Trump said he couldn’t remember 36 times in response to special counsel Robert Mueller’s questions

Sitting on her ass in front of Congress listening to softball questions isn't tough.
Haha...getting dizzy yet?
Nope....I keep kicking you in the nuts and you keep looking more and more like an idiot.
If declarations of victory were actual victories, you moron cultists would all be 12 star generals.
Is Hillary president? Lol, Trump did lie. I'm still not sick of winning.
Right, because everything is a "win", to a deluded cultist.
O told big lies and deceived the public, W sold lies about never ending wars, the hillary couldnt recall 39 times. Oh yeah, almost forgot about bubba:

"I don't remember" (54 times)

"I don't recall" (15 times)

"I didn't remember" (8 times)

"I have no recollection" (4 times)

"I just don't remember" (4 times)

"I couldn't remember" (3 times)

"I don't have any memory" (3 times)

"I've tried to remember" (2 times)

"I don't necessarily remember" (2 times)

"I have no specific memory" (2 times)

"I don't have an independent memory" (1 time)

"I honestly don't remember" (2 times)

"I certainly have no memory" (2 times)

"My memory is not clear" (1 time)

"I certainly don't remember" (1 time)

"I may have been confused in my memory" (1 time)

"I just don't recall" (1 time)

"I don't have the memory that you assume that I should" (1 time)

"I literally can't remember" (1 time)

"I can't possibly remember" (1 time)

"I honestly tried to remember" (1 time)

I know, I know, I know. Its just different.

Well? Is it different?

If your answer is it’s not different, that like Clinton Trump was lying but it’s ok this time, then you are just a hypocrite on the other side.
Sitting on her ass in front of Congress listening to softball questions isn't tough.
Haha...getting dizzy yet?
Nope....I keep kicking you in the nuts and you keep looking more and more like an idiot.
If declarations of victory were actual victories, you moron cultists would all be 12 star generals.
Is Hillary president? Lol, Trump did lie. I'm still not sick of winning.
Right, because everything is a "win", to a deluded cultist.
Trump keeping Hillary out of the white house is all I wanted of him. But he has me smiling everyday, he is the man! Oh yeah watching you liberals cry on here daily, is just icing on the cake.
Sitting on her ass in front of Congress listening to softball questions isn't tough.
Haha...getting dizzy yet?
Nope....I keep kicking you in the nuts and you keep looking more and more like an idiot.
If declarations of victory were actual victories, you moron cultists would all be 12 star generals.
Is Hillary president? Lol, Trump did lie. I'm still not sick of winning.
Running for president is the same.......the standards are the same.
If you expect Trump to be a perfect gentilman 24/7, even in private, then the same standards apply to all presidential candidates.
Let's not overlook the obvious fact that nothing Trump says or does is a's a shame that everyone didn't know about the tantrum Hillary threw after she lost, which you want to ignore it at all costs. Or the fact that Obama is a foul-mouth vindictive dickhead that threw people in prison for exposing him, and attacked every prominent conservative using the IRS and literally spied on reporters, members of congress, and political dicks have no room to talk at all.
Sitting on her ass in front of Congress listening to softball questions isn't tough.
Haha...getting dizzy yet?
Nope....I keep kicking you in the nuts and you keep looking more and more like an idiot.
If declarations of victory were actual victories, you moron cultists would all be 12 star generals.
Is Hillary president? Lol, Trump did lie. I'm still not sick of winning.
Running for president is the same.......the standards are the same.
If you expect Trump to be a perfect gentilman 24/7, even in private, then the same standards apply to all presidential candidates.
Let's not overlook the obvious fact that nothing Trump says or does is a's a shame that everyone didn't know about the tantrum Hillary threw after she lost, which you want to ignore it at all costs. Or the fact that Obama is a foul-mouth vindictive dickhead that threw people in prison for exposing him, and attacked every prominent conservative using the IRS and literally spied on reporters, members of congress, and political dicks have no room to talk at all.
Let's also not forget.
Trump keeping Hillary out of the white house is all I wanted of him. But he has me smiling everyday,
Right, because you have to double down on every moronic thing he does and says. Don't want to get your cult membership card pulled....
Trump has also made your transgendered man child, just a bad memory. He is the man!
What,freak? If you cultists have one skill, it's soothing yourselves .
senile obstructionist -

Trump said he couldn’t remember 36 times in response to special counsel Robert Mueller’s questions

poor old man must have a hard time finding his way home .........
How many times did Bill and Hillary say that when questioned ?
Are they senile???

1. Hillary wasnt the POTUS
2. She had the guts to testify IN PERSON for 11 hours.

Goldiocks is a lying pussy.

Hillary Clinton was NOT interviewed by a special persecutor, she only talked to politicians who were not capable of jailing her daughter or doing other things to press her.

she testified before congress you idiot - contempt of congress is a CRIMINAL OFFENSE !

F'n RW dolts are some stupid MF'rs.

Have you forgotten Eric Holder?
Trump keeping Hillary out of the white house is all I wanted of him. But he has me smiling everyday,
Right, because you have to double down on every moronic thing he does and says. Don't want to get your cult membership card pulled....
Trump has also made your transgendered man child, just a bad memory. He is the man!
What,freak? If you cultists have one skill, it's soothing yourselves .
Wearing your pussy hat when you typed that?
Trump keeping Hillary out of the white house is all I wanted of him. But he has me smiling everyday,
Right, because you have to double down on every moronic thing he does and says. Don't want to get your cult membership card pulled....
Trump has also made your transgendered man child, just a bad memory. He is the man!
What,freak? If you cultists have one skill, it's soothing yourselves .
Wearing your pussy hat when you typed that?
Why,gonna jerk off,now?
Comey couldn't recall 245 times, so Trump did very well indeed!

Last week, Mr. Comey testified before members of the House Judiciary Committee and the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. In a single appearance, Mr. Comey, on 245 separate occasions, while under oath, stonewalled questions with “I don’t know,” “I don’t remember” or “I don’t recall,” according to a congressional interrogator, Rep. Jim Jordan, Ohio Republican.

How James Comey continues to display his lack of credibility
Comey couldn't recall 245 times, so Trump did very well indeed!
Of course, that's a stupid comparison, as Comey was being questioned in real time, and he had to answer many more questions. President Pussyboy had an entire team of daycare workers who had weeks to translate his responses from crayon scribbles to complete English sentences.
Trump keeping Hillary out of the white house is all I wanted of him. But he has me smiling everyday,
Right, because you have to double down on every moronic thing he does and says. Don't want to get your cult membership card pulled....
Trump has also made your transgendered man child, just a bad memory. He is the man!
What,freak? If you cultists have one skill, it's soothing yourselves .
Wearing your pussy hat when you typed that?
Why,gonna jerk off,now?
No, but I might laugh my ass off at the most ignorant things liberals do. I mean with all this outrage over Trump and demanding investigations. Has only brought to light the illegal things Hillary and Obama did. So keep up the good work.
No, but I might laugh my ass off at the most ignorant things liberals do
Well, thats the only way morons can soothe themselves: point at others and call them"worse".
No when you loose an election, you should like an adult, accept it. Not put pussy hats on, dress up like vaginas and run around acting like fools yelling at the sky. I didn't like it when Obama got elected, but I accepted it.
Trump could NOT REMEMBER 36 times

... and yet ...

Trump has said he has "one of the great memories of all time."

What a joke.
Trump is a joke.
A POTUS embarrassment!
Some of the questions the FBI people were asking others were falsetto claims. And they did it over and over. They do it as a test to break people down. Either way, Mueller's team of Democrats could extract a win. If he could be broken down with lies, they win. If he couldn't be broken down with lies, it would be because his response would of course be, "I can't remember that happening," "I don't remember the event as you present It," or "That never happened which is why I can't remember it." This could be spun as certain proof the president is senile, which has happened in less than ten responses from USMB posters. This is a garbage can thread and a no-win situation based on Democrat trickery of creating a falsetto scenario in order to procure a political goal.

It smacks of liar Christine Blasey-Ford's false witness against Kavanaugh.

What a bunch of lard-ass crooks Democrats in high places are, starting with sicko Congressman Jerrold Nadler who after learning President Trump did not collude and did not obstruct justice nor commit any high crime, decided it was time for the Democrats to force impeachment. :rolleyes:

This is a designer thread to promote impeachment based on a falsetto scenario and that's all this is..
senile obstructionist -

Trump said he couldn’t remember 36 times in response to special counsel Robert Mueller’s questions

poor old man must have a hard time finding his way home .........

What's your point here? President Trump could only give an answer if he could guarantee that it was 100% accurate, otherwise, "could not recall" was appropriate.

A single misstep would have meant falling into a perjury trap. Any mistake, no matter how minor, would have been labeled as "perjury" by the Special Persecutor's office.
Nope....Republicans must answer even if it is that Democrat lawyers can bring charges.
Democrats aren't required to answer.

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