Trump SCOTUS Potential Picks

Trump picks Conservatives,
Obama picked Liberals/Democrats,
Bush picked Conservatives,
Clinton picked Liberals/Democrats.

I'm seeing a trend here.
It goes beyond party affiliation, something called qualifications comes into play. Ginsburg, Breyer, Kagan and Sotomayor all had extensive law backgrounds. How extensive are Ted Cruz's and Tom Cotton's backgrounds in law?
If you don't know, then you shouldn't be here. Also, having a law degree isn't required to be a Supreme Court Justice.
Why doesn't Biden release his list?

They don't know if the name on the top of the list would go over very well...

Funny thing is she would be a better pick than either Cruz or Cotton.

Hillary Clinton in 1975 DEFENDED a child rapist and was successful and the creature was released back onto the streets. Not that shocked that a Leftist aka Communist would WANT defenders of child rapists as Judges on the United States Supreme Court considering Leftists aka Communists are NOT shy about wanting Paedophilia legalised.

Hillary Clinton was assigned by the court to defend this man as a young public defender, and she did NOT get him back on the streets.

As a defender, public or otherwise, Clinton was required by law to give this creep the best defence she could. It was not her choice of client and the judge refused to remove her from the case.

Count on you to lie about this case and use it to attack Clinton as some kind of monster.
She's deranged.
This country historically does much better under democrats. This goes back to the FDR days after republicans in the 1920's brought about the great depression. Later on, the crooked and incompetent presidencies of nixon, reagan, bush jr, and now this jackass know nothing trump. Obama turned over an economy that he got humming along just fine after bush jr. skedaddled back to texas. Then along comes trump and oh shit, we is in a world of hurt now.
Trump picks Conservatives,
Obama picked Liberals/Democrats,
Bush picked Conservatives,
Clinton picked Liberals/Democrats.

I'm seeing a trend here.
It goes beyond party affiliation, something called qualifications comes into play. Ginsburg, Breyer, Kagan and Sotomayor all had extensive law backgrounds. How extensive are Ted Cruz's and Tom Cotton's backgrounds in law?
Cruz’s legal background blows theirs away, Fuckwit.

Did any of them actually argue a case in front of the SC? Cruz argued 9, winning 5.
Trump picks Conservatives,
Obama picked Liberals/Democrats,
Bush picked Conservatives,
Clinton picked Liberals/Democrats.

I'm seeing a trend here.
It goes beyond party affiliation, something called qualifications comes into play. Ginsburg, Breyer, Kagan and Sotomayor all had extensive law backgrounds. How extensive are Ted Cruz's and Tom Cotton's backgrounds in law?
Cruz’s legal background blows theirs away, Fuckwit.

Did any of them actually argue a case in front of the SC? Cruz argued 9, winning 5.
No, he did not "win 5"

Over nine trips to the Supreme Court, Cruz clearly lost four cases and won two. The other three rulings were less clear-cut.
Obama was supposed to be a Constitutional professor according to his resume when he ran for President in 2008. That was a sick joke.
Don't the Trump cultists understand how popular abortion rights are, and how much Americans hate the corrupt pro-life fascism? That's why the SC is a winning issue for Dems. Americans hate Republican pro-life fascist judges, and that's what Trump advertises. The fact that Trump cultists love pro-life fascists doesn't mean that normal Americans hate them less.

Yeah, that worked out so well in 2016. LMAO It did however motivate 56% of Trump voters who said the issue was most important to them.

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\o, you think it's fascist to oppose the murder of unborn babies?

I think it's fascist to lie that you think abortion is murder, for the purpose of being a perv control freak.

That's you. You're just a sad little fascist perv.

And boy howdy, is it funny watching you pervs howl when I call you out on what you are.
You are mentally insane and I'm putting you on ignore.
I have in my big blue collar calloused hands a list from an anonymous source that says these are Biden's current top picks he would consider for the Supreme Court of the United States.


Tony Podesta
Jussie Smollett
Adam Shiff
Nancy Pelosi
Jim Acosta
Bill Deblasio
Bob Woodward
Bill Ayers
Bernie Sanders
Christopher Steele
Jerry Brown
Alec Baldwin
Chuck Todd
Chairman Xi
Chris Cuomo
Rod Rosenstein
Richard Blumenthal
Mitt Romney
Peter Strjock
Cory Booker
John Kasich
Mika Brzezinski
Bob Woodward
John Kerry
Jimmy Kimmel
Robert De Niro
Carl Rove
Paul Krugman
(that cute Mexican gurl from queens, ACO or sumpin)
Bill Kristol
Spike Lee
Loretta Lynch
James Comey
Bob Woodward I really like ole Bob
Jimmy Fallon
John McCain oh, wait he's dead, but still votes in Detroit, somehow
James Clapper
Aunt Tiffa
Whoopi Goldberg
Jeff Zucker

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