Trump screws Indiana ,,,

So now you equate the Carrier payoff to the recount money.

Uh, we are talking about "wasting" taxpayer money are we not?

First you supported it, now you're saying it's a waste of taxpayer money. all in the space of a few minutes.

Sure, that would be true if I actually said that. I support any measure that saves jobs from being outsourced to other countries.

The OP is saying that Pence "screwed" the state of Indiana for paying off Carrier with taxpayer money to keep their jobs here.

So the OP is saying this is a waste of taxpayer money, not me.

You want to stop misquoting me?

You said, 'while we're on the subject of wasting taxpayer money'. The subject is the Carrier payoff. You referred to it as a waste of taxpayer money and compared it to the Stein recount.
Yeah sure, now you're covering for your poor argument by splitting hairs.

Move along.

Learn to speak English and you won't have those problems.

Now, where is your proof that I supported Obama's Libya intervention and his Afghanistan escalation?
If Trump is really going to protect, save, and bring back tens of thousands of high paying union jobs, then he'll be doing OUR work, not yours.

If you think you basement dwellers really have been responsible for bringing back tens of thousands of high paying union jobs, let me be the first to tell you that you are failing BIG LEAGUE... Give Pelosi a call , she will console you...
This thread shows the depth of liberal hate snd how severely butthurt they are over LOSING...They are bitching about jobs staying in America.

Hillary helped a foreign nation shut down an American company because it was the nation's business return for a large 'donation'.

Isn't it nice to see that en masse conservatives have shifted their position,

and now support taxpayer bailouts to benefit union workers in the Rust Belt.

Welcome aboard! And you people thought progressives lost this election! lol
And you're in control in how many states.
Why don't you google "drubbing."

If Trump is really going to protect, save, and bring back tens of thousands of high paying union jobs, then he'll be doing OUR work, not yours.
Yep, he's doing the work Democrat douche bags promise to do but never do.
Uses 700,000 in Indiana tax payer money to buy off Carrier and pence is still gov. to make it possible

Yep, Rachel Maddow just had a segment on it. Trump had Pence authorize the payment as governor. I wonder if they will mention that fact during their photo op tomorrow?

Maybe you should do some more research.
Maddow tends to drop parts of stories.
Virtually every penny the 1000 Carrier employees earn comes DIRECTLY back into their local economy.
Multiply that fact with millions of employees keeping or finding new jobs in the country and the result is a booming stable economy.
President Trump will make it easier for small business to start up and hire people without having to constantly be juggling employees hours just to survive the ravages on small businesses from over regulation and the ACC.
Hell, there will even be some money to give to the fucking 'Takers'.
Uses 700,000 in Indiana tax payer money to buy off Carrier and pence is still gov. to make it possible

If true then it was money well spent and you can bet those thousand Carrier workers are grateful as well.

Oh and they are Indiana taxpayers.
Yes they are grateful. Virtually 100% of these employees will vote REP next time. That means virtually every family member, extended family member, friend is going to vote REP. In four years if President Trump keeps going like he's started the REPs will win in a historic landslide.
The Keith Ellison, Pocahontas, Pelosi Party will be a national joke!
Pelosi: "Sure the REPS have got the economy humming and millions of jobs have been saved and created but if you just this once vote for us DEMs we promise to keep doing what the REPS are doing".
Reading reports that Trump may have also threatened to take away government contracts from Carrier's parent company.

I have no problem with that.

However Trump talked trash to Obama for paying a ransom to Iran for hostages... but in a sense he just Indiana tax money to pay a ransom to keep Carrier from moving jobs.
and when Obama wanted to increase the debt to create 1000's of jobs the Repubs bashed him,,,,,,,now that the shoe is on the other foot repubs don't care how much dump spends
now we know lol that all companies that want to move because of their bottom lines will be saved by trump the savoir
Reading reports that Trump may have also threatened to take away government contracts from Carrier's parent company.

I have no problem with that.

However Trump talked trash to Obama for paying a ransom to Iran for hostages... but in a sense he just Indiana tax money to pay a ransom to keep Carrier from moving jobs.
and when Obama wanted to increase the debt to create 1000's of jobs the Repubs bashed him,,,,,,,now that the shoe is on the other foot repubs don't care how much dump spends
Reducing taxes on businesses puts people to work. These employees spend virtually every penny they earn in their local economy.
BONOBO wanted to keep increasing taxes on small businesses and increasing the fucking bullshit regulations on small businesses AND print more money AKA increasing the debt.
In eight years BONOBO increased to ND by about twenty trillion dollars. Where's that fucking money gone?!!!!!!
Was it used to make the education system better? The inner city shitholes better?
You really need to wise up pal.
When obama loses 11 billion to bailout GM it's ok but, if Trump uses taxpayer money for the same thing it's bad?
The Breeze endorses statist big government fascist bailouts of business.

OK. The Breeze embraces Obama's economic policy and wants Trump to continue it.
""""If these arguments sound familiar, it's because Republicans raised them time and again through the early years of the Obama administration - particularly the debate over the president's signature economic stimulus bill, and his accompanying move to bail out the U.S. auto industry.

In February 2009, Obama flew to Indiana to tout the stimulus, which had not yet passed Congress. He said it would "save or create" 3 to 4 million jobs, including 80,000 in Indiana alone.

Two days later, a Republican congressman blasted the stimulus bill on the House floor. "This back-room deal is simply a long wish list of big government spending that won’t work to put Americans back to work," he said. "It won’t create jobs."""""""

That congressman was from Indiana. His name was Mike Pence.
The auto industry bailout that cost us 11 Billion? That one?
Reading reports that Trump may have also threatened to take away government contracts from Carrier's parent company.

I have no problem with that.

However Trump talked trash to Obama for paying a ransom to Iran for hostages... but in a sense he just Indiana tax money to pay a ransom to keep Carrier from moving jobs.
equating ransom payment to this? Wow
That is what government does when it mixes fascism as a policy with businesses: government forced control of the economy.

I told you folks that Trump is merely demolite. He is no savior for the right or the libertarians.

School choice boondoggle vouchers to enrich education corporations and all their hanger ons while excluding lower socio-economic groups.
Uses 700,000 in Indiana tax payer money to buy off Carrier and pence is still gov. to make it possible

If true then it was money well spent and you can bet those thousand Carrier workers are grateful as well.

Oh and they are Indiana taxpayers.
Claudette is for government support of union workers. Wow!

Nope. I Just support American jobs. Union or not.
Sure. Book marked.

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