Trump Said He May Testify -- Libs Are Totally Panicking


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
Trump teases impeachment testimony amid scandal fatigue

After witness after witness has test-a-lied under oath and said that Trump withheld aid from Ukraine on condition they announce an investigation into his political opponent -- Trump is deciding on whether he should testify or not and destroy this whole impeachment coup.

"Nancy Pelosi, on “Face the Nation,” said she would welcome Trump coming forward. “The president could come right before the committee and talk, speak all the truth that he wants if he wants,” she said. The speaker probably thought it was a throwaway line. That prompted some presidential Twitter action. After a swipe at “Nervous Nancy” and “Deface the Nation,” Trump said he would “strongly consider” testifying:

“She also said I could do it in writing. Even though I did nothing wrong, and don’t like giving credibility to this No Due Process Hoax, I like the idea & will, in order to get Congress focused again, strongly consider it!”

If Trump decides to save America and testify, it would be the most strongest and most powerful testimony ever given in the history of the US -- and it would totally trigger the libs because he will be under oath -- and he will give the 100% truth which would totally contradict the testimony of traitors like Vindman, Sondland, Yano-bitch and others...And the day after he testifies, Shitty Schiff and all of those witnesses will be charged with treason -- and if Trump doesn't testify, that would be totally awesome too, because he didn't do anything wrong anyway.
What could he possibly gain by testifying? Just doing so gives credence to this, a process that many Americans have rejected already. He has nothing to gain, much to lose, especially politically.

You can be the most innocent man on the planet and someone can always paint you differently.
Trump teases impeachment testimony amid scandal fatigue

After witness after witness has test-a-lied under oath and said that Trump withheld aid from Ukraine on condition they announce an investigation into his political opponent -- Trump is deciding on whether he should testify or not and destroy this whole impeachment coup.

"Nancy Pelosi, on “Face the Nation,” said she would welcome Trump coming forward. “The president could come right before the committee and talk, speak all the truth that he wants if he wants,” she said. The speaker probably thought it was a throwaway line. That prompted some presidential Twitter action. After a swipe at “Nervous Nancy” and “Deface the Nation,” Trump said he would “strongly consider” testifying:

“She also said I could do it in writing. Even though I did nothing wrong, and don’t like giving credibility to this No Due Process Hoax, I like the idea & will, in order to get Congress focused again, strongly consider it!”

If Trump decides to save America and testify, it would be the most strongest and most powerful testimony ever given in the history of the US -- and it would totally trigger the libs because he will be under oath -- and he will give the 100% truth which would totally contradict the testimony of traitors like Vindman, Sondland, Yano-bitch and others...And the day after he testifies, Shitty Schiff and all of those witnesses will be charged with treason -- and if Trump doesn't testify, that would be totally awesome too, because he didn't do anything wrong anyway.

He won't testify, but I wish he would under oath.
He will probably do a press interview or something and talk about how he isn't sweating impeachment because he can't sweat--a condition only true blue bloods like him and Prince Andrew have, and how he was at the McDonald's in Woking the night the aid got held up.
Biff could sell his troll posts a little easier if he threw in a TDS now and then. You need to get down to their level Mr. Poindexter. They`re an incredibly stupid bunch.
Just remember...if you re-elect Cheetoh Bandido...another four years of this.

Fuuuuuuuck me this shit is getting old.
Trump teases impeachment testimony amid scandal fatigue

After witness after witness has test-a-lied under oath and said that Trump withheld aid from Ukraine on condition they announce an investigation into his political opponent -- Trump is deciding on whether he should testify or not and destroy this whole impeachment coup.

"Nancy Pelosi, on “Face the Nation,” said she would welcome Trump coming forward. “The president could come right before the committee and talk, speak all the truth that he wants if he wants,” she said. The speaker probably thought it was a throwaway line. That prompted some presidential Twitter action. After a swipe at “Nervous Nancy” and “Deface the Nation,” Trump said he would “strongly consider” testifying:

“She also said I could do it in writing. Even though I did nothing wrong, and don’t like giving credibility to this No Due Process Hoax, I like the idea & will, in order to get Congress focused again, strongly consider it!”

If Trump decides to save America and testify, it would be the most strongest and most powerful testimony ever given in the history of the US -- and it would totally trigger the libs because he will be under oath -- and he will give the 100% truth which would totally contradict the testimony of traitors like Vindman, Sondland, Yano-bitch and others...And the day after he testifies, Shitty Schiff and all of those witnesses will be charged with treason -- and if Trump doesn't testify, that would be totally awesome too, because he didn't do anything wrong anyway.

The chances of Trump going to the House and giving his testimony is as likely as him releasing his Tax returns... Which is never..

Only a fool would do it, wait he might just do it and lie and then get impeached for lying to Congress like his buddy Clinton did...

Trump says he would 'love to speak' with Robert Mueller

By Clare Foran, Kevin Liptak and Jim Acosta, CNN
Updated 4:14 PM ET, Fri May 4, 2018

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump said Friday that he would "love to speak" with special counsel Robert Mueller, but only if he's "treated fairly."

"I would love to speak. I would love to. Nobody wants to speak more than me," the President told reporters at the White House, adding that his lawyers have advised him against sitting for an interview.
"I would love to speak because we've done nothing wrong," he added.
Trump says he would 'love to speak' with Robert Mueller - CNNPolitics

how'd that work out?

Trump says he would 'love to speak' with Robert Mueller

By Clare Foran, Kevin Liptak and Jim Acosta, CNN
Updated 4:14 PM ET, Fri May 4, 2018

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump said Friday that he would "love to speak" with special counsel Robert Mueller, but only if he's "treated fairly."

"I would love to speak. I would love to. Nobody wants to speak more than me," the President told reporters at the White House, adding that his lawyers have advised him against sitting for an interview.
"I would love to speak because we've done nothing wrong," he added.
Trump says he would 'love to speak' with Robert Mueller - CNNPolitics

how'd that work out?

As well as him releasing his Tax Returns...

When Trump says he might... Well let just say it will never happen...

Trump says he would 'love to speak' with Robert Mueller

By Clare Foran, Kevin Liptak and Jim Acosta, CNN
Updated 4:14 PM ET, Fri May 4, 2018

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump said Friday that he would "love to speak" with special counsel Robert Mueller, but only if he's "treated fairly."

"I would love to speak. I would love to. Nobody wants to speak more than me," the President told reporters at the White House, adding that his lawyers have advised him against sitting for an interview.
"I would love to speak because we've done nothing wrong," he added.
Trump says he would 'love to speak' with Robert Mueller - CNNPolitics

how'd that work out?

As well as him releasing his Tax Returns...

When Trump says he might... Well let just say it will never happen...

& when he says ' we'll see what happens ' that means ' i hope y'all forget all of this so i can go play golf & eat a big mac '
What could he possibly gain by testifying? Just doing so gives credence to this, a process that many Americans have rejected already. He has nothing to gain, much to lose, especially politically.

You can be the most innocent man on the planet and someone can always paint you differently.
Is that what you said when Hillary was asked to testify for like 8 or 9 different Benghazi hearings??

What do you think would happen if Trump testified in front of Congress, under oath for 10 hrs?? If Hillary could do it, why can't Trump??
Trump teases impeachment testimony amid scandal fatigue

After witness after witness has test-a-lied under oath and said that Trump withheld aid from Ukraine on condition they announce an investigation into his political opponent -- Trump is deciding on whether he should testify or not and destroy this whole impeachment coup.

"Nancy Pelosi, on “Face the Nation,” said she would welcome Trump coming forward. “The president could come right before the committee and talk, speak all the truth that he wants if he wants,” she said. The speaker probably thought it was a throwaway line. That prompted some presidential Twitter action. After a swipe at “Nervous Nancy” and “Deface the Nation,” Trump said he would “strongly consider” testifying:

“She also said I could do it in writing. Even though I did nothing wrong, and don’t like giving credibility to this No Due Process Hoax, I like the idea & will, in order to get Congress focused again, strongly consider it!”

If Trump decides to save America and testify, it would be the most strongest and most powerful testimony ever given in the history of the US -- and it would totally trigger the libs because he will be under oath -- and he will give the 100% truth which would totally contradict the testimony of traitors like Vindman, Sondland, Yano-bitch and others...And the day after he testifies, Shitty Schiff and all of those witnesses will be charged with treason -- and if Trump doesn't testify, that would be totally awesome too, because he didn't do anything wrong anyway.

The chances of Trump going to the House and giving his testimony is as likely as him releasing his Tax returns... Which is never..

Only a fool would do it, wait he might just do it and lie and then get impeached for lying to Congress like his buddy Clinton did...
President says a lot of stuff. Why does anyone believe this one?
Trump teases impeachment testimony amid scandal fatigue

After witness after witness has test-a-lied under oath and said that Trump withheld aid from Ukraine on condition they announce an investigation into his political opponent -- Trump is deciding on whether he should testify or not and destroy this whole impeachment coup.

"Nancy Pelosi, on “Face the Nation,” said she would welcome Trump coming forward. “The president could come right before the committee and talk, speak all the truth that he wants if he wants,” she said. The speaker probably thought it was a throwaway line. That prompted some presidential Twitter action. After a swipe at “Nervous Nancy” and “Deface the Nation,” Trump said he would “strongly consider” testifying:

“She also said I could do it in writing. Even though I did nothing wrong, and don’t like giving credibility to this No Due Process Hoax, I like the idea & will, in order to get Congress focused again, strongly consider it!”

If Trump decides to save America and testify, it would be the most strongest and most powerful testimony ever given in the history of the US -- and it would totally trigger the libs because he will be under oath -- and he will give the 100% truth which would totally contradict the testimony of traitors like Vindman, Sondland, Yano-bitch and others...And the day after he testifies, Shitty Schiff and all of those witnesses will be charged with treason -- and if Trump doesn't testify, that would be totally awesome too, because he didn't do anything wrong anyway.

The chances of Trump going to the House and giving his testimony is as likely as him releasing his Tax returns... Which is never..

Only a fool would do it, wait he might just do it and lie and then get impeached for lying to Congress like his buddy Clinton did...
I don`t see the connection between the 2. One of them got a bj on company time and the other one tried to bribe a foreign leader in exchange for a personal favor. They`re not buddies.
Trump teases impeachment testimony amid scandal fatigue

After witness after witness has test-a-lied under oath and said that Trump withheld aid from Ukraine on condition they announce an investigation into his political opponent -- Trump is deciding on whether he should testify or not and destroy this whole impeachment coup.

"Nancy Pelosi, on “Face the Nation,” said she would welcome Trump coming forward. “The president could come right before the committee and talk, speak all the truth that he wants if he wants,” she said. The speaker probably thought it was a throwaway line. That prompted some presidential Twitter action. After a swipe at “Nervous Nancy” and “Deface the Nation,” Trump said he would “strongly consider” testifying:

“She also said I could do it in writing. Even though I did nothing wrong, and don’t like giving credibility to this No Due Process Hoax, I like the idea & will, in order to get Congress focused again, strongly consider it!”

If Trump decides to save America and testify, it would be the most strongest and most powerful testimony ever given in the history of the US -- and it would totally trigger the libs because he will be under oath -- and he will give the 100% truth which would totally contradict the testimony of traitors like Vindman, Sondland, Yano-bitch and others...And the day after he testifies, Shitty Schiff and all of those witnesses will be charged with treason -- and if Trump doesn't testify, that would be totally awesome too, because he didn't do anything wrong anyway.

The chances of Trump going to the House and giving his testimony is as likely as him releasing his Tax returns... Which is never..

Only a fool would do it, wait he might just do it and lie and then get impeached for lying to Congress like his buddy Clinton did...
President says a lot of stuff. Why does anyone believe this one?

Well many people once believed in the Tooth Fairy, Satan Claus ( Yes, Satan ) and they had a shot with that hot dude of girl, so some idiots will believe Trump might actually do what he says...

Then again I believe he is just messing with Pelosi and getting her wet at the idea but alas enough about Trump retarded way of mentally fucking the left, right, oh hell the entire Universe...
Trump teases impeachment testimony amid scandal fatigue

After witness after witness has test-a-lied under oath and said that Trump withheld aid from Ukraine on condition they announce an investigation into his political opponent -- Trump is deciding on whether he should testify or not and destroy this whole impeachment coup.

"Nancy Pelosi, on “Face the Nation,” said she would welcome Trump coming forward. “The president could come right before the committee and talk, speak all the truth that he wants if he wants,” she said. The speaker probably thought it was a throwaway line. That prompted some presidential Twitter action. After a swipe at “Nervous Nancy” and “Deface the Nation,” Trump said he would “strongly consider” testifying:

“She also said I could do it in writing. Even though I did nothing wrong, and don’t like giving credibility to this No Due Process Hoax, I like the idea & will, in order to get Congress focused again, strongly consider it!”

If Trump decides to save America and testify, it would be the most strongest and most powerful testimony ever given in the history of the US -- and it would totally trigger the libs because he will be under oath -- and he will give the 100% truth which would totally contradict the testimony of traitors like Vindman, Sondland, Yano-bitch and others...And the day after he testifies, Shitty Schiff and all of those witnesses will be charged with treason -- and if Trump doesn't testify, that would be totally awesome too, because he didn't do anything wrong anyway.

The chances of Trump going to the House and giving his testimony is as likely as him releasing his Tax returns... Which is never..

Only a fool would do it, wait he might just do it and lie and then get impeached for lying to Congress like his buddy Clinton did...
I don`t see the connection between the 2. One of them got a bj on company time and the other one tried to bribe a foreign leader in exchange for a personal favor. They`re not buddies.

Wow, Clinton lied to Congress which was his impeachment was about!

Also before Trump beat Hillary it is a fact Trump and Clinton were buddies and to deny this is being a partisan liar!

Finally, if you lie about what Clinton was impeached for then you are as worthless as Trump!
Trump calls impeachment "no due process" -- as if to claim he hasn't had a chance to present any evidence or call any witnesses -- so what better witness to call than him?

Unless....he knows he will commit perjury...…

Trump is relying on his sycophantic base to survive this impeachment process -- then as usual, 5 years from now -- that sycophantic base will be pretending they were never sycophants, while being a sycophant for the next person who feeds their hate fix...
Everyone (except possibly for tRump himself) knows he is a high-yield perjury bomb with a hair-trigger. There is no way any lawyer in his or her right mind would put him in the stand.

Rudy might, but he's not in charge.

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