Trump screws Indiana ,,,

Uses 700,000 in Indiana tax payer money to buy off Carrier and pence is still gov. to make it possible

Focking idiots.

MANY if not all states offer corporate tax incentives to open offices or factories.

VERIZON opened a HUGE corporate hub in LAKE MARY, FLORIDA. They negotiated with FLORIDA GOVERNOR RICK SCOTT for months and VERIZON got some tax breaks, as a result they brought about 3,000 jobs to Florida....not to mention the CONSTRUCTION jobs on building the new facility and all the additional spending on HOMES and local businesses by these NEW 3,000 jobs.

Anyone who claims that TRUMP did something WRONG by giving tax breaks of about $700/PER JOB to save the factory is a JACKASS who knows NOTHING.

Certainly more than $700 per person.

Snowflakes are so focking butthurt over the election they can't even admit that it's a good thing Carrier is staying in Indiana.
""""If these arguments sound familiar, it's because Republicans raised them time and again through the early years of the Obama administration - particularly the debate over the president's signature economic stimulus bill, and his accompanying move to bail out the U.S. auto industry.

In February 2009, Obama flew to Indiana to tout the stimulus, which had not yet passed Congress. He said it would "save or create" 3 to 4 million jobs, including 80,000 in Indiana alone.

Two days later, a Republican congressman blasted the stimulus bill on the House floor. "This back-room deal is simply a long wish list of big government spending that won’t work to put Americans back to work," he said. "It won’t create jobs."""""""

That congressman was from Indiana. His name was Mike Pence.
The auto industry bailout that cost us 11 Billion? That one?

That started under Bush.
Reading reports that Trump may have also threatened to take away government contracts from Carrier's parent company.

I have no problem with that.

However Trump talked trash to Obama for paying a ransom to Iran for hostages... but in a sense he just Indiana tax money to pay a ransom to keep Carrier from moving jobs.
equating ransom payment to this? Wow

Yep, because that is what it is. He paid Carrier off not to move with cash money... from the state of Indiana.
""""If these arguments sound familiar, it's because Republicans raised them time and again through the early years of the Obama administration - particularly the debate over the president's signature economic stimulus bill, and his accompanying move to bail out the U.S. auto industry.

In February 2009, Obama flew to Indiana to tout the stimulus, which had not yet passed Congress. He said it would "save or create" 3 to 4 million jobs, including 80,000 in Indiana alone.

Two days later, a Republican congressman blasted the stimulus bill on the House floor. "This back-room deal is simply a long wish list of big government spending that won’t work to put Americans back to work," he said. "It won’t create jobs."""""""

That congressman was from Indiana. His name was Mike Pence.
The auto industry bailout that cost us 11 Billion? That one?

That started under Bush.
irrelevant. Hell, you even made that seem like pence isn't partisan. Nice :lol:
Uses 700,000 in Indiana tax payer money to buy off Carrier and pence is still gov. to make it possible
how you figure, 1000 employees all paying taxes is wash to that and they get money to spend and keep their local businesses going. learn what economics is please.

Yeah, because that money is coming out of the employee's pockets, NOT the company's. See how that works.
Reading reports that Trump may have also threatened to take away government contracts from Carrier's parent company.

I have no problem with that.

However Trump talked trash to Obama for paying a ransom to Iran for hostages... but in a sense he just Indiana tax money to pay a ransom to keep Carrier from moving jobs.
equating ransom payment to this? Wow

Yep, because that is what it is. He paid Carrier off not to move with cash money... from the state of Indiana.
""""If these arguments sound familiar, it's because Republicans raised them time and again through the early years of the Obama administration - particularly the debate over the president's signature economic stimulus bill, and his accompanying move to bail out the U.S. auto industry.

In February 2009, Obama flew to Indiana to tout the stimulus, which had not yet passed Congress. He said it would "save or create" 3 to 4 million jobs, including 80,000 in Indiana alone.

Two days later, a Republican congressman blasted the stimulus bill on the House floor. "This back-room deal is simply a long wish list of big government spending that won’t work to put Americans back to work," he said. "It won’t create jobs."""""""

That congressman was from Indiana. His name was Mike Pence.
The auto industry bailout that cost us 11 Billion? That one?

That started under Bush.
irrelevant. Hell, you even made that seem like pence isn't partisan. Nice :lol:

I was just pointing out that it was wrong. The auto bail out started under Bush.... But still yet Pence was against it.
""""If these arguments sound familiar, it's because Republicans raised them time and again through the early years of the Obama administration - particularly the debate over the president's signature economic stimulus bill, and his accompanying move to bail out the U.S. auto industry.

In February 2009, Obama flew to Indiana to tout the stimulus, which had not yet passed Congress. He said it would "save or create" 3 to 4 million jobs, including 80,000 in Indiana alone.

Two days later, a Republican congressman blasted the stimulus bill on the House floor. "This back-room deal is simply a long wish list of big government spending that won’t work to put Americans back to work," he said. "It won’t create jobs."""""""

That congressman was from Indiana. His name was Mike Pence.
The auto industry bailout that cost us 11 Billion? That one?

That started under Bush.
irrelevant. Hell, you even made that seem like pence isn't partisan. Nice :lol:

I was just pointing out that it was wrong. The auto bail out started under Bush.... But still yet Pence was against it.
That's good because it cost us 11B and they invested their money overseas.. I am sure he appreciates your support.
Reading reports that Trump may have also threatened to take away government contracts from Carrier's parent company.

I have no problem with that.

However Trump talked trash to Obama for paying a ransom to Iran for hostages... but in a sense he just Indiana tax money to pay a ransom to keep Carrier from moving jobs.
equating ransom payment to this? Wow

Yep, because that is what it is. He paid Carrier off not to move with cash money... from the state of Indiana.

You realize what Trump has done now? He's set a precedent.

Take for example his stance on NOT settling lawsuits. He said he doesn't settle lawsuits because then that just opens him up to people filing more and more of them against him. So now what? He's done this deal with Carrier...while not even in the White House yet. So now every company is going to do the same thing. Hell, some of the companies he owns stock in will probably do the same thing. And as a business man, knowing that it's saving the money business, he's going to continue to make deals like this.
odd, I don't recall snowflakes crying about $1.7 trillion in TARP spending to save jobs....

.....WELL OVER $700/job that Indiana gave Carrier.

See, snowflakes, when you won't even give credit for a god thing where credit is due, people stop listening to your BULLSHIT.
""""If these arguments sound familiar, it's because Republicans raised them time and again through the early years of the Obama administration - particularly the debate over the president's signature economic stimulus bill, and his accompanying move to bail out the U.S. auto industry.

In February 2009, Obama flew to Indiana to tout the stimulus, which had not yet passed Congress. He said it would "save or create" 3 to 4 million jobs, including 80,000 in Indiana alone.

Two days later, a Republican congressman blasted the stimulus bill on the House floor. "This back-room deal is simply a long wish list of big government spending that won’t work to put Americans back to work," he said. "It won’t create jobs."""""""

That congressman was from Indiana. His name was Mike Pence.
The auto industry bailout that cost us 11 Billion? That one?

That started under Bush.
irrelevant. Hell, you even made that seem like pence isn't partisan. Nice :lol:

I was just pointing out that it was wrong. The auto bail out started under Bush.... But still yet Pence was against it.
That's good because it cost us 11B and they invested their money overseas.. I am sure he appreciates your support.

How did this turn around to my support? You didn't want ALL those people to have their jobs saved? Isn't this what this whole thread is about? Saving jobs? Who cares if the companies get rich off the deals as long as it saves jobs?
Well I see the left is busy LYING again what a shocker. First off a tax break means you get to keep your own goddamn money you earned, taxpayers are not giving Carrier any money. Secondly liberals suck at math, so what's the payroll for 1,000 employees yeah $30 million if not more plus up and down stream jobs. For $700k a year that's a bargain. Suck facts libs you lying hacks.
That's what I thought when I read the OP. Did he pay them off or offer a tax break? Liberals think keeping some of your money is taking it from mother government.

Phony thread!

Exactly, yet the media are reporting taxpayers are having to cut a check to Carrier from their own pockets, a complete LIE. Both Dem's and Rep's look on businesses as a piggy bank they can raid, the assholes won't stop to think that slamming businesses with taxes may cost people their jobs. NY is a prime example, they literally taxed businesses out of the state, the businesses got tired of having their money stolen so they said fuck you NY and left. Some for other states, some for other countries.
If states are going to negotiate the tax on companies why not extend that to negotiating the tax on people's homes. I could prove my neighbor uses more city and state services than I do so my taxes should be lower. I would also use my vote to aid those Republicans that give the best deal on my property taxes.
The auto industry bailout that cost us 11 Billion? That one?

That started under Bush.
irrelevant. Hell, you even made that seem like pence isn't partisan. Nice :lol:

I was just pointing out that it was wrong. The auto bail out started under Bush.... But still yet Pence was against it.
That's good because it cost us 11B and they invested their money overseas.. I am sure he appreciates your support.

How did this turn around to my support? You didn't want ALL those people to have their jobs saved? Isn't this what this whole thread is about? Saving jobs? Who cares if the companies get rich off the deals as long as it saves jobs?
It cost us ELEVEN BILLION and they invested OVERSEAS.
Its good he said no to bailing out FAILURE.
odd, I don't recall snowflakes crying about $1.7 trillion in TARP spending to save jobs....

.....WELL OVER $700/job that Indiana gave Carrier.

See, snowflakes, when you won't even give credit for a god thing where credit is due, people stop listening to your BULLSHIT.

No, YOU don't get it. Liberals are calling you guys out because of years of YOU complaining when other people do deals using government money to save jobs you call it ridiculous, but when YOUR candidate does it, it is ok. You both want the same thing, but when YOUR candidate does it is ok, but when someone else's party does it, it is evil.
If states are going to negotiate the tax on companies why not extend that to negotiating the tax on people's homes. I could prove my neighbor uses more city and state services than I do so my taxes should be lower. I would also use my vote to aid those Republicans that give the best deal on my property taxes.

Just tell them you are going to move to Mexico if they don't, and see if they cut your taxes to get you to stay. :rofl:
If states are going to negotiate the tax on companies why not extend that to negotiating the tax on people's homes. I could prove my neighbor uses more city and state services than I do so my taxes should be lower. I would also use my vote to aid those Republicans that give the best deal on my property taxes.

There is no "IF" states.....


Michigan is doing it, New York, Delaware, Florida....

Corporate offices and factories SIGNIFICANTLY help the local economy, so the CORPORATIONS shop around for where to build.

Think of them like Sports teams if you are too stupid to understand the corporate world in general.....CITIES BUILD STADIUMS FOR MOST SPORTS TEAMS BECAUSE THOSE TEAMS ARE GREAT FOR THE LOCAL ECONOMY.

Seriously, some of you snowflakes really don't know shit about the world.

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