Trump says he was going to fire Comey regardless of the DoJ's recommendation. Really?

As for how he was fired, a letter was sent to FBI headquarters hours before the announcement was made but no one at the FBI had bothered to tell Comey about it.

As for how he was fired- Trump didn't have the balls to do it in person- or even call him and tell him he was being fired.

He sent his bodyguard with a sealed letter to the FBI headquarters- when Comey was 3,000 miles away.

The news was leaked to the press before the letter was delivered.

No Balls Trump.
Donald trump stated in his interview with Lester Holt that he'd decided to fire Comey even before he'd met with the Atty General and the Deputy Atty General. Maybe that's true; maybe it's not.
  • If it's true --> Just how profoundly inept (?), indolent (?), ignorant (?) must a POTUS be to have planned to fire the FBI Director and not have at the same time have a replacement individual to appoint on the same day -- to say nothing of a week later -- as firing the existing one?
  • If it's not true --> It's yet another lie Trump has told and for which having simply said nothing would have been a better tack.
While the remark/lie itself is minor, that the POTUS doesn't yet have a replacement named is not. Given that the remark is in the scheme of things, of little import, one must ask why anyone, much less a POTUS struggling to overcome legitimate concern -- from outside and within his own party -- that he's a paltering dolt, would deign to make such a trivial comment. If it's true, the man clearly has no idea of what's worth saying and what's not. If it's not true, we have yet another illustration of just how petty a mental midget the man is. None of that is what we need in a POTUS, but it is apparently what Trumpkins think the country deserves.

Any reasonably well run organization can operate with the Second in charge covering for the Top Guy for quite a while, indefinitely even.

And only a dishonest ass would pretend otherwise.

Thus the only information contained in your OP is that you have zero intellectual honesty and/or credibility.
You have an assistant director who does the job until the top spot is filled. Nothing lost here at all.
Well, the first member of the "peanut gallery" has spoken.
Look at your ratings bitch and look at mine.
Well, were my point for being here to garner the approbation of total strangers, that might matter to me; however, I am not, so it does not.
The point is less then 50 percent of all your statements cannot garner one agree. That puts you outside normal more then half the time. In short you do not fit the board.

You have an assistant director who does the job until the top spot is filled. Nothing lost here at all.
Well, the first member of the "peanut gallery" has spoken.
Look at your ratings bitch and look at mine.
Well, were my point for being here to garner the approbation of total strangers, that might matter to me; however, I am not, so it does not.
The point is less then 50 percent of all your statements cannot garner one agree. That puts you outside normal more then half the time. In short you do not fit the board.
you do not fit the board.

Well, I am definitely not part of the USMB "echo chamber." As I noted, I do not seek the USMB membership's approbation; thus I have no expectation of obtaining it.

The value place on conformity, as show by your equating "normalcy" with conformity, with USMB opinion again illustrates my point about your being part of the board's "peanut gallery."

In Xelor's defense, he constructs salient threads that are generally decent discussion topics. His problem (If one chooses to call it that)

is his extensive vocabulary which he often uses in his posts. While the terms he utilizes may be entirely fitting, a large swath of people won't

even know what he's saying and most certainly are not going to go look it up.

As per this thread; I think Trump figured there's never a good time to fire Comey and decided to go ahead and get it done.

If he had the foresight to have a replacement ready, I think it would appear overly politically motivated, moreso than the way it is now.

He knows what he's doing.
President Trump is trying to clear up the mess the corrupt and incompetent Obama administration left behind, and Comey is a part of that mess.

Not according to Trump- Trump said he is firing Comey because of the Russian investigation.

I wonder what he doesn't want the FBI to find?
The failed Russia investigation is only important because Comey continued to misrepresent it in his testimony to Congress, but that is only one example of corruption and incompetence by Comey.


Wow you have really drunk the Trump koolaid.

There is no evidence of 'corruption'- the voices in your head don't count.

There is no 'failed Russia investigation'- the Russia investigation has already revealed Russia's attempt to hack our election- which for some reason Conservatives- and Trump want to deny.

I wonder what story Trump will be spinning next week on why he fired Comey........

By the way- just want to point out that Trump didn't have the balls to fire Comey in person- or even have the letter delivered to him in person- he leaked the firing so that Comey found out while he was at- and this is ironic- a FBI recruiting event.

For a TV entertainer who became famous for saying "You're Fired"- he didn't have the balls to say that to Comey.
A lot of words to say you don't like the President. After eight years of the profoundly corrupt Obama administration you apparently don't believe honest government is possible. .

After 100 days of Donald Trump lying to Americans almost daily- I don't believe Trump is honest. I don't know why you would think he is.
After months of you lying about the President, why would anyone think you know what it is to be honest?
Hacking the election is a meaningless propaganda term and no evidence to support allegations that the Russian government hacked the DNC server has ever been produced. .

"Hacking the election" is short hand for what all of America's Spy agencies have agreed Russia did- which was work in multiple ways to try to influence our Presidential election- and that Russia has ongoing efforts to do in other Western countries- such as France and Germany.

Trump and you Trumpsters want to deny Russian malfeasance when it comes to our election.

Shills like John Brennan has promoted these allegations as part of Obama's Russia hoax in hope of influencing the election in favor of Clinton, but they have provided no evidence the Russian government hacked any of the servers involved. If you were honest, you would admit that you use the term, hacking the election, because you have no idea what the actual allegations or evidence is and you don't care what it is because you have always only one point to make, that you don't like the President.
President Trump is trying to clear up the mess the corrupt and incompetent Obama administration left behind, and Comey is a part of that mess.

Not according to Trump- Trump said he is firing Comey because of the Russian investigation.

I wonder what he doesn't want the FBI to find?
The failed Russia investigation is only important because Comey continued to misrepresent it in his testimony to Congress, but that is only one example of corruption and incompetence by Comey.


Wow you have really drunk the Trump koolaid.

There is no evidence of 'corruption'- the voices in your head don't count.

There is no 'failed Russia investigation'- the Russia investigation has already revealed Russia's attempt to hack our election- which for some reason Conservatives- and Trump want to deny.

I wonder what story Trump will be spinning next week on why he fired Comey........

By the way- just want to point out that Trump didn't have the balls to fire Comey in person- or even have the letter delivered to him in person- he leaked the firing so that Comey found out while he was at- and this is ironic- a FBI recruiting event.

For a TV entertainer who became famous for saying "You're Fired"- he didn't have the balls to say that to Comey.

Comey grandstanding an investigation that has produced nothing in over a year by announcing there is an investigation but refusing say anything more a.

"Grandstanding"? You mean testifying before Congress?

Hell its not as if he was sending out daily texts telling everyone how HUGE his success at the FBI has been- or how his meeting was the HUGEST meeting ever.

You have really drunk the Trump koolaid.

Grandstanding-coming from Trump its just par for the course- coming from anyone else...priceless....
Testifying dishonestly before Congress, rushing to state there is an investigation of possible collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government but refusing to say anymore about it. We know from statements from Feinstein, Manchin and Waters, that he had nothing to say because this bogus investigation had not produced a single piece of evidence of any collusion. If Comey had been an honest man and not a showboat, he would have admitted to Congress that there had never been a legitimate basis for such an investigation and that he had been bullied by the Obama administration into pretending there was.
As for how he was fired, a letter was sent to FBI headquarters hours before the announcement was made but no one at the FBI had bothered to tell Comey about it.

As for how he was fired- Trump didn't have the balls to do it in person- or even call him and tell him he was being fired.

He sent his bodyguard with a sealed letter to the FBI headquarters- when Comey was 3,000 miles away.

The news was leaked to the press before the letter was delivered.

No Balls Trump.
What become clearer as you post is that you have no idea why you dislike the President so much.
You have an assistant director who does the job until the top spot is filled. Nothing lost here at all.
Well, the first member of the "peanut gallery" has spoken.
Look at your ratings bitch and look at mine.
Well, were my point for being here to garner the approbation of total strangers, that might matter to me; however, I am not, so it does not.
The point is less then 50 percent of all your statements cannot garner one agree. That puts you outside normal more then half the time. In short you do not fit the board.

Well, the first member of the "peanut gallery" has spoken.
Look at your ratings bitch and look at mine.
Well, were my point for being here to garner the approbation of total strangers, that might matter to me; however, I am not, so it does not.
The point is less then 50 percent of all your statements cannot garner one agree. That puts you outside normal more then half the time. In short you do not fit the board.
you do not fit the board.

Well, I am definitely not part of the USMB "echo chamber." As I noted, I do not seek the USMB membership's approbation; thus I have no expectation of obtaining it.

The value place on conformity, as show by your equating "normalcy" with conformity, with USMB opinion again illustrates my point about your being part of the board's "peanut gallery."

In Xelor's defense, he constructs salient threads that are generally decent discussion topics. His problem (If one chooses to call it that)

is his extensive vocabulary which he often uses in his posts. While the terms he utilizes may be entirely fitting, a large swath of people won't

even know what he's saying and most certainly are not going to go look it up.

As per this thread; I think Trump figured there's never a good time to fire Comey and decided to go ahead and get it done.

If he had the foresight to have a replacement ready, I think it would appear overly politically motivated, moreso than the way it is now.

He knows what he's doing.
If he had the foresight to have a replacement ready, I think it would appear overly politically motivated, moreso than the way it is now.
Well managed and politically motivated is still better than poorly managed and politically motivated. The latter is what we observed.
Well, the first member of the "peanut gallery" has spoken.
Look at your ratings bitch and look at mine.
Well, were my point for being here to garner the approbation of total strangers, that might matter to me; however, I am not, so it does not.
The point is less then 50 percent of all your statements cannot garner one agree. That puts you outside normal more then half the time. In short you do not fit the board.

Look at your ratings bitch and look at mine.
Well, were my point for being here to garner the approbation of total strangers, that might matter to me; however, I am not, so it does not.
The point is less then 50 percent of all your statements cannot garner one agree. That puts you outside normal more then half the time. In short you do not fit the board.
you do not fit the board.

Well, I am definitely not part of the USMB "echo chamber." As I noted, I do not seek the USMB membership's approbation; thus I have no expectation of obtaining it.

The value place on conformity, as show by your equating "normalcy" with conformity, with USMB opinion again illustrates my point about your being part of the board's "peanut gallery."

In Xelor's defense, he constructs salient threads that are generally decent discussion topics. His problem (If one chooses to call it that)

is his extensive vocabulary which he often uses in his posts. While the terms he utilizes may be entirely fitting, a large swath of people won't

even know what he's saying and most certainly are not going to go look it up.

As per this thread; I think Trump figured there's never a good time to fire Comey and decided to go ahead and get it done.

If he had the foresight to have a replacement ready, I think it would appear overly politically motivated, moreso than the way it is now.

He knows what he's doing.
If he had the foresight to have a replacement ready, I think it would appear overly politically motivated, moreso than the way it is now.
Well managed and politically motivated is still better than poorly managed and politically motivated. The latter is what we observed.

I disagree. He saw a job that needed done and did it and to hell with whoever says whatever, deal with it.
Well, the first member of the "peanut gallery" has spoken.
Look at your ratings bitch and look at mine.
Well, were my point for being here to garner the approbation of total strangers, that might matter to me; however, I am not, so it does not.
The point is less then 50 percent of all your statements cannot garner one agree. That puts you outside normal more then half the time. In short you do not fit the board.

Look at your ratings bitch and look at mine.
Well, were my point for being here to garner the approbation of total strangers, that might matter to me; however, I am not, so it does not.
The point is less then 50 percent of all your statements cannot garner one agree. That puts you outside normal more then half the time. In short you do not fit the board.
you do not fit the board.

Well, I am definitely not part of the USMB "echo chamber." As I noted, I do not seek the USMB membership's approbation; thus I have no expectation of obtaining it.

The value place on conformity, as show by your equating "normalcy" with conformity, with USMB opinion again illustrates my point about your being part of the board's "peanut gallery."

In Xelor's defense, he constructs salient threads that are generally decent discussion topics. His problem (If one chooses to call it that)

is his extensive vocabulary which he often uses in his posts. While the terms he utilizes may be entirely fitting, a large swath of people won't

even know what he's saying and most certainly are not going to go look it up.

As per this thread; I think Trump figured there's never a good time to fire Comey and decided to go ahead and get it done.

If he had the foresight to have a replacement ready, I think it would appear overly politically motivated, moreso than the way it is now.

He knows what he's doing.
If he had the foresight to have a replacement ready, I think it would appear overly politically motivated, moreso than the way it is now.
Well managed and politically motivated is still better than poorly managed and politically motivated. The latter is what we observed.

It would have looked worse if Trump had a replacement ready to go.
Look at your ratings bitch and look at mine.
Well, were my point for being here to garner the approbation of total strangers, that might matter to me; however, I am not, so it does not.
The point is less then 50 percent of all your statements cannot garner one agree. That puts you outside normal more then half the time. In short you do not fit the board.

Well, were my point for being here to garner the approbation of total strangers, that might matter to me; however, I am not, so it does not.
The point is less then 50 percent of all your statements cannot garner one agree. That puts you outside normal more then half the time. In short you do not fit the board.
you do not fit the board.

Well, I am definitely not part of the USMB "echo chamber." As I noted, I do not seek the USMB membership's approbation; thus I have no expectation of obtaining it.

The value place on conformity, as show by your equating "normalcy" with conformity, with USMB opinion again illustrates my point about your being part of the board's "peanut gallery."

In Xelor's defense, he constructs salient threads that are generally decent discussion topics. His problem (If one chooses to call it that)

is his extensive vocabulary which he often uses in his posts. While the terms he utilizes may be entirely fitting, a large swath of people won't

even know what he's saying and most certainly are not going to go look it up.

As per this thread; I think Trump figured there's never a good time to fire Comey and decided to go ahead and get it done.

If he had the foresight to have a replacement ready, I think it would appear overly politically motivated, moreso than the way it is now.

He knows what he's doing.
If he had the foresight to have a replacement ready, I think it would appear overly politically motivated, moreso than the way it is now.
Well managed and politically motivated is still better than poorly managed and politically motivated. The latter is what we observed.

It would have looked worse if Trump had a replacement ready to go.

Politically, perhaps. Governance wise, not at all.

Governance, managing the government as well as can be done is more important than is "looking good" politically. It is the POTUS' job to be the top manager of the U.S. Executive Branch, looking good politically does not take precedence over that duty. The POTUS, every POTUS, upon taking office must subordinate political expedience to sound management and administration. To do or think otherwise is incompetent.

I don't think Donald Trump realizes that. I believe he thinks the U.S. government is just another closely held corporation, one he happens, at the moment, to head. Quite simply, he's mistaken.
Well, were my point for being here to garner the approbation of total strangers, that might matter to me; however, I am not, so it does not.
The point is less then 50 percent of all your statements cannot garner one agree. That puts you outside normal more then half the time. In short you do not fit the board.

The point is less then 50 percent of all your statements cannot garner one agree. That puts you outside normal more then half the time. In short you do not fit the board.
you do not fit the board.

Well, I am definitely not part of the USMB "echo chamber." As I noted, I do not seek the USMB membership's approbation; thus I have no expectation of obtaining it.

The value place on conformity, as show by your equating "normalcy" with conformity, with USMB opinion again illustrates my point about your being part of the board's "peanut gallery."

In Xelor's defense, he constructs salient threads that are generally decent discussion topics. His problem (If one chooses to call it that)

is his extensive vocabulary which he often uses in his posts. While the terms he utilizes may be entirely fitting, a large swath of people won't

even know what he's saying and most certainly are not going to go look it up.

As per this thread; I think Trump figured there's never a good time to fire Comey and decided to go ahead and get it done.

If he had the foresight to have a replacement ready, I think it would appear overly politically motivated, moreso than the way it is now.

He knows what he's doing.
If he had the foresight to have a replacement ready, I think it would appear overly politically motivated, moreso than the way it is now.
Well managed and politically motivated is still better than poorly managed and politically motivated. The latter is what we observed.

It would have looked worse if Trump had a replacement ready to go.

Politically, perhaps. Governance wise, not at all.

Governance, managing the government as well as can be done is more important than is "looking good" politically. It is the POTUS' job to be the top manager of the U.S. Executive Branch, looking good politically does not take precedence over that duty. The POTUS, every POTUS, upon taking office must subordinate political expedience to sound management and administration. To do or think otherwise is incompetent.

I don't think Donald Trump realizes that. I believe he thinks the U.S. government is just another closely held corporation, one he happens, at the moment, to head. Quite simply, he's mistaken.

I agree with you there, that's probably the default mindset for him. He'll realize it sooner or later,

probably within a couple months.
The point is less then 50 percent of all your statements cannot garner one agree. That puts you outside normal more then half the time. In short you do not fit the board.

Well, I am definitely not part of the USMB "echo chamber." As I noted, I do not seek the USMB membership's approbation; thus I have no expectation of obtaining it.

The value place on conformity, as show by your equating "normalcy" with conformity, with USMB opinion again illustrates my point about your being part of the board's "peanut gallery."

In Xelor's defense, he constructs salient threads that are generally decent discussion topics. His problem (If one chooses to call it that)

is his extensive vocabulary which he often uses in his posts. While the terms he utilizes may be entirely fitting, a large swath of people won't

even know what he's saying and most certainly are not going to go look it up.

As per this thread; I think Trump figured there's never a good time to fire Comey and decided to go ahead and get it done.

If he had the foresight to have a replacement ready, I think it would appear overly politically motivated, moreso than the way it is now.

He knows what he's doing.
If he had the foresight to have a replacement ready, I think it would appear overly politically motivated, moreso than the way it is now.
Well managed and politically motivated is still better than poorly managed and politically motivated. The latter is what we observed.

It would have looked worse if Trump had a replacement ready to go.

Politically, perhaps. Governance wise, not at all.

Governance, managing the government as well as can be done is more important than is "looking good" politically. It is the POTUS' job to be the top manager of the U.S. Executive Branch, looking good politically does not take precedence over that duty. The POTUS, every POTUS, upon taking office must subordinate political expedience to sound management and administration. To do or think otherwise is incompetent.

I don't think Donald Trump realizes that. I believe he thinks the U.S. government is just another closely held corporation, one he happens, at the moment, to head. Quite simply, he's mistaken.

I agree with you there, that's probably the default mindset for him. He'll realize it sooner or later,

probably within a couple months.
At the rate things are going, he'll likely have lots of time to think about it for I don't think his presidency will last for more than a another year. The man has, since day one of his presidency, been bankrupting himself of political capital -- conflicts of interest, impeding federal investigations, playing golf on the weekends when he should have, at the very least, been learning how to do his job, and lying daily.
In Xelor's defense, he constructs salient threads that are generally decent discussion topics. His problem (If one chooses to call it that)

is his extensive vocabulary which he often uses in his posts. While the terms he utilizes may be entirely fitting, a large swath of people won't

even know what he's saying and most certainly are not going to go look it up.

As per this thread; I think Trump figured there's never a good time to fire Comey and decided to go ahead and get it done.

If he had the foresight to have a replacement ready, I think it would appear overly politically motivated, moreso than the way it is now.

He knows what he's doing.
If he had the foresight to have a replacement ready, I think it would appear overly politically motivated, moreso than the way it is now.
Well managed and politically motivated is still better than poorly managed and politically motivated. The latter is what we observed.

It would have looked worse if Trump had a replacement ready to go.

Politically, perhaps. Governance wise, not at all.

Governance, managing the government as well as can be done is more important than is "looking good" politically. It is the POTUS' job to be the top manager of the U.S. Executive Branch, looking good politically does not take precedence over that duty. The POTUS, every POTUS, upon taking office must subordinate political expedience to sound management and administration. To do or think otherwise is incompetent.

I don't think Donald Trump realizes that. I believe he thinks the U.S. government is just another closely held corporation, one he happens, at the moment, to head. Quite simply, he's mistaken.

I agree with you there, that's probably the default mindset for him. He'll realize it sooner or later,

probably within a couple months.
At the rate things are going, he'll likely have lots of time to think about it for I don't think his presidency will last for more than a another year. The man has, since day one of his presidency, been bankrupting himself of political capital -- conflicts of interest, impeding federal investigations, playing golf on the weekends when he should have, at the very least, been learning how to do his job, and lying daily.
We are talking Trump here not Obama. Try and keep up.
In Xelor's defense, he constructs salient threads that are generally decent discussion topics. His problem (If one chooses to call it that)

is his extensive vocabulary which he often uses in his posts. While the terms he utilizes may be entirely fitting, a large swath of people won't

even know what he's saying and most certainly are not going to go look it up.

As per this thread; I think Trump figured there's never a good time to fire Comey and decided to go ahead and get it done.

If he had the foresight to have a replacement ready, I think it would appear overly politically motivated, moreso than the way it is now.

He knows what he's doing.
If he had the foresight to have a replacement ready, I think it would appear overly politically motivated, moreso than the way it is now.
Well managed and politically motivated is still better than poorly managed and politically motivated. The latter is what we observed.

It would have looked worse if Trump had a replacement ready to go.

Politically, perhaps. Governance wise, not at all.

Governance, managing the government as well as can be done is more important than is "looking good" politically. It is the POTUS' job to be the top manager of the U.S. Executive Branch, looking good politically does not take precedence over that duty. The POTUS, every POTUS, upon taking office must subordinate political expedience to sound management and administration. To do or think otherwise is incompetent.

I don't think Donald Trump realizes that. I believe he thinks the U.S. government is just another closely held corporation, one he happens, at the moment, to head. Quite simply, he's mistaken.

I agree with you there, that's probably the default mindset for him. He'll realize it sooner or later,

probably within a couple months.
At the rate things are going, he'll likely have lots of time to think about it for I don't think his presidency will last for more than a another year. The man has, since day one of his presidency, been bankrupting himself of political capital -- conflicts of interest, impeding federal investigations, playing golf on the weekends when he should have, at the very least, been learning how to do his job, and lying daily.

You're not very observant. Do you have a job in Academia?
Well managed and politically motivated is still better than poorly managed and politically motivated. The latter is what we observed.

It would have looked worse if Trump had a replacement ready to go.

Politically, perhaps. Governance wise, not at all.

Governance, managing the government as well as can be done is more important than is "looking good" politically. It is the POTUS' job to be the top manager of the U.S. Executive Branch, looking good politically does not take precedence over that duty. The POTUS, every POTUS, upon taking office must subordinate political expedience to sound management and administration. To do or think otherwise is incompetent.

I don't think Donald Trump realizes that. I believe he thinks the U.S. government is just another closely held corporation, one he happens, at the moment, to head. Quite simply, he's mistaken.

I agree with you there, that's probably the default mindset for him. He'll realize it sooner or later,

probably within a couple months.
At the rate things are going, he'll likely have lots of time to think about it for I don't think his presidency will last for more than a another year. The man has, since day one of his presidency, been bankrupting himself of political capital -- conflicts of interest, impeding federal investigations, playing golf on the weekends when he should have, at the very least, been learning how to do his job, and lying daily.

You're not very observant. Do you have a job in Academia?
Only as a graduate teaching assistant.
It would have looked worse if Trump had a replacement ready to go.

Politically, perhaps. Governance wise, not at all.

Governance, managing the government as well as can be done is more important than is "looking good" politically. It is the POTUS' job to be the top manager of the U.S. Executive Branch, looking good politically does not take precedence over that duty. The POTUS, every POTUS, upon taking office must subordinate political expedience to sound management and administration. To do or think otherwise is incompetent.

I don't think Donald Trump realizes that. I believe he thinks the U.S. government is just another closely held corporation, one he happens, at the moment, to head. Quite simply, he's mistaken.

I agree with you there, that's probably the default mindset for him. He'll realize it sooner or later,

probably within a couple months.
At the rate things are going, he'll likely have lots of time to think about it for I don't think his presidency will last for more than a another year. The man has, since day one of his presidency, been bankrupting himself of political capital -- conflicts of interest, impeding federal investigations, playing golf on the weekends when he should have, at the very least, been learning how to do his job, and lying daily.

You're not very observant. Do you have a job in Academia?
Only as a graduate teaching assistant.

It shows. What then?
Politically, perhaps. Governance wise, not at all.

Governance, managing the government as well as can be done is more important than is "looking good" politically. It is the POTUS' job to be the top manager of the U.S. Executive Branch, looking good politically does not take precedence over that duty. The POTUS, every POTUS, upon taking office must subordinate political expedience to sound management and administration. To do or think otherwise is incompetent.

I don't think Donald Trump realizes that. I believe he thinks the U.S. government is just another closely held corporation, one he happens, at the moment, to head. Quite simply, he's mistaken.

I agree with you there, that's probably the default mindset for him. He'll realize it sooner or later,

probably within a couple months.
At the rate things are going, he'll likely have lots of time to think about it for I don't think his presidency will last for more than a another year. The man has, since day one of his presidency, been bankrupting himself of political capital -- conflicts of interest, impeding federal investigations, playing golf on the weekends when he should have, at the very least, been learning how to do his job, and lying daily.

You're not very observant. Do you have a job in Academia?
Only as a graduate teaching assistant.

It shows. What then?
The Introduction of Xelor
...his extensive vocabulary which he often uses in his posts. While the terms he utilizes may be entirely fitting, a large swath of people won't
While you may be correct about the scope of "a large swath of people's" "word bank," I suspect that little, if any, of the vocabulary I use transcends the range of words any high school graduate can be expected to know. Everything I write here is targeted to adult readers, so if the minors here don't know the words I use, tough.

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