Trump screwed Up Iran Big Time. And now Iran will get a Nuke.

The Banker

Diamond Member
Oct 24, 2017
The Obama Iran deal stopped Iran's uranium enrichment and nuke program. Iran was about to get a nuke and Obama stopped it.

Trump stupidly canceled the Iran deal. A deal that was working, and preventing Iran from making a nuke. Everybody in the world was in agreement that Iran was in compliance.

Iran then started enriching uranium big time and is now about to make a nuke. All because of Trump and his failure.

If Trump never canceled the Iran deal, then Iran would not be close to making a nuke. Trumpers claim Iran violated the deal, but they are lying per usual. There is no evidence at all Iran violated anything at all. Just like there is no evidence of voter fraud at all.

Trump did nothing to stop Iran from enriching uranium, which re-started under his presidency, leading to the situation we have now.

George Bush did the same thing with N Korea, and they made a nuke because of Bush's failures. Trump has pulled another Bush, and now Iran will make a nuke because of Trump. Trump and Bush, the 2 worst most failed presidents in US History.

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Iran was about to get a nuke and Obama stopped it.
The Tan Messiah paved the way for the mullahs to get a nuke and to do so legally. Israel has been warning of this day for decades and your smug cheerfulness over being able to bash the Bad Orange Man will be short-lived. Netanyahu made it clear they'd NEVER be allowed to have the bomb and even after he was pushed out of office, Bennett and Lapid, along with senior military leadership in the IDF have repeated and strengthened those warnings.
What's coming will shock the planet, much as when the IAF destroyed Iraq's reactor in the 80s. They WILL destroy Iran's nuclear sites in the three major cities of Turquzabad, Tehran, and Marivan.
Simultaneously, they will prove that Russia's vaunted S-400 system is NOT invincible and it will cause a huge embarrassment for Putin, one that's apt to make him seek revenge. Either way, it will trigger a regional or potentially, even global war. Oh GOODY! Then tools like yourself can be orgasmic while blaming it all on the Baaad Orange Man. I'm sure that will make it easier to deal with for you.
The Obama Iran deal stopped Iran's uranium enrichment and nuke program. Iran was about to get a nuke and Obama stopped it.

Trump stupidly canceled the Iran deal. A deal that was working, and preventing Iran from making a nuke. Everybody in the world was in agreement that Iran was in compliance.

Iran then started enriching uranium big time and is now about to make a nuke. All because of Trump and his failure.

If Trump never canceled the Iran deal, then Iran would not be close to making a nuke. Trumpers claim Iran violated the deal, but they are lying per usual. There is no evidence at all Iran violated anything at all. Just like there is no evidence of voter fraud at all.

Trump did nothing to stop Iran from enriching uranium, which re-started under his presidency, leading to the situation we have now.

George Bush did the same thing with N Korea, and they made a nuke because of Bush's failures. Trump has pulled another Bush, and now Iran will make a nuke because of Trump. Trump and Bush, the 2 worst most failed presidents in US History.

so Iran violated the deal they had with the other countries?

big surprise.
The Obama Iran deal stopped Iran's uranium enrichment and nuke program. Iran was about to get a nuke and Obama stopped it.

Trump stupidly canceled the Iran deal. A deal that was working, and preventing Iran from making a nuke. Everybody in the world was in agreement that Iran was in compliance.

Iran then started enriching uranium big time and is now about to make a nuke. All because of Trump and his failure.

If Trump never canceled the Iran deal, then Iran would not be close to making a nuke. Trumpers claim Iran violated the deal, but they are lying per usual. There is no evidence at all Iran violated anything at all. Just like there is no evidence of voter fraud at all.

Trump did nothing to stop Iran from enriching uranium, which re-started under his presidency, leading to the situation we have now.

George Bush did the same thing with N Korea, and they made a nuke because of Bush's failures. Trump has pulled another Bush, and now Iran will make a nuke because of Trump. Trump and Bush, the 2 worst most failed presidents in US History.

The Iran deal wasn't just with the US, so TRUMP getting the US out of the deal shouldn't have made any difference.
evrything I say is 100% fact.
Everything I post is 100% fact.
I never post anything that is not accurate. I challenge you to prove me wrong with facts. Real facts.
You made an entire string of contentions that were ALL undocumented or supported in any way by fact!

Grow up!
The Obama Iran deal stopped Iran's uranium enrichment and nuke program. Iran was about to get a nuke and Obama stopped it.

Trump stupidly canceled the Iran deal. A deal that was working, and preventing Iran from making a nuke. Everybody in the world was in agreement that Iran was in compliance.

Iran then started enriching uranium big time and is now about to make a nuke. All because of Trump and his failure.

If Trump never canceled the Iran deal, then Iran would not be close to making a nuke. Trumpers claim Iran violated the deal, but they are lying per usual. There is no evidence at all Iran violated anything at all. Just like there is no evidence of voter fraud at all.

George Bush did the same thing with N Korea, and they made a nuke because of Bush's failures. Trump has pulled another Bush, and now Iran will make a nuke because of Trump. Trump and Bush, the 2 worst most failed presidents in US History.

No. He just sped it up a little. Whether they get it and keep it is probably up to Israel. That is who the Iranians want to destroy, with fire, if I remember correctly.
Iran still had the option to quit, they just have no intention of doing, even if Donny would not pay them to quit. On the way out after he was going to be out of office, Donny approved sale of modern air refuel capability to Israel, of course not to have it before he was long gone from office. I think they are getting more fighter/bombers. Joe is letting it all go through. Good for Joe.
The Tan Messiah paved the way for the mullahs to get a nuke and to do so legally. Israel has been warning of this day for decades and your smug cheerfulness over being able to bash the Bad Orange Man will be short-lived. Netanyahu made it clear they'd NEVER be allowed to have the bomb and even after he was pushed out of office, Bennett and Lapid, along with senior military leadership in the IDF have repeated and strengthened those warnings.
What's coming will shock the planet, much as when the IAF destroyed Iraq's reactor in the 80s. They WILL destroy Iran's nuclear sites in the three major cities of Turquzabad, Tehran, and Marivan.
Simultaneously, they will prove that Russia's vaunted S-400 system is NOT invincible and it will cause a huge embarrassment for Putin, one that's apt to make him seek revenge. Either way, it will trigger a regional or potentially, even global war. Oh GOODY! Then tools like yourself can be orgasmic while blaming it all on the Baaad Orange Man. I'm sure that will make it easier to deal with for you.
Nothing you just said is factually accurate in anyway.

Iran had given up all uranium and was not enriching, so they had no way to make a nuke and the entire world verified this.

Trump violated and canceled the deal and Iran instantly restarted their nuke program, they even said they were going to do this. Its right here 100% fact

Trump is the reason Iran will have a nuke.
You made an entire string of contentions that were ALL undocumented or supported in any way by fact!

Grow up!
You are just typing empty meaningless words on a page.

That's the problem. Show us, using links and evidence from real and reliable sources, where I am wrong.

The Obama Iran deal stopped Iran's uranium enrichment and nuke program. Iran was about to get a nuke and Obama stopped it.


this is unbelievable.. Pres O did everything but use tax dollars to build cetrifuges for those terrorists...

dude... get some REAL news... before it's too late...

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