Trump says he was going to fire Comey regardless of the DoJ's recommendation. Really?

Donald trump stated in his interview with Lester Holt that he'd decided to fire Comey even before he'd met with the Atty General and the Deputy Atty General. Maybe that's true; maybe it's not.
  • If it's true --> Just how profoundly inept (?), indolent (?), ignorant (?) must a POTUS be to have planned to fire the FBI Director and not have at the same time have a replacement individual to appoint on the same day -- to say nothing of a week later -- as firing the existing one?
  • If it's not true --> It's yet another lie Trump has told and for which having simply said nothing would have been a better tack.
While the remark/lie itself is minor, that the POTUS doesn't yet have a replacement named is not. Given that the remark is in the scheme of things, of little import, one must ask why anyone, much less a POTUS struggling to overcome legitimate concern -- from outside and within his own party -- that he's a paltering dolt, would deign to make such a trivial comment. If it's true, the man clearly has no idea of what's worth saying and what's not. If it's not true, we have yet another illustration of just how petty a mental midget the man is. None of that is what we need in a POTUS, but it is apparently what Trumpkins think the country deserves.
He's just telling us HE decided, not the AG's office. HE's the boss. Get it now?
Well, then, he could have said that in some way that was as direct and clear as you have, and yet he did not, and neither did he, the boss, think far enough ahead to have someone identified to nominate to replace Comey. Failing to anticipate obvious "next steps" and have them covered when one acts is not not what a good boss does. People don't need "just anyone" as a boss; they, countries, need competent bosses. Repeatedly we receive the evidence of Trump's own words and deeds that he is incompetent.
I'm on your side, Xelor. I'm just guessing that was Trump's motivation for offering that second explanation.
There's no need to guess. Rosenstein's memo clearly recommends firing Comey but he was upset when it seemed the WH was putting the full weight of the decision on him, so Trump explained that he had already decided to fire Comey before he saw Rosenstein's recommendation.

Yep- Trump was going to try to originally pin this on Rosenstein- and the Clinton email issue- but had really was just looking for an excuse because he wanted to fire Comey over the Russian investigation.
You mean the investigation that according to Senator Diane Feinstein, Senator Joe Manchin and Maxine Waters has failed to produce a single piece of evidence in over a year of investigation? They all three said this after briefings from the FBI and CIA on the investigation. The only logical conclusion is that either the FBI is grossly incompetent under Comey's direction or there never was a legitimate basis for the investigation in the first place.

I understand you have no values or idea beyond hating the President, but according to Rosenstein, Comey had become such a great liability to the FBI and Justice Department that " As a result, the FBI is unlikely to regain public and congressional trust until it has a Director who understands the gravity of the mistakes and pledges never to repeat them. Having refused to admit his errors, the Director cannot be expected to implement the necessary corrective actions."
Well, were my point for being here to garner the approbation of total strangers, that might matter to me; however, I am not, so it does not.
The point is less then 50 percent of all your statements cannot garner one agree. That puts you outside normal more then half the time. In short you do not fit the board.
Does ANY conservative "fit" this board? I consider anyone with such inflated ratios as yours to be quacks.
No I worked for it like many others here. It is a judgement by your peers.
No I worked for it like many others here.

Wow. He actually worked to obtain strangers' affirmation. Talk about things that, for individuals not seeking elected office, are not worth having. Truly, dude. You really, really need to get out more and earn the approval of people who get to know you personally rather than merely as a posting avatar in an Internet forum.
People of real life bore me. I don't like to be bored. Your just a piss ant here and my guess is you will remain as such.
People of real life bore me.

I'm sure the feeling is mutual, for I don't even know you and you bore me....though you won't any longer.
Does ANY conservative "fit" this board? I consider anyone with such inflated ratios as yours to be quacks.
No I worked for it like many others here. It is a judgement by your peers.
No I worked for it like many others here.

Wow. He actually worked to obtain strangers' affirmation. Talk about things that, for individuals not seeking elected office, are not worth having. Truly, dude. You really, really need to get out more and earn the approval of people who get to know you personally rather than merely as a posting avatar in an Internet forum.
People of real life bore me. I don't like to be bored. Your just a piss ant here and my guess is you will remain as such.
One word, pissant.
We all have our reasons for being here; if earning a bunch of ratings is your thing, that's fine. However, I fail to see how you managed it, since looking at a typical thread, such as this one, you've got barely a rating on any of your posts. So how do you end up averaging more than one per post for every single post? Do you do it in the FZ, pm your friends and have a winner fest, or hire one of those "Clickers" or what? Or are you a hacker who can worm into the USMB system and give yourself an additional thousand or two agrees when no one is looking? Or WAIT, WAIT I KNOW!!!!! You've got a sock!!!! You come in and hit your posts using your sock account! Brilliant!
None of the above. Flame zone is fun for what it is but I am not a full time Tennant of there. 80 percent of my ratings come in politics. As for today I have collected about 30.. As for this thread it's at best second tier and I and at least one other are just slumming. It's Sunday so it's slow.
Hullo, it's Monday evening.
He's just telling us HE decided, not the AG's office. HE's the boss. Get it now?
Well, then, he could have said that in some way that was as direct and clear as you have, and yet he did not, and neither did he, the boss, think far enough ahead to have someone identified to nominate to replace Comey. Failing to anticipate obvious "next steps" and have them covered when one acts is not not what a good boss does. People don't need "just anyone" as a boss; they, countries, need competent bosses. Repeatedly we receive the evidence of Trump's own words and deeds that he is incompetent.
I'm on your side, Xelor. I'm just guessing that was Trump's motivation for offering that second explanation.
There's no need to guess. Rosenstein's memo clearly recommends firing Comey but he was upset when it seemed the WH was putting the full weight of the decision on him, so Trump explained that he had already decided to fire Comey before he saw Rosenstein's recommendation.

Yep- Trump was going to try to originally pin this on Rosenstein- and the Clinton email issue- but had really was just looking for an excuse because he wanted to fire Comey over the Russian investigation.
You mean the investigation that according

I mean the ongoing investigation by the FBI, the GOP lead House, and the GOP lead Senate.

What are you frightened that the FBI and House and Senate might find?
He's just telling us HE decided, not the AG's office. HE's the boss. Get it now?
Well, then, he could have said that in some way that was as direct and clear as you have, and yet he did not, and neither did he, the boss, think far enough ahead to have someone identified to nominate to replace Comey. Failing to anticipate obvious "next steps" and have them covered when one acts is not not what a good boss does. People don't need "just anyone" as a boss; they, countries, need competent bosses. Repeatedly we receive the evidence of Trump's own words and deeds that he is incompetent.
I'm on your side, Xelor. I'm just guessing that was Trump's motivation for offering that second explanation.
There's no need to guess. Rosenstein's memo clearly recommends firing Comey but he was upset when it seemed the WH was putting the full weight of the decision on him, so Trump explained that he had already decided to fire Comey before he saw Rosenstein's recommendation.
That's giving Trump a lot of credit.
If you followed the news, you know that's exactly what happened. Rosenstein strongly recommended Comey be fired, but objected to the decision being attributed entirely to his memo. The next day the President stated that he had already decided to fire Comey before seeing Rosenstein's memo.

Here is the first reason Trump gave for firing Comey

“I have accepted their recommendation and you are hereby terminated and removed from office, effective immediately,” Trump said.
,..... I nevertheless concur with the judgment of the Department of Justice that you are not able to effectively lead the Bureau,” the president said.

The White House announced late Tuesday afternoon that President Trump had fired FBI Director James Comey, saying that the president “acted based on the clear recommendations of both Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and Attorney General Jeff Sessions.”

Then of course Trump through the DOJ, and Pence and everyone else who had been parroting the party line under the bus and said it was his idea all along- and it was because of the Russia investigation.
No I worked for it like many others here. It is a judgement by your peers.
No I worked for it like many others here.

Wow. He actually worked to obtain strangers' affirmation. Talk about things that, for individuals not seeking elected office, are not worth having. Truly, dude. You really, really need to get out more and earn the approval of people who get to know you personally rather than merely as a posting avatar in an Internet forum.
People of real life bore me. I don't like to be bored. Your just a piss ant here and my guess is you will remain as such.
One word, pissant.
We all have our reasons for being here; if earning a bunch of ratings is your thing, that's fine. However, I fail to see how you managed it, since looking at a typical thread, such as this one, you've got barely a rating on any of your posts. So how do you end up averaging more than one per post for every single post? Do you do it in the FZ, pm your friends and have a winner fest, or hire one of those "Clickers" or what? Or are you a hacker who can worm into the USMB system and give yourself an additional thousand or two agrees when no one is looking? Or WAIT, WAIT I KNOW!!!!! You've got a sock!!!! You come in and hit your posts using your sock account! Brilliant!
None of the above. Flame zone is fun for what it is but I am not a full time Tennant of there. 80 percent of my ratings come in politics. As for today I have collected about 30.. As for this thread it's at best second tier and I and at least one other are just slumming. It's Sunday so it's slow.
Hullo, it's Monday evening.
It was Sunday when I started but that was a Russian board.
Well, then, he could have said that in some way that was as direct and clear as you have, and yet he did not, and neither did he, the boss, think far enough ahead to have someone identified to nominate to replace Comey. Failing to anticipate obvious "next steps" and have them covered when one acts is not not what a good boss does. People don't need "just anyone" as a boss; they, countries, need competent bosses. Repeatedly we receive the evidence of Trump's own words and deeds that he is incompetent.
I'm on your side, Xelor. I'm just guessing that was Trump's motivation for offering that second explanation.
There's no need to guess. Rosenstein's memo clearly recommends firing Comey but he was upset when it seemed the WH was putting the full weight of the decision on him, so Trump explained that he had already decided to fire Comey before he saw Rosenstein's recommendation.

Yep- Trump was going to try to originally pin this on Rosenstein- and the Clinton email issue- but had really was just looking for an excuse because he wanted to fire Comey over the Russian investigation.
You mean the investigation that according

I mean the ongoing investigation by the FBI, the GOP lead House, and the GOP lead Senate.

What are you frightened that the FBI and House and Senate might find?
Why are you determined to continue an investigation that has not produced a single piece of evidence of collusion in over a y
Well, then, he could have said that in some way that was as direct and clear as you have, and yet he did not, and neither did he, the boss, think far enough ahead to have someone identified to nominate to replace Comey. Failing to anticipate obvious "next steps" and have them covered when one acts is not not what a good boss does. People don't need "just anyone" as a boss; they, countries, need competent bosses. Repeatedly we receive the evidence of Trump's own words and deeds that he is incompetent.
I'm on your side, Xelor. I'm just guessing that was Trump's motivation for offering that second explanation.
There's no need to guess. Rosenstein's memo clearly recommends firing Comey but he was upset when it seemed the WH was putting the full weight of the decision on him, so Trump explained that he had already decided to fire Comey before he saw Rosenstein's recommendation.
That's giving Trump a lot of credit.
If you followed the news, you know that's exactly what happened. Rosenstein strongly recommended Comey be fired, but objected to the decision being attributed entirely to his memo. The next day the President stated that he had already decided to fire Comey before seeing Rosenstein's memo.

Here is the first reason Trump gave for firing Comey

“I have accepted their recommendation and you are hereby terminated and removed from office, effective immediately,” Trump said.
,..... I nevertheless concur with the judgment of the Department of Justice that you are not able to effectively lead the Bureau,” the president said.

The White House announced late Tuesday afternoon that President Trump had fired FBI Director James Comey, saying that the president “acted based on the clear recommendations of both Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and Attorney General Jeff Sessions.”

Then of course Trump through the DOJ, and Pence and everyone else who had been parroting the party line under the bus and said it was his idea all along- and it was because of the Russia investigation.
So your point must be that since the FBI investigation under Comey had not produced a single piece of evidence of collusion in over a year, it was proof of this incompetence and proof he should be fired.
Donald trump stated in his interview with Lester Holt that he'd decided to fire Comey even before he'd met with the Atty General and the Deputy Atty General. Maybe that's true; maybe it's not.
  • If it's true --> Just how profoundly inept (?), indolent (?), ignorant (?) must a POTUS be to have planned to fire the FBI Director and not have at the same time have a replacement individual to appoint on the same day -- to say nothing of a week later -- as firing the existing one?
  • If it's not true --> It's yet another lie Trump has told and for which having simply said nothing would have been a better tack.
While the remark/lie itself is minor, that the POTUS doesn't yet have a replacement named is not. Given that the remark is in the scheme of things, of little import, one must ask why anyone, much less a POTUS struggling to overcome legitimate concern -- from outside and within his own party -- that he's a paltering dolt, would deign to make such a trivial comment. If it's true, the man clearly has no idea of what's worth saying and what's not. If it's not true, we have yet another illustration of just how petty a mental midget the man is. None of that is what we need in a POTUS, but it is apparently what Trumpkins think the country deserves.
Trump is lying again.

Trump has no business taking action against Comey over something that happened before his own watch.

Trump is obstructing justice.
Right now Trump is getting a reputation for lying as much as Nixon did.

Pretty soon he will be up to LBJ -- whenever his lips are moving.

Ultimately he will catch up with Hillary -- whether she is awake or in her dreams to everybody and also to herself.
Donald trump stated in his interview with Lester Holt that he'd decided to fire Comey even before he'd met with the Atty General and the Deputy Atty General. Maybe that's true; maybe it's not.
  • If it's true --> Just how profoundly inept (?), indolent (?), ignorant (?) must a POTUS be to have planned to fire the FBI Director and not have at the same time have a replacement individual to appoint on the same day -- to say nothing of a week later -- as firing the existing one?
  • If it's not true --> It's yet another lie Trump has told and for which having simply said nothing would have been a better tack.
While the remark/lie itself is minor, that the POTUS doesn't yet have a replacement named is not. Given that the remark is in the scheme of things, of little import, one must ask why anyone, much less a POTUS struggling to overcome legitimate concern -- from outside and within his own party -- that he's a paltering dolt, would deign to make such a trivial comment. If it's true, the man clearly has no idea of what's worth saying and what's not. If it's not true, we have yet another illustration of just how petty a mental midget the man is. None of that is what we need in a POTUS, but it is apparently what Trumpkins think the country deserves.
Trump is lying again.

Trump has no business taking action against Comey over something that happened before his own watch.

Trump is obstructing justice.
President Trump is trying to clear up the mess the corrupt and incompetent Obama administration left behind, and Comey is a part of that mess.
I'm on your side, Xelor. I'm just guessing that was Trump's motivation for offering that second explanation.
There's no need to guess. Rosenstein's memo clearly recommends firing Comey but he was upset when it seemed the WH was putting the full weight of the decision on him, so Trump explained that he had already decided to fire Comey before he saw Rosenstein's recommendation.

Yep- Trump was going to try to originally pin this on Rosenstein- and the Clinton email issue- but had really was just looking for an excuse because he wanted to fire Comey over the Russian investigation.
You mean the investigation that according

I mean the ongoing investigation by the FBI, the GOP lead House, and the GOP lead Senate.

What are you frightened that the FBI and House and Senate might find?
Why are you determined to continue an investigation that has not produced a single piece of evidence of collusion in over a y
I'm on your side, Xelor. I'm just guessing that was Trump's motivation for offering that second explanation.
There's no need to guess. Rosenstein's memo clearly recommends firing Comey but he was upset when it seemed the WH was putting the full weight of the decision on him, so Trump explained that he had already decided to fire Comey before he saw Rosenstein's recommendation.
That's giving Trump a lot of credit.
If you followed the news, you know that's exactly what happened. Rosenstein strongly recommended Comey be fired, but objected to the decision being attributed entirely to his memo. The next day the President stated that he had already decided to fire Comey before seeing Rosenstein's memo.

Here is the first reason Trump gave for firing Comey

“I have accepted their recommendation and you are hereby terminated and removed from office, effective immediately,” Trump said.
,..... I nevertheless concur with the judgment of the Department of Justice that you are not able to effectively lead the Bureau,” the president said.

The White House announced late Tuesday afternoon that President Trump had fired FBI Director James Comey, saying that the president “acted based on the clear recommendations of both Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and Attorney General Jeff Sessions.”

Then of course Trump through the DOJ, and Pence and everyone else who had been parroting the party line under the bus and said it was his idea all along- and it was because of the Russia investigation.
So your point must be that since the FBI investigation under Comey had not produced a single piece of evidence of collusion in over a year, it was proof of this incompetence and proof he should be fired.

Wow- you are really bad at this reading comprehension thingie.

My point is that Trump has announced that he has fired the man in charge of investigating any possible collusion between the Russians and the Trump campaign.

And that Trump's administration is so incredibly disorganized that Trump has been contradicting all of his surrogates who were repeating his first story- and that Trump had no replacement lined up because Trump fired Comey on impulse- and without proper planning.
Donald trump stated in his interview with Lester Holt that he'd decided to fire Comey even before he'd met with the Atty General and the Deputy Atty General. Maybe that's true; maybe it's not.
  • If it's true --> Just how profoundly inept (?), indolent (?), ignorant (?) must a POTUS be to have planned to fire the FBI Director and not have at the same time have a replacement individual to appoint on the same day -- to say nothing of a week later -- as firing the existing one?
  • If it's not true --> It's yet another lie Trump has told and for which having simply said nothing would have been a better tack.
While the remark/lie itself is minor, that the POTUS doesn't yet have a replacement named is not. Given that the remark is in the scheme of things, of little import, one must ask why anyone, much less a POTUS struggling to overcome legitimate concern -- from outside and within his own party -- that he's a paltering dolt, would deign to make such a trivial comment. If it's true, the man clearly has no idea of what's worth saying and what's not. If it's not true, we have yet another illustration of just how petty a mental midget the man is. None of that is what we need in a POTUS, but it is apparently what Trumpkins think the country deserves.
Trump is lying again.

Trump has no business taking action against Comey over something that happened before his own watch.

Trump is obstructing justice.
President Trump is trying to clear up the mess the corrupt and incompetent Obama administration left behind, and Comey is a part of that mess.

Not according to Trump- Trump said he is firing Comey because of the Russian investigation.

I wonder what he doesn't want the FBI to find?
There's no need to guess. Rosenstein's memo clearly recommends firing Comey but he was upset when it seemed the WH was putting the full weight of the decision on him, so Trump explained that he had already decided to fire Comey before he saw Rosenstein's recommendation.

Yep- Trump was going to try to originally pin this on Rosenstein- and the Clinton email issue- but had really was just looking for an excuse because he wanted to fire Comey over the Russian investigation.
You mean the investigation that according

I mean the ongoing investigation by the FBI, the GOP lead House, and the GOP lead Senate.

What are you frightened that the FBI and House and Senate might find?
Why are you determined to continue an investigation that has not produced a single piece of evidence of collusion in over a y
There's no need to guess. Rosenstein's memo clearly recommends firing Comey but he was upset when it seemed the WH was putting the full weight of the decision on him, so Trump explained that he had already decided to fire Comey before he saw Rosenstein's recommendation.
That's giving Trump a lot of credit.
If you followed the news, you know that's exactly what happened. Rosenstein strongly recommended Comey be fired, but objected to the decision being attributed entirely to his memo. The next day the President stated that he had already decided to fire Comey before seeing Rosenstein's memo.

Here is the first reason Trump gave for firing Comey

“I have accepted their recommendation and you are hereby terminated and removed from office, effective immediately,” Trump said.
,..... I nevertheless concur with the judgment of the Department of Justice that you are not able to effectively lead the Bureau,” the president said.

The White House announced late Tuesday afternoon that President Trump had fired FBI Director James Comey, saying that the president “acted based on the clear recommendations of both Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and Attorney General Jeff Sessions.”

Then of course Trump through the DOJ, and Pence and everyone else who had been parroting the party line under the bus and said it was his idea all along- and it was because of the Russia investigation.
So your point must be that since the FBI investigation under Comey had not produced a single piece of evidence of collusion in over a year, it was proof of this incompetence and proof he should be fired.

Wow- you are really bad at this reading comprehension thingie.

My point is that Trump has announced that he has fired the man in charge of investigating any possible collusion between the Russians and the Trump campaign.

And that Trump's administration is so incredibly disorganized that Trump has been contradicting all of his surrogates who were repeating his first story- and that Trump had no replacement lined up because Trump fired Comey on impulse- and without proper planning.
Your point is you don't like the President. You never have any other point. Give it up.
Donald trump stated in his interview with Lester Holt that he'd decided to fire Comey even before he'd met with the Atty General and the Deputy Atty General. Maybe that's true; maybe it's not.
  • If it's true --> Just how profoundly inept (?), indolent (?), ignorant (?) must a POTUS be to have planned to fire the FBI Director and not have at the same time have a replacement individual to appoint on the same day -- to say nothing of a week later -- as firing the existing one?
  • If it's not true --> It's yet another lie Trump has told and for which having simply said nothing would have been a better tack.
While the remark/lie itself is minor, that the POTUS doesn't yet have a replacement named is not. Given that the remark is in the scheme of things, of little import, one must ask why anyone, much less a POTUS struggling to overcome legitimate concern -- from outside and within his own party -- that he's a paltering dolt, would deign to make such a trivial comment. If it's true, the man clearly has no idea of what's worth saying and what's not. If it's not true, we have yet another illustration of just how petty a mental midget the man is. None of that is what we need in a POTUS, but it is apparently what Trumpkins think the country deserves.
Trump is lying again.

Trump has no business taking action against Comey over something that happened before his own watch.

Trump is obstructing justice.
President Trump is trying to clear up the mess the corrupt and incompetent Obama administration left behind, and Comey is a part of that mess.

Not according to Trump- Trump said he is firing Comey because of the Russian investigation.

I wonder what he doesn't want the FBI to find?
The failed Russia investigation is only important because Comey continued to misrepresent it in his testimony to Congress, but that is only one example of corruption and incompetence by Comey.
Donald trump stated in his interview with Lester Holt that he'd decided to fire Comey even before he'd met with the Atty General and the Deputy Atty General. Maybe that's true; maybe it's not.
  • If it's true --> Just how profoundly inept (?), indolent (?), ignorant (?) must a POTUS be to have planned to fire the FBI Director and not have at the same time have a replacement individual to appoint on the same day -- to say nothing of a week later -- as firing the existing one?
  • If it's not true --> It's yet another lie Trump has told and for which having simply said nothing would have been a better tack.
While the remark/lie itself is minor, that the POTUS doesn't yet have a replacement named is not. Given that the remark is in the scheme of things, of little import, one must ask why anyone, much less a POTUS struggling to overcome legitimate concern -- from outside and within his own party -- that he's a paltering dolt, would deign to make such a trivial comment. If it's true, the man clearly has no idea of what's worth saying and what's not. If it's not true, we have yet another illustration of just how petty a mental midget the man is. None of that is what we need in a POTUS, but it is apparently what Trumpkins think the country deserves.
Trump is lying again.

Trump has no business taking action against Comey over something that happened before his own watch.

Trump is obstructing justice.
President Trump is trying to clear up the mess the corrupt and incompetent Obama administration left behind, and Comey is a part of that mess.

Not according to Trump- Trump said he is firing Comey because of the Russian investigation.

I wonder what he doesn't want the FBI to find?
The failed Russia investigation is only important because Comey continued to misrepresent it in his testimony to Congress, but that is only one example of corruption and incompetence by Comey.


Wow you have really drunk the Trump koolaid.

There is no evidence of 'corruption'- the voices in your head don't count.

There is no 'failed Russia investigation'- the Russia investigation has already revealed Russia's attempt to hack our election- which for some reason Conservatives- and Trump want to deny.

I wonder what story Trump will be spinning next week on why he fired Comey........

By the way- just want to point out that Trump didn't have the balls to fire Comey in person- or even have the letter delivered to him in person- he leaked the firing so that Comey found out while he was at- and this is ironic- a FBI recruiting event.

For a TV entertainer who became famous for saying "You're Fired"- he didn't have the balls to say that to Comey.
Yep- Trump was going to try to originally pin this on Rosenstein- and the Clinton email issue- but had really was just looking for an excuse because he wanted to fire Comey over the Russian investigation.
You mean the investigation that according

I mean the ongoing investigation by the FBI, the GOP lead House, and the GOP lead Senate.

What are you frightened that the FBI and House and Senate might find?
Why are you determined to continue an investigation that has not produced a single piece of evidence of collusion in over a y
That's giving Trump a lot of credit.
If you followed the news, you know that's exactly what happened. Rosenstein strongly recommended Comey be fired, but objected to the decision being attributed entirely to his memo. The next day the President stated that he had already decided to fire Comey before seeing Rosenstein's memo.

Here is the first reason Trump gave for firing Comey

“I have accepted their recommendation and you are hereby terminated and removed from office, effective immediately,” Trump said.
,..... I nevertheless concur with the judgment of the Department of Justice that you are not able to effectively lead the Bureau,” the president said.

The White House announced late Tuesday afternoon that President Trump had fired FBI Director James Comey, saying that the president “acted based on the clear recommendations of both Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and Attorney General Jeff Sessions.”

Then of course Trump through the DOJ, and Pence and everyone else who had been parroting the party line under the bus and said it was his idea all along- and it was because of the Russia investigation.
So your point must be that since the FBI investigation under Comey had not produced a single piece of evidence of collusion in over a year, it was proof of this incompetence and proof he should be fired.

Wow- you are really bad at this reading comprehension thingie.

My point is that Trump has announced that he has fired the man in charge of investigating any possible collusion between the Russians and the Trump campaign.

And that Trump's administration is so incredibly disorganized that Trump has been contradicting all of his surrogates who were repeating his first story- and that Trump had no replacement lined up because Trump fired Comey on impulse- and without proper planning.
Your point is you don't like the President. You never have any other point. Give it up.

I don't like Trump.

That doesn't mean that any of my points are not valid. And you didn't even try to refute them.

My point is that Trump has announced that he has fired the man in charge of investigating any possible collusion between the Russians and the Trump campaign.

And that Trump's administration is so incredibly disorganized that Trump has been contradicting all of his surrogates who were repeating his first story- and that Trump had no replacement lined up because Trump fired Comey on impulse- and without proper planning
Donald trump stated in his interview with Lester Holt that he'd decided to fire Comey even before he'd met with the Atty General and the Deputy Atty General. Maybe that's true; maybe it's not.
  • If it's true --> Just how profoundly inept (?), indolent (?), ignorant (?) must a POTUS be to have planned to fire the FBI Director and not have at the same time have a replacement individual to appoint on the same day -- to say nothing of a week later -- as firing the existing one?
  • If it's not true --> It's yet another lie Trump has told and for which having simply said nothing would have been a better tack.
While the remark/lie itself is minor, that the POTUS doesn't yet have a replacement named is not. Given that the remark is in the scheme of things, of little import, one must ask why anyone, much less a POTUS struggling to overcome legitimate concern -- from outside and within his own party -- that he's a paltering dolt, would deign to make such a trivial comment. If it's true, the man clearly has no idea of what's worth saying and what's not. If it's not true, we have yet another illustration of just how petty a mental midget the man is. None of that is what we need in a POTUS, but it is apparently what Trumpkins think the country deserves.
Trump is lying again.

Trump has no business taking action against Comey over something that happened before his own watch.

Trump is obstructing justice.
President Trump is trying to clear up the mess the corrupt and incompetent Obama administration left behind, and Comey is a part of that mess.

Not according to Trump- Trump said he is firing Comey because of the Russian investigation.

I wonder what he doesn't want the FBI to find?
The failed Russia investigation is only important because Comey continued to misrepresent it in his testimony to Congress, but that is only one example of corruption and incompetence by Comey.


Wow you have really drunk the Trump koolaid.

There is no evidence of 'corruption'- the voices in your head don't count.

There is no 'failed Russia investigation'- the Russia investigation has already revealed Russia's attempt to hack our election- which for some reason Conservatives- and Trump want to deny.

I wonder what story Trump will be spinning next week on why he fired Comey........

By the way- just want to point out that Trump didn't have the balls to fire Comey in person- or even have the letter delivered to him in person- he leaked the firing so that Comey found out while he was at- and this is ironic- a FBI recruiting event.

For a TV entertainer who became famous for saying "You're Fired"- he didn't have the balls to say that to Comey.
A lot of words to say you don't like the President. After eight years of the profoundly corrupt Obama administration you apparently don't believe honest government is possible.

Hacking the election is a meaningless propaganda term and no evidence to support allegations that the Russian government hacked the DNC server has ever been produced. The Obama administration's determined efforts to promote these unsupported allegations is strong evidence of how profoundly and persuasively corrupt it is and your willingness to believe these rumors is evidence of the deep damage Obama has done to America.

Comey grandstanding an investigation that has produced nothing in over a year by announcing there is an investigation but refusing say anything more about is further proof of just how deeply corrupted our most important institutions have become under Obama. We now know from statements by Feinstein, Manchin and Waters, that Comey couldn't talk about the investigation because it had produced absolutely nothing. This alone would have been sufficient reason to fire Comey but we know from Rosenstein's memo that Comey's behavior since at least last July has been so bizarre, dishonest and irresponsible that it has cost the FBI credibility among the public and in Congress.

As for how he was fired, a letter was sent to FBI headquarters hours before the announcement was made but no one at the FBI had bothered to tell Comey about it.
Trump is lying again.

Trump has no business taking action against Comey over something that happened before his own watch.

Trump is obstructing justice.
President Trump is trying to clear up the mess the corrupt and incompetent Obama administration left behind, and Comey is a part of that mess.

Not according to Trump- Trump said he is firing Comey because of the Russian investigation.

I wonder what he doesn't want the FBI to find?
The failed Russia investigation is only important because Comey continued to misrepresent it in his testimony to Congress, but that is only one example of corruption and incompetence by Comey.


Wow you have really drunk the Trump koolaid.

There is no evidence of 'corruption'- the voices in your head don't count.

There is no 'failed Russia investigation'- the Russia investigation has already revealed Russia's attempt to hack our election- which for some reason Conservatives- and Trump want to deny.

I wonder what story Trump will be spinning next week on why he fired Comey........

By the way- just want to point out that Trump didn't have the balls to fire Comey in person- or even have the letter delivered to him in person- he leaked the firing so that Comey found out while he was at- and this is ironic- a FBI recruiting event.

For a TV entertainer who became famous for saying "You're Fired"- he didn't have the balls to say that to Comey.
A lot of words to say you don't like the President. After eight years of the profoundly corrupt Obama administration you apparently don't believe honest government is possible. .

After 100 days of Donald Trump lying to Americans almost daily- I don't believe Trump is honest. I don't know why you would think he is.
Hacking the election is a meaningless propaganda term and no evidence to support allegations that the Russian government hacked the DNC server has ever been produced. .

"Hacking the election" is short hand for what all of America's Spy agencies have agreed Russia did- which was work in multiple ways to try to influence our Presidential election- and that Russia has ongoing efforts to do in other Western countries- such as France and Germany.

Trump and you Trumpsters want to deny Russian malfeasance when it comes to our election.

Trump is lying again.

Trump has no business taking action against Comey over something that happened before his own watch.

Trump is obstructing justice.
President Trump is trying to clear up the mess the corrupt and incompetent Obama administration left behind, and Comey is a part of that mess.

Not according to Trump- Trump said he is firing Comey because of the Russian investigation.

I wonder what he doesn't want the FBI to find?
The failed Russia investigation is only important because Comey continued to misrepresent it in his testimony to Congress, but that is only one example of corruption and incompetence by Comey.


Wow you have really drunk the Trump koolaid.

There is no evidence of 'corruption'- the voices in your head don't count.

There is no 'failed Russia investigation'- the Russia investigation has already revealed Russia's attempt to hack our election- which for some reason Conservatives- and Trump want to deny.

I wonder what story Trump will be spinning next week on why he fired Comey........

By the way- just want to point out that Trump didn't have the balls to fire Comey in person- or even have the letter delivered to him in person- he leaked the firing so that Comey found out while he was at- and this is ironic- a FBI recruiting event.

For a TV entertainer who became famous for saying "You're Fired"- he didn't have the balls to say that to Comey.

Comey grandstanding an investigation that has produced nothing in over a year by announcing there is an investigation but refusing say anything more a.

"Grandstanding"? You mean testifying before Congress?

Hell its not as if he was sending out daily texts telling everyone how HUGE his success at the FBI has been- or how his meeting was the HUGEST meeting ever.

You have really drunk the Trump koolaid.

Grandstanding-coming from Trump its just par for the course- coming from anyone else...priceless....

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