Trump Says He Will Be Filing a “Major Motion” Soon in Response to FBI Raid on Mar-a-Lago

That still doesn't make it a private residence. It's a building that's open to the public.
You really are stupid beyond belief. You think Trumps PRIVATE RESIDENCE is open to the public for anyone to just stroll thru?

Hell, Mar a Lago isn’t open to the public. Members and guests only, Simp.

Go fix your shithole Dicktastership, Assface.
Well we do know what they found because it's in the inventory.

Trump was not allowed to have Top Secret and SDI Top Secret documents. He stole them and he refused to return them.

So cut with the "allegedly" crap. Trump hasn't even tried to deny that they found stuff he shouldn't have.
The FBI claims they found them. They have no credibility, and it has not been determined if they were declassified.

you don’t know shit, Simp.
The area where these Top Secret document were being stored was NOT in his residence. It was in the "Club House" public areas of the club. Not his private residence.

Watch this bullshit response when she will have to admit she just lied again.
She has said they are supporting the Judicial Watch suit to get it released and will see how that goes. If that doesn’t work look for Trump to file directly. No need to put all your eggs in one basket, Simp.
Laura Ingraham, said the trump lawyer forfeited that right to object, by not being a party to the present suit.... :dunno:
Just what in the hell do you think this thread is about dude? I listened to an interview with Trump's lawyer yesterday, and he says they are going to file a 4th amendment case this coming week....I guess that blows your bs out of the water.

Remaining silent is a right....Why are you against American's asserting their rights?

You'd make a good leader for a lynch mob....1. We don't know that the warrant was properly obtained, nor executed..2. We don't know what they were searching for, as spelled out in the affidavit..3. "Find me the man, and I'll find the crime"....
Yeah, a fourth amendment complaint (which if I had a nickel every time a Trump person said they were going to do something) doesn’t actually result in any disclosure.

If the conservative right had demonstrated any kind of interest in preventing authoritarian policing, that would be one thing.

But in reality, the conservative right has been extremely deferential to authoritarian law enforcement to the point that they are okay with essentially murder of citizens and are completely silent with their much lauded Supreme Court takes away our ability to sue law enforcement for violating our rights. This is how law enforcement can treat ordinary citizens and you’re silent. But when Trump gets a search warrant with absolutely no reason to believe that it was improper, you’re ready to burn the fucking country down.

You guys really don’t give a shit about the constitution. You only care about Trump and fighting a stupid culture war.
Just what in the hell do you think this thread is about dude? I listened to an interview with Trump's lawyer yesterday, and he says they are going to file a 4th amendment case this coming week....I guess that blows your bs out of the water.

Remaining silent is a right....Why are you against American's asserting their rights?

You'd make a good leader for a lynch mob....1. We don't know that the warrant was properly obtained, nor executed..2. We don't know what they were searching for, as spelled out in the affidavit..3. "Find me the man, and I'll find the crime"....
Filing is not the same as the court judging in one's favor.

To be continued......
Laura Ingraham, said the trump lawyer forfeited that right to object, by not being a party to the present suit.... :dunno:
I thought Fox News lied all the time.

Ask your handlers to make up your mind.
J-mac....holy Toledo! No one threw the constitution out the window! They followed it, without fear or favor!
Oh C4...No....This smells of pure political persecution....And we shall see if this 4th amendment case goes forward...

It's Trump that has thrown the constitution and law, out the window, since he took office, he's been set on destroying this country and all of its institutions, better than the best Commie could wish for accomplishing.... and you all have blindly helped him destroy our democratic republic, piece by piece!

That's emotional pablum...We all know you are a liberal progressive, no need to continue to tell us so...

Your great grand kids, are going to read about your hand in our Nation's attempted demise in their History books, if our Nation survives you and is not a commie or rather authoritarian nation, one dictator rule, as you are pushing replacing our democratically elected, representative republic!

I don't see Republican's trying to jail Democrats for the views they hold, or going after their former Presidents on snipe hunts to destroy them...That's your side....

I know that seems cuckoo, and harsh....

Nah, just cuckoo....We're long past harsh with you people.

But if you could ever step back and look in, to what you and Republicans stand for and want, it's not a democratic, constitutional, representative, republic! I find it hard to believe, you, who I've always believed to be a good person and good American, would stand by and/or support, the destruction of our Nation, and its pillar institutions from Trump's attack from within.

So, if I could only see things your way? That's what you think would save my stature as a "good person"? You're actually making my case for me here C4. When we disagree today about issues that are in the news, it isn't, or shouldn't be that I disagree with what you believe, rather if my case for believing what I do is logical, and strong enough to make the point...It isn't about winning anything, it's about understanding that we need each other to maintain the fragile equal librium our nation has enjoyed since it's beginning....Democrats have sold out to the progressive wing and are the ones pushing for more power, and in extreme cases, even in here, the jailing of former Presidents, and the supporters of said, to crush opposition to their vision...That's not American...

These institutions have held our Nation, above all others, since our creation.....and now, cuz DJT says so, they all are shit, our nation sucks, the constitution is dead, blah blah blah blah blah.... The Russians, or Chinese, or North Korea's, propaganda writers could NOT have said it better than your Trumper ilk!!!

"Trumper Ilk!!!"??? Yeah, you don't sound unhinged at all....
I thought Fox News lied all the time.

Ask your handlers to make up your mind.
You are playing that no one at Fox has ever criticized Trump or left Trump because of it.

This is from 2018

Yeah, a fourth amendment complaint (which if I had a nickel every time a Trump person said they were going to do something) doesn’t actually result in any disclosure.

If the conservative right had demonstrated any kind of interest in preventing authoritarian policing, that would be one thing.

But in reality, the conservative right has been extremely deferential to authoritarian law enforcement to the point that they are okay with essentially murder of citizens and are completely silent with their much lauded Supreme Court takes away our ability to sue law enforcement for violating our rights. This is how law enforcement can treat ordinary citizens and you’re silent. But when Trump gets a search warrant with absolutely no reason to believe that it was improper, you’re ready to burn the fucking country down.

You guys really don’t give a shit about the constitution. You only care about Trump and fighting a stupid culture war.
Oh absolutely not....BTW, how's it working out in our major cities these days considering this anti law enforcement bent you seem to have? Crime up?

Oh, and it was your people who DID try to "burn the country down"
You are playing that no one at Fox has ever criticized Trump or left Trump because of it.

This is from 2018

What does that have to do with The Trump team filing a 4th amendment case?
True, and one can only hope that the Judge that will hear the case will be uncorrupted.
If the Judge goes against Trump's case, can you accept it, or is there a premeditated idea that if that Judge does so, the Judge was somewhat corrupt?

Trump has not had a good record in winning cases.

I've been posting search warrant case law. Where they ruled that law enforcement by specifying the place to be searched, as in the address of the building. Encompasses searching within items in the building, without needed a separate warrant.

One was where the police broke into a gun safe, while looking for a gun. Other instances involved breaking into a wall, and breaking into a cement slab looking for drugs.

Basically put. If they're looking for something specified in the warrant. They can look anywhere within the places they're allowed to search.
"Elephant in a matchbox" rule.
What does that have to do with The Trump team filing a 4th amendment case?
You mentioned my HS. I am mentioning Trump's achievements. Was he telling the truth? No.

Is he telling the truth about having classified/top secret
documents at his home? And Why?

It all has to do with Trump's habit of saying one thing when the truth may be other, and it usually is.

And his endless need to counter what is already a fact. He did take classified documents from the WH. They belong with the National Archives. Gave 15 boxes back. No suing. Refused to give the rest back.

At each denial since the Search warrant, he has been inciting his followers and making a lot of money off of it.
That is something he know to do.

All he had to do was wait for the Affidavit to be shown, or not shown and then make the next move. Too long a wait for him.

So, let us see if tomorrow he actually has a lawyer go through with filing this 4th Amendment complaint and what result will come out of it.
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