Trump says Hillary started the Birther Movement. Not True!

The point, you really fucking stupid left wing nutters, is that the Right didn't start it.

From the Department of Redundancy Department:

"Really fucking stupid left wing nutters"
One would think you would be intelligent enough to read the point in the title of the thread. Youre a fucking idiot. This is the point....

"Trump says Hillary started the Birther Movement. Not True!"

Still with the reading comprehension difficulties I see. Oh you can read what the title says, any 3rd grader can. But if the title starts s discussion, you are lost. Go away you ignorant racist.
You must have had also hard time with your vocabulary tests as a kid as well as scoring poorly on your reading comprehension. You said the point of the discussion was that the right didnt start the rumor. Do you know what "the point" means? That was a rhetorical question because you already proved that in addition to being a fucking moron, you couldnt figure out a point was if it poked you in your eye.

The point, you really fucking stupid left wing nutters, is that the Right didn't start it.

How could you possibly fuck it up any worse than this? :dunno:

Nice work for a third grader. Lol, the reason I won't put you on ignore is that I love how you dig your hole deeper every time you post. Every time I make a claim about you, you IMMEDIATELY prove me exactly right.
So, what's your point? When asked, she gave a logical answer.
When asked she gave an answer with a qualifer. Yes he is as far as I know the unspoken implication being he probabaly is but maybe not.
Only someone already convinced of the birther theories would see that as an unspoken implication. Normal people see it as she said it. As far as she is aware...Obama is a US citizen.
Honest people see it for what it was If you don't want that seed planted there is no reason to add the as far as I know.

Miriam Goderich edited the text of the bio; she is now a partner at the Dystel & Goderich agency, which lists Obama as one of its current clients.

"You're undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

That is a nice statement. Too bad she didn't also tell us how she made such an error. Kinda big deal where a person is born especially if born in Kenya. So how does she go from him being born in Hawaii to born in Kenya? That would not be a fact check error, cause I doubt she even checked cause if she did she would have known it was Hawaii. It was an out right misrepresentation of the facts.

A fact check error is when a fact is checked to be true, correct? So, if she were checking to see if this were true then certainly someone told her or she made it up in her head. Either way she was not or is not telling the truth.

Mostly, Obama had to know and it wasn't changed for over 20 years. If not then why was it ever changed?
Well it looks like the crazies are out today in force...

Honestly the US has to change there voting system so these nutjobs can all go to one obscure party...
When asked she gave an answer with a qualifer. Yes he is as far as I know the unspoken implication being he probabaly is but maybe not.
Only someone already convinced of the birther theories would see that as an unspoken implication. Normal people see it as she said it. As far as she is aware...Obama is a US citizen.
Honest people see it for what it was If you don't want that seed planted there is no reason to add the as far as I know.

Miriam Goderich edited the text of the bio; she is now a partner at the Dystel & Goderich agency, which lists Obama as one of its current clients.

"You're undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

That is a nice statement. Too bad she didn't also tell us how she made such an error. Kinda big deal where a person is born especially if born in Kenya. So how does she go from him being born in Hawaii to born in Kenya? That would not be a fact check error, cause I doubt she even checked cause if she did she would have known it was Hawaii. It was an out right misrepresentation of the facts.

A fact check error is when a fact is checked to be true, correct? So, if she were checking to see if this were true then certainly someone told her or she made it up in her head. Either way she was not or is not telling the truth.

Mostly, Obama had to know and it wasn't changed for over 20 years. If not then why was it ever changed?

Exactly correct. If she had said: "Born in Ireland", or "Born in Argentina", that would be acceptable. But "Accidentally" choosing the country his father was from? Sorry, that doesn't wash.

The thing is that Obama is such a lying douchebag, I don't know if he lied back then to get "foreign student" benefits, or if he's lying now. I would believe either one.
Just one question, clown boy. If his publicist lied about his birth place, why didn't obozo correct the lie for 16 years?

LOL Redfish with his usual crap.

The funny thing is that when we catch Kaz saying something untrue- he will claim it was just a mistake.

But when it is someone else- Kaz says they must be lying.

In 1990 multiple national publications said that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii.

This obscure brochure said he was born in Kenya

Of course Redfish only believes the brochure.

I didn't say I believed it. I asked why obama let it stand for 16 years without correcting it.

Was he OK with it when he was a state senator and US senator and then thought better of it when he decided to run for president?

If he let it stand, which he did, then at best he is just a liar. History will decide which.
I'm sure history is not considering your perspective on the issue. :laugh:

probably not, but you ducked the question. why did obama let his publicist's error stand for 16 years?
I didnt duck the question. I consider it a puerile question and beneath being addressed. Its better suited for Birthers to ponder amongst themselves and come up with any answer they choose. It wont change anything. Obama is the current 2 term POTUS.

my question is valid. it goes to the honestly and ethics of the person that you fools put in the whitehouse for 8 years. If he let a lie stand for 16 years because he thought it would help sell books, then he is an unethical liar.

It is well established that hillary clinton is a liar. Do you dems and libs have anyone who is not a liar?
Retard claiming Obama was the original birther in 5...4...3...


And here he is, right on schedule:

Thank you, Adolph, you for once got one right. The birther movement was started by Obama when he told his publisher he was "born in Kenya." After that, Obama's ho said he was born in Kenya. Hillary was third, at best

Thank you. Thank you very muuuuuuuch.

Retard doesn't know what a birther is. A birther thinks Obama was born in kenya, a birther also thinks Obama isn't legitimately President.

I'm neither of those, Holmes
Any sane person knows that both Hillary and McCain camps would have crushed Obama in 2008 if there had been any proof of the birther claims.

No chance of that, there is no proof. Obama made it up, Adolph, he was born in Hawaii
It's true, Hillary was the first birther.
mark penn got seven million in stimulus $$$.

also: from fogbow...

largely raised in Los Angelos and Indonesia

So how do you know this wasn't an error? If this is true then he lied on the other. If the other is true he is lying now.

Everything about this piece of shit is questionable.
LOL Redfish with his usual crap.

The funny thing is that when we catch Kaz saying something untrue- he will claim it was just a mistake.

But when it is someone else- Kaz says they must be lying.

In 1990 multiple national publications said that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii.

This obscure brochure said he was born in Kenya

Of course Redfish only believes the brochure.

I didn't say I believed it. I asked why obama let it stand for 16 years without correcting it.

Was he OK with it when he was a state senator and US senator and then thought better of it when he decided to run for president?

If he let it stand, which he did, then at best he is just a liar. History will decide which.
I'm sure history is not considering your perspective on the issue. :laugh:

probably not, but you ducked the question. why did obama let his publicist's error stand for 16 years?
I didnt duck the question. I consider it a puerile question and beneath being addressed. Its better suited for Birthers to ponder amongst themselves and come up with any answer they choose. It wont change anything. Obama is the current 2 term POTUS.

my question is valid. it goes to the honestly and ethics of the person that you fools put in the whitehouse for 8 years. If he let a lie stand for 16 years because he thought it would help sell books, then he is an unethical liar.

It is well established that hillary clinton is a liar. Do you dems and libs have anyone who is not a liar?

To be a democrat is to lie, live a lie, and be a lie.
Retard claiming Obama was the original birther in 5...4...3...

The birther movement was started by Obama when he told his publisher he was "born in Kenya." After that, Obama's ho said he was born in Kenya. Hillary was third, at best

Ding ding ding!


Yet another dumb fuck who doesn't know what a birther is....
You are the kind of tard who says Obama was the original birther. That is why you are being laughed at.
The point, you really fucking stupid left wing nutters, is that the Right didn't start it.

From the Department of Redundancy Department:

"Really fucking stupid left wing nutters"
One would think you would be intelligent enough to read the point in the title of the thread. Youre a fucking idiot. This is the point....

"Trump says Hillary started the Birther Movement. Not True!"

Still with the reading comprehension difficulties I see. Oh you can read what the title says, any 3rd grader can. But if the title starts s discussion, you are lost. Go away you ignorant racist.
You must have had also hard time with your vocabulary tests as a kid as well as scoring poorly on your reading comprehension. You said the point of the discussion was that the right didnt start the rumor. Do you know what "the point" means? That was a rhetorical question because you already proved that in addition to being a fucking moron, you couldnt figure out a point was if it poked you in your eye.

The point, you really fucking stupid left wing nutters, is that the Right didn't start it.

How could you possibly fuck it up any worse than this? :dunno:

Nice work for a third grader. Lol, the reason I won't put you on ignore is that I love how you dig your hole deeper every time you post. Every time I make a claim about you, you IMMEDIATELY prove me exactly right.
The fact I am in your head to the point you have to put me on ignore lets me know I injury you emotionally. You still havent explained why you said the point was something other than what the OP said the point was. You arent intelligent enough to make me lose sight of that fact.
66 percent of Republicans, and 60 percent of Conservatives, believe Barack Obama was not born in the United States.

Why would that many Republicans and conservatives believe a known liar like Hillary Clinton?
LOL Redfish with his usual crap.

The funny thing is that when we catch Kaz saying something untrue- he will claim it was just a mistake.

But when it is someone else- Kaz says they must be lying.

In 1990 multiple national publications said that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii.

This obscure brochure said he was born in Kenya

Of course Redfish only believes the brochure.

I didn't say I believed it. I asked why obama let it stand for 16 years without correcting it.

Was he OK with it when he was a state senator and US senator and then thought better of it when he decided to run for president?

If he let it stand, which he did, then at best he is just a liar. History will decide which.
I'm sure history is not considering your perspective on the issue. :laugh:

probably not, but you ducked the question. why did obama let his publicist's error stand for 16 years?
I didnt duck the question. I consider it a puerile question and beneath being addressed. Its better suited for Birthers to ponder amongst themselves and come up with any answer they choose. It wont change anything. Obama is the current 2 term POTUS.

my question is valid. it goes to the honestly and ethics of the person that you fools put in the whitehouse for 8 years. If he let a lie stand for 16 years because he thought it would help sell books, then he is an unethical liar.

It is well established that hillary clinton is a liar. Do you dems and libs have anyone who is not a liar?
Your question is moronic, not valid. It doesnt deserve an answer. Anyone with your level of stupidity should be flogged in public.
For one the man was running for President he would have to prove he was a legal citizen before he could do that there were no credible media reports or evidence to suggest he wasn't given that she had no reason to think he wasn't and thus no reason for the qualifer.

I went looking for that qualifier.

I can't find any actual quote from Clinton saying that Obama is a citizen as far as she knows.

Care to provide some proof that she made the qualifier?
My mistake on that the comment in question was about if he was Muslim not citizen still seems relevant though given Trump was hammered for how responed or did not respond to the guy at the town hall who brought this up. Here is a link to the Hillary statement if you want it.
No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

Thank you for proving that according to the Constitution, Barack Obama was always eligible to be President.

Just like anyone else born in the United States except the children of diplomats.
You have no fucking idea. EDUCATE YOURSELF or remain ignorant.

What is a Natural born Citizen of the United States?

Go to a library and read some law books used during the enlightenment era if you want to find out. Look up the difference between a "natural born subject" and a "natural born citizen". You will remain too ignorant to know the difference unless you educate yourself by reading.

IActually you have no fucking idea. You are either a gullible idiot or a liar.

Prior to the candidacy of Barack Obama there was no mention of a Natural Born Citizen requiring two citizen parents. Birthers made that up.

My Conservative Civics teacher explained it to us decades ago- just like every American learned- that anyone born in the United States could aspire to grow up and be elected President. This was the great promise of America- we threw off the old European way of judging people by their parents or social class- and base it on a persons own circumstances.

The reason not a single credible person has accepted the Birther claims is because all Americans know that they are just bullshit- if you were an American you would know that.

Not a single Republican candidate- now or previous- has ever claimed that a natural born citizen requires two citizen parents.

Every court case claiming that has been lost- because as the courts have observed- the logic behind Wong Kim Ark is clear that anyone born in the United States other than a child of a diplomat is a natural born citizen.

Not a single Congress person objected to Obama's election claiming he wasn't eligible. Chief Justice Roberts has sworn him in 3 times.

You once again have no fucking clue- and since you are a Birther you never will.

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