Trump says Hillary started the Birther Movement. Not True!

Democrats are almost all birthers.
Why do you work so hard to be so stupid?
IQ = 158

Perhaps you wouldn't be so ignorant if you would listen to those who are a lot smarter than you.

Honest people see it for what it was If you don't want that seed planted there is no reason to add the as far as I know.
Honest people do see it for what it was. People that lie all the time assume other people are lying. To a hammer everything looks like a nail etc etc. There was no seed planted when I saw the statement. When did you grow a green thumb?
Don't need a green thumb to see the obvious if you choose to believe Hillary was not trying to push that because she suddenly found herself in a primary fight she was never expecting so be it.

Of course Trump is an idiot.
And how much money do you have compared to him you foreign sounding RC Radio pedophile/Arduini homosexual Jew loving Muslim turd

Ah Stevie the racist anti-semite homophobe Birther never disappoints.

I cannot tell you how much pleasure I take in pointing out that you- the racist antisemite Birther homophobe believe that Trump reflects your values best.
I went looking for that qualifier.

I can't find any actual quote from Clinton saying that Obama is a citizen as far as she knows.

Care to provide some proof that she made the qualifier?
My mistake on that the comment in question was about if he was Muslim not citizen still seems relevant though given Trump was hammered for how responed or did not respond to the guy at the town hall who brought this up. Here is a link to the Hillary statement if you want it.
No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

Thank you for proving that according to the Constitution, Barack Obama was always eligible to be President.

Just like anyone else born in the United States except the children of diplomats.
You have no fucking idea. EDUCATE YOURSELF or remain ignorant.

What is a Natural born Citizen of the United States?

Go to a library and read some law books used during the enlightenment era if you want to find out. Look up the difference between a "natural born subject" and a "natural born citizen". You will remain too ignorant to know the difference unless you educate yourself by reading.
The poster you are talking too is an Attack Watch paid Obama supporter via a website called Fogbow. He is a hardcore Obama dick sucker along with his friend Frank Arduini/aka Historiandude whom was exposed by WND writer Jerome Corsi, a man who is an American Patriot.

And you are a paid KKK operative- who has a teeny tiny little itsy bitsy dick.

And that is what makes you so frustrated.
Make America Great and show the real Birth Certificate. He's probably shredded it a long time ago. But his college transcripts he can't shred, which will show what he applied as.

The Birth Certificate that was issued is a certified copy, which is what you get when you loose your original one. Who is he fooling. The original Birth Certificate, he's never showed, nor has he commented on what happened to it. Was it lost?
When asked she gave an answer with a qualifer. Yes he is as far as I know the unspoken implication being he probabaly is but maybe not.
Only someone already convinced of the birther theories would see that as an unspoken implication. Normal people see it as she said it. As far as she is aware...Obama is a US citizen.
Honest people see it for what it was If you don't want that seed planted there is no reason to add the as far as I know.

Miriam Goderich edited the text of the bio; she is now a partner at the Dystel & Goderich agency, which lists Obama as one of its current clients.

"You're undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

That is a nice statement. Too bad she didn't also tell us how she made such an error. Kinda big deal where a person is born especially if born in Kenya. So how does she go from him being born in Hawaii to born in Kenya? That would not be a fact check error, cause I doubt she even checked cause if she did she would have known it was Hawaii. It was an out right misrepresentation of the facts.

A fact check error is when a fact is checked to be true, correct? So, if she were checking to see if this were true then certainly someone told her or she made it up in her head. Either way she was not or is not telling the truth.

Mostly, Obama had to know and it wasn't changed for over 20 years. If not then why was it ever changed?

See- again this is the essential difference between me and a Birther like you.

I go by the facts- you want to indulge in speculation based upon your biases.

But that is what Birthers do- they indulge in lies, speculation and innuendo.

What are the facts- as opposed to speculation, lies or innuendo?

Here is a list of publications I have found mentioning Barack Obama's place of birth

New York Times,February 6, 1990 - daily circulation- 1,586,757- Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Tribune, February 7, 1990- daily circulation 414,590- Obama born in Hawaii

Washington Post, February 8, 1990- daily circulation 507.615- Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Daily Herald, May 3, 1990-- daily circulation 15,190- Obama born in Hawaii

Columbia Today, Fall 1990- Obama born in Hawaii

Obscure promotional pamphlet says Obama born in Kenya- 1991- editor when asked about it said it was an error on her part- and that Barack Obama never told her that he was born in Kenya.

Chicago Magazine, January 1993- circulation 165,000- Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Tribune, Feb 10, 1993- 414,590- Obama born in Hawaii

Los Angeles Times,August 7, 1995- daily circulation 605,243 - Obama born in Hawaii

"Dreams from My Father" 1995- millions of copies sold - Obama born in Hawaii

Barack Obama State Senate Webpage, October 1, 1999 - Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Daily Herald, January 22, 2003- 15,190 - Obama born in Hawaii

Time Magazine,June 24, 2004- circulation 3,276.882 - Obama born in Hawaii

And those are the facts.

The facts are that publications have consistently noted Barack Obama's birthplace as Hawaii- with one exception- an obscure publication that we have no evidence that Barack Obama ever looked at or noticed.
Make America Great and show the real Birth Certificate. He's probably shredded it a long time ago. But his college transcripts he can't shred, which will show what he applied as.

The Birth Certificate that was issued is a certified copy, which is what you get when you loose your original one. Who is he fooling. The original Birth Certificate, he's never showed, nor has he commented on what happened to it. Was it lost?

The 'original Birth Certificate is on file with the State of Hawaii.

You don't get your original Birth certificate- the state or county you were born in keeps it.
Make America Great and show the real Birth Certificate. He's probably shredded it a long time ago. But his college transcripts he can't shred, which will show what he applied as.

The Birth Certificate that was issued is a certified copy, which is what you get when you loose your original one. Who is he fooling. The original Birth Certificate, he's never showed, nor has he commented on what happened to it. Was it lost?

Vital Records | Frequently Asked Questions about Vital Records of President Barack Hussein Obama II

Here is the web page from the State of Hawaii.

I mean if you are interested in facts, rather than Birther misinformation.
I went looking for that qualifier.

I can't find any actual quote from Clinton saying that Obama is a citizen as far as she knows.

Care to provide some proof that she made the qualifier?
My mistake on that the comment in question was about if he was Muslim not citizen still seems relevant though given Trump was hammered for how responed or did not respond to the guy at the town hall who brought this up. Here is a link to the Hillary statement if you want it.
No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

Thank you for proving that according to the Constitution, Barack Obama was always eligible to be President.

Just like anyone else born in the United States except the children of diplomats.
You have no fucking idea. EDUCATE YOURSELF or remain ignorant.

What is a Natural born Citizen of the United States?

Go to a library and read some law books used during the enlightenment era if you want to find out. Look up the difference between a "natural born subject" and a "natural born citizen". You will remain too ignorant to know the difference unless you educate yourself by reading.

IActually you have no fucking idea. You are either a gullible idiot or a liar.

Prior to the candidacy of Barack Obama there was no mention of a Natural Born Citizen requiring two citizen parents. Birthers made that up.

My Conservative Civics teacher explained it to us decades ago- just like every American learned- that anyone born in the United States could aspire to grow up and be elected President. This was the great promise of America- we threw off the old European way of judging people by their parents or social class- and base it on a persons own circumstances.

The reason not a single credible person has accepted the Birther claims is because all Americans know that they are just bullshit- if you were an American you would know that.

Not a single Republican candidate- now or previous- has ever claimed that a natural born citizen requires two citizen parents.

Every court case claiming that has been lost- because as the courts have observed- the logic behind Wong Kim Ark is clear that anyone born in the United States other than a child of a diplomat is a natural born citizen.

Not a single Congress person objected to Obama's election claiming he wasn't eligible. Chief Justice Roberts has sworn him in 3 times.

You once again have no fucking clue- and since you are a Birther you never will.
You are a liar and a willful idiot.
My mistake on that the comment in question was about if he was Muslim not citizen still seems relevant though given Trump was hammered for how responed or did not respond to the guy at the town hall who brought this up. Here is a link to the Hillary statement if you want it.
No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

Thank you for proving that according to the Constitution, Barack Obama was always eligible to be President.

Just like anyone else born in the United States except the children of diplomats.
You have no fucking idea. EDUCATE YOURSELF or remain ignorant.

What is a Natural born Citizen of the United States?

Go to a library and read some law books used during the enlightenment era if you want to find out. Look up the difference between a "natural born subject" and a "natural born citizen". You will remain too ignorant to know the difference unless you educate yourself by reading.

IActually you have no fucking idea. You are either a gullible idiot or a liar.

Prior to the candidacy of Barack Obama there was no mention of a Natural Born Citizen requiring two citizen parents. Birthers made that up.

My Conservative Civics teacher explained it to us decades ago- just like every American learned- that anyone born in the United States could aspire to grow up and be elected President. This was the great promise of America- we threw off the old European way of judging people by their parents or social class- and base it on a persons own circumstances.

The reason not a single credible person has accepted the Birther claims is because all Americans know that they are just bullshit- if you were an American you would know that.

Not a single Republican candidate- now or previous- has ever claimed that a natural born citizen requires two citizen parents.

Every court case claiming that has been lost- because as the courts have observed- the logic behind Wong Kim Ark is clear that anyone born in the United States other than a child of a diplomat is a natural born citizen.

Not a single Congress person objected to Obama's election claiming he wasn't eligible. Chief Justice Roberts has sworn him in 3 times.

You once again have no fucking clue- and since you are a Birther you never will.
You are a liar and a willful idiot.

You are a Birther- and are such an idiot that you could refute a single thing I said- so you just called me a liar.

But then again Birthers have nothing but lies, speculation and innuendo.
I went looking for that qualifier.

I can't find any actual quote from Clinton saying that Obama is a citizen as far as she knows.

Care to provide some proof that she made the qualifier?
My mistake on that the comment in question was about if he was Muslim not citizen still seems relevant though given Trump was hammered for how responed or did not respond to the guy at the town hall who brought this up. Here is a link to the Hillary statement if you want it.
No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

Thank you for proving that according to the Constitution, Barack Obama was always eligible to be President.

Just like anyone else born in the United States except the children of diplomats.
You have no fucking idea. EDUCATE YOURSELF or remain ignorant.

What is a Natural born Citizen of the United States?

Go to a library and read some law books used during the enlightenment era if you want to find out. Look up the difference between a "natural born subject" and a "natural born citizen". You will remain too ignorant to know the difference unless you educate yourself by reading.

IActually you have no fucking idea. You are either a gullible idiot or a liar.

Prior to the candidacy of Barack Obama there was no mention of a Natural Born Citizen requiring two citizen parents. Birthers made that up.

My Conservative Civics teacher explained it to us decades ago- just like every American learned- that anyone born in the United States could aspire to grow up and be elected President. This was the great promise of America- we threw off the old European way of judging people by their parents or social class- and base it on a persons own circumstances.

The reason not a single credible person has accepted the Birther claims is because all Americans know that they are just bullshit- if you were an American you would know that.

Not a single Republican candidate- now or previous- has ever claimed that a natural born citizen requires two citizen parents.

Every court case claiming that has been lost- because as the courts have observed- the logic behind Wong Kim Ark is clear that anyone born in the United States other than a child of a diplomat is a natural born citizen.

Not a single Congress person objected to Obama's election claiming he wasn't eligible. Chief Justice Roberts has sworn him in 3 times.

You once again have no fucking clue- and since you are a Birther you never will.
You are a willfully ignorant liar.
My mistake on that the comment in question was about if he was Muslim not citizen still seems relevant though given Trump was hammered for how responed or did not respond to the guy at the town hall who brought this up. Here is a link to the Hillary statement if you want it.
No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

Thank you for proving that according to the Constitution, Barack Obama was always eligible to be President.

Just like anyone else born in the United States except the children of diplomats.
You have no fucking idea. EDUCATE YOURSELF or remain ignorant.

What is a Natural born Citizen of the United States?

Go to a library and read some law books used during the enlightenment era if you want to find out. Look up the difference between a "natural born subject" and a "natural born citizen". You will remain too ignorant to know the difference unless you educate yourself by reading.
The poster you are talking too is an Attack Watch paid Obama supporter via a website called Fogbow. He is a hardcore Obama dick sucker along with his friend Frank Arduini/aka Historiandude whom was exposed by WND writer Jerome Corsi, a man who is an American Patriot.

And you are a paid KKK operative- who has a teeny tiny little itsy bitsy dick.

And that is what makes you so frustrated.
Obvious psychological projection.
Democrats are almost all birthers.
Why do you work so hard to be so stupid?
IQ = 158

Perhaps you wouldn't be so ignorant if you would listen to those who are a lot smarter than you.
You forgot the decimal point. 15.8.

Look again, fool.

"Please tell us whether you think the following statement about Barack Obama is true or false: Barack Obama was born in the United States"
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Make America Great and show the real Birth Certificate. He's probably shredded it a long time ago. But his college transcripts he can't shred, which will show what he applied as.

The Birth Certificate that was issued is a certified copy, which is what you get when you loose your original one. Who is he fooling. The original Birth Certificate, he's never showed, nor has he commented on what happened to it. Was it lost?

The 'original Birth Certificate is on file with the State of Hawaii.

You don't get your original Birth certificate- the state or county you were born in keeps it.

Sure you do. You are issued an ORIGINAL Birth Certificate, which is the first one you get. Where is the ORIGINAL, this is a "certified copy". The rules of Hawaii with regards to Birth Certificates issued to foreign born children of American citizens are different than other states.
Factcheck needs to be fact checked, left loon site. Besides who cares? You're obsessed with Trump, every day you scour the internet to start a thread on him.
Apparently all those posters who try to point their fingers at Hillary's 2008 campaign....that's who.

It was Hillary supporters suing to keep Obama off ballots during the democrat primary.

Why lie about it?
Make America Great and show the real Birth Certificate. He's probably shredded it a long time ago. But his college transcripts he can't shred, which will show what he applied as.

The Birth Certificate that was issued is a certified copy, which is what you get when you loose your original one. Who is he fooling. The original Birth Certificate, he's never showed, nor has he commented on what happened to it. Was it lost?

Vital Records | Frequently Asked Questions about Vital Records of President Barack Hussein Obama II

Here is the web page from the State of Hawaii.

I mean if you are interested in facts, rather than Birther misinformation.

It's not misinformation, I am in a business that I deal with the govt., every state and county has a vital records clerk, the certificate copy you get after you loose your original could be very different than the original one they issue due to changes and regulations over the years.
Hawaii's old law declared foreign born children of American citizens as "born in Hawaii". I bet you didn't know that.
Hawaii's old law declared foreign born children of American citizens as "born in Hawaii". I bet you didn't know that.
They don't say those children were born in a Hawaiian hospital on their birth certificate. You obviously didn't know that.

Enough with the stupid red herrings.

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