Trump saves 1,000 jobs over two weeks, miracle, Obama creates 7,200 a day, he's a failure

The libs answer to everything. Let's just legalize and tax it. I wish we could tax stupidity.

Wait...are you for less government or not? Make up your fucking mind.

As near as I can tell, Ice is for transferring the entire business tax burden to individuals, because he feels like the middle class is not paying enough.

As for pot, he is deeply concerned that 20,000 people per year die in California directly from alcohol related crime and accidents and none die from pot, presumably because it is illegal, so, obviously, nobody in California uses it.

Ice seems to have teleported himself here from another planet.
Lots of potheads die driving and harm others on the road, so you left that part out. Nor does alcohol abuse justify anything else.

As for taxes, guess what Slick, individuals already do pay the tax burden. We pass costs on to our customers, that's how business works. You know so little about the real world.

I will wait patiently for your link of deaths due to pot.

As for taxes, if you want to add corporations to the welfare rolls, I guess I don't mind. being retired and living off of my Roth IRA's, I don't pay any taxes, either. I also buy little at this point of my life That pretty mush leaves it all up to you.
Another tard that can't read. I'll wait for you to explain why we should ignore the dangers of potheads driving. Are you stoned?

Got it. You have no links. You just pull facts out of your ass.
Come on, you gotta admit it's hilarious. Trump has been working on this for the last couple of weeks. Carrier, instead of moving 1,700 jobs to Mexico, they are moving only 700 and all it cost was 7 million. That translates into a cost of $7,000.00 per job. That makes Trump a hero. A Gawd. A miracle worker.

In November, the economy produced, under President Obama, 216,000 jobs. That seven thousand two hundred per day. And he's a failure.

And there is no contract that these workers will even keep their jobs. Carrier is pouring 16 million into the plant to upgrade the infrastructure. These days, what does that mean?

Danger Will Robinson:


What America thinks it's getting under Trump:


What America is really getting under Trump:


If you don't put it into a contract, you have no real deal. You just have a subsidized business with no promises. And no jobs. Oops.

The con man cons America and the Alt Right buys what the Scam Artist is selling. At least for now.

I think you yourself said it "THE ECONOMY" produced the jobs. Obama did jack shit.

Trump actually saved these jobs... did something other than taking credit from the action of others, regressive liberal style.
What if all companies said they were leaving and only a tax break would get them to stay?? What would dump do then?

Give them all tax breaks. That's what needs to happen anyway.
Part of Trump's plan is to lower Corporate Tax from 35% to 15%.

So last year, United Technologies, the owner of Carrier, paid 9%. The previous 4 years they paid 10%.


Yeah, and as I posted in another thread... most of their income is kept overseas and they use a Federal law to keep from paying taxes indefinitely on it...
Twice before companies were given a tax holiday by Republicans hoping they would bring the money back and use it to invest in American companies.
Instead, it went into investors accounts and just sat there. No new jobs were created. We have been duped by that twice. I guess third time is the charm.

What is needed is some new creativity. To get people with imagination into positions. Not just money movers and money counters.

Twice before companies were given a tax holiday by Republicans hoping they would bring the money back and use it to invest in American companies.
Instead, it went into investors accounts and just sat there.

Companies brought money back, paid the tax on it and gave it to their shareholders.

I can see why that makes you sad.

No new jobs were created.

People had more money but no jobs were created?
You should retake that Econ 101 class you failed.
Share holders had more money which they banked. No jobs were created.
I think you yourself said it "THE ECONOMY" produced the jobs. Obama did jack shit.

yes Barry is a typical anti business socialist so naturally discouraged job creation.
Really, then why is unemployment so low? Coincidence?

Simple question for you, the Obama policy that created jobs! Since you're here claiming that he's responsible for job creation then you should have no problem at all pointing out his economic policies that made that happen. Right?
Wait...are you for less government or not? Make up your fucking mind.

As near as I can tell, Ice is for transferring the entire business tax burden to individuals, because he feels like the middle class is not paying enough.

As for pot, he is deeply concerned that 20,000 people per year die in California directly from alcohol related crime and accidents and none die from pot, presumably because it is illegal, so, obviously, nobody in California uses it.

Ice seems to have teleported himself here from another planet.
Lots of potheads die driving and harm others on the road, so you left that part out. Nor does alcohol abuse justify anything else.

As for taxes, guess what Slick, individuals already do pay the tax burden. We pass costs on to our customers, that's how business works. You know so little about the real world.

I will wait patiently for your link of deaths due to pot.

As for taxes, if you want to add corporations to the welfare rolls, I guess I don't mind. being retired and living off of my Roth IRA's, I don't pay any taxes, either. I also buy little at this point of my life That pretty mush leaves it all up to you.
Another tard that can't read. I'll wait for you to explain why we should ignore the dangers of potheads driving. Are you stoned?

Got it. You have no links. You just pull facts out of your ass.

At least they are facts.
The Fed hasn't been able to raise interest rates during Barack Obama's entire Presidency. Every time they even broached the subject the stock market tanked. So Donald Trump gets elected and the stock market takes off like a rocket ship and the Fed Chairperson announces that they are going to raise interest rates. Coincidence?
I think you yourself said it "THE ECONOMY" produced the jobs. Obama did jack shit.

yes Barry is a typical anti business socialist so naturally discouraged job creation.
Really, then why is unemployment so low? Coincidence?

Simple question for you, the Obama policy that created jobs! Since you're here claiming that he's responsible for job creation then you should have no problem at all pointing out his economic policies that made that happen. Right?
How good were the 10.9 million jobs under Obama?

One thing Obama never gets credit for are all his wins for US industries at the WTO:

FACT SHEET: The Obama Administration’s Unprecedented Trade Enforcement Record | United States Trade Representative

WTO hands Obama victory in U.S.-China steel case
WTO Rules US Tariffs on Chinese Tire Imports Legal

That's just the beginning.

And remember, Republicans were trying to destroy Obama every step of the way. Even you can't deny that.
Give them all tax breaks. That's what needs to happen anyway.
Part of Trump's plan is to lower Corporate Tax from 35% to 15%.

So last year, United Technologies, the owner of Carrier, paid 9%. The previous 4 years they paid 10%.


Yeah, and as I posted in another thread... most of their income is kept overseas and they use a Federal law to keep from paying taxes indefinitely on it...
Twice before companies were given a tax holiday by Republicans hoping they would bring the money back and use it to invest in American companies.
Instead, it went into investors accounts and just sat there. No new jobs were created. We have been duped by that twice. I guess third time is the charm.

What is needed is some new creativity. To get people with imagination into positions. Not just money movers and money counters.

Twice before companies were given a tax holiday by Republicans hoping they would bring the money back and use it to invest in American companies.
Instead, it went into investors accounts and just sat there.

Companies brought money back, paid the tax on it and gave it to their shareholders.

I can see why that makes you sad.

No new jobs were created.

People had more money but no jobs were created?
You should retake that Econ 101 class you failed.
Share holders had more money which they banked. No jobs were created.

Share holders had more money which they banked.

Every shareholder banked every dollar they received?
Well at least they paid taxes on it first.

No jobs were created.

People putting more money in the bank doesn't create jobs?
What about when people took that money and repaid debt?

I think you yourself said it "THE ECONOMY" produced the jobs. Obama did jack shit.

yes Barry is a typical anti business socialist so naturally discouraged job creation.
Really, then why is unemployment so low? Coincidence?

Simple question for you, the Obama policy that created jobs! Since you're here claiming that he's responsible for job creation then you should have no problem at all pointing out his economic policies that made that happen. Right?
Nitwit It happened on OBAMAS WATCH Want to give GWB credit ?? DOW goes up 13000 points under Obama repubs bash him Goes up 1000 since election Repubs kiss trump ass Repubs are sick in the head
I think you yourself said it "THE ECONOMY" produced the jobs. Obama did jack shit.

yes Barry is a typical anti business socialist so naturally discouraged job creation.
Really, then why is unemployment so low? Coincidence?

Simple question for you, the Obama policy that created jobs! Since you're here claiming that he's responsible for job creation then you should have no problem at all pointing out his economic policies that made that happen. Right?
Nitwit It happened on OBAMAS WATCH Want to give GWB credit ?? DOW goes up 13000 points under Obama repubs bash him Goes up 1000 since election Repubs kiss trump ass Repubs are sick in the head
Hmmm, it suddenly shoots up after Trump's win but obama did it. I don't get it.
I think you yourself said it "THE ECONOMY" produced the jobs. Obama did jack shit.

yes Barry is a typical anti business socialist so naturally discouraged job creation.
Really, then why is unemployment so low? Coincidence?

Simple question for you, the Obama policy that created jobs! Since you're here claiming that he's responsible for job creation then you should have no problem at all pointing out his economic policies that made that happen. Right?
How good were the 10.9 million jobs under Obama?

One thing Obama never gets credit for are all his wins for US industries at the WTO:

FACT SHEET: The Obama Administration’s Unprecedented Trade Enforcement Record | United States Trade Representative

WTO hands Obama victory in U.S.-China steel case
WTO Rules US Tariffs on Chinese Tire Imports Legal

That's just the beginning.

And remember, Republicans were trying to destroy Obama every step of the way. Even you can't deny that. didn't really read any of those...did you, Derp? Winning a case against the Chinese for a 250 million dollar niche of the steel industry while ignoring a 15 BILLION dollar imbalance in car manufacturing counts as an Obama "win" in your eyes? Creating low paying "service" jobs counts as an Obama "win" in your eyes? Here's a hint for you, little buddy...the reason that blue collar union members voted against a Democrat in this race isn't because Barack Obama created so many jobs for's because he DIDN'T and hid behind misleading statistics pretending that he'd done something good for the economy. That huge loss of State and local government jobs? That happened because Barry couldn't grow the economy enough to generate the tax revenues at the local level to retain government workers! Did we see a reduction of Federal workers during the same time of reduced revenues? No, because unlike State and local government that have to balance their budgets...the Federal Government can just keep going further in debt...something that Barack Obama did more than all the other Presidents before him combined!

As for the GOP trying to "destroy" Barack Obama? The people most responsible for the "destruction" of the Democratic Party are not's the Progressive Wing of the Democratic Party itself who passed things like that "Affordable Care Act" and lied to the American people about how it would work and what it would cost.
I think you yourself said it "THE ECONOMY" produced the jobs. Obama did jack shit.

yes Barry is a typical anti business socialist so naturally discouraged job creation.
Really, then why is unemployment so low? Coincidence?

Simple question for you, the Obama policy that created jobs! Since you're here claiming that he's responsible for job creation then you should have no problem at all pointing out his economic policies that made that happen. Right?
Nitwit It happened on OBAMAS WATCH Want to give GWB credit ?? DOW goes up 13000 points under Obama repubs bash him Goes up 1000 since election Repubs kiss trump ass Repubs are sick in the head

Did the stock market go up under Barack Obama's watch because of his economic policies...or because the Fed kept interest rates at nearly zero for eight straight years...allowing the wealthy in America to reap huge profits in a stock market driven by investment of essentially free money if you had the credit to play the game? You folks on the left who constantly whine about "income inequality" yet tout the surging stock market under Obama as a success of his Administration amuse me. The rich have gotten far richer under Barry than they have under Republican Presidents because his only remedy to a sluggish economy was to pump up the stock market bubble.
I think you yourself said it "THE ECONOMY" produced the jobs. Obama did jack shit.

yes Barry is a typical anti business socialist so naturally discouraged job creation.
Really, then why is unemployment so low? Coincidence?

Simple question for you, the Obama policy that created jobs! Since you're here claiming that he's responsible for job creation then you should have no problem at all pointing out his economic policies that made that happen. Right?
Nitwit It happened on OBAMAS WATCH Want to give GWB credit ?? DOW goes up 13000 points under Obama repubs bash him Goes up 1000 since election Repubs kiss trump ass Repubs are sick in the head
Hmmm, it suddenly shoots up after Trump's win but obama did it. I don't get it.
Naaa it was trump and his policies that really did it imo but from 7000 to 19000 you bashed obama Who gets credit for that? In Republican world it'd be GWB

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