Trump said he couldn’t remember 36 times in response to special counsel Robert Mueller’s questions

I dont remember...

I suppose Democrats never say anything bad about their critics either.
They always say "Yup.....I'm sorry.....I made a mistake...I deserve to be lied about".
Democrats don’t mock the handicapped
Oh, SNL never made fun of an Iraqi War veteran running for Congress who had been wounded and wears a patch over one eye?
SNL is political satire

Trump is President of the US

Learn the difference
I dont remember...

I suppose Democrats never say anything bad about their critics either.
They always say "Yup.....I'm sorry.....I made a mistake...I deserve to be lied about".
Democrats don’t mock the handicapped

Kovaleski wasn't mocked for being crippled. He was being mocked for forgetting his own news report about thousands of devout Muslims celebrating 911.

BTW, Democrats often do mock handicapped people- I remember them mocking good old Bob Dole for his bum arm, Dubya for his alleged mental retardation and even their hero McCain for his arm injuries incurred in liberal North Vietnam
First off.
Kovaleski never said anything about thousands of Muslims dancing on rooftops. When Trump said he had, Kovaleski said he didn’t remember ever saying such a thing

When criticized for mocking a handicapped person, Trump said he had never met the guy and did not know he was handicapped
That was quickly proven to be a lie as he had met him many times and spent a day with him.

Democrats never mocked McCain or Dole

I dont remember...

I suppose Democrats never say anything bad about their critics either.
They always say "Yup.....I'm sorry.....I made a mistake...I deserve to be lied about".
Democrats don’t mock the handicapped
Oh, SNL never made fun of an Iraqi War veteran running for Congress who had been wounded and wears a patch over one eye?
SNL is political satire

Trump is President of the US

Learn the difference
You said Democrats don't mock the handicapped!!!!
Never mind the fact that Hillary and Obama have mocked anyone who criticizes them off camera and on camera.
Obama actually made fun of Christians, calling them clingers.
He mocked white people in his books.
Hillary mocked Qaddafi after he was murdered.
So don't give me this bullshit fake self-righteous nonsense.
And FYI, most of the criticism of Trump is personal, not on policy. (Orange Man)
I dont remember...

I suppose Democrats never say anything bad about their critics either.
They always say "Yup.....I'm sorry.....I made a mistake...I deserve to be lied about".
Democrats don’t mock the handicapped

Kovaleski wasn't mocked for being crippled. He was being mocked for forgetting his own news report about thousands of devout Muslims celebrating 911.

BTW, Democrats often do mock handicapped people- I remember them mocking good old Bob Dole for his bum arm, Dubya for his alleged mental retardation and even their hero McCain for his arm injuries incurred in liberal North Vietnam
First off.
Kovaleski never said anything about thousands of Muslims dancing on rooftops. When Trump said he had, Kovaleski said he didn’t remember ever saying such a thing

When criticized for mocking a handicapped person, Trump said he had never met the guy and did not know he was handicapped
That was quickly proven to be a lie as he had met him many times and spent a day with him.

Democrats never mocked McCain or Dole

Note to Conservatives : SNL is a COMEDY show. They are allowed to mock people

Trump is POTUS. He is held to a higher standard of decorum
senile obstructionist -

Trump said he couldn’t remember 36 times in response to special counsel Robert Mueller’s questions

poor old man must have a hard time finding his way home .........

Trump could NOT REMEMBER 36 times

... and yet ...

Trump has said he has "one of the great memories of all time."

What a joke.
Trump is a joke.
A POTUS embarrassment!

Your one dumb asshole .Trump has did nothing but good for this Country, your a mindless sheeple.
I dont remember...

I suppose Democrats never say anything bad about their critics either.
They always say "Yup.....I'm sorry.....I made a mistake...I deserve to be lied about".
Democrats don’t mock the handicapped
Oh, SNL never made fun of an Iraqi War veteran running for Congress who had been wounded and wears a patch over one eye?
SNL is political satire

Trump is President of the US

Learn the difference
You said Democrats don't mock the handicapped!!!!
Never mind the fact that Hillary and Obama have mocked anyone who criticizes them off camera and on camera.
Obama actually made fun of Christians, calling them clingers.
He mocked white people in his books.
Hillary mocked Qaddafi after he was murdered.
So don't give me this bullshit fake self-righteous nonsense.
And FYI, most of the criticism of Trump is personal, not on policy. (Orange Man)
Why do conservatives suck at equivalencies?

Obama or Hillary mocking a political opponent is NOT the same as Trump mocking a handicapped person
Obama actually made fun of Christians, calling them clingers.
Oh my!!!! I can only imagine the trauma this caused people.

A lot of people don't like to have their religions mocked, FFI.

Example given-Muslims don't like to be mocked as crazies, as there are any number of sane muslims like Iron Mike Tyson. That's why I'm careful to let people know that I am only talking about extremists
I suppose Democrats never say anything bad about their critics either.
They always say "Yup.....I'm sorry.....I made a mistake...I deserve to be lied about".
Democrats don’t mock the handicapped

Kovaleski wasn't mocked for being crippled. He was being mocked for forgetting his own news report about thousands of devout Muslims celebrating 911.

BTW, Democrats often do mock handicapped people- I remember them mocking good old Bob Dole for his bum arm, Dubya for his alleged mental retardation and even their hero McCain for his arm injuries incurred in liberal North Vietnam
First off.
Kovaleski never said anything about thousands of Muslims dancing on rooftops. When Trump said he had, Kovaleski said he didn’t remember ever saying such a thing

When criticized for mocking a handicapped person, Trump said he had never met the guy and did not know he was handicapped
That was quickly proven to be a lie as he had met him many times and spent a day with him.

Democrats never mocked McCain or Dole

Note to Conservatives : SNL is a COMEDY show. They are allowed to mock people

Trump is POTUS. He is held to a higher standard of decorum

Note to leftist idiots.....those who live in glass houses should not throw stones.
I suppose Democrats never say anything bad about their critics either.
They always say "Yup.....I'm sorry.....I made a mistake...I deserve to be lied about".
Democrats don’t mock the handicapped
Oh, SNL never made fun of an Iraqi War veteran running for Congress who had been wounded and wears a patch over one eye?
SNL is political satire

Trump is President of the US

Learn the difference
You said Democrats don't mock the handicapped!!!!
Never mind the fact that Hillary and Obama have mocked anyone who criticizes them off camera and on camera.
Obama actually made fun of Christians, calling them clingers.
He mocked white people in his books.
Hillary mocked Qaddafi after he was murdered.
So don't give me this bullshit fake self-righteous nonsense.
And FYI, most of the criticism of Trump is personal, not on policy. (Orange Man)
Why do conservatives suck at equivalencies?

Obama or Hillary mocking a political opponent is NOT the same as Trump mocking a handicapped person

The handicapped person in the Trump case was a political opponent- who was being mocked for his opposition not his disability
A lot of people don't like to have their religions mocked, FFI.
Hmm, that comment more mocked their behavior than their religion. But i get your point.

And you can then also admit that a lot of people pretended to be offended, when they actually were not.
I dont remember...

I suppose Democrats never say anything bad about their critics either.
They always say "Yup.....I'm sorry.....I made a mistake...I deserve to be lied about".
Democrats don’t mock the handicapped
Oh, SNL never made fun of an Iraqi War veteran running for Congress who had been wounded and wears a patch over one eye?
SNL is political satire

Trump is President of the US

Learn the difference
You said Democrats don't mock handicapped!!!!
Never mind the fact that Hillary and Obama have mocked anyone who criticizes them off camera and on camera.
Obama actually made fun of Christians, calling them clingers.
He mocked white people in his books.
Hillary mocked Qaddafi after he was murdered.
So don't give me this bullshit fake self-righthe teous nonsense.
And FYI, most of the criticism of Trump is personal, not on policy. (Orange Man)
"What about" deflections and excuses are just boring and lame. They just mean you can not intelligently address an issue or in this case, defend Trump for his immature buffoonery.
I suppose Democrats never say anything bad about their critics either.
They always say "Yup.....I'm sorry.....I made a mistake...I deserve to be lied about".
Democrats don’t mock the handicapped
Oh, SNL never made fun of an Iraqi War veteran running for Congress who had been wounded and wears a patch over one eye?
SNL is political satire

Trump is President of the US

Learn the difference
You said Democrats don't mock the handicapped!!!!
Never mind the fact that Hillary and Obama have mocked anyone who criticizes them off camera and on camera.
Obama actually made fun of Christians, calling them clingers.
He mocked white people in his books.
Hillary mocked Qaddafi after he was murdered.
So don't give me this bullshit fake self-righteous nonsense.
And FYI, most of the criticism of Trump is personal, not on policy. (Orange Man)
Why do conservatives suck at equivalencies?

Obama or Hillary mocking a political opponent is NOT the same as Trump mocking a handicapped person
Once seem to think that a Republican president has to act a specified way, but Democrat presidents and presidential candidates can do whatever the fuck they want and you'll accept it.

And another thing.......what I see when it comes to Trump's conduct seems mostly to be the nasty comments by Democrats in Congress and the media in general. Trump says 'shit' once and the Democrats in Congress and the media call it genocide. It's pure hyperbole intended to foment sedition....
I suppose Democrats never say anything bad about their critics either.
They always say "Yup.....I'm sorry.....I made a mistake...I deserve to be lied about".
Democrats don’t mock the handicapped
Oh, SNL never made fun of an Iraqi War veteran running for Congress who had been wounded and wears a patch over one eye?
SNL is political satire

Trump is President of the US

Learn the difference
You said Democrats don't mock handicapped!!!!
Never mind the fact that Hillary and Obama have mocked anyone who criticizes them off camera and on camera.
Obama actually made fun of Christians, calling them clingers.
He mocked white people in his books.
Hillary mocked Qaddafi after he was murdered.
So don't give me this bullshit fake self-righthe teous nonsense.
And FYI, most of the criticism of Trump is personal, not on policy. (Orange Man)
"What about" deflections and excuses are just boring and lame. They just mean you can not intelligently address an issue or in this case, defend Trump for his immature buffoonery.
Trump talks like a guy from Queens.
After listening to the media and the Democrats trash him for 4 solid years, calling him every name in the book, I don't really feel he is unjustified in telling them to go to Hell. Most reports are just some cocksucker bad-mouthing Trump and his reaction to them. Calling them losers and crazy. OMG, THE HUMANITY!!!!
A lot of people don't like to have their religions mocked, FFI.
Hmm, that comment more mocked their behavior than their religion. But i get your point.

And you can then also admit that a lot of people pretended to be offended, when they actually were not.
So why do you support Muslims who commit murder in the name of their religion????

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