Trump says take the country in a different direction. What does that mean?

We know what the country was like when Bush took office.

We know what the country was like when Bush left office and Obama took over.

We know what the country is like now.

Trump says he will fix it.

What is wrong with it?

What does he mean when he says it's no longer great.

What it is you think he will actually do?

And how will that make it "great" again?
He will curb you fascist LWNJs.....

Run and hide and watch.....HOPEfully you survive the coming CHANGE....
My interpretation is to knock off sticking our nose into other nations business and get our own house in order. Attending to our infrastructure has been long overdue.
So far, nothing.

Well, name some policies Trump gave you right wingers. You must be voting for something. It's can't just be "make better" without knowing what "better" is.

Better is making sure there are no Democrats in the White House. Better is not this strive by the the left to make white people a minority in this country as soon as possible. Better is getting rid of Commie Care and getting some sort of heath plan in this country that doesn't favor Democrat voters at the expense of Republican voters. Better is getting out of our businesses like banking and energy. Better is not letting criminals out of jail for social justice reasons. Better is not freeing our terrorist prisoners so they can go back and kill more American solders. Better is not subjecting our daughters to share restrooms and showers with weirdos in dresses. Better is not having somebody in the White House trying to ruin more suburbs in America by putting in more HUD people.

Anything else?
We know what the country was like when Bush took office.

We know what the country was like when Bush left office and Obama took over.

We know what the country is like now.

Trump says he will fix it.

What is wrong with it?

What does he mean when he says it's no longer great.

What it is you think he will actually do?

And how will that make it "great" again?
Rderp doesn't know which direction is up.
So far, nothing.

Well, name some policies Trump gave you right wingers. You must be voting for something. It's can't just be "make better" without knowing what "better" is.
He isn't president yet. Dumbass.
You want to make him president and THEN ask what he's gonna do?

And you call me dumbass?

He will make America great again, dumbass.
One thing about it. The direction that Trump would take this country with lower taxes, less regulations. border security and less interventionism would be be a refreshing change from the destruction caused by Obama's "fundamental change".

Obama's change that resulted in more poverty, more welfare, tremendous debt, decreased family income, constant war, illegals flooding the country and racial riots and looting.

Crooked Hillary will be even worse.
Don't worry, you're a psych all right.

Funi Republicans. Think the mayor in a shithole racist state like North Carolina is somehow autonomous. So stupid.

I understand now your posts are all jokes that are so WRONG on all points with absolutely NO real backup besides the daily liberal talking point fantasy, So everything you post is really a JOKE right? Anyone really thinking like that has to be on the short list for an intelligence transplant well unless they really a third grader trying to compete in an adult world? OR like most liberal idiots, completely lost in their own visage? Tell us which because no one could be as far away from reality, and not be in an institution unless they are really joking. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA, you play the part so well you should be in hoshitwood. I like the jokes, keep on pumping them out man. HAH man It's a killer!!!!

As for Trumps "different direction", it is toward following the Constitutional directives of the office instead of ignoring them, and the government serving the people as their employee instead of expecting them to serve the president and the government.
Like taking away people's citizenship?
Letting them have trials?
Banning religion?
Trump's positions are so constitutional? Sometimes I think the Gold Star family Trump make fun of was right.
Right wingers have no idea who they are voting for.

You're such an idiot derpster.
Don't worry, you're a psych all right.

Funi Republicans. Think the mayor in a shithole racist state like North Carolina is somehow autonomous. So stupid.

I understand now your posts are all jokes that are so WRONG on all points with absolutely NO real backup besides the daily liberal talking point fantasy, So everything you post is really a JOKE right? Anyone really thinking like that has to be on the short list for an intelligence transplant well unless they really a third grader trying to compete in an adult world? OR like most liberal idiots, completely lost in their own visage? Tell us which because no one could be as far away from reality, and not be in an institution unless they are really joking. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA, you play the part so well you should be in hoshitwood. I like the jokes, keep on pumping them out man. HAH man It's a killer!!!!

As for Trumps "different direction", it is toward following the Constitutional directives of the office instead of ignoring them, and the government serving the people as their employee instead of expecting them to serve the president and the government.
Like taking away people's citizenship?
Letting them have trials?
Banning religion?
Trump's positions are so constitutional? Sometimes I think the Gold Star family Trump make fun of was right.
Right wingers have no idea who they are voting for.

We know what the country was like when Bush took office.

We know what the country was like when Bush left office and Obama took over.

We know what the country is like now.

Trump says he will fix it.

What is wrong with it?

What does he mean when he says it's no longer great.

What it is you think he will actually do?

And how will that make it "great" again?
He will take it from democracy to mob rule.
Like taking away people's citizenship?
Letting them have trials?
Banning religion?
Trump's positions are so constitutional? Sometimes I think the Gold Star family Trump make fun of was right.
Right wingers have no idea who they are voting for.

Where do you get these jokes? I wish I had a place to get such wildly funny ideas and such jokes. I would say probably from another dimshit talking point liar, but most of them leave a little doubt to save face. So how would anyone accomplish taking ones citizenship?, Banning religion is a democrat thing and letting what group have trials? My goodness if it's not a joke please qualify, and quantify the actions and reinforce them with a non edited video or something.
We know what the country was like when Bush took office.

We know what the country was like when Bush left office and Obama took over.

We know what the country is like now.

Trump says he will fix it.

What is wrong with it?

What does he mean when he says it's no longer great.

What it is you think he will actually do?

And how will that make it "great" again?
He will take it from democracy to mob rule.

Democracy is mob rule, that is why we are not a democracy.
Trump says take the country in a different direction. What does that mean?

Have you not seen the riots, looting, and burning in multiple Democratic party controlled cities? Over 4,000 shot dead just in Chicago? Illegals pouring across the border raping, murdering, torturing American citizens? Illegals pouring Meth into our country killing and destroying our kids? OH THAT IS GONNA LEAVE A MARK :Boom2:
Have you seen the crime rate plunging to historic lows?

Of course you haven't, because Trump and your propaganda outlets have you shitting your pants.

Look at the crime statistics, rube. Stop shitting your pants at the sight of your own shadow.

Pay no attention to the FACT that violent crime has been plunging for decades.

No, look over here at this dead body while we play doom music and tear at our hair and clothes so we can scare the SHIT out of you tards and make you think things are worse than ever!
(cue doom music)

"Jes lookit all dem Democrat darkies a'shootin each udder, Billy Bob! Itza tragesty!"
Trump says take the country in a different direction. What does that mean?

Have you not seen the riots, looting, and burning in multiple Democratic party controlled cities? Over 4,000 shot dead just in Chicago? Illegals pouring across the border raping, murdering, torturing American citizens? Illegals pouring Meth into our country killing and destroying our kids? OH THAT IS GONNA LEAVE A MARK :Boom2:
A good direction is no riots for one.

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