Trump Says He Will Be Filing a “Major Motion” Soon in Response to FBI Raid on Mar-a-Lago

Russian Propaganda! Be careful of what you read, and from whom!!!
Analysis / Bias

In review, The Millennium Report is an extreme right biased website that promotes pro-Russia and pro-Assad propaganda. Throughout the website, there is significant anti-Clinton rhetoric with the term “Lock Her Up” used frequently. There is significant use of loaded words in headlines and articles such as this: “Here’s the proven Deep State conspiracy that will hang ’em all!” The primary source of information for this website is State of the Nation 2012, which is another extreme-right conspiracy site that occasionally publishes fake news. Mostly the Millennium Report is a tin foil hat conspiracy website with themes running from Pizzagate, the New World Order to the Deep State conspiracy.

They have also failed fact checks
When you can’t argue the facts, attack the source….Howz about you show everyone what a big brain you have and refute the column….
There is no backfire. The FBI got what they were looking for. Mission accomplished.
LMAO lib please, Dem morons pissed off easily half the country with this witch hunt stunt. Trump is flipping you the bird. The Dem gestapo is on defense. The Dem news media is freaking out pleading for people to stop calling it a RAID. See you in November. :auiqs.jpg: :muahaha:
It is not about what the accountant finally had to show which got him indicted. Trump refused to show his taxes during the campaign, and into one or two years of his Administration. Showed the taxes where he had paid only for the previous year as the President.

Journalists got a hold of previous years which showed that he had lost 1 Billion Dollars in 10 years.

Biden has always shown his taxes. Trump refused to show his.

His accountant has now been sentenced for tax fraud for the Trump Organization.

Are you still doing the taxes thingy? You haven’t figured out the dems do it every 4 years to the republican presidential candidate and it never goes anywhere. It works on morons like you though.
And are afraid to release the affidavit….Wonder why?
Because they don’t want Trump’s terrorists to intimidate the people cooperating with the investigation.

We don’t release this information to people under investigation because it damages the ability to get to the truth.

That’s why.
LMAO lib please, Dem morons pissed off easily half the country with this witch hunt stunt. Trump is flipping you the bird. The Dem gestapo is on defense. The Dem news media is freaking out pleading for people to stop calling it a RAID. See you in November. :auiqs.jpg: :muahaha:
I wasn’t aware that the justice system cared about pissing people off by investigating crimes.

We don’t have mob rule. We have laws.
They have zero to work with. The FBI and DOJ followed this to the letter of the law. Trump is pissing in the wind. LOL! I said when Trump was out he'd be living in court. I was right.

You predicted extreme TDS would continue after Trump left office?
You’re a freaking genius!
Are you still doing the taxes thingy? You haven’t figured out the dems do it every 4 years to the republican presidential candidate and it never goes anywhere. It works on morons like you though.
All former Republican for the presidency have always shown their taxes. You will not find one. And so do all Democratic candidates.

Therefore your nonsensical BS that Democrats DO IT to the Republicans every 4 years is ???? As in attacking Republicans about their taxes is.........

Stinky manure, nothing else.
Because they don’t want Trump’s terrorists to intimidate the people cooperating with the investigation.

We don’t release this information to people under investigation because it damages the ability to get to the truth.

That’s why.
Bull freaking Shit! They could easily redact names and ANY information they thought would be damaging to the investigation...Problem for you is that they had no real target for this "investigation" other than "get Trump" before he can run again....And in that, they threw the Constitution in the trash....

That's what you support.
Who passed Sarbanes-Oxley and when? What does that have to do with the economic troubles in 2008?

What further action would you have had GW Bush take about illegal immigration?

WTF is a business visa? Did you mean H-1B visas? You apparently know less about that topic than you do Sarbanes-Oxley!
S-O (2002 post DOT Com crash) was the legislation that stated that Lender Beware! but Rush Limbaugh and the main stream media still maintained Buyer Beware! to cover the asses of those on Capitol Hill.

I know full well what the H1-B visa is and I can refer to it as a Business Visa.
Prior to Trump changing the law, a member of the Preist Class in India could contract with any business in the US and bring in 100 members of the non-Preist Class and the business would fire all the non-Indian employees and consultants and replace them with the contractor's unskilled coders.
The contractor would take the H1-Bs card away and hold on to them for at least 3 years and pay the coder $15.00/hour even though the coder was contracted at $50.00/hour.
The contractor would split the $35.00/hour with Human Resources and members of the Board of Directors.

3 million US citizens and highly skilled non-Indians were replaced.
Of course, from the mid-1990's until the Housing Crash few people were doing commerce on the web due to fear of having their credit card numbers stolen, so nobody on Main Street cared that nothing was being accomplished.

You will take note that since Trump changed the law that your Smart Devices are smarter and web site are far easier to use.
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