Trump SCOTUS Potential Picks

Trump picks Conservatives,
Obama picked Liberals/Democrats,
Bush picked Conservatives,
Clinton picked Liberals/Democrats.

I'm seeing a trend here.
tRump picked a rapist.

Trump put Bill Clinton on the SC. Who knew?
Bart O'kavenaugh.
And right here is a perfect example of why you are a cultists
Still pushing that lie fucking cultist you need a big cup of kool-aide
What lie?
Trump picks Conservatives,
Obama picked Liberals/Democrats,
Bush picked Conservatives,
Clinton picked Liberals/Democrats.

I'm seeing a trend here.
tRump picked a rapist.
and you're a cultist lying sack of shit
It's funny when some dumb-ass tRumpling calls a Democrat a cultist. I mean talk about projection....
You're a cultists because what ever the democrat controlled mainstream media says you believe it
Nothing they do is wrong in your mind
Yes you are a cultist
^Says the tRumpling.
no your own actions show you are a cultist.
A political cult often has an authoritarian leader who has a malignant narcissistic personality disorder. Such a person claims to have all of the answers and requires blind obedience. Such a person displays an incapacity for empathy nor an ability to sincerely admit making mistakes or harming others. Such a person is a pathological liar and is therefore untrustworthy. Authoritarians create and run organizations which use ideologies that are black and white, all or nothing, good versus evil and us against them.
Trump picks Conservatives,
Obama picked Liberals/Democrats,
Bush picked Conservatives,
Clinton picked Liberals/Democrats.

I'm seeing a trend here.
tRump picked a rapist.

Trump put Bill Clinton on the SC. Who knew?
Bart O'kavenaugh.
And right here is a perfect example of why you are a cultists
Still pushing that lie fucking cultist you need a big cup of kool-aide
What lie?
cultist there you go thanks again for the great example
Trump picks Conservatives,
Obama picked Liberals/Democrats,
Bush picked Conservatives,
Clinton picked Liberals/Democrats.

I'm seeing a trend here.
tRump picked a rapist.

Trump put Bill Clinton on the SC. Who knew?
Bart O'kavenaugh.
And right here is a perfect example of why you are a cultists
Still pushing that lie fucking cultist you need a big cup of kool-aide
What lie?
cultist there you go thanks again for the great example
What lie think I told?
Why doesn't Biden release his list?

He just did. ;) :laugh:


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