Trump screws Indiana ,,,

While we're on the subject of wasting taxpayer money:

Stein files for Michigan recount costing state $4M

So now you equate the Carrier payoff to the recount money.

Uh, we are talking about "wasting" taxpayer money are we not?

First you supported it, now you're saying it's a waste of taxpayer money. all in the space of a few minutes.

Sure, that would be true if I actually said that. I support any measure that saves jobs from being outsourced to other countries.

The OP is saying that Pence "screwed" the state of Indiana for paying off Carrier with taxpayer money to keep their jobs here.

So the OP is saying this is a waste of taxpayer money, not me.

You want to stop misquoting me?
""""If these arguments sound familiar, it's because Republicans raised them time and again through the early years of the Obama administration - particularly the debate over the president's signature economic stimulus bill, and his accompanying move to bail out the U.S. auto industry.

In February 2009, Obama flew to Indiana to tout the stimulus, which had not yet passed Congress. He said it would "save or create" 3 to 4 million jobs, including 80,000 in Indiana alone.

Two days later, a Republican congressman blasted the stimulus bill on the House floor. "This back-room deal is simply a long wish list of big government spending that won’t work to put Americans back to work," he said. "It won’t create jobs."""""""

That congressman was from Indiana. His name was Mike Pence.
While we're on the subject of wasting taxpayer money:

Stein files for Michigan recount costing state $4M

So now you equate the Carrier payoff to the recount money.

Uh, we are talking about "wasting" taxpayer money are we not?

First you supported it, now you're saying it's a waste of taxpayer money. all in the space of a few minutes.

Sure, that would be true if I actually said that. I support any measure that saves jobs from being outsourced to other countries.

The OP is saying that Pence "screwed" the state of Indiana for paying off Carrier with taxpayer money to keep their jobs here.

So the OP is saying this is a waste of taxpayer money, not me.

You want to stop misquoting me?
If you are claiming this is so, then no one is misquoting you. Did he or did he not screw the state of IN.
Interesting the attitude here, Carbine and Jake would rather 1400 people have their jobs outsourced to Mexico. Why? Because the deal was negotiated by Trump's VPEOTUS, Mike Pence.

What would you have preferred Pence/Trump do to keep the jobs there? Any bright ideas?
I would rather you not justify what Trump is doing with something that Obama has done.

That is stupid. Step off, Etherion.

Word of caution: you put words into peoples' mouths they did not say, they will make you look stupid like TNHarley, kaz, 2aguy, depotoo, Etherion. Oh, that's right. That's you.

But where in that post did I justify what Trump did by something Obama has done? Do you have reading issues, mister? You seem to be the one putting words in people's mouths.
Interesting the attitude here, Carbine and Jake would rather 1400 people have their jobs outsourced to Mexico. Why? Because the deal was negotiated by Trump's VPEOTUS, Mike Pence.

What would you have preferred Pence/Trump do to keep the jobs there? Any bright ideas?

Trump's original claim was that the threat of a 35% import tax was going to keep Carrier here.

What happened to that?

You're under the misplaced assumption that just because I voted for Trump, that somehow my vote was driven by any of the campaign promises he made while on the trail. I don't care what he does. I'm not as gullible as to hold any president to his campaign promises, because he will likely break them anyway. You only do it just so you can impugn yourself on others like you just did to me.

Assume much?
Reading reports that Trump may have also threatened to take away government contracts from Carrier's parent company.

I have no problem with that.

However Trump talked trash to Obama for paying a ransom to Iran for hostages... but in a sense he just Indiana tax money to pay a ransom to keep Carrier from moving jobs.
Did the Trump deal stipulate how long Carrier has to stay in Indiana to get the money?
Reading reports that Trump may have also threatened to take away government contracts from Carrier's parent company.

I have no problem with that.

However Trump talked trash to Obama for paying a ransom to Iran for hostages... but in a sense he just Indiana tax money to pay a ransom to keep Carrier from moving jobs.

Carrier is trying to deleope a nucler bomb and threating to blow israel off the map? Wow that is informative.
Gosh, I guess our Gov. did the same when he sweetened the pot for Tesla.

Ha ha........there's nothing to see here folks, another leftest demonstration for effect without cause. Another participation trophy.
Well I see the left is busy LYING again what a shocker. First off a tax break means you get to keep your own goddamn money you earned, taxpayers are not giving Carrier any money. Secondly liberals suck at math, so what's the payroll for 1,000 employees yeah $30 million if not more plus up and down stream jobs. For $700k a year that's a bargain. Suck facts libs you lying hacks.
Trying to figure out how the left is freaking out over jobs being kept in the US. Trump isn't sworn in yet and is keeping the jobs here he promised. He's actually being more presidential before taking office than the asshole that's been there for the last eight years. I think that's pretty much why they are so upset.
Well I see the left is busy LYING again what a shocker. First off a tax break means you get to keep your own goddamn money you earned, taxpayers are not giving Carrier any money. Secondly liberals suck at math, so what's the payroll for 1,000 employees yeah $30 million if not more plus up and down stream jobs. For $700k a year that's a bargain. Suck facts libs you lying hacks.

It's only $700. per employee. This is a no brainer that this is a good deal. Many people never get a grip that when a production facility shuts down that so many other businesses get really killed in the process. From the cafeteria company and their workers to the pizza place that caters to the evening shift guys to the local coffee and donuts shop that lose business man oh man it's devastation right across the board.

This is money well spent.
So it sounds like a done-deal, Indiana with the vice president-elect Pence has probably already passed the legislation and governor has signed. I wonder how long the deal is good for, just until Trump takes office or maybe until Pence runs. Does the tax-break only involve Carrier?
Uses 700,000 in Indiana tax payer money to buy off Carrier and pence is still gov. to make it possible
Wow, snowflakes are pissed Trump is saving jobs...

What a pathetic bunch of snowflakes...
Reading reports that Trump may have also threatened to take away government contracts from Carrier's parent company.

I have no problem with that.

However Trump talked trash to Obama for paying a ransom to Iran for hostages... but in a sense he just Indiana tax money to pay a ransom to keep Carrier from moving jobs.

Carrier is trying to deleope a nucler bomb and threating to blow israel off the map? Wow that is informative.

Carrier is owned by United Technologies.
A new report by the Department of Defense Inspector General (DoD IG) paints a troubling picture of the Pentagon’s decades-long relationship with one of its top contractors, United Technologies. At best, it indicates some fine-tuning is needed in defense contract management and auditing practices. At worst, it suggests DoD has a less-than-arm’s-length relationship with one of its key providers of goods and services.

United Technologies and the Pentagon: History Repeats

So yeah...

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