Trump SCOTUS Potential Picks

Trump picks Conservatives,
Obama picked Liberals/Democrats,
Bush picked Conservatives,
Clinton picked Liberals/Democrats.

I'm seeing a trend here.
tRump picked a rapist.

No one thinks that.

YOU don't think that, but lots of people think Kavenaugh is unfit for the office he holds. Ford told the truth and Kavenaugh acted like a caught asshole.

Ford (and others) admitted making stuff up for political gain - Knowledge could be your friend - seek it out.

Ford has NEVER admitted to making stuff up, because she didn't. I'll post links to debunk your bullshit because you never post ANY links and seem to expect we'll believe your Russian propaganda and lies simply based on the fact that YOU, a self-admitted Trump cultist, posted them. You have even less credibility than your orange god, and he has NONE.

The FBI "investigation" was prevented by the White House from talking to ANY of Kavenaugh's other accusers, nor were they allowed to do follow up interviews with anyone named by the people they were allowed to interview.

She couldn't "prove" anything, you are just one more lying sh*t for brains

ted cruz would be interesting. he certainly knows the constitution better than anyone else i know of.

Ted Cruz has already sold his manhood to Donald J Trump
Were you checking? You need professional help.

This Ted Cruz? A man who will not even defend his own wife?

View attachment 386832

Thank you Mr Trump, I know my wife is kind of plain and not as beautiful as your wife........Once I am on the court, what would you like me to do for you?
I know you really have problems son but if asked I would choose Trumps wife in a beauty contest.
Your comments show you are mentally challenged to put things in a pc context.
Ted Cruz cowers before a man who posts unflattering pictures of his own wife and accused his father of killing JFK

How much manhood would he show on the Court?

ted cruz would be interesting. he certainly knows the constitution better than anyone else i know of.

Ted Cruz has already sold his manhood to Donald J Trump
dude - just go fuck yourself with these bullshit trolling comments.

ted cruz would be interesting. he certainly knows the constitution better than anyone else i know of.

Ted Cruz has already sold his manhood to Donald J Trump
Were you checking? You need professional help.

This Ted Cruz? A man who will not even defend his own wife?

View attachment 386832

Thank you Mr Trump, I know my wife is kind of plain and not as beautiful as your wife........Once I am on the court, what would you like me to do for you?
I know you really have problems son but if asked I would choose Trumps wife in a beauty contest.
Your comments show you are mentally challenged to put things in a pc context.
Ted Cruz cowers before a man who posts unflattering pictures of his own wife and accused his father of killing JFK

How much manhood would he show on the Court?
At least he understands the constitution most of which you and others want to change or do away with because it doesn’t fit your ideas.

ted cruz would be interesting. he certainly knows the constitution better than anyone else i know of.

Ted Cruz has already sold his manhood to Donald J Trump
Were you checking? You need professional help.

This Ted Cruz? A man who will not even defend his own wife?

View attachment 386832

Thank you Mr Trump, I know my wife is kind of plain and not as beautiful as your wife........Once I am on the court, what would you like me to do for you?
I know you really have problems son but if asked I would choose Trumps wife in a beauty contest.
Your comments show you are mentally challenged to put things in a pc context.
Ted Cruz cowers before a man who posts unflattering pictures of his own wife and accused his father of killing JFK

How much manhood would he show on the Court?
At least he understands the constitution most of which you and others want to change or do away with because it doesn’t fit your ideas.
fucker couldn't attack his ideas or knowledge of the constitution so he has to be bitch-troll deluxe and pull the same useless trolling fucking bullshit he always pulls.
Trump picks Conservatives,
Obama picked Liberals/Democrats,
Bush picked Conservatives,
Clinton picked Liberals/Democrats.

I'm seeing a trend here.
tRump picked a rapist.
and you're a cultist lying sack of shit
It's funny when some dumb-ass tRumpling calls a Democrat a cultist. I mean talk about projection....
it's even funnier when a dumbass bitch-troll projects their bullshit on others and thinks no one notices they're full of shit.

dude. we notice.
I have in my big blue collar calloused hands a list from an anonymous source that says these are Biden's current top picks he would consider for the Supreme Court of the United States.


Tony Podesta
Jussie Smollett
Adam Shiff
Nancy Pelosi
Jim Acosta
Bill Deblasio
Bob Woodward
Bill Ayers
Bernie Sanders
Christopher Steele
Jerry Brown
Alec Baldwin
Chuck Todd
Chairman Xi
Chris Cuomo
Rod Rosenstein
Richard Blumenthal
Mitt Romney
Peter Strjock
Cory Booker
John Kasich
Mika Brzezinski
Bob Woodward
John Kerry
Jimmy Kimmel
Robert De Niro
Carl Rove
Paul Krugman
(that cute Mexican gurl from queens, ACO or sumpin)
Bill Kristol
Spike Lee
Loretta Lynch
James Comey
Bob Woodward I really like ole Bob
Jimmy Fallon
John McCain oh, wait he's dead, but still votes in Detroit, somehow
James Clapper
Aunt Tiffa
Whoopi Goldberg
Jeff Zucker
Pee Wee Herman.

ted cruz would be interesting. he certainly knows the constitution better than anyone else i know of.

Ted Cruz has already sold his manhood to Donald J Trump
Were you checking? You need professional help.

This Ted Cruz? A man who will not even defend his own wife?

View attachment 386832

Thank you Mr Trump, I know my wife is kind of plain and not as beautiful as your wife........Once I am on the court, what would you like me to do for you?
I know you really have problems son but if asked I would choose Trumps wife in a beauty contest.
Your comments show you are mentally challenged to put things in a pc context.
Ted Cruz cowers before a man who posts unflattering pictures of his own wife and accused his father of killing JFK

How much manhood would he show on the Court?
You're an Anthony Weiner fan, huh.
Why doesn't Biden release his list?
Right after Trump releases his tax returns so any day now..

Da fuq does tax returns have to do with restoring this country after shitstain and his lib goons almost destroyed it.

If there is anything wrong with his taxes his accountants can answer to the never ending audits and the IRS can tell us. YOU don't need to see his returns, MINE or anyone else. It's not a requirement for a POTUS to release them. Change the law and quit pissing in your rice krispies.

Look Ben, your ship has sunk. Look for a life preserver. Hope you don't find one.
He's hiding something and you damn well know it, so stop with the BS.
Why doesn't Biden release his list?
Right after Trump releases his tax returns so any day now..

Da fuq does tax returns have to do with restoring this country after shitstain and his lib goons almost destroyed it.

If there is anything wrong with his taxes his accountants can answer to the never ending audits and the IRS can tell us. YOU don't need to see his returns, MINE or anyone else. It's not a requirement for a POTUS to release them. Change the law and quit pissing in your rice krispies.

Look Ben, your ship has sunk. Look for a life preserver. Hope you don't find one.
He's hiding something and you damn well know it, so stop with the BS.
Call the IRS. That's their job.
Trump picks Conservatives,
Obama picked Liberals/Democrats,
Bush picked Conservatives,
Clinton picked Liberals/Democrats.

I'm seeing a trend here.
tRump picked a rapist.
and you're a cultist lying sack of shit
It's funny when some dumb-ass tRumpling calls a Democrat a cultist. I mean talk about projection....
You're a cultists because what ever the democrat controlled mainstream media says you believe it
Nothing they do is wrong in your mind
Yes you are a cultist
Trump picks Conservatives,
Obama picked Liberals/Democrats,
Bush picked Conservatives,
Clinton picked Liberals/Democrats.

I'm seeing a trend here.
tRump picked a rapist.

Trump put Bill Clinton on the SC. Who knew?
Bart O'kavenaugh.
And right here is a perfect example of why you are a cultists
Still pushing that lie fucking cultist you need a big cup of kool-aide
Trump picks Conservatives,
Obama picked Liberals/Democrats,
Bush picked Conservatives,
Clinton picked Liberals/Democrats.

I'm seeing a trend here.
tRump picked a rapist.
and you're a cultist lying sack of shit
It's funny when some dumb-ass tRumpling calls a Democrat a cultist. I mean talk about projection....
You're a cultists because what ever the democrat controlled mainstream media says you believe it
Nothing they do is wrong in your mind
Yes you are a cultist
^Says the tRumpling.

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