Trump screws Indiana ,,,

While we're on the subject of wasting taxpayer money:

Stein files for Michigan recount costing state $4M

So now you equate the Carrier payoff to the recount money.

Uh, we are talking about "wasting" taxpayer money are we not?

First you supported it, now you're saying it's a waste of taxpayer money. all in the space of a few minutes.

Sure, that would be true if I actually said that. I support any measure that saves jobs from being outsourced to other countries.

The OP is saying that Pence "screwed" the state of Indiana for paying off Carrier with taxpayer money to keep their jobs here.

So the OP is saying this is a waste of taxpayer money, not me.

You want to stop misquoting me?
Etherion would have supported Obama's economic plans if they had worked is what the is saying. I think E is lying.
Reported for cutting the my post to take it out of context.

Here it is again: "Etherion would have supported Obama's economic plans if they had worked is what the is saying. I think E is lying."

You condemned for what he did, yet you applauded Trump.

Do you understand they both used fascist economic policies?

If you did not lie, then you did not understand.
Well I see the left is busy LYING again what a shocker. First off a tax break means you get to keep your own goddamn money you earned, taxpayers are not giving Carrier any money. Secondly liberals suck at math, so what's the payroll for 1,000 employees yeah $30 million if not more plus up and down stream jobs. For $700k a year that's a bargain. Suck facts libs you lying hacks.

It's only $700. per employee. This is a no brainer that this is a good deal. Many people never get a grip that when a production facility shuts down that so many other businesses get really killed in the process. From the cafeteria company and their workers to the pizza place that caters to the evening shift guys to the local coffee and donuts shop that lose business man oh man it's devastation right across the board.

This is money well spent.

Exactly, PLUS all the taxes all of those people pay into the government coffers. Yet the lefts reaction? To criticize good grief its like they would rather those people lose their jobs than for Trump to get a win on something. This shows exactly how low and despicable the left are.
While we're on the subject of wasting taxpayer money:

Stein files for Michigan recount costing state $4M

So now you equate the Carrier payoff to the recount money.

Uh, we are talking about "wasting" taxpayer money are we not?

First you supported it, now you're saying it's a waste of taxpayer money. all in the space of a few minutes.

Sure, that would be true if I actually said that. I support any measure that saves jobs from being outsourced to other countries.

The OP is saying that Pence "screwed" the state of Indiana for paying off Carrier with taxpayer money to keep their jobs here.

So the OP is saying this is a waste of taxpayer money, not me.

You want to stop misquoting me?

You said, 'while we're on the subject of wasting taxpayer money'. The subject is the Carrier payoff. You referred to it as a waste of taxpayer money and compared it to the Stein recount.
Isn't it nice to see that en masse conservatives have shifted their position,

and now support taxpayer bailouts to benefit union workers in the Rust Belt.

Welcome aboard! And you people thought progressives lost this election! lol
Uses 700,000 in Indiana tax payer money to buy off Carrier and pence is still gov. to make it possible

If true then it was money well spent and you can bet those thousand Carrier workers are grateful as well.

Oh and they are Indiana taxpayers.
Uses 700,000 in Indiana tax payer money to buy off Carrier and pence is still gov. to make it possible

Hey, when you express outrage over what Obama did with Solyndra, then you can complain.

In this case, this is a good use of taxpayer money. Those people whose jobs Trump saved are taxpayers, too.

lol, see? The Trumpbots are going to defend ANYTHING he does.
Well ya got 3 people to agree with ya.
Coincidentally that's the same number of states the dems control now.
Uses 700,000 in Indiana tax payer money to buy off Carrier and pence is still gov. to make it possible

Hey, when you express outrage over what Obama did with Solyndra, then you can complain.

In this case, this is a good use of taxpayer money. Those people whose jobs Trump saved are taxpayers, too.

lol, see? The Trumpbots are going to defend ANYTHING he does.
Trump is not even in office yet, jackass.
While we're on the subject of wasting taxpayer money:

Stein files for Michigan recount costing state $4M

So now you equate the Carrier payoff to the recount money.

Uh, we are talking about "wasting" taxpayer money are we not?

First you supported it, now you're saying it's a waste of taxpayer money. all in the space of a few minutes.

Sure, that would be true if I actually said that. I support any measure that saves jobs from being outsourced to other countries.

The OP is saying that Pence "screwed" the state of Indiana for paying off Carrier with taxpayer money to keep their jobs here.

So the OP is saying this is a waste of taxpayer money, not me.

You want to stop misquoting me?

You said, 'while we're on the subject of wasting taxpayer money'. The subject is the Carrier payoff. You referred to it as a waste of taxpayer money and compared it to the Stein recount.
Yeah sure, now you're covering for your poor argument by splitting hairs.

Move along.
Uses 700,000 in Indiana tax payer money to buy off Carrier and pence is still gov. to make it possible
I guess those 1,000 families that will have a Christmas this year are just political fodder for Democrats like you?
Isn't it nice to see that en masse conservatives have shifted their position,

and now support taxpayer bailouts to benefit union workers in the Rust Belt.

Welcome aboard! And you people thought progressives lost this election! lol
And you're in control in how many states.
Why don't you google "drubbing."
Interesting the attitude here, Carbine and Jake would rather 1400 people have their jobs outsourced to Mexico. Why? Because the deal was negotiated by Trump's VPEOTUS, Mike Pence.

What would you have preferred Pence/Trump do to keep the jobs there? Any bright ideas?
They hate America and they hate Americans. That is all you ever need to know. Then you will see the logic in their thinking.
Isn't it nice to see that en masse conservatives have shifted their position,

and now support taxpayer bailouts to benefit union workers in the Rust Belt.

Welcome aboard! And you people thought progressives lost this election! lol
And you're in control in how many states.
Why don't you google "drubbing."

If Trump is really going to protect, save, and bring back tens of thousands of high paying union jobs, then he'll be doing OUR work, not yours.

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