Trump says Hillary started the Birther Movement. Not True!

Hawaii's old law declared foreign born children of American citizens as "born in Hawaii". I bet you didn't know that.
They don't say those children were born in a Hawaiian hospital on their birth certificate. You obviously didn't know that.

Enough with the stupid red herrings.

It isn't a red herring. The Birth Certificate provided is a certified copy, not the original. And Obama has suspiciously not told anybody what happened to the original. You know why? Because if he says he lost it, and then somehow the copy of the original pops up, the shit will hit the fan. All citizens born in the US are issued an original Birth Certificate sometime after their birth when their parents request it. Where is the ORIGINAL?
Hawaii's old law declared foreign born children of American citizens as "born in Hawaii". I bet you didn't know that.
They don't say those children were born in a Hawaiian hospital on their birth certificate. You obviously didn't know that.

Enough with the stupid red herrings.

It isn't a red herring. The Birth Certificate provided is a certified copy, not the original. And Obama has suspiciously not told anybody what happened to the original. You know why? Because if he says he lost it, and then somehow the copy of the original pops up, the shit will hit the fan. All citizens born in the US are issued an original Birth Certificate sometime after their birth when their parents request it. Where is the ORIGINAL?
Yes its a red herring retard. Give it a rest. You arent convincing anyone to impeach him anyway.
Retard claiming Obama was the original birther in 5...4...3...

The birther movement was started by Obama when he told his publisher he was "born in Kenya." After that, Obama's ho said he was born in Kenya. Hillary was third, at best

Ding ding ding!


Yet another dumb fuck who doesn't know what a birther is....
You are the kind of tard who says Obama was the original birther. That is why you are being laughed at.

You're the kind of libtard who thinks that anyone who mentions birthers is one because you're too ... let's go with slow ... to realize that words have actual meanings and you don't know what they are
Retard claiming Obama was the original birther in 5...4...3...

The birther movement was started by Obama when he told his publisher he was "born in Kenya." After that, Obama's ho said he was born in Kenya. Hillary was third, at best

Ding ding ding!


Yet another dumb fuck who doesn't know what a birther is....
You are the kind of tard who says Obama was the original birther. That is why you are being laughed at.

You're the kind of libtard who thinks that anyone who mentions birthers is one because you're too ... let's go with slow ... to realize that words have actual meanings and you don't know what they are
That was a pretty dumb post that made zero sense. What are you trying to say? Spit it out.
Retard claiming Obama was the original birther in 5...4...3...

The birther movement was started by Obama when he told his publisher he was "born in Kenya." After that, Obama's ho said he was born in Kenya. Hillary was third, at best

Ding ding ding!


Yet another dumb fuck who doesn't know what a birther is....
You are the kind of tard who says Obama was the original birther. That is why you are being laughed at.

You're the kind of libtard who thinks that anyone who mentions birthers is one because you're too ... let's go with slow ... to realize that words have actual meanings and you don't know what they are
That was a pretty dumb post that made zero sense. What are you trying to say? Spit it out.

It was pretty clear, Holmes. A birther believes Obama was born in Kenya and he's not legitimately President. I don't think either of those and I never said either of those, that I don't think either of them being a leading suspect as to why I never said them.

Yet, the genious g5000 called me a birther because he doesn't know what the word, means, he just likes the way it sounds.

What part of that confused you?
No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

Thank you for proving that according to the Constitution, Barack Obama was always eligible to be President.

Just like anyone else born in the United States except the children of diplomats.
You have no fucking idea. EDUCATE YOURSELF or remain ignorant.

What is a Natural born Citizen of the United States?

Go to a library and read some law books used during the enlightenment era if you want to find out. Look up the difference between a "natural born subject" and a "natural born citizen". You will remain too ignorant to know the difference unless you educate yourself by reading.
The poster you are talking too is an Attack Watch paid Obama supporter via a website called Fogbow. He is a hardcore Obama dick sucker along with his friend Frank Arduini/aka Historiandude whom was exposed by WND writer Jerome Corsi, a man who is an American Patriot.

And you are a paid KKK operative- who has a teeny tiny little itsy bitsy dick.

And that is what makes you so frustrated.
Obvious psychological projection.

Another example of Birther idiocy.
Make America Great and show the real Birth Certificate. He's probably shredded it a long time ago. But his college transcripts he can't shred, which will show what he applied as.

The Birth Certificate that was issued is a certified copy, which is what you get when you loose your original one. Who is he fooling. The original Birth Certificate, he's never showed, nor has he commented on what happened to it. Was it lost?

The 'original Birth Certificate is on file with the State of Hawaii.

You don't get your original Birth certificate- the state or county you were born in keeps it.

Sure you do. You are issued an ORIGINAL Birth Certificate, which is the first one you get. Where is the ORIGINAL, this is a "certified copy". The rules of Hawaii with regards to Birth Certificates issued to foreign born children of American citizens are different than other states.

No- generally parents are issued a souvenir copy of a Birth Certificate. In Hawaii they issue a Certificate of Live Birth- and the original Birth certificate is kept on file with the State.

I have already provided the link to Hawaii's official website.
Hawaii's old law declared foreign born children of American citizens as "born in Hawaii". I bet you didn't know that.
They don't say those children were born in a Hawaiian hospital on their birth certificate. You obviously didn't know that.

Enough with the stupid red herrings.

It isn't a red herring. The Birth Certificate provided is a certified copy, not the original. And Obama has suspiciously not told anybody what happened to the original. You know why? Because if he says he lost it, and then somehow the copy of the original pops up, the shit will hit the fan. All citizens born in the US are issued an original Birth Certificate sometime after their birth when their parents request it. Where is the ORIGINAL?
Yes its a red herring retard. Give it a rest. You arent convincing anyone to impeach him anyway.

Well, where is the ORIGINAL birth certificate, retard? What happened to it, why has Obama not mentioned a thing about it, and why has the media not asked him?
Make America Great and show the real Birth Certificate. He's probably shredded it a long time ago. But his college transcripts he can't shred, which will show what he applied as.

The Birth Certificate that was issued is a certified copy, which is what you get when you loose your original one. Who is he fooling. The original Birth Certificate, he's never showed, nor has he commented on what happened to it. Was it lost?

Vital Records | Frequently Asked Questions about Vital Records of President Barack Hussein Obama II

Here is the web page from the State of Hawaii.

I mean if you are interested in facts, rather than Birther misinformation.

It's not misinformation, I am in a business that I deal with the govt., every state and county has a vital records clerk, the certificate copy you get after you loose your original could be very different than the original one they issue due to changes and regulations over the years.

Yes the replacement you get may be a different format- however if you knew anything about vital records, you would know that the State of Hawaii has the original on file.

Again- I provided the link with the State of Hawaii's information- versus the disinformation Birthers put out.
Hawaii's old law declared foreign born children of American citizens as "born in Hawaii". I bet you didn't know that.
They don't say those children were born in a Hawaiian hospital on their birth certificate. You obviously didn't know that.

Enough with the stupid red herrings.

It isn't a red herring.

It is a red herring. It has absolutely nothing to do with a birth certificate for Barack Obama which identifies the hospital he was born in.

The Birth Certificate provided is a certified copy, not the original. And Obama has suspiciously not told anybody what happened to the original. You know why? Because if he says he lost it, and then somehow the copy of the original pops up, the shit will hit the fan.

Unadulterated bullshit manufactured in your idiotic mind.
Make America Great and show the real Birth Certificate. He's probably shredded it a long time ago. But his college transcripts he can't shred, which will show what he applied as.

The Birth Certificate that was issued is a certified copy, which is what you get when you loose your original one. Who is he fooling. The original Birth Certificate, he's never showed, nor has he commented on what happened to it. Was it lost?

The 'original Birth Certificate is on file with the State of Hawaii.

You don't get your original Birth certificate- the state or county you were born in keeps it.

Sure you do. You are issued an ORIGINAL Birth Certificate, which is the first one you get. Where is the ORIGINAL, this is a "certified copy". The rules of Hawaii with regards to Birth Certificates issued to foreign born children of American citizens are different than other states.

No- generally parents are issued a souvenir copy of a Birth Certificate. In Hawaii they issue a Certificate of Live Birth- and the original Birth certificate is kept on file with the State.

I have already provided the link to Hawaii's official website.

I have seen many original birth certificates, some like you said call it "live birth" but they are the same. And Obama hasn't said where his is, or what happened to it.
Make America Great and show the real Birth Certificate. He's probably shredded it a long time ago. But his college transcripts he can't shred, which will show what he applied as.

The Birth Certificate that was issued is a certified copy, which is what you get when you loose your original one. Who is he fooling. The original Birth Certificate, he's never showed, nor has he commented on what happened to it. Was it lost?

Vital Records | Frequently Asked Questions about Vital Records of President Barack Hussein Obama II

Here is the web page from the State of Hawaii.

I mean if you are interested in facts, rather than Birther misinformation.

It's not misinformation, I am in a business that I deal with the govt., every state and county has a vital records clerk, the certificate copy you get after you loose your original could be very different than the original one they issue due to changes and regulations over the years.

Yes the replacement you get may be a different format- however if you knew anything about vital records, you would know that the State of Hawaii has the original on file.

Again- I provided the link with the State of Hawaii's information- versus the disinformation Birthers put out.

How about a copy of the original then.
Hawaii's old law declared foreign born children of American citizens as "born in Hawaii". I bet you didn't know that.
They don't say those children were born in a Hawaiian hospital on their birth certificate. You obviously didn't know that.

Enough with the stupid red herrings.

It isn't a red herring.

It is a red herring. It has absolutely nothing to do with a birth certificate for Barack Obama which identifies the hospital he was born in.

The Birth Certificate provided is a certified copy, not the original. And Obama has suspiciously not told anybody what happened to the original. You know why? Because if he says he lost it, and then somehow the copy of the original pops up, the shit will hit the fan.

Unadulterated bullshit manufactured in your idiotic mind.

Really? Do you deny he has only provided the certified copy? So if it's a certified copy then what happened to the original, cause this sure ain't it.
Ding ding ding!


Yet another dumb fuck who doesn't know what a birther is....
You are the kind of tard who says Obama was the original birther. That is why you are being laughed at.

You're the kind of libtard who thinks that anyone who mentions birthers is one because you're too ... let's go with slow ... to realize that words have actual meanings and you don't know what they are
That was a pretty dumb post that made zero sense. What are you trying to say? Spit it out.

It was pretty clear, Holmes. A birther believes Obama was born in Kenya and he's not legitimately President. I don't think either of those and I never said either of those, that I don't think either of them being a leading suspect as to why I never said them.

Yet, the genious g5000 called me a birther because he doesn't know what the word, means, he just likes the way it sounds.

What part of that confused you?
The part where you typed some words that didnt make any sense. Like the entire post.
Hawaii's old law declared foreign born children of American citizens as "born in Hawaii". I bet you didn't know that.
They don't say those children were born in a Hawaiian hospital on their birth certificate. You obviously didn't know that.

Enough with the stupid red herrings.

It isn't a red herring. The Birth Certificate provided is a certified copy, not the original. And Obama has suspiciously not told anybody what happened to the original. You know why? Because if he says he lost it, and then somehow the copy of the original pops up, the shit will hit the fan. All citizens born in the US are issued an original Birth Certificate sometime after their birth when their parents request it. Where is the ORIGINAL?
Yes its a red herring retard. Give it a rest. You arent convincing anyone to impeach him anyway.

Well, where is the ORIGINAL birth certificate, retard? What happened to it, why has Obama not mentioned a thing about it, and why has the media not asked him?

Exactly why are you calling him a retard- when I have provided you with a link in which the State of Hawaii tells you exactly where the original is?

Since you apparently are too lazy to read the link- here are some of the quotes:


And here is the statement from President Obama's office

In 2008, in response to media inquiries, the President’s campaign requested his birth certificate from the state of Hawaii. The state sent the campaign the President’s birth certificate, the same legal documentation provided to all Hawaiians as proof of birth in state, and the campaign immediately posted it on the internet. That birth certificate can be seen here (PDF).

When any citizen born in Hawaii requests their birth certificate, they receive exactly what the President received. In fact, the document posted on the campaign website is what Hawaiians use to get a driver’s license from the state and the document recognized by the Federal Government and the courts for all legal purposes. That’s because it is the birth certificate. This is not and should not be an open question.

The President believed the distraction over his birth certificate wasn’t good for the country. It may have been good politics and good TV, but it was bad for the American people and distracting from the many challenges we face as a country. Therefore, the President directed his counsel to review the legal authority for seeking access to the long form certificate and to request on that basis that the Hawaii State Department of Health make an exception to release a copy of his long form birth certificate. They granted that exception in part because of the tremendous volume of requests they had been getting. President Barack Obama's long form birth certificate can be seen here (PDF):
Factcheck needs to be fact checked, left loon site. Besides who cares? You're obsessed with Trump, every day you scour the internet to start a thread on him.
Apparently all those posters who try to point their fingers at Hillary's 2008 campaign....that's who.

It was Hillary supporters suing to keep Obama off ballots during the democrat primary.

Why lie about it?

There was one Hillary supporter who sued- and a then whacky Conservatives like Orly Taitz- who is also anti-Clinton.
Hawaii's old law declared foreign born children of American citizens as "born in Hawaii". I bet you didn't know that.
They don't say those children were born in a Hawaiian hospital on their birth certificate. You obviously didn't know that.

Enough with the stupid red herrings.

It isn't a red herring.

It is a red herring. It has absolutely nothing to do with a birth certificate for Barack Obama which identifies the hospital he was born in.

The Birth Certificate provided is a certified copy, not the original. And Obama has suspiciously not told anybody what happened to the original. You know why? Because if he says he lost it, and then somehow the copy of the original pops up, the shit will hit the fan.

Unadulterated bullshit manufactured in your idiotic mind.

Really? Do you deny he has only provided the certified copy? So if it's a certified copy then what happened to the original, cause this sure ain't it.
I think the better question is why you think he has to provide the original for you? Its not like he has to convince you or something. What made you think you mattered?
Hawaii's old law declared foreign born children of American citizens as "born in Hawaii". I bet you didn't know that.

I bet you can't back up that claim with an actual reference to Hawaiian law. So far you appear to be just pulling this out of WND's ass.
Hawaii's old law declared foreign born children of American citizens as "born in Hawaii". I bet you didn't know that.
They don't say those children were born in a Hawaiian hospital on their birth certificate. You obviously didn't know that.

Enough with the stupid red herrings.

It isn't a red herring. The Birth Certificate provided is a certified copy, not the original. And Obama has suspiciously not told anybody what happened to the original. You know why? Because if he says he lost it, and then somehow the copy of the original pops up, the shit will hit the fan. All citizens born in the US are issued an original Birth Certificate sometime after their birth when their parents request it. Where is the ORIGINAL?
Yes its a red herring retard. Give it a rest. You arent convincing anyone to impeach him anyway.

Well, where is the ORIGINAL birth certificate, retard? What happened to it, why has Obama not mentioned a thing about it, and why has the media not asked him?

Exactly why are you calling him a retard- when I have provided you with a link in which the State of Hawaii tells you exactly where the original is?

Since you apparently are too lazy to read the link- here are some of the quotes:

View attachment 50777

And here is the statement from President Obama's office

In 2008, in response to media inquiries, the President’s campaign requested his birth certificate from the state of Hawaii. The state sent the campaign the President’s birth certificate, the same legal documentation provided to all Hawaiians as proof of birth in state, and the campaign immediately posted it on the internet. That birth certificate can be seen here (PDF).

When any citizen born in Hawaii requests their birth certificate, they receive exactly what the President received. In fact, the document posted on the campaign website is what Hawaiians use to get a driver’s license from the state and the document recognized by the Federal Government and the courts for all legal purposes. That’s because it is the birth certificate. This is not and should not be an open question.

The President believed the distraction over his birth certificate wasn’t good for the country. It may have been good politics and good TV, but it was bad for the American people and distracting from the many challenges we face as a country. Therefore, the President directed his counsel to review the legal authority for seeking access to the long form certificate and to request on that basis that the Hawaii State Department of Health make an exception to release a copy of his long form birth certificate. They granted that exception in part because of the tremendous volume of requests they had been getting. President Barack Obama's long form birth certificate can be seen here (PDF):

So it's a certified copy then. Where is the original, Mr. President? Care to tell us what happened to it?

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