Trump screws Indiana ,,,

Uses 700,000 in Indiana tax payer money to buy off Carrier and pence is still gov. to make it possible

If true then it was money well spent and you can bet those thousand Carrier workers are grateful as well.

Oh and they are Indiana taxpayers.
Claudette is for government support of union workers. Wow!

Nope. I Just support American jobs. Union or not.
Did you support this?? I doubt it,,,,,,,,,,
In February 2009, Obama flew to Indiana to tout the stimulus, which had not yet passed Congress. He said it would "save or create" 3 to 4 million jobs, including 80,000 in Indiana alone.

Two days later, a Republican congressman blasted the stimulus bill on the House floor. "This back-room deal is simply a long wish list of big government spending that won’t work to put Americans back to work," he said. "It won’t create jobs."

That congressman was from Indiana. His name was Mike Pence.
And Pence was correct.
Only for someone who wanted Obama to fail
Uses 700,000 in Indiana tax payer money to buy off Carrier and pence is still gov. to make it possible
Ok, I'll play bean counter with you, forget about the human suffering that was avoided by keeping the jobs here. $700,000 comes to $875 per year per job. What would the state and local governments have lost in tax revenues not only from the families effected but from all the businesses they patronize? What would have been the cost of social services to these unemployed families? When you think this through, it is clear that not only the Carrier workers benefited from this deal but all the people in Indiana benefited from it.
Since when is threatening Companies considered pro growth ?
irrelevant. Hell, you even made that seem like pence isn't partisan. Nice :lol:

I was just pointing out that it was wrong. The auto bail out started under Bush.... But still yet Pence was against it.
That's good because it cost us 11B and they invested their money overseas.. I am sure he appreciates your support.

How did this turn around to my support? You didn't want ALL those people to have their jobs saved? Isn't this what this whole thread is about? Saving jobs? Who cares if the companies get rich off the deals as long as it saves jobs?
It cost us ELEVEN BILLION and they invested OVERSEAS.
Its good he said no to bailing out FAILURE.

And how many people had their jobs saved from the Auto industry NOT going under? And how much in taxes have those people paid since 2008?
No jobs were saved because the auto industry was in no danger of going under. The companies would have restructured under a bankruptcy. Which is what they did anyway.
Uses 700,000 in Indiana tax payer money to buy off Carrier and pence is still gov. to make it possible
Ok, I'll play bean counter with you, forget about the human suffering that was avoided by keeping the jobs here. $700,000 comes to $875 per year per job. What would the state and local governments have lost in tax revenues not only from the families effected but from all the businesses they patronize? What would have been the cost of social services to these unemployed families? When you think this through, it is clear that not only the Carrier workers benefited from this deal but all the people in Indiana benefited from it.
Only a liberal would see a negative in keeping business here. Thank God they lost a big one.
no problem ice love seeing folks keeping their jobs BUT NOW WHAT ?? What about all the others who saw their bread and butter leave America ?? When will dump help them??
Dump them? WTF? Tax incentives and less regulation will help a bunch.
Uses 700,000 in Indiana tax payer money to buy off Carrier and pence is still gov. to make it possible
Dont you have a safe zone somewhere just feeling neglected?
Jim has anyone asked dump if all those items he has made overseas will be taxed when they enter the states?? Will he pay the same penalty he offers to others??
of course they have, idiot, and they will be.
I can't beat your bald faced stupidity.....When your idiots policies fall on your head I'll lmao
Uses 700,000 in Indiana tax payer money to buy off Carrier and pence is still gov. to make it possible
Ok, I'll play bean counter with you, forget about the human suffering that was avoided by keeping the jobs here. $700,000 comes to $875 per year per job. What would the state and local governments have lost in tax revenues not only from the families effected but from all the businesses they patronize? What would have been the cost of social services to these unemployed families? When you think this through, it is clear that not only the Carrier workers benefited from this deal but all the people in Indiana benefited from it.
Only a liberal would see a negative in keeping business here. Thank God they lost a big one.
no problem ice love seeing folks keeping their jobs BUT NOW WHAT ?? What about all the others who saw their bread and butter leave America ?? When will dump help them??
Dump them? WTF? Tax incentives and less regulation will help a bunch.
STILL the difference in the costs of manufacturing in other countries can't be beat with tax incentives and less regulation imo
Uses 700,000 in Indiana tax payer money to buy off Carrier and pence is still gov. to make it possible
Ok, I'll play bean counter with you, forget about the human suffering that was avoided by keeping the jobs here. $700,000 comes to $875 per year per job. What would the state and local governments have lost in tax revenues not only from the families effected but from all the businesses they patronize? What would have been the cost of social services to these unemployed families? When you think this through, it is clear that not only the Carrier workers benefited from this deal but all the people in Indiana benefited from it.
Only a liberal would see a negative in keeping business here. Thank God they lost a big one.
no problem ice love seeing folks keeping their jobs BUT NOW WHAT ?? What about all the others who saw their bread and butter leave America ?? When will dump help them??
Dump them? WTF? Tax incentives and less regulation will help a bunch.
STILL the difference in the costs of manufacturing in other countries can't be beat with tax incentives and less regulation imo
We'll see. I'm not on his advisory committee and don't see any value in speculating endlessly.
Interesting the attitude here, Carbine and Jake would rather 1400 people have their jobs outsourced to Mexico. Why? Because the deal was negotiated by Trump's VPEOTUS, Mike Pence.

What would you have preferred Pence/Trump do to keep the jobs there? Any bright ideas?

On the campaign trail, Trump actually suggested doing it a different way.

He said he was going to impose harsh consequences on these corporate extortionists. He said he was going to keep them here by threatening to impose a 35% tax if they left and tried bringing their products back in the US Market.

Worse: he criticized past administrations for using taxpayer dollars to reward corporations who try to fuck American workers by fleeing to Mexico.

Problem is: when you do like Trump, when you bribe corporations with big taxpayer funded goodies, you are stealing the needed revenue to ensure that poor hard working families don't see increases in the cost of public transportation, property & school taxes, utilities, road services, storm relief, and every other service that our taxes pay for.

We have a long tradition of transferring costs from corporations to hard working families. Republicans specialize in this. Which is why I was excited when Trump acted like he was going to break that tradition and make these corporations pay for deserting US Workers.

Who could have predicted that Trump was just saying what needed to be said to get elected. Next you're going to tell me that he filled his cabinet with lobbyists and corrupt Wall Street billionaires. Didn't see that coming.
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While we're on the subject of wasting taxpayer money:

Stein files for Michigan recount costing state $4M

So now you equate the Carrier payoff to the recount money.

Uh, we are talking about "wasting" taxpayer money are we not?

First you supported it, now you're saying it's a waste of taxpayer money. all in the space of a few minutes.

Sure, that would be true if I actually said that. I support any measure that saves jobs from being outsourced to other countries.

The OP is saying that Pence "screwed" the state of Indiana for paying off Carrier with taxpayer money to keep their jobs here.

So the OP is saying this is a waste of taxpayer money, not me.

You want to stop misquoting me?

You said, 'while we're on the subject of wasting taxpayer money'. The subject is the Carrier payoff. You referred to it as a waste of taxpayer money and compared it to the Stein recount.

No he said Solyndra was a waste of taxpayer money.
Uses 700,000 in Indiana tax payer money to buy off Carrier and pence is still gov. to make it possible

Gee, if I was one of the 1000 people who still has a job and could pay my bills because of Trump I'd call you an asshole.
Uses 700,000 in Indiana tax payer money to buy off Carrier and pence is still gov. to make it possible

Gee, if I was one of the 1000 people who still has a job and could pay my bills because of Trump I'd call you an asshole.
Maybe you could be one of the 1000's that dump didn't pay Then you can call yourself an asshole?

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