Trump SCOTUS Potential Picks

Don't the Trump cultists understand how popular abortion rights are, and how much Americans hate the corrupt pro-life fascism? That's why the SC is a winning issue for Dems. Americans hate Republican pro-life fascist judges, and that's what Trump advertises. The fact that Trump cultists love pro-life fascists doesn't mean that normal Americans hate them less.
Are you sure they're pro life?
Trump picks Conservatives,
Obama picked Liberals/Democrats,
Bush picked Conservatives,
Clinton picked Liberals/Democrats.

I'm seeing a trend here.

Yup. That's the way it has always worked. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out.

If your a conservative, you pick conservatives.

If your a Dem, you pick Dems or liberals.

No biggie.
This country historically does much better under democrats. This goes back to the FDR days after republicans in the 1920's brought about the great depression. Later on, the crooked and incompetent presidencies of nixon, reagan, bush jr, and now this jackass know nothing trump. Obama turned over an economy that he got humming along just fine after bush jr. skedaddled back to texas. Then along comes trump and oh shit, we is in a world of hurt now.

You can definitely trust opinions from
Trump picks Conservatives,
Obama picked Liberals/Democrats,
Bush picked Conservatives,
Clinton picked Liberals/Democrats.

I'm seeing a trend here.
tRump picked a rapist.

No one thinks that.

YOU don't think that, but lots of people think Kavenaugh is unfit for the office he holds. Ford told the truth and Kavenaugh acted like a caught asshole.

Ford (and others) admitted making stuff up for political gain - Knowledge could be your friend - seek it out.
Trump picks Conservatives,
Obama picked Liberals/Democrats,
Bush picked Conservatives,
Clinton picked Liberals/Democrats.

I'm seeing a trend here.
tRump picked a rapist.

No one thinks that.

YOU don't think that, but lots of people think Kavenaugh is unfit for the office he holds. Ford told the truth and Kavenaugh acted like a caught asshole.

Ford (and others) admitted making stuff up for political gain - Knowledge could be your friend - seek it out.

Ford has NEVER admitted to making stuff up, because she didn't. I'll post links to debunk your bullshit because you never post ANY links and seem to expect we'll believe your Russian propaganda and lies simply based on the fact that YOU, a self-admitted Trump cultist, posted them. You have even less credibility than your orange god, and he has NONE.

The FBI "investigation" was prevented by the White House from talking to ANY of Kavenaugh's other accusers, nor were they allowed to do follow up interviews with anyone named by the people they were allowed to interview.

Trump picks Conservatives,
Obama picked Liberals/Democrats,
Bush picked Conservatives,
Clinton picked Liberals/Democrats.

I'm seeing a trend here.
tRump picked a rapist.

No one thinks that.

YOU don't think that, but lots of people think Kavenaugh is unfit for the office he holds. Ford told the truth and Kavenaugh acted like a caught asshole.
Ford has ZERO corroboration! None of her story checked out.

ted cruz would be interesting. he certainly knows the constitution better than anyone else i know of.
No one likes ted Cruz. Are you kidding? I love it. Please let everyone know trump will appoint ted if he wins

ted cruz would be interesting. he certainly knows the constitution better than anyone else i know of.

Ted Cruz has already sold his manhood to Donald J Trump
Were you checking? You need professional help.

ted cruz would be interesting. he certainly knows the constitution better than anyone else i know of.

Ted Cruz has already sold his manhood to Donald J Trump
Were you checking? You need professional help.

This Ted Cruz? A man who will not even defend his own wife?


Thank you Mr Trump, I know my wife is kind of plain and not as beautiful as your wife........Once I am on the court, what would you like me to do for you?

ted cruz would be interesting. he certainly knows the constitution better than anyone else i know of.

Ted Cruz has already sold his manhood to Donald J Trump
Were you checking? You need professional help.

This Ted Cruz? A man who will not even defend his own wife?

View attachment 386832

Thank you Mr Trump, I know my wife is kind of plain and not as beautiful as your wife........Once I am on the court, what would you like me to do for you?
I know you really have problems son but if asked I would choose Trumps wife in a beauty contest.
Your comments show you are mentally challenged to put things in a pc context.

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