Trump Shatters An Obama Debt Record

Trump Shatters An Obama Debt Record

Cool story bro. (cough) FAKE NEWS (cough)
What part of "highest since 2008" do you not understand? I'm here to help.

Lib please this is classic liberal BS. Twist the facts, tell only half the story, spin it, sound familiar? :itsok:
What part of "highest since 2008" do you not understand. I'm here to help.

Why have you been dead silent about Trump's massive overspending? Nay, why are you DEFENDING Trump's massive overspending?
Suddenly Liberals care about the debt. lol
The difference in philosophy was simple. Liberals borrow money to build infrastructure. Conservatives borrow money to pay this months bills., What used to be an insult is actually a responsible characteristic.

It's said, liberals are tax and spenders. Which means the spending is paid for.
Conservatives want to cut taxes, yet still spend more, so they have to borrow. So their spending isn't paid for. So they say to cover their debt. That deficits don't matter.

Which is Obama increased the debt by 10 trillion? Double that of President Bush. That's a FACT postman. Obama didn't pay for anything. Democrats took you money and wasted it on shit.
Suddenly Liberals care about the debt. lol
The difference in philosophy was simple. Liberals borrow money to build infrastructure. Conservatives borrow money to pay this months bills., What used to be an insult is actually a responsible characteristic.

It's said, liberals are tax and spenders. Which means the spending is paid for.
Conservatives want to cut taxes, yet still spend more, so they have to borrow. So their spending isn't paid for. So they say to cover their debt. That deficits don't matter.

Which is Obama increased the debt by 10 trillion? Double that of President Bush. That's a FACT postman. Obama didn't pay for anything. Democrats took you money and wasted it on shit.
Trump is on course to outspend Obama.

It's not like you weren't warned, either.

This post of yours is just as I said. All the pseudocons have to defend Trump are tu quoques, red herrings, and straw men fallacies.
Suddenly Liberals care about the debt. lol
The difference in philosophy was simple. Liberals borrow money to build infrastructure. Conservatives borrow money to pay this months bills., What used to be an insult is actually a responsible characteristic.

It's said, liberals are tax and spenders. Which means the spending is paid for.
Conservatives want to cut taxes, yet still spend more, so they have to borrow. So their spending isn't paid for. So they say to cover their debt. That deficits don't matter.

Which is Obama increased the debt by 10 trillion? Double that of President Bush. That's a FACT postman. Obama didn't pay for anything. Democrats took you money and wasted it on shit.
Trump is on course to outspend Obama.

It's not like you weren't warned, either.

This post of yours is just as I said. All the pseudocons have to defend Trump are tu quoques, red herrings, and straw men fallacies.

Obama 10 trillion and nothing to show for it. Shut your mouth until Trump surpasses that number. :asshole:
Suddenly Liberals care about the debt. lol
The difference in philosophy was simple. Liberals borrow money to build infrastructure. Conservatives borrow money to pay this months bills., What used to be an insult is actually a responsible characteristic.

It's said, liberals are tax and spenders. Which means the spending is paid for.
Conservatives want to cut taxes, yet still spend more, so they have to borrow. So their spending isn't paid for. So they say to cover their debt. That deficits don't matter.

Which is Obama increased the debt by 10 trillion? Double that of President Bush. That's a FACT postman. Obama didn't pay for anything. Democrats took you money and wasted it on shit.
Trump is on course to outspend Obama.

It's not like you weren't warned, either.

This post of yours is just as I said. All the pseudocons have to defend Trump are tu quoques, red herrings, and straw men fallacies.

Obama 10 trillion and nothing to show for it. Shut your mouth until Trump surpasses that number. :asshole:

It took Obama 8 years to almost hit 10, Trump is on track to do it in four.
Suddenly Liberals care about the debt. lol
The difference in philosophy was simple. Liberals borrow money to build infrastructure. Conservatives borrow money to pay this months bills., What used to be an insult is actually a responsible characteristic.

It's said, liberals are tax and spenders. Which means the spending is paid for.
Conservatives want to cut taxes, yet still spend more, so they have to borrow. So their spending isn't paid for. So they say to cover their debt. That deficits don't matter.

Which is Obama increased the debt by 10 trillion? Double that of President Bush. That's a FACT postman. Obama didn't pay for anything. Democrats took you money and wasted it on shit.
Trump is on course to outspend Obama.

It's not like you weren't warned, either.

This post of yours is just as I said. All the pseudocons have to defend Trump are tu quoques, red herrings, and straw men fallacies.

Obama 10 trillion and nothing to show for it. Shut your mouth until Trump surpasses that number. :asshole:

It took Obama 8 years to almost hit 10, Trump is on track to do it in four.

Good. You admit Obama drove up the debt by 10 trillion. We're getting somewhere.
The difference in philosophy was simple. Liberals borrow money to build infrastructure. Conservatives borrow money to pay this months bills., What used to be an insult is actually a responsible characteristic.

It's said, liberals are tax and spenders. Which means the spending is paid for.
Conservatives want to cut taxes, yet still spend more, so they have to borrow. So their spending isn't paid for. So they say to cover their debt. That deficits don't matter.

Which is Obama increased the debt by 10 trillion? Double that of President Bush. That's a FACT postman. Obama didn't pay for anything. Democrats took you money and wasted it on shit.
Trump is on course to outspend Obama.

It's not like you weren't warned, either.

This post of yours is just as I said. All the pseudocons have to defend Trump are tu quoques, red herrings, and straw men fallacies.

Obama 10 trillion and nothing to show for it. Shut your mouth until Trump surpasses that number. :asshole:

It took Obama 8 years to almost hit 10, Trump is on track to do it in four.

Good. You admit Obama drove up the debt by 10 trillion. We're getting somewhere.
Hey dumbshit. I've been posting about the debt since coming to this forum. You aren't getting anywhere with your idiotic red herring.

The stench of hypocrisy is all over you.
The difference in philosophy was simple. Liberals borrow money to build infrastructure. Conservatives borrow money to pay this months bills., What used to be an insult is actually a responsible characteristic.

It's said, liberals are tax and spenders. Which means the spending is paid for.
Conservatives want to cut taxes, yet still spend more, so they have to borrow. So their spending isn't paid for. So they say to cover their debt. That deficits don't matter.

Which is Obama increased the debt by 10 trillion? Double that of President Bush. That's a FACT postman. Obama didn't pay for anything. Democrats took you money and wasted it on shit.
Trump is on course to outspend Obama.

It's not like you weren't warned, either.

This post of yours is just as I said. All the pseudocons have to defend Trump are tu quoques, red herrings, and straw men fallacies.

Obama 10 trillion and nothing to show for it. Shut your mouth until Trump surpasses that number. :asshole:

It took Obama 8 years to almost hit 10, Trump is on track to do it in four.

Good. You admit Obama drove up the debt by 10 trillion. We're getting somewhere.

I have been bitching about the debt since the days of Reagan. The problem is that most people are like you and only care about it when the wrong person is sitting in the white house.

Why don't you pull your head about of Trump's ass and look around at what is going on. we are on pace to hit a deficit 2.5 trillion dollars this CY.
Trumps good ... remember what he said during the campaign about balancing the debt ..

It's easy to do, very easy to do, really easy, and I'm the only one who can do it.


(and the rubes danced in the aisle) :clap2::dance::clap2:
Trumps good ... remember what he said during the campaign about balancing the debt ..

It's easy to do, very easy to do, really easy, and I'm the only one who can do it.


(and the rubes danced in the aisle) :clap2::dance::clap2:

There’s always bankruptcy.

St Trumpy is an expert at that.
The US needs to borrow almost $300 billion this week

The United States plans to sell about $294 billion of debt, according to the Treasury Department. That's the highest for a week since the record set during the 2008 financial crisis.

I bet when Trump said he was going to undo everything Obama accomplished, the rubes didn't know Trump meant he was going to outspend Obama.

Trump is a YUGE spender. Now he has to borrow $300 billion this week to cover his spending.

Not even Obama had to borrow that much in one week.

And that money has to be borrowed from our enemies. Enemies like China.

The United States ran a $215 billion deficit in February, the biggest in six years. The annual budget deficit could exceed $1 trillion as soon as next year, according to the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget. The fiscal watchdog group recently warned that interest payments on US debt alone could quadruple to $1.05 trillion by 2028 if current policies stay in effect.


What can I say? I hate being Number Two!
He has this in common with Big Ears. Does this make you like him as much as you like your Messiah?
Suddenly Liberals care about the debt. lol

Liberals have always cared about the debt. Clinton paid off the Reagan and Bush debt.

Junior exploded it with 2 wars fought off budget and a deep recession.

Obama was trying to pay off that debt.

Now,you have a fool that says,” The Military is rich, so you can pay for my wall!”

Birdbrain already exploded the debt with his tax cuts to the wealthy. Now borrowing like crazy.
The Republicans have ACCELERATED deficit spending since taking power.

The federal debt is the biggest threat to America and our future.

Not Mexicans. Not Muslims. Not even guns.

Hahaha...weird how the lowest lowlifes and bottom feeders are pretending to be super concerned with the nation debt...I’m curious, tell us, how exactly has the national debt affected you and all your filthy bottom feeding LefTard buddies?
An analogy:

They all want to belong to the best country club in town but none of them want to pay the dues.
Suddenly Liberals care about the debt. lol

Liberals have always cared about the debt. Clinton paid off the Reagan and Bush debt.

Junior exploded it with 2 wars fought off budget and a deep recession.

Obama was trying to pay off that debt.

Now,you have a fool that says,” The Military is rich, so you can pay for my wall!”

Birdbrain already exploded the debt with his tax cuts to the wealthy. Now borrowing like crazy.

Ugh, really? Obama quadrupled the stimulus funding. Drop the kool aid honey, NOBODY wants to pay off the debt. The Banks, in particular the Fed is making too much money from it.
Suddenly Liberals care about the debt. lol

Liberals have always cared about the debt. Clinton paid off the Reagan and Bush debt.

Junior exploded it with 2 wars fought off budget and a deep recession.

Obama was trying to pay off that debt.

Obama paid off the debt by adding 10 trillion more? That's double that of President Bush. Try again Mary Anne.

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