Trump Says He Will Be Filing a “Major Motion” Soon in Response to FBI Raid on Mar-a-Lago

Bull freaking Shit! They could easily redact names and ANY information they thought would be damaging to the investigation...Problem for you is that they had no real target for this "investigation" other than "get Trump" before he can run again....And in that, they threw the Constitution in the trash....

That's what you support.
Yes, you can redact all that information and what is left over is worthless.

That’s the DoJ’s position.

It’s pretty clear what this investigation is about. Trump took classified documents. The government wanted them back. Like most Trump scandals, it’s incredibly stupid.
Hallucinations in your fevered mind.
Always putting the cart in front of the horse.

Any and all investigations of his alleged crimes, remain to be seen.

Time will tell, as always. How many of his fans will accept if any of them finds evidence of him being guilty?
Yes, you can redact all that information and what is left over is worthless.

That’s the DoJ’s position.

It’s pretty clear what this investigation is about. Trump took classified documents. The government wanted them back. Like most Trump scandals, it’s incredibly stupid.
Look, it's going to come out if Ratface has the balls to indict anyway...He might as well get ahead of it....

My guess is that there will never be an indictment, And neither you nor I will ever know the true predicate for this 1st in history abuse of a former President of the United States...

Speculation is all you have because the ratfaced bastard that admitted that he signed off on the raid, won't tell America what he was looking for, and the Judge who recused himself prior to this for his own bias will cover his ass as well...

You libs just shit all over America and think that American's are too stupid to see what you are doing....We're not, and you'll learn that the hard way....
Look, it's going to come out if Ratface has the balls to indict anyway...He might as well get ahead of it....

My guess is that there will never be an indictment, And neither you nor I will ever know the true predicate for this 1st in history abuse of a former President of the United States...

Speculation is all you have because the ratfaced bastard that admitted that he signed off on the raid, won't tell America what he was looking for, and the Judge who recused himself prior to this for his own bias will cover his ass as well...

You libs just shit all over America and think that American's are too stupid to see what you are doing....We're not, and you'll learn that the hard way....
Sure, if there’s an indictment then the warrant will come out. But it makes no sense to “get ahead of it” before any indictment because that would harm the ability to perform a complete investigation. It’s totally illogical.

Regardless of whether there is an indictment, I’m sure we will get a full report just as we did with the Clinton investigation when all documentation was made public and there was extensive testimony before Congress. But that will only happen when the investigation is concluded.

Patience. Let it play out the way it should. I think you’re trying to disrupt the process because you’re scared of what it’ll uncover.

One more thing, Trump keeps saying on social media he wants the warrant and affidavit released, but his lawyers haven’t done anything. It was The NY Times arguing before the judge to release it. Telling, isn’t it.
Oh, I agree. You're so very smart and so very angry. You'd like to put us in ovens if you could get by with it.
Fool... I am a Centrist,,, loyal to neither party, but loyal to the Republic and the Constitution, and to the well-being of Americans, and Mankind in general.

I can be dumb as a box-of-rocks, but I have my moments. One of these days, when you grow up, you may have such moments, yourself.

Until then, you're going to have to content yourself with mouthing mindless MAGA trailer-trash bumper-sticker empty platitudes and kissing Orange a$$.

I would stand by your side, armed to the teeth, to PREVENT anyone from trying to push you into the ovens, but you're too dense to understand that.

Your problem... not mine... you foolish Rumpian lemming.
Sure, if there’s an indictment then the warrant will come out. But it makes no sense to “get ahead of it” before any indictment because that would harm the ability to perform a complete investigation. It’s totally illogical.

Regardless of whether there is an indictment, I’m sure we will get a full report just as we did with the Clinton investigation when all documentation was made public and there was extensive testimony before Congress. But that will only happen when the investigation is concluded.

Patience. Let it play out the way it should. I think you’re trying to disrupt the process because you’re scared of what it’ll uncover.

One more thing, Trump keeps saying on social media he wants the warrant and affidavit released, but his lawyers haven’t done anything. It was The NY Times arguing before the judge to release it. Telling, isn’t it.
:eusa_doh: :auiqs.jpg: Oh my....You would love if Trump and his supporters would just sit back and wait for your manufactured bull shit to come to fruition wouldn't you....All the while violating rights along the way...?

Lavrenti Beria - Stalin's secret police chief said, "Show me the man, I'll find the crime...

That's all you people are doing here and you think people are too dumb to see it....
:eusa_doh: :auiqs.jpg: Oh my....You would love if Trump and his supporters would just sit back and wait for your manufactured bull shit to come to fruition wouldn't you....All the while violating rights along the way...?

Lavrenti Beria - Stalin's secret police chief said, "Show me the man, I'll find the crime...

That's all you people are doing here and you think people are too dumb to see it....
If Trump wants to fight the investigation, he can take it to court where he has been noticeably absent. He says shit on social media, he doesn’t do shit in court.

I’m told by the authoritarian conservatives that when law enforcement are investigating you, that you shut up, follow their orders and don’t assert your rights. And if you don’t, the police will kill you and it’ll be your own fault. Oh, and if you do all that and later sue law enforcement for violating your civil rights, the conservative Supreme Court will dismiss your lawsuit because law enforcement authority must be preserved. This is what literally happens in this country to average people and this is literally what conservatives support.

But yeah, a search warrant properly executed by the FBI searching for inappropriately held highly classified documents which they apparently found is the real problem.
Sent and received? That doesn't even make sense.

She send them before she received them?

WOW !!!!!
Hey look everyone, meaner gene is getting his ass kicked on the facts so he searches for a nit to pick.

Do you not think a SOS could generate an email containing classified info, Simp?
If Trump wants to fight the investigation, he can take it to court where he has been noticeably absent. He says shit on social media, he doesn’t do shit in court.
Just what in the hell do you think this thread is about dude? I listened to an interview with Trump's lawyer yesterday, and he says they are going to file a 4th amendment case this coming week....I guess that blows your bs out of the water.

I’m told by the authoritarian conservatives that when law enforcement are investigating you, that you shut up, follow their orders and don’t assert your rights. And if you don’t, the police will kill you and it’ll be your own fault. Oh, and if you do all that and later sue law enforcement for violating your civil rights, the conservative Supreme Court will dismiss your lawsuit because law enforcement authority must be preserved. This is what literally happens in this country to average people and this is literally what conservatives support.

Remaining silent is a right....Why are you against American's asserting their rights?

But yeah, a search warrant properly executed by the FBI searching for inappropriately held highly classified documents which they apparently found is the real problem.

You'd make a good leader for a lynch mob....1. We don't know that the warrant was properly obtained, nor executed..2. We don't know what they were searching for, as spelled out in the affidavit..3. "Find me the man, and I'll find the crime"....
Bull freaking Shit! They could easily redact names and ANY information they thought would be damaging to the investigation...Problem for you is that they had no real target for this "investigation" other than "get Trump" before he can run again....And in that, they threw the Constitution in the trash....

That's what you support.
J-mac....holy Toledo! No one threw the constitution out the window! They followed it, without fear or favor!

It's Trump that has thrown the constitution and law, out the window, since he took office, he's been set on destroying this country and all of its institutions, better than the best Commie could wish for accomplishing.... and you all have blindly helped him destroy our democratic republic, piece by piece!

Your great grand kids, are going to read about your hand in our Nation's attempted demise in their History books, if our Nation survives you and is not a commie or rather authoritarian nation, one dictator rule, as you are pushing replacing our democratically elected, representative republic!

I know that seems cuckoo, and harsh....

But if you could ever step back and look in, to what you and Republicans stand for and want, it's not a democratic, constitutional, representative, republic! I find it hard to believe, you, who I've always believed to be a good person and good American, would stand by and/or support, the destruction of our Nation, and its pillar institutions from Trump's attack from within. These institutions have held our Nation, above all others, since our creation.....and now, cuz DJT says so, they all are shit, our nation sucks, the constitution is dead, blah blah blah blah blah.... The Russians, or Chinese, or North Korea's propaganda writers could NOT have said it better than your Trumper ilk!!!
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Then why didn't Trumps lawyer ask for the affidavit to be unsealed?
She has said they are supporting the Judicial Watch suit to get it released and will see how that goes. If that doesn’t work look for Trump to file directly. No need to put all your eggs in one basket, Simp.

It's not illegal to get a warrant and search for things.

1) Trump's team has claimed they were going to file things in this whole affair and didn't.

2) The 4A says "against unreasonable searches and seizures,". They literally FOUND STUFF that they can't tell people what it is because it's a national security issue.

3) The 4A says "and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized"

They described it, and then FOUND IT.
It’s illegal if you make up shit to present to the court to get the warrant as the FBI did to the FISA court on the Russia collusion sham.
Well, I see no intellect in your responses, so why should you deserve any respect....? Do better.
[I will keep to the subject. Trump and schools. ]

The records reveal that Trump, who graduated from Wharton’s undergraduate program — then known as the Wharton School of Finance and Commerce, was not amongst the list of 56 students who made the top 15 percent of their graduating class.


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