in my backyard.

Does your husband know you are on his computer, and shouldn't you be in the kitchen?

Do you people see the pattern? Again and again Trump has DARED to call the establishment out and the charges have stuck.

1. Gross incompetence of government, pick a topic trade, jobs, Obamacare, wars, spending, and the lack of accountability or consequences.

2. Failure to enforce our immigration laws, allowing illegals to kill over 3,000 American citizens a year, the drugs, hundreds of thousands of crimes.

3. Now the rigged primary process, shocker its sticking.

Now you know why the establishment and their pals in the media are desperate to stop this guy. There's $4 trillion dollars a year up for grabs in the Federal budget alone and the establishment wants to retain control of that money.
Blueslegend- facts and logic are not welcomed.

No, I did not attend the protest rally, on the Internet or otherwise. There is nothing to protest.

I don't know which trailer park you live in. If I knew, I might be able to tell you how much snow is there.

I don't have a husband, I have a hot wife. Does your mother know you use her computer to say stupid shit on the Internet?

So if your friends go on vacation and want to tell you what they did, would you say " anything significant that happened on your vacation I can read about on the Internet, first hand accounts are unnecessary?"

Being arrogant and myopic is a dangerous combination.
I have no feeling one way or another on Wyoming?

Didn't the same thing happen in Wyoming that happened in Colorado?

Thank you for asking that question, this might make things more clear-

I don't know what happened in Wyoming, I am not in Wyomong, I haven't talked to anybody who participated in the Wyoming process, I have not read any local Wyoming news papers, I have not listened to any local Wyoming radio talk shows. Are you catching on yet? Tell me, how much snow is in my back yard?

You sit on your computer in Florida and presume that you can learn exactly what happened 1000's of miles away.

How and where have you got the information that brought you to the conclusion that NOTHING in Colorado was amiss?

We have this thing called the Internet. You can find out instantly what is going on around the world. In fact, and you may not realize it but you are using this internet right now. It is through this internet that I can find out what is happening in Wyoming.
Do you people see the pattern? Again and again Trump has DARED to call the establishment out and the charges have stuck.

1. Gross incompetence of government, pick a topic trade, jobs, Obamacare, wars, spending, and the lack of accountability or consequences.

2. Failure to enforce our immigration laws, allowing illegals to kill over 3,000 American citizens a year, the drugs, hundreds of thousands of crimes.

3. Now the rigged primary process, shocker its sticking.

Now you know why the establishment and their pals in the media are desperate to stop this guy. There's $4 trillion dollars a year up for grabs in the Federal budget alone and the establishment wants to retain control of that money.

It's only sticking with Trump Supporters. No one else is bothered by it at all.

To clarify- I am not a Trumpster. I would have preferred Fiorina.
Cruz is my favorite from the insider crowd, but I will most likely vote for whoever the GOP puts up, but no guarantees.

So Predfan-
did you use your internet to attend the protest rally in Colorado on Friday? Will you Use your internet and post a video of what you saw and heard?
While there with your internet, did you listen to people tell their stories of what occurred during the precinct meetings?

Use your internet and tell me how much snow is in my backyard.

Does your husband know you are on his computer, and shouldn't you be in the kitchen?

Do you people see the pattern? Again and again Trump has DARED to call the establishment out and the charges have stuck.

1. Gross incompetence of government, pick a topic trade, jobs, Obamacare, wars, spending, and the lack of accountability or consequences.

2. Failure to enforce our immigration laws, allowing illegals to kill over 3,000 American citizens a year, the drugs, hundreds of thousands of crimes.

3. Now the rigged primary process, shocker its sticking.

Now you know why the establishment and their pals in the media are desperate to stop this guy. There's $4 trillion dollars a year up for grabs in the Federal budget alone and the establishment wants to retain control of that money.
Blueslegend- facts and logic are not welcomed.

No, I did not attend the protest rally, on the Internet or otherwise. There is nothing to protest.

I don't know which trailer park you live in. If I knew, I might be able to tell you how much snow is there.

I don't have a husband, I have a hot wife. Does your mother know you use her computer to say stupid shit on the Internet?

Nothing to those Jim Crow laws you southerners used. Everything's fine, people who don't like the outcome just Cant follow the rules.
Didn't the same thing happen in Wyoming that happened in Colorado?

Thank you for asking that question, this might make things more clear-

I don't know what happened in Wyoming, I am not in Wyomong, I haven't talked to anybody who participated in the Wyoming process, I have not read any local Wyoming news papers, I have not listened to any local Wyoming radio talk shows. Are you catching on yet? Tell me, how much snow is in my back yard?

You sit on your computer in Florida and presume that you can learn exactly what happened 1000's of miles away.

How and where have you got the information that brought you to the conclusion that NOTHING in Colorado was amiss?

We have this thing called the Internet. You can find out instantly what is going on around the world. In fact, and you may not realize it but you are using this internet right now. It is through this internet that I can find out what is happening in Wyoming.
Do you people see the pattern? Again and again Trump has DARED to call the establishment out and the charges have stuck.

1. Gross incompetence of government, pick a topic trade, jobs, Obamacare, wars, spending, and the lack of accountability or consequences.

2. Failure to enforce our immigration laws, allowing illegals to kill over 3,000 American citizens a year, the drugs, hundreds of thousands of crimes.

3. Now the rigged primary process, shocker its sticking.

Now you know why the establishment and their pals in the media are desperate to stop this guy. There's $4 trillion dollars a year up for grabs in the Federal budget alone and the establishment wants to retain control of that money.

It's only sticking with Trump Supporters. No one else is bothered by it at all.

To clarify- I am not a Trumpster. I would have preferred Fiorina.
Cruz is my favorite from the insider crowd, but I will most likely vote for whoever the GOP puts up, but no guarantees.

So Predfan-
did you use your internet to attend the protest rally in Colorado on Friday? Will you Use your internet and post a video of what you saw and heard?
While there with your internet, did you listen to people tell their stories of what occurred during the precinct meetings?

Use your internet and tell me how much snow is in my backyard.

Does your husband know you are on his computer, and shouldn't you be in the kitchen?

Do you people see the pattern? Again and again Trump has DARED to call the establishment out and the charges have stuck.

1. Gross incompetence of government, pick a topic trade, jobs, Obamacare, wars, spending, and the lack of accountability or consequences.

2. Failure to enforce our immigration laws, allowing illegals to kill over 3,000 American citizens a year, the drugs, hundreds of thousands of crimes.

3. Now the rigged primary process, shocker its sticking.

Now you know why the establishment and their pals in the media are desperate to stop this guy. There's $4 trillion dollars a year up for grabs in the Federal budget alone and the establishment wants to retain control of that money.
Blueslegend- facts and logic are not welcomed.

No, I did not attend the protest rally, on the Internet or otherwise. There is nothing to protest.

I don't know which trailer park you live in. If I knew, I might be able to tell you how much snow is there.

I don't have a husband, I have a hot wife. Does your mother know you use her computer to say stupid shit on the Internet?

So if your friends go on vacation and want to tell you what they did, would you say " anything significant that happened on your vacation I can read about on the Internet, first hand accounts are unnecessary?"

Being arrogant and myopic is a dangerous combination.

Dude, see a shrink.
Didn't the same thing happen in Wyoming that happened in Colorado?

Thank you for asking that question, this might make things more clear-

I don't know what happened in Wyoming, I am not in Wyomong, I haven't talked to anybody who participated in the Wyoming process, I have not read any local Wyoming news papers, I have not listened to any local Wyoming radio talk shows. Are you catching on yet? Tell me, how much snow is in my back yard?

You sit on your computer in Florida and presume that you can learn exactly what happened 1000's of miles away.

How and where have you got the information that brought you to the conclusion that NOTHING in Colorado was amiss?

We have this thing called the Internet. You can find out instantly what is going on around the world. In fact, and you may not realize it but you are using this internet right now. It is through this internet that I can find out what is happening in Wyoming.
Do you people see the pattern? Again and again Trump has DARED to call the establishment out and the charges have stuck.

1. Gross incompetence of government, pick a topic trade, jobs, Obamacare, wars, spending, and the lack of accountability or consequences.

2. Failure to enforce our immigration laws, allowing illegals to kill over 3,000 American citizens a year, the drugs, hundreds of thousands of crimes.

3. Now the rigged primary process, shocker its sticking.

Now you know why the establishment and their pals in the media are desperate to stop this guy. There's $4 trillion dollars a year up for grabs in the Federal budget alone and the establishment wants to retain control of that money.

It's only sticking with Trump Supporters. No one else is bothered by it at all.

To clarify- I am not a Trumpster. I would have preferred Fiorina.
Cruz is my favorite from the insider crowd, but I will most likely vote for whoever the GOP puts up, but no guarantees.

So Predfan-
did you use your internet to attend the protest rally in Colorado on Friday? Will you Use your internet and post a video of what you saw and heard?
While there with your internet, did you listen to people tell their stories of what occurred during the precinct meetings?

Use your internet and tell me how much snow is in my backyard.

Does your husband know you are on his computer, and shouldn't you be in the kitchen?

Do you people see the pattern? Again and again Trump has DARED to call the establishment out and the charges have stuck.

1. Gross incompetence of government, pick a topic trade, jobs, Obamacare, wars, spending, and the lack of accountability or consequences.

2. Failure to enforce our immigration laws, allowing illegals to kill over 3,000 American citizens a year, the drugs, hundreds of thousands of crimes.

3. Now the rigged primary process, shocker its sticking.

Now you know why the establishment and their pals in the media are desperate to stop this guy. There's $4 trillion dollars a year up for grabs in the Federal budget alone and the establishment wants to retain control of that money.
Blueslegend- facts and logic are not welcomed.

No, I did not attend the protest rally, on the Internet or otherwise. There is nothing to protest.

I don't know which trailer park you live in. If I knew, I might be able to tell you how much snow is there.

I don't have a husband, I have a hot wife. Does your mother know you use her computer to say stupid shit on the Internet?

Nothing to those Jim Crow laws you southerners used. Everything's fine, people who don't like the outcome just Cant follow the rules.

Seriously, you need help.
Donald Trump is right: The Republican nominating process is a scam


This just won't go away for the RNC. The no-vote for president at the precinct level in Colorado is only part of the problem; more alarming are the accounts told by Trump Delegates elected at those precincts, angry and frustrated people describing how their credentials were bamboozled from them throughout the process. Yesterday at the protest rally in Denver fliers were distributed regarding a protest March at the convention in Cleveland.

The convention in Cleveland will be must- see tv, especially if the RNC and Cruzsters keep dismissing Trump and his supporters as whinny outliers. Can't wait!

he's such a whiny twit.... so are the trumpeters.

he'd better hopes he wins on the first ballot
Donald Trump is right: The Republican nominating process is a scam


This just won't go away for the RNC. The no-vote for president at the precinct level in Colorado is only part of the problem; more alarming are the accounts told by Trump Delegates elected at those precincts, angry and frustrated people describing how their credentials were bamboozled from them throughout the process. Yesterday at the protest rally in Denver fliers were distributed regarding a protest March at the convention in Cleveland.

The convention in Cleveland will be must- see tv, especially if the RNC and Cruzsters keep dismissing Trump and his supporters as whinny outliers. Can't wait!

he's such a whiny twit.... so are the trumpeters.

he'd better hopes he wins on the first ballot
Ok, you guys are right. After all, the first one to start the name calling wins.
Donald Trump is right: The Republican nominating process is a scam


This just won't go away for the RNC. The no-vote for president at the precinct level in Colorado is only part of the problem; more alarming are the accounts told by Trump Delegates elected at those precincts, angry and frustrated people describing how their credentials were bamboozled from them throughout the process. Yesterday at the protest rally in Denver fliers were distributed regarding a protest March at the convention in Cleveland.

The convention in Cleveland will be must- see tv, especially if the RNC and Cruzsters keep dismissing Trump and his supporters as whinny outliers. Can't wait!

he's such a whiny twit.... so are the trumpeters.

he'd better hopes he wins on the first ballot
Ok, you guys are right. After all, the first one to start the name calling wins.

that's fairly non responsive, imo.
Donald Trump is right: The Republican nominating process is a scam


This just won't go away for the RNC. The no-vote for president at the precinct level in Colorado is only part of the problem; more alarming are the accounts told by Trump Delegates elected at those precincts, angry and frustrated people describing how their credentials were bamboozled from them throughout the process. Yesterday at the protest rally in Denver fliers were distributed regarding a protest March at the convention in Cleveland.

The convention in Cleveland will be must- see tv, especially if the RNC and Cruzsters keep dismissing Trump and his supporters as whinny outliers. Can't wait!

he's such a whiny twit.... so are the trumpeters.

he'd better hopes he wins on the first ballot
Ok, you guys are right. After all, the first one to start the name calling wins.

that's fairly non responsive, imo.

Dismissing people as whinny twits is responsive though? That seems fairly consistent.

GOP Official Rails Over Effort Aimed At Nomination Rules

WASHINGTON (AP) — In an extraordinary display of internal discord, the chairman of the Republican Party's rules committee is accusing top GOP officials of "a breach of our trust" by improperly trying to impede a proposed change in bylaws that would make it harder for party leaders to nominate a fresh candidate for president.
Donald Trump is right: The Republican nominating process is a scam


This just won't go away for the RNC. The no-vote for president at the precinct level in Colorado is only part of the problem; more alarming are the accounts told by Trump Delegates elected at those precincts, angry and frustrated people describing how their credentials were bamboozled from them throughout the process. Yesterday at the protest rally in Denver fliers were distributed regarding a protest March at the convention in Cleveland.

The convention in Cleveland will be must- see tv, especially if the RNC and Cruzsters keep dismissing Trump and his supporters as whinny outliers. Can't wait!

he's such a whiny twit.... so are the trumpeters.

he'd better hopes he wins on the first ballot
Ok, you guys are right. After all, the first one to start the name calling wins.

that's fairly non responsive, imo.

Dismissing people as whinny twits is responsive though? That seems fairly consistent.

he is a whiny twit. i thought that was clear. *Shrug*

you don't think we're going to validate that by "debating" it, do you?

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