Trump rioter busted by massive stomach tattoo slapped with 78-month prison sentence


Diamond Member
Oct 4, 2021

Trump rioter busted by massive stomach tattoo slapped with 78-month prison sentence​

Source: raw story

Ray Hartmann January 22, 2023

James McGrew, 40, of Biloxi, Mississippi and Carlsbad, California, also was ordered by U.S. District Court Judge Beryl A. Howell to serve 36 months of supervised release and pay a $5,000 fine and $2,000 in restitution. McGrew pleaded guilty last May 13 to felony assault.

McGrew was on parole for a past crime when he participated in the riot, according to court records, as Raw Story reported in October. He was convicted of shoplifting in 2011 and 2013 and vehicle theft in 2016.

McGrew was identified by the FBI with the help of video that showed him lifting his T-shirt to wipe his eyes during the riot. It revealed a massive tattoo with the lettering “King James” across his stomach, according to the FBI.

On January 6, McGrew was among the early wave of rioters, entering the Capitol at 2:45, the DOJ reported. “At approximately 3:05 p.m., he pushed one officer and struck another officer who was standing before him. Two minutes later, another officer used his baton to push McGrew and others closer to the exit. McGrew struck the officer and lunged for the officer’s baton. He then engaged in an altercation with yet another officer.”......................................

Read more: Trump rioter busted by massive stomach tattoo slapped with 78-month prison sentence

January 6th 2021 was a really dumb day for the republican party and anyone that is a far right conseravtive. Idiocy. Not only did it take the BLM off the hook even after a year of rioting and violence but it will continue to do so all while painting everyone on the right as justifiably violent and a terrorist. What the living fuck was Trump or the leadership on the ground thinking?

Trump rioter busted by massive stomach tattoo slapped with 78-month prison sentence​

January 6th 2021 was a really dumb day for the republican party and anyone that is a far right conseravtive. Idiocy. Not only did it take the BLM off the hook even after a year of rioting and violence but it will continue to do so all while painting everyone on the right as justifiably violent and a terrorist. What the living fuck was Trump or the leadership on the ground thinking?
Another win for the good guys.
What the living fuck was Trump or the leadership on the ground thinking?
Trump doesn't care what anyone thinks of conservatives, or the right, Trump cares about Trump. And if you are perceived as an enemy of his, he wants vengeance. He loved what happened on January 6th. The "leadership on the ground" was so thoroughly cowed and fearful of Trump that none dared contradict him, then or now. That scumbag attacked the police and is sentenced to 36 months of "supervised release"?

He got off easy, too easy.
Trump doesn't care what anyone thinks of conservatives, or the right, Trump cares about Trump. And if you are perceived as an enemy of his, he wants vengeance. He loved what happened on January 6th. The "leadership on the ground" was so thoroughly cowed and fearful of Trump that none dared contradict him, then or now.
What is Biden ('President') and Biden's son looking at for incartieration time.
Trump doesn't care what anyone thinks of conservatives, or the right, Trump cares about Trump. And if you are perceived as an enemy of his, he wants vengeance. He loved what happened on January 6th. The "leadership on the ground" was so thoroughly cowed and fearful of Trump that none dared contradict him, then or now. That scumbag attacked the police and is sentenced to 36 months of "supervised release"?

He got off easy, too easy.

You need to join rightwinger in his/her/its vocation of writing award winning drama.


Trump rioter busted by massive stomach tattoo slapped with 78-month prison sentence​

January 6th 2021 was a really dumb day for the republican party and anyone that is a far right conseravtive. Idiocy. Not only did it take the BLM off the hook even after a year of rioting and violence but it will continue to do so all while painting everyone on the right as justifiably violent and a terrorist. What the living fuck was Trump or the leadership on the ground thinking?
The Democrats and their Media covered for the BLM rioters and everything else they are doing. The only difference between the Iran regime and the Democrats is the Democrats aren't executing their political prisoners.....yet.
Not only did it take the BLM off the hook even after a year of rioting and violence but it will continue to do so all while painting everyone on the right as justifiably violent and a terrorist
How so? How does 1 mini riot come anywhere close to what dems, BLM and ANTIFA did and continue to do? Your riots resulted in the deaths of like 30 people. BILIIONS were lost. THOUSANDS of people were assaulted. You bankrupted small businesses and ruined entire communities. How does January 6th erase all that?
How so? How does 1 mini riot come anywhere close to what dems, BLM and ANTIFA did and continue to do? Your riots resulted in the deaths of like 30 people. BILIIONS were lost. THOUSANDS of people were assaulted. You bankrupted small businesses and ruined entire communities. How does January 6th erase all that?
BOTH SIDES are guilty of violence. you're just too pathetically biased and partisan to realize it. and you're a homophobe who stopped talking to me because you think i'm gay
How so? How does 1 mini riot come anywhere close to what dems, BLM and ANTIFA did and continue to do? Your riots resulted in the deaths of like 30 people. BILIIONS were lost. THOUSANDS of people were assaulted. You bankrupted small businesses and ruined entire communities. How does January 6th erase all that?
Trump haters/Woke-ists live in a fantasy world created by Democrat controlled TV and social media. Therefore the unarmed trespass escapade by 50 or so over zealous Trump supporters becomes Pearl Harbor.

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