Trump Says Montana Senator Tester Should Resign

EXACTLY..............if you get my drift................

You see a conspiracy in the fact that there's additional scrutiny on someone who was nominated for a Senate-confirmable position?
I see a trend of Political attacking whether it have a D or R appointment no matter how qualified........

I can say you are a drunk and a it true.............

He withdrew..............probably better off without the attack machine going after him and his family........Politics in this country is dang dirty and you know it.

Of course politics is dirty - it always has been. No one likes to see how the sausage is made.

And I'm a drunken sod sometimes.
So pardon me when I don't jump on the bandwagon then..................too much BS out there..............

Tester up for re election next year...........see how this plays out.


He sure is. You think that this is going to hurt him?
Depends on how this plays doesn't it........
The real purpose of the tweet was to make LWNJ's heads explode. He succeeded. Tester will lose his seat in November.
You see a conspiracy in the fact that there's additional scrutiny on someone who was nominated for a Senate-confirmable position?
I see a trend of Political attacking whether it have a D or R appointment no matter how qualified........

I can say you are a drunk and a it true.............

He withdrew..............probably better off without the attack machine going after him and his family........Politics in this country is dang dirty and you know it.

Of course politics is dirty - it always has been. No one likes to see how the sausage is made.

And I'm a drunken sod sometimes.
So pardon me when I don't jump on the bandwagon then..................too much BS out there..............

Tester up for re election next year...........see how this plays out.


He sure is. You think that this is going to hurt him?
Depends on how this plays doesn't it........

It's already played out. The story is over.

Trump can keep whining about it (and I'm sure he will), but that's not going to change anything.
Trump represents conservatives well: both are afraid of, and have contempt for, dissent and good faith opposition.
Making up accusations to destroy reputations is good faith opposition in your opinion? Wow.

You are, at this moment, making up accusations to destroy the reputation of Jon Tester.

Don't you see that?
I see a trend of Political attacking whether it have a D or R appointment no matter how qualified........

I can say you are a drunk and a it true.............

He withdrew..............probably better off without the attack machine going after him and his family........Politics in this country is dang dirty and you know it.

Of course politics is dirty - it always has been. No one likes to see how the sausage is made.

And I'm a drunken sod sometimes.
So pardon me when I don't jump on the bandwagon then..................too much BS out there..............

Tester up for re election next year...........see how this plays out.


He sure is. You think that this is going to hurt him?
Depends on how this plays doesn't it........

It's already played out. The story is over.

Trump can keep whining about it (and I'm sure he will), but that's not going to change anything.
Depends on whether the reports about him are true..........Can be used if they don't hold water.............

We'll see........
Trump represents conservatives well: both are afraid of, and have contempt for, dissent and good faith opposition.
Making up accusations to destroy reputations is good faith opposition in your opinion? Wow.

You are, at this moment, making up accusations to destroy the reputation of Jon Tester.

Don't you see that?
I've said nothing about Jon Tester. I spoke directly to the claim that spreading malicious rumor and outright unprovable assertations against someone you oppose politically is NOT good faith opposition.
Of course politics is dirty - it always has been. No one likes to see how the sausage is made.

And I'm a drunken sod sometimes.
So pardon me when I don't jump on the bandwagon then..................too much BS out there..............

Tester up for re election next year...........see how this plays out.


He sure is. You think that this is going to hurt him?
Depends on how this plays doesn't it........

It's already played out. The story is over.

Trump can keep whining about it (and I'm sure he will), but that's not going to change anything.
Depends on whether the reports about him are true..........Can be used if they don't hold water.............

We'll see........

If there was no truth at all in the reports, Admiral Jackson wouldn't have withdrawn.

Since he's withdrawn, the story is over. No one's going to look into it now. It no longer matters.

Which is probably why he withdrew.
So pardon me when I don't jump on the bandwagon then..................too much BS out there..............

Tester up for re election next year...........see how this plays out.


He sure is. You think that this is going to hurt him?
Depends on how this plays doesn't it........

It's already played out. The story is over.

Trump can keep whining about it (and I'm sure he will), but that's not going to change anything.
Depends on whether the reports about him are true..........Can be used if they don't hold water.............

We'll see........

If there was no truth at all in the reports, Admiral Jackson wouldn't have withdrawn.

Since he's withdrawn, the story is over. No one's going to look into it now. It no longer matters.

Which is probably why he withdrew.
That is an assumption..............It could be he said..........fuck this shit..............It isn't worth it..............Be attacked because you said you'd try to help veterans in the VA................

Might have went out and had a drink after............
Trump represents conservatives well: both are afraid of, and have contempt for, dissent and good faith opposition.
Making up accusations to destroy reputations is good faith opposition in your opinion? Wow.

You are, at this moment, making up accusations to destroy the reputation of Jon Tester.

Don't you see that?
I've said nothing about Jon Tester. I spoke directly to the claim that spreading malicious rumor and outright unprovable assertations against someone you oppose politically is NOT good faith opposition.

So you were talking about someone else?

It sure sounds like you're accusing Jon Tester maliciously lying and evilly making things up as an evil and malisious act.

How is what you're doing better than what you're accusing him of?

He sure is. You think that this is going to hurt him?
Depends on how this plays doesn't it........

It's already played out. The story is over.

Trump can keep whining about it (and I'm sure he will), but that's not going to change anything.
Depends on whether the reports about him are true..........Can be used if they don't hold water.............

We'll see........

If there was no truth at all in the reports, Admiral Jackson wouldn't have withdrawn.

Since he's withdrawn, the story is over. No one's going to look into it now. It no longer matters.

Which is probably why he withdrew.
That is an assumption..............It could be he said..........fuck this shit..............It isn't worth it..............Be attacked because you said you'd try to help veterans in the VA................

Might have went out and had a drink after............

You're missing my point.

I'm sure you could think up as many theoretical versions where he comes out smelling like roses as you need.

The end result is the same - the story goes away.

I know that, you know that, and most importantly, Admiral Jackson knows that.
Depends on how this plays doesn't it........

It's already played out. The story is over.

Trump can keep whining about it (and I'm sure he will), but that's not going to change anything.
Depends on whether the reports about him are true..........Can be used if they don't hold water.............

We'll see........

If there was no truth at all in the reports, Admiral Jackson wouldn't have withdrawn.

Since he's withdrawn, the story is over. No one's going to look into it now. It no longer matters.

Which is probably why he withdrew.
That is an assumption..............It could be he said..........fuck this shit..............It isn't worth it..............Be attacked because you said you'd try to help veterans in the VA................

Might have went out and had a drink after............

You're missing my point.

I'm sure you could think up as many theoretical versions where he comes out smelling like roses as you need.

The end result is the same - the story goes away.

I know that, you know that, and most importantly, Admiral Jackson knows that.
Doesn't make the accusations true............
It's already played out. The story is over.

Trump can keep whining about it (and I'm sure he will), but that's not going to change anything.
Depends on whether the reports about him are true..........Can be used if they don't hold water.............

We'll see........

If there was no truth at all in the reports, Admiral Jackson wouldn't have withdrawn.

Since he's withdrawn, the story is over. No one's going to look into it now. It no longer matters.

Which is probably why he withdrew.
That is an assumption..............It could be he said..........fuck this shit..............It isn't worth it..............Be attacked because you said you'd try to help veterans in the VA................

Might have went out and had a drink after............

You're missing my point.

I'm sure you could think up as many theoretical versions where he comes out smelling like roses as you need.

The end result is the same - the story goes away.

I know that, you know that, and most importantly, Admiral Jackson knows that.
Doesn't make the accusations true............

It doesnt make them false, either.

It makes the truth irrelevant. And that was the point.
You know, I'm not sure it was kosher to bring all those allegations into the vetting process without a clue who was making the accusations. I can understand them wanting confidentiality, and it would seem to me that the senate could have granted them that but still insisted on knowing who was making such allegations against a nominee. They could have been brought in quietly to be interviewed behind closed doors. They do those kinds of hearings all the time.

Shit, it's easy enough to make stuff up, or repeat rumors I heard at the office party. It doesn't seem like there has been any evidence yet of any of this stuff happening. Or at least I haven't heard of it. If he were as bad as all that, he would not have made it through three Presidential administrations with high marks.

Now is there anyone even remotely interested in taking the position? Guess we'd better get used to a V.A. without a head. (Maybe it will run better that way?)
This misses the point.

It was the ‘administration’s’ responsibility to properly vet Jackson – which Trump’s people clearly failed to do.

Had the ‘administration’ done its job, it would have learned of the accusations, and never nominated Jackson to begin with; it was perfectly appropriate and warranted for Tester to express his concerns with regard to the allegations, allegations which would have never have been made public had Jackson been thoroughly investigated.

The WH has only itself to blame.
Hmmm...I think I'm seeing OldLady's point. Fundamental in our system is the right to confront one's accusers. A lot was at stake here--a fair, closed hearing could have been arranged. I would also point out that if you fault Trump for not vetting properly..then you have to fault the other two Presidents he worked for. The President's Physician--the closest to him...his life in the Dr's hands. He had to have been looked at..a lot! There is the possibility that the stories are false..or blown out of proportion.

I was happy to see him drop out..because I think him unqualified--but he might have been a victim of the current bloodletting.
Dr. ‘Candyman’ Jackson had every right to face his accusers - but he chose to withdraw from consideration for the position.

There’s a lot of smoke about the doctor's misdeeds - and where there’s smoke, there’s fire. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out the doc is a bit off - his performance before the press proclaiming our morbidly obese, out of shape President a glowing picture of health pretty much sums up his shortcomings in the current job.

But beyond that, the guy was entirely unqualified to lead the second biggest agency in the government and to effectively care for our veterans. I’m grateful that his personal and professional moral failings kept him from doing to the VA what DeVos, Carson, Pruitt, et al. are doing to their agencies.

Tester had a hard fight last time out - but the landscape has changed. 1/10 Montana voters are veterans of the military or active duty military; the VA matters to them a great deal, and access to VA healthcare is a huge issue out there, where many veterans are great distances away from VA facilities and desperately need to see the reforms that will allow veterans covered by the VA to seek covered care from private physicians. Tester has long advocated this approach, and I’m sure he’ll push hard for a good VA director. Let’s not forget that Trump fired the last one because he was resisting Trump’s efforts to widely privatize the VA - a nightmare for veterans.

I don’t live in Montana anymore, but I’ll be sending a donation to Tester just the same - he’s salt of the earth and has been a good Senator for the people of Montana
Trump represents conservatives well: both are afraid of, and have contempt for, dissent and good faith opposition.
You mean he was defending a man against a fat slob lying piece of shit. Try keeping up to date on the news. EVERYTHING he lied about is coming out...I hope the people of Montana are smart enough to send that POS packing in November.

Trump is a fat slob lying piece of shit. For Jackson to say this guy is fit shows he is either a liar or incompetent. The people of Montana are not going to send him packing.
The real purpose of the tweet was to make LWNJ's heads explode. He succeeded. Tester will lose his seat in November.

Not quite.

The real purpose of the tweet was to to start a public campaign against Jon Tester's reelection campaign, and at least nominally for whoever his Republican opponent is.

He hasn't succeeded yet. I wouldn't be counting those eggs right now, if I were you.

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